So Harmony Day is coming up.
I need to install a Flash player by then, but I don't want to install Adobe anything. A couple of weeks ago I tried installing Lightspark and Gnash but neither worked and I somehow managed to fuck up my meme machine trying.
Any suggestions?
Flash for Linuxfags
Other urls found in this thread:
Swap to a windows VM for a single day of harmony.
At that rate I may as well install Adobe for just one day.
The only good thing about that meme is erasure
No homo
What are you, straight?
I emailed CM recently about this. He said he lost the CSS. Might have to use this background with rainbow colored boxes.
I'll send him another email asking him if we can embed the actual game.
I second this proposal.
You want the "projector" download for your OS.
Fucking do this Mark
Use this:
Oh boy can't wait to not come for a week here because of shitty music. Truly cuckchan culture is worth carrying on.
Why get mad, user? It's just for fun.
Anyways, 8/v/ came from 4/v/ you fucktard. We didn't just drop everything we had for 11 years and start fresh, we just ditched the parts that were shit and/or forced by mods.
Harmony wasn't forced, we all just liked the game when it was found.
Are you a fucking newfag who just wants everything to be blank so you can fit in better?
The implication that I liked it every time moot decided to put some loud music in the background or that I liked it when mark puts menoras as a font is completely wrong. That is, was and will continue to be Holla Forums tier.
Holla Forums-tier fun is fine in moderation.
Just like when Mark added the final song from Pokemon XY to the Club Penguin thread.
No fun allowed on my serious business interactive entertainment board.
Never said that, I'm just agreeing with you that Holla Forums is too good to be spoiled by fun things.
Why not just have fun? Better yet, just disable the embed.
Now you know why someone people remove shitty traditions from real countries. Because they suck.
Leftist, now I get it.
Everything Holla Forums does can be justified by "Why not just have fun?". This isn't even a meme from 8c, that tradition excuse doesn't hold up. It was 4c tradition for Holla Forums to be Holla Forums 2.0, I don't want that shit here, but I guess it's too late now.
Yeah bra cristianity is leftist because it stopped ritual animal sacrifices and shit. Let's go back to giving goat heads to some nordic deity.
Hello, fellow Pagan brother!
>responding to bait flags
There's no need to be upset about a single day. We don't do it any other day.
Anyways, Holla Forums has always been Holla Forums with video games. It wasn't for a few months when we first migrated, but it's back to the way it was.
If you don't want this to be Holla Forums, then go sperg out with me in the Overwatch and FO4 threads Mods allow until they go away. Those are the kinds of threads attracting Holla Forums-tier redditors.
I gave up on alternatives that don't work and installed the Flash player. Just a couple days ago I noticed they actually updated the plugin for Linux after 4 years saying Linux support was dead, so at least it's getting security/stability updates in step with the Windows plugin again.
Pipelight just runs the plugin through WINE. It's not really worth setting up for one day. Much simpler to just run a browser through WINE in the first place.
If only Harmony was the extent of it.
And anons keep trying to convince me Linux is superior.
Sorry guys but I want my software to just werk
You'd be better off asking Bui to leet hack it in somehow.
I hope that sentence triggers Holla Forums anons.
OS X just werks
Can't wait for 80% of the board not knowing what the fuck is up because they're few months old newfags.
It's true though, go back to reddit.
I tried Gnash years ago, but I just gave up and installed Flash proper.
If you're really that bothered, just install it for a day, then uninstall it.
Most of the time you can get by without Flash, anyway. HTML5, web video in general, the Canvas element–they're all converging to make Flash even less relevant than it already is. Thank fuck, took long enough. I hope Adobe goes bankrupt.
But Flash does just werk on Linux. His issue is that he doesn't want to use Flash in the first place.
t. using flash on Linux right now
I've had far, far less problems running Linux than I did running Windows and this problem came about purely because I wanted to run flash files while boycotting Adobe.
Even more so since adobe updated the linux version of flash to latest in november 2016 and also made it compatible with chromium.
It's called MacOS now.
Yeah, it feels that way, man.
MacOS doesn't just werk. Now OS X, there's an OS that jurst wurks