So what happened to the /vg/ server we had? Did the usual shit kill it or something else? Will we ever have a good Holla Forums server again?
Also, discuss stories and shit about the game. If someone could get us a server, that would be great.
SS13 Thread: No Serb Edtion
Other urls found in this thread:
It got killed by shit administration and drama.
Bring back Niel.
UncleBenis happened. That faggot was like shitgud and derflaminweiner rolled into one.
It got "killed" by a faggot whining in the thread about it being "literally gitgud", despite the fact it wasn't and the administration only banned 2 dudes for acting like fagets
Unrelated but complementary dramatic fiction asides
Nah, people just kinda got their week fix then left after the shitposters decided to join inna threads to ruin fun, i'd wager the host's just waiting till there's a reason for others to play again.
I would like to host a server but I know just the basics and a little bit extra.
just play on /tg/ and actually verbally assault the admins if they give you shit. get banned. who fucking cares? are you a child? I know women who are stronger than you.
it's fucking stupid easy to ban evade on tgstation
>for some reason I thought roleplaying an obnoxious, entitled woman would be fun
never again did I experience anything so cool and out there (at least, I never ever got teleported away for shenanigans), and I feel like I'm to blame for not going along with the scientists shtick. I wish I could go back.
nel had by far the harshest banning policy
t. knower who was an admin during pizza and got to see nel's migrated notes
only way i can see a server staying afloat is someone who is
a) not autistic
b) can deal with 8ch userbase
c) can code or bring coders on board
d) can keep shit rocksteady enough to have a stable population (i personally dont even think ss13 threads have the numbers for this to happen anymore)
i.e. doesnt exist
Just do it, user.
If you don't know all the admin-abuse buttons and don't know what to spawn in to hlp you metagame since you're new, you can't powertrip as hard.
Then just get an user who knows what they're doing to help mod, and if they fuck it up and anons call them out, get rid of them.
I think a big part of why servers seem to die is the lack of professionality by staff. I realize this isn't something to expect from servers born off of Holla Forums, but unfortunately, us here are easily prone to disliking administration that acts like ponces. So, for every Gitgud who says the players don't matter, whines about entitlement, or otherwise just shits on anyone bringing up concern, we lose people.
One of these days, I'll make a server entirely run by robots or some shit. Solve every problem.
Server Announcment
I will be bringing back CheesePizza Station, in mid March.
I will be running the /tg/-hate-cp station meme shitteir code until someone actually starts coding again.
Fite me gitgud
I don't get it, byond:// is almost always full of people. What are you guys talking about?
Eh, it's the same old cycle.
No server can last long without an admin that doesn't fear banning the faggots- no Holla Forums server can last long because the faggots still post, whine, astroturf and evade after they're banned.
You piece of shit, bring it back earlier or during reading week. That way we can capitalize on those who are let out of education and work.
Pic related. You.
I think it's way past time to accept that an Holla Forums server isn't going to work. The SS13 playerbase has a lot of crazies as it is, putting an Holla Forums filter on it is only going to purify the emotional instability and autism. It's what happened with all the previous servers that spawned from here, and any new servers you guys make will have all the same drama.
Just play somewhere decent like /tg/ or /vg/. They're not perfect, but they are damn better than any of the alternatives.
The admins are shit but this game also had big problems.
Once I get paid at the end of this month, I will be kicking daedalus, the server for all the nonautists, back online. Unmetered connection as last time I actually went over my cap on both bandwidth and total transfer. We should be rocking 1gb/s up and down and unmetered. So Should be nice.
Nice. I promise I won't make bombs and put them in different areas of the ship with different frequencies, strategically funnelling everyone to the shuttle area with controlled explosions, then blow it up, killing everyone but myself before escaping in a pod. grief anyone.
I am only hosting not admining so do it for all I care
Shilling and autism happened fam.
We've banned a total of 3 people over the course of the server running, one of which was suggesting to "expand to other social platforms" for getting players and 2 for initially for metagay and later for shittery. Banned the first one to see if the other goes onto griffon spree, and lo and behold, he went on a griffon spree.
2 more guys were bussed in an admittedly shitty manner of which one got so butthurt that he was shitting up the thread with concern trolling 24/7 for 4 weeks, because of something that affected 20 minutes of his round.
Add a healthy dose of outside shills joining in on the drama and you got 80+ UIDs in the thread of which most were complaining how we're literally hitler, despite having like 20 people in the entire playerbase.
We got memed on hard fam.
Best edition
Benis pls go, you're a shitter admin, and if the host kicked your ass out to curb, we wouldn't've had a single problem.
Literally every issue anyone had with the administration that so much as might be shitmin behavior was compounded by you and your shitter's attitude what meant you always had to lie, mischaracterize, or otherwise belittle anyone's slightest complaint.
You single handedly killed the server. I can only hope the next one doesn't touch you with a ten foot pole
This sounds incredibly fun, then. I wonder how it will go, and how quickly it'll fall to shit
t. Uncle "inoperable cancer" Benis
Just no. Fuck off already you lying cunt. Aside from the instances I already mentioned LITERALLY NOTHING EVER HAPPENED AND WE HAVENT GOT A SINGLE COMPLAINT FROM ANYONE ABOUT OUR BEHAVIOUR AT ANY POINT IN TIME. We quite literally didnu nuffin. The only thing I normally did was answering prays and pressing the restore power button from time to time. But your bitch ass wouldnt know because since you started shitting up the threads you were on the server a total of TWENTY MINUTES across 4 weeks.
Go be a fucking thinskinned schizo somewhere else and take your battered wife syndrome with you butthurt bitch nigger. I know what you say was real in your mind but how about you stick 25 cm of wood up your ass and kill yourself already you lying cunt.
I don't care if you run a server to be frank. I just thought Darts123 was incompetent and untrustworthy and that the community as a whole could've recovered if there had been an effort to modify FTL13 towards Holla Forums's gameplay style.
I'm just content to sit back and watch the cycle repeat itself at this point. I've been working on other stuff anyways and haven't played SS13 in a long enough time to really be invested in this community anymore. I can't really bring myself to play spessmen with Redditors, it just isn't the same.
Everyone forgets that I said coders and contributors were more important, not that players don't matter. All these servers have had players but nobody wants to really contribute to the maintenance of these things anymore. That is, and always has been, the problem.
There are no BYOND coders left in Holla Forums, dude.
Out of the little i played on gitgud's server when he initially hosted it, i couldn't touch any console without crashing due to modern nuTGs Tgui. The third round i was in (after the server had to be restarted twice because the engine is made of stupidity and highly explosive duct tape) we had the only damn coder adminbus the round to death by spawning antags, meteors and a deathsquad because 'the server needs to be updated guys!' (note: it took three more hours and five more ruined rounds for gitgud to actually come and apply changes to the server) despite the fact the crew only needed one more ship dead to greentext.
That's honestly what made me quit playing his server, asides from Derflammen resurrecting his metabuddy several times and spawning himself wizard staffs to kill people, that is.
git why even bring darts into this, all he did was supply a serb. he also stayed out of everything. calling him a incompetent and untrustworthy doesn't make sense.
What's the IP for Daedalus? Didn't play on it, what are the mins like?
ftl13 has no gameplay, that's why there's no effort going towards it
It was fun enough the first few times, but after we figured out the best way to set up engines and spammed 30 phasers on the front, it got dull.
only the potatos made it fun and that was a one time deal
TGUI assumes a modern version of Windows, yeah. I don't particularly hate it because it worked on the systems it was designed to support. The problem is that a portion of our players refuse to update to any of those versions or to configure the compatibility settings that exist presumably as a result.
He had pulled the server from under us from petty things before, I didn't trust him to not do the same thing again.
TGUI doesn't work on fucking W7, man.
That's a kick in the teeth, as most of the guys playing BYOND memegames are actually tech competent and don't update to W10.
This argument for TGUI is garbage and it was garbage the first time it was presented and it continues to be garbage. There is no excuse for a game that shouldn't even work on modern devices to be gated exclusively to modern devices by a shitty UI change that only makes things slower and less versatile.
The things that make FTL fun and the things that make SS13 fun theoretically coincide. The designers behind FTL13 failed to realize what those things are and how to implement them.
Anyone using Windows for anything outside of video games is not tech competent, period.
Because amazingly enough nobody here is retarded enough to upgrade to Windows 10 to play fucking spessmen.
pic related
It's all proprietary software, and all the telemetry has been back ported. If you were genuinely concerned about privacy, you would not use Windows period.
There were options to turn off TGUI in game you know, right?
Nobody mentioned anything about privacy and frankly that's entirely beside the point. Suggesting Windows 7 has Windows 10 compatibility settings is what I'm concerned about as I'm afraid the idiot that made that suggestion may be having a stroke right now.
Completely aware. But shitgud would rather tell people to upgrade to 10 or use compatibility settings that don't exist rather than tell people to simply turn the thing off.
When he bussed one round and you got incredibly pissy about it, yeah?
He's just supplying a server now and has stated he won't touch buttons or even admin on it given that there's an actually competent admin team on the job. You're literally smearing shit on another server just on the slight chance that people will go to yours instead, seriously dude?
Remember who you're talking to. It's not the first time he's done it nor will it be the last.
I'm building a server box for unrelated reasons, I could probably host if there isn't a serber right now.
I'm unrobust though, could I set it up and hand the reins over to a mod who knows what the fuck they're doing?
Who ever has extra serb space please throw up a serb with this codebase
Lets make ss13 great again!
he's talking about darts I believe, not that coder on FTL13, this is all before that
worse thing you can do is to hand it over to some guy
No shit, i'm talking when gitgud had a fit with darts because he spawned a deathsquad in which darts threatened to end the server if gitgud kept his PR faggotry. It culminated with gitgud getting his own box and hiring more admins like DerFlammen which, lo and behold, killed hatestation for good even before altstations started to pop up.
we do have a server still up though
We can make this happen if we work hard enough.
You know ya boi SpaghettiScience is back and ready to DJ at a moment's notice
Yup, admins were either trying their hardest to be gitgud and friends, or actually were gitgud and friends in disguise. Server died as per usual.
When the fuck are nel or firestation admin-like people ever going to come back?
That's literally all anyone really wants. It's not fucking rocket science either. Yet somehow, no matter how many times and in how many ways this is stated, none of the totally unique and different hosts manage to pull this one off. Really makes you think huh.
we'll need alot more players before we can get out of low pop and actually have fun tbh
So while there's no Holla Forums server, what are some good ones to be on while i wait for the return?
/vg/ if you have very strong cancer (especially admin cancer) tolerance, in particular with regard to metagaming and waifufaggotry. TG if you tolerate reddit. bay if you are good around the kind of roleplayers that would give sane people cancer. Vore if you're a furry and need to yiff in hell.
Oh yeah you know i went there and I was the only one, great server. Holla Forums is saved
doesn't matter how many servers we have, if we've not got the player base to stay then that's always going to be the case mate
The real problem is its so fucking boring. I don't mind bein an admin and watching over rounds but when you have to sit out and just watch retards the whole time an cant push any buttons or anything? No thanks. If you dont care about button pushing once a round or two then im your guy but fuck just modding, thats for administrative power hungry autists.
And that's exactly why you shouldn't be an admin and shouldn't apply to be an admin. Leave it to people who actually want to do it, be it because they want to make the server better or because they enjoy it or whatever.
moderators are for keeping everything order
game masters are for making the round actually fun via planing and buttons
Yes, exactly. And the skillset required for those is different, and as well their permissions should be different.
faggots who do both are the worst tbh
That's basically everyone so far though. Which really means they bus to kill the serb as soon as they die in-game, ban anyone who even touch a hair of their waifu's head, and then ignore all ahelps and all thread posts related to actual problems like metafagging and griff.
Why would you ruin the round when you can just put yourself back on the title screen and join up again? Anyone who plays favorites or ignores round problems an ahelps is just a dick. I was just talking about some button pushing,
button pushing against faggots who ruin the round in low pop is always just
Almost got me.
clowns used to be able to use guns before the change in nu/tg/
Traitor clowns lose their clumsiness, it's coded so. Regular clowns can still use guns anyway, it just doesn't end well for them.
Bullshit, all of it. I still use Windows 7 and always have, not planning on change. I don't use Internet Explorer and if any update was ever done, it was with Windows Update.
BYOND and SS13 still worked perfectly fine with TGUI, never gave me any problems.
Either you faggots are actually using Win98 or something equally fossilized or you're that inept at computers because Win7 works perfectly okay.
And it's not even a good excuse to begin with, the Character Preferences screen you get when you connect to the server, the part where you pick what traitor roles you want, it has a specific option that lets you turn off TGUI. You could play on the same server as everyone else using the oldGUI if you wanted and lose nothing in the process.
If you can find the menu to turn Traitor on but can't switch the GUI, it's your own fault for being that stupid.
And let's shut the fuck up about "muh botnet" and "muh security" because Win7 isn't any less of a liability than Win10. Do you even have any idea for how long has Microsoft been bundling data gathering shit in your OS? If you think it started with Win10 or even with Win7, I got bad news for you.
If you truly cared about safety, you'd have changed to Linux already, like the actual neckbeards.
So this "we left because TGUI" excuse is basically admitting that you're too dumb to switch an option in your character screen, you're too dumb to update Windows with the default updates it has and you're so dumb you actually believe you're safer with 7 than you'll be with 10.
Goddammit, stop pretending there's any other reason for these servers always failing other than people being too stupid and too gullible, always overreacting to hearsay and unable to handle change at all.
did you know that the British military has paid Microsoft alot of money inorder to keep windows XP updated for them?
Not surprising. It's a pretty good OS, as far as Windows goes and it's not like they need x64 anyway (but they probably have it updated for that).
AFAIK, or rather heard from other people, Win98 is still the most secure simply because it's the one with less security flaws, not necessirely the one with most features.
Windows Vista was a mistake and 7 was making ammends for it. 8 and 10 are just bullshit for the Mac crowd and now it's gonna be just "Windows" with updates every year instead of Windows 11, 12, 13…
Not sure if this deserves it's own post, so I'll just ask it here. Going to be making a SS13 inspired game in UE4 for fun. I've only just started playing about a month ago though (and even then I only play on TG since I'm still learning shit), and I've heard certain servers/stations do certain jobs better than others. So those of you with exp. at multiple servers my question is:
What server is the best to draw from? I can do a mix of them too if it is not conflicting too much.
do you're own codebase
There's no good server to pull from.
Or rather, every server provided something diferent.
You got the light RP, meme shit in TG.
You had autism roleplaying in Bay.
You had FUNNEH INJOKES and SJWs on goon.
You had admin dicksucking on VG.
You had BRs and 15 year olds on Hippie.
And you had 4-5 rag tag guys learning the game and making shit happen while 14 to 15 autistis REEEEEE'd and repeated the same unfun shit in every 8ch server. Pretty much the way the entire board is now.
Every comunity wants something diferent. Pull the central elements and then add shit you want.
Central elements are things like Atmos. Maybe you don't do the whole gas autism, just an healthbar for each room if you want something simple, or count up the moles of each gas, match their temperature against their chemical stats and calculate that shit.
Maybe you go all realism on the gun,s maybe you make energy guns because they're cool.
The fun in SS13 always came from Roleplaying and folks playing with each other, not against each other. Not for greentext. Not to "win". You don't win at SS13. You play another round with folks you enjoy the company.
Make a game with stuff that people like to do together and it will succeed.
I know we tried it in here and failed miserably at it.
You folks keep doing the same mistakes over and over again. You can blame the admins, they certainly deserve a lot of flak.
But the latest station didn't die from admins, it had 7 regular players when the admins started fucking up. And if you go one step back, the station Big Slice started died after a month or two.
The problem isn't in the administration itself, it's in deciding what kind of player base we actually want in here.
And I'm not even talking about the same old tired "random names" argument or pointless shit like that.
I'm talking about putting some responsabilities on the players and making them accountable for their effect on the comunity.
How many times did any of you see a guy picking up an afro, a spear and going "UNGA BUNGA" the whole shift? Cause I saw that shit a lot. By diferent people, thinking they were being original.
Spoiler alert: that was just being a prick and baiting to kill other spessman "accidentaly".
Let me give you a slight twist on that: you take the afro, you take the spear, and you take an animal. Declare yourself a Shaman. Use Pray to get miracles and convert people to your way of living. Form a small tribe. There: you are now playing WITH other people, instead of playing a thematic deathmatch with point&click controls.
See the difference here? The first example is a selfish prick doing his thing for himself, the second example is people coming together to make something, to build something.
Wanna get meta with it? Outside the game, on the first 3 stations what did we have?
Folks posting green text stories. Folks giving ideas. Folks learning a bit of BYOND code, just enough to code their shitty but funny idea in.
We had our own memes, our own in-jokes. The resident autists were known not for flipping shit and killing everyone out of a metagruge, but because they did autistic projects in-game.
What do we had after that? Drama. That's all we had.
Don't give me that shit. Admins fucked up and players fucked up. The worst cases were two players interpreting the rules their own way, each trying to munchkin their way into not getting banned while handing the other guy a ban. And every single time an admin got involved and tried to settle it quickly so the thread wasn't 230 shitposts about a goddamn AI loophole, he'd get shit on by half the comunity and defended by the other half. Surprise, surprise, 230 shitposts.
I told Darts once, when he was around, that you shouldn't ban people without a good reason. If someone breaks the rules, talk to them instead of banning. If someone is imcompetent, have some teach him.
If someone doesn't know what to do, give him something fun to spice the round. If someone is playing alone, go to them and join forces.
The only rule we had at the start was the only rule we needed:
Guess what happened when we decided being a dick is okay as long as you don't keep your speshul snowflake name or can munchkin your murderspree into "reasonable" act.
You get a station that gives people some hope but then dies 2 months later.
What's done is done. Stations came, stations died. Everyone has their own vision of what happened and how it should have happened, but noone can change that.
What we can do is learn, improve and create something new. Rally around an objective, a purpose.
Until then, until people focus on working together, swallowing a few frogs every now and then, this comunity will stay a massive shitball of meme spouters, redditors and outsiders who feel threatned because 8ch once had a station with 70 players.
dude shut up you stupid fucking cuck my lord how dare you post this shill garbage you hosed down monkey
Be carefull user. Poe's law is a bitch.
I'd say that a code base needs shit for people to actually do which isn't just PVE nonsense or autisming off in some department never to really see anyone ever again but to that note, every department needs to be just as in-depth as the other and not just balanced around pvp
you've got two groups playing ss13 with autists on both sides, combat and roleplay, unless we can get a happy medium where the combaters aren't always on their own fucking side being shitters when there's no traitors to valid and the roleplayers actually fucking do their god damn job instead of literally doing nothing all round but sitting in the bar jerking it with other roleplayers then everyone else inbetween can finally have some fun instead of just being a one man station crew
we cant go back and it hurts
everything is memes now
Makes sense. And yeah I agree with the RP stuff, now that you mention it. All my favorite rounds were those where people actually talked and played around with odd roles/situations.
Well if you guys are open to trying again, I would be happy to get more advice or ideas you might have for something like this.
I'll have to do some research into the more popular jobs and see what pulls people to those roles. I get your point though, each job should be fulfilling/engaging.
I got a couple group projects being done in UE4, so I'm trying to build up my exp. with the engine more to better assist in them. That said, I'll keep it in mind before I start anything.
the only jobs you're going to have a problem with making better is sec and engineering since there's nothing to which you can produce in those department long term
I've afew ideas but the best one I can give you is to not use UE4, spess mens doesn't need a powerful game engine, just a well optimized and unrestricted code base
The funniest shit is when you compared the servers we had with the threads we had and then compare the threads to the board we had.
The comfiest shit. Just a few anons who recently came from halfchan (noone even called it cuckchan, because we didn't even care about insulting that place) banding together. We knew we were small and we had to band together.
Everyone has the "fuck the man" attitude, Holla Forums fags running wild on the board and the thread is a parade of people who got banned arguing stupid shit.
It's a handfull of people who like videogames outnumbered by the people who like to "discuss" said videogames. And by discuss, I mean they like memes and audible shitposts.
Noone on Holla Forums plays games they like anymore, they come to this place to shout about shit they don't like.
I know it didn't last very long but that's no reason to omit history.
Yes gitgud because we totally want to remember that disgraceful garbage, unlike firestation.
The revisionism is real, holy shit.
OK gitgud. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
That'd probably be the time where the station got rampant with actual snowflakes (don't remenber but I think there were Random Names on at the time, ironically).
Hey, as long as it makes for decent drama it's all good. I mean, what's really fun here? Playing videogames or gossiping about them like bitchy harlots?
Scratch that, better question: what's easier to do? Build a community and contribute positively or just shitpost and laugh at your own low effort jokes?
Still, don't get too mad at him, he's just doing a PSA about the Filter ID function in Holla Forums.
It was practically a blizzard with how many snowflakes there were. It was also when the server was publicly listed AND advertised on reddit. Sierra honestly thought the "sekrit club" mentality was harmful to the community. A totally sound and well thought out plan.
Fellas here don't know Sierra was Turbotracker again. It was funny as fuck because someone on the discord figured it out, posted it on the thread and got swamped with "Get the fuck out Gitgud, we don't care."
It doesn't matter what you post about admins, the shitposters will always default to "it was the gitgud!" and never discuss anything else.
The sheer irony of this post is pure delight.
For any one who even gives a shit.
When I was brought into the CPStation discord, I was not the inteded host. So I memed and from the start everyone knew I was, aclarkedam, TurboTracker, and Sierra. Anyone who was in that chat knew.
But please keep calling me, or whoever becomes the next host if I don't, gitgud. Honestly its meme worthy at this point.
Anyone who disagrees with me is gitgud :^)
Turbo you were always a faggot and noone likes you, fuck off.
Now but seriously, some of us got worried, we heard you were on medication and shit, you doing alright nowadays?
sorry for leaving you with the role of hosting turbo
t. autistic almost host who yelled at dopaper for not having enough power
I've been playing lifeweb for so long that it's hard to come back to SS13 even though I want to, every single server has either restrictive rules, or has no RP and seemingly nothing in between. Last time I enjoyed SS13 was pizzastation.
the only reason why people didn't know is because you were only talking the mumble and just shitposting on the thread
I miss that.
What the shit life web is still a thing? I can't work out that sekret club bullshit
rip your server unclereddit
polite sage for old post
Honestly with all this autism, if gitgud just fucking hosts 2015 Hate and gets Koriath to code I think we'd be pretty set for another 6 months before the server explodes.
Remember when we had Nel's YUROPserver? And how much fun we had back then? There was no drama and we resolved 90% of all issues IC.
Remember the drone uprising? Or the MoMMI that set off the nuke?
I want those times back.
Six weeks at the absolute most and that's being VERY generous.
Daedalus announcement
Daedalus will be online and operational within 48 hours.
The Host ckey will be DaedalusHost. This is not to disabiguate betweeen myself, Sierra, and Daedalus. It is because I will only be using daedalushost when I need to restart the server or fix the database.
Admins will be minimal but that is a good thing. I am hoping to get back in touch with Zaers and getting this meme rolling for more than a month.
If you want it to last for more than a month then you're gonna have to resist your urge to ignore your own rules to do whatever the hell you feel like doing. Especially when it comes to overturning decisions made by your own mods when it involves your "friends".
I am not an admin. I am a host.
That is why I am seprating Sierra and Daedalus.
Daedalus is for host things.
Sierra is for videogames.
So can we implant AI into carbons yet?
I miss Pizzastation.
as the roboticist that created the first of you, i have never been prouder of anything
You do not have much reading comprehension do you.
Daedalus is for when I am hosting.
Sierra is for when I am playing.
I am not going to be an active admin so I do not want people being like "Oh sierra is on I will message him about admin problems" That is what gamemasters and mods are for.
Faggots like you deserve perma-clwne.
That would be Biodroids. It would be interesting if you could perform Brain Surgery but insert an MMI or a Synthetic Brain instead and get a Carbon being that still had to obey it's laws and could be knocked unconscious or have it's head explode at the will of the AI.
i for one just want to see more fun AIs. too many are either RPing as a yandere, are trying to be HAL or are just shitters.
On the Sierra key, but you'll still be the host and capable of making changes under another name. You, whether you're Turbo, aclarke, sierra or whatever new name you decide to give yourself, aren't capable of sitting back and letting others administrate on your server. You're too much of a control freak.
As soon as an admin makes a decision you don't like you'll either switch to your host key and undo what they did or you'll switch to your host key and remove that admin and then undo what they did. You overruled every single thing that Sheylos or the mods did that you didn't agree with. I see no reason to think you won't continue to pull the same shit under a new name.
I am providing the server, nothing more.
Admins will be elected by popular vote on the server via the vote system. I have as much control over who is admin as you do.
Dude, shut the fuck up. You're breaking autism records here, bitching about an host that hasn't even began hosting because of his bad decisions as an admin that he still hasn't made and all the problems that haven't even happened.
It's all [name] this, [name] that with you faggots. You couldn't make it any more clear you're a fucking newfag straight out of TGoon, thinking that mentioning the names of badmins is a good argument.
Seriously, shut the fuck up.
I bloody hate acklarkedam\Sierra\thatgayfaggot, he's one of the most egocentric, unfunny faggots I ever had the displeasure of meeting and he really doesn't inspire any confidence to be honest.
But at least he's willing to give this a shot, at least he wants to make a fucking effort to build something, instead of just complaining and pinning shit on more boogeymans.
If he fucks up, everyone will be free to judge him for it and leave the server, if he doesn't, at least there will be server
So you can shove your righteous attitude right up that over sized canyon you call your ass, problems are dealt with and solved as they come, not based on hypothetical situations that are happening right now inside your autistic mind.
The same thing people rightfully do whenever gitgud talks about bringing his server back.
Are you new? Yeah, you're new.
Again, by your logic we should just welcome back every massive shitter host because "they want to make an effort ot build something".
I'm not even going to address the rest of the drivel you spouted. It's clear as fucking day you have no idea what you're talking about.
"rightfully" so far means no server. Great fucking thing it is to be "rightfully" calling out bullshit and not playing SS13.
And by your logic, there's no server. If you don't like who runs the show here, piss off. Go have a few rounds on /vg/ or TG if you find them better alternatives. Nobody's forcing you to play here and you don't own jack shit either. You have as much of a saying over this server as any other fucknugget around, which is to say none. Host your own or can it, shithead.
You're sucking a whole lot of cock right now and I don't think you realize it. People have a right to complain about the absolute shitter admins we've had to deal with over the years, especially when they keep trying to make a comeback.
I'd rather there was no server running if my only options were gitgud or sierra.
There's no show running here right now. And neither gitgud nor sierra "run the show here" anyway. Your newfag ass in no position to tell anyone else to get the fuck out or can it or anything else. If you're that hard up for spessmen then why don't you go play a few rounds elsewhere for a while?
Why don't you go play a few rounds elsewhere for a while? There's no server here to be forced to play on in the first place. Did "No Serb Edition" fly right over your head? Have you even read any of the posts from ten days ago when this thread was started?
Pure irony.
Twist: Gitgud is actually 5e5939 is actually Demiurge
Too many words for an inpotent cock that hasn't "contributed" anything but another "Waagghh! Things don't go my way!"
Here's a fact, number of servers saved by bitching: fucking ZERO.
You have 2 options, play on the server or don't play the server. Either way, can it with the complaining.
Lots of good it ever did to anyone.
You dense nigger, you said it yourself there is no server. You're trying awfully hard to sound like a badass and failing just as hard.
If Daedalus ain't pulling our leg, that's gonna change soon enough.
That is, if some self-righteous twat doesn't throw a bitchfit about a server he doesn't even plan to play on and shitposts the thread. As usual.
You want to contribute? Shut up. It's probably the best you can do.
I wish I could stop caring.
I miss those early days of flying the ship around blasting pirates for 3 hours until we had a full laser array that needed the AI and me just to fire all of them
I'm seeing a pattern here
hmmmm connecting the doots
We need Biodroids ported to the server so I can finally role play a malignant Helios hybridized with Shodan.
And who's dick do I gotta suck to get Helios', Icarus' and Daedalus' infolink sprited for the AI and pAI.
Nigga I sprited that ages ago and it was never added
someone has probably already done it but that being said who's the one person who fulls the thread with his shit every chance he gets?
My nigger. Get that request sent in.
What code base?
Does whatever servers currently running have a github?
CheesePizza should still have one, and so does Hate. Or wait until Daedalus communicates with us next and ask him?
I havent really been paying much attention to the threads but I thought that was dead, plus I've given Sierra all my sprites already
I'm not sure how I like that sprite, the loop it has is weird and the eye is in the wrong position I'd say but I like the colours you've done although I think it would be alot better with shading and less bubbling
sierra is "bringing it back" but we've got a server up already, just no one uses it
It's missing the spiked spherical eye and veins on its shell plating, but other than that its a fine sprite.
no of course it's fine and does the job well and I really like the shading on the scan lines
I'm gonna fiddle with it a bit to see if I cant make it a bit nicer looking
I'd love to see what you do please post updates
Well first off what I did was remove the blur lines because I could never get them to loop right, now Im just playing with a layer of transparent noise to give it that "low quality pixelly broadcast" effect
I think you can fix the blur lines easily if you just remove the one which disappears in the middle of your sprite and keep the other one
I kinda purposely left out the spikes in the eye becuase its REALLY hard to make make them look nice working in a 24 x 25 space
with the spikes is better if you do alot more shading with it
I suppose Im relatively happy with this
Akesson is that you?
that's much better
Alright I think this looks alright. I'm gonna call it a night and animate this tommarow
it's practically perfect, good job
Alright so now what Im playing with is a second layer of static underneath the transparent one that makes the background a lot more pixelated and staticy than the rest of the sprite
Server Announcment
Server should be operational either tomorrow or the day after.
We will be using the CPStation codebase but who knows that might change depending on what people want.
These new AI icons look amazing, pull request them when they are done.
And its done
Noice work.
Everyone does mate. Won't happen while gitgud's cabal lurks though.
both groups are as bad as each other
Hope it goes well
95% of my spess career is on 4cuck's /vg/ station. The meta trash and general poor admins made stop playing the game for the most part. I played a bit on h8station like year ago when it was alive and it was great. Since then though I've never seen a 8ch server up with people on it while I'm awake. pls be my savior.
Whoever runs the next station:
Found this in another thread, it's an interesting read.
I wouldn't say we got to the part of "Psycopaths" since as far as I know, EA didn't try to buy us yet.
But do keep the MOP part in mind.
Towards the end, most of our stations end up with people that just want to do their own thing and forget to play with others.
That shit needs to end.
Alternatively, one thing we could try would be: no rules. Dunno how well this would work, since SS13 has a lot of griefing potential (shuttle call spam, for instance).
Maybe we could hard-code some of those things away if the playerbase agrees.
Yeah, that server was pretty good, but not for the reason you're thinking of.
If you wanna think about it, remember Holla Forums in 2014, after the first exodus. Remember how confy it was and how much people talked about games they liked.
The only time we had dubspam was that F4 marketeer thread. It wasn't in every other thread because it not only was unnecessary, but folks respected other anons will to talk about something they themselves didn't like.
We have too much reddit, too much halfchan users for that now. Console war threads are already gainning steam despite Mark's best yeah right efforts.
Either we keep the memespouters, no-effort halfchanners out of any server we create, or no station will ever be as confy as Nel's.
see the trouble with that is we have alot of players who make their own fun by ruining other peoples fun and that's fine in high pop but in low pop it just kills the server, no one wants to play because shit gets old way too fast
We could automate that, actually.
Supose we define low pop as "5 players or less".
Anytime there's less than 5 players, the restart vote is enabled along with free-respawning.
If there's 6 to 15 players, respawning has a minimum cooldown of 15 minutes (to give traitors time to accomplish their objectives before the victim being cloned in NT and ratting them out). Instead of the restart vote, people get a "End Shift" vote. Doesn't end the round, simply calls the shuttle if it passes.
If there's more than 15 players, normal gameplay: no-respawning, no votes.
The game notices the drop in players and adjust the rules accoridngly. If you're playing a 20 man shift and suddendly 15 quit, you get respawn back, for instance.
Oh right, I forgot:
I can code a commit to do this and make the server less reliant on admin intervention letting admins play on their own server without worrying because they can no longer hear adminhelps.
I can also code things that auto-trigger ERT and Deathsquads or other admin-only bus under specific circunstances that folks agree with. For instance: 75% of the Heads killed? ERT automatically spawns (great to counter Revs) or ayy population is bigger than humans? Deathsquad.
Shit like that.
To end the whole thing, I'd also change the admin buttons to no longer be secret. If an admin spawned something, the players would get a message with the name of the admin.
IF the admin made someone say something, same deal.
The idea however is that we no longer rely on admins.
Having admins in the first place was never a wise move. A chan is all about people being on equal ground. That is, we're all faggots here. The moment one of us becomes admin, he gets two things: a pedestal and a name.
The pedestal atracts bootlickers who want to sit next to the guy, and the name grants an attack vector to folks less well intentioned about the server health.
Remove the pedestal and the name, and you get just a normal faggot that turned on his computer while running DreamDaemon. Something everyone else can do as long as the code stays opensource.
Last point: I support bringing back Hatestation.
It was buggy and messy, but it was the closest to an 8ch version of SS13 we had.
It also doesn't have Tgui for the folks that can't run it and it's the one most coders are more familiar with.
It's also the one I coded the most for, so I'll admit my bias here.
there's no real middle pop though, if you don't achieve a certain mass of players then you're still at risk of low pop bull shittery and there's no real way of dealing with it unless there's an AI which there usually never is since low pop AI is slightly less worse then sec low pop
so even with that idea of yours I don't think going to work, though that being said I've yet to actually see so I can only guess based upon experience
it's hard to achieve a sweet spot with that since you don't want to punish antags for doing well and ERT isn't suited to deal with every possible event but more importantly deathsquads are overkill for most events
our culture on the whole is very resistance against that kinda attitude although I've seen it here alot with nepotism
still though automating things more could be useful either way
hate never went down, the code base has been changed to FTL13 though which is god awful and only afew people think keeping with it is a good idea since muh potential
Well, FTL13 did have potential, but I'm starting to think that we should have cut off from upstream and worked on our shit, because those niggers ain't fixing half the shit they made.
Hatestaion is up, but I mean Hatecode. Even with the stupid memes heck, I'd remove meeseeks from research myself, leave it as a rare artifact in the asteroid it was something I'd call "ours" out of every codebase we rolled through. I wish there were more coders with me though. The artists that helped are top notch though, and we have a few new one's.
Eh, it's not about punishing antags for doing well. An antag that does well will kill his target and end the round in less than 15 minutes.
The idea is that the longer the antag takes to end the round, the longer the dead player has to wait to play again (barring silicons and other stuff, but it's low pop so less chance of happening).
We could discuss an ammount of time where it's reasonable expectable for an antag to finish his mission. Or, do something I've always wanted: antag fullfills objectives, gets on escape pod and jetisons out. Everyone gets a warning that they let a traitor get his way, and the traitor player re-spawns (new character) with the game shortly after picking a new traitor.
Constinuously, with re-spawning every 15, 20 or 30 minutes until the station is blasted to smithereens.
A word about this.
We have some examples of this happening on Holla Forums (Val and buddies, alphablaster) and some cases where folks believed it did and it didn't (that modeler in anton&coolpecker threads).
The point I'm trying to emphasize with "more automation" is that this is a vulnerability. Nepotism kills comunities like this, wether it exists or is only perceived to exist.
The best way to block something like that is to limit the power given to anyone single individual.
There will always be some degree of power:
The host can pull the plug if he wants, and the coders mainly decide what they want to work on and put in the game.
In the host case, pulling the plug isn't a lot of power. The code is online, anyone can pull and host if the the previous host was a faggot.
As for coders, well, folks around here are rather resistant to the adition of stupid shit.
We could come up with some sort of vetting system, or just go with a "if ya code it, it's in" to foster everyone working on their own projects, be they little or small.
Well, in that case it will reflect Holla Forums just fine.
Can't believe noone ever coded ERP with the metal tiles yet.
I realized upstream was going to fuck up that server after the first "update" from it
it's the only thing we really truly need and I tired to get more but no one came and stayed sadly.
that sounds interesting, it could be a emagged shuttle but however the traitor objectives need to be redo if that's the case as they're trash filler, I don't know how well goon code fixed them but I doubt they're for the better
the trouble is gauging what amount of power is enough and even how to limit it in the first place but also if that's even the right thing to do since whoever hosts the server, owns the server and thus he has every right to do whatever he pleases and how the direction of the server is taken, this doesn't mean that people will follow him what so ever though and that goes the same for coders to
we have hardly any coders for any kinda content to be put into the game outside of really small and fast things like the odd sprite here and there so I'm not so worried about that what so ever
oh I forgot to say, thanks for that blog, it was useful to have it simplified
I'm not a fan of automation and I work with it IRL simply because it's very counterproductive in long terms.
Automation is something you implement for very simple tasks that are repeated in great amount, not for rare sensitive tasks that require proper judgement. Otherwise, you'll automate an error-making system.
Do keep in mind that SS13 is host to things such as killbaiting, validhunting, etc. All players bending the rules and twisting the system a little better in their favour.
If you make it automated, you make it predictable and if an exploit for that is found, a coder will have to patch it ASAP.
An example would be the Xenostation that sprawn from a faggot from /tg/ (something similar to Colonial Marines), who automated a "ban system".
In that system, team-killers were turned into corgis in the next round. What resulted as a lot of people running in front of someone shooting to grief them next round.
Or when they decided instead to give free retaliation against a team member that shoots you first. And then people jumped in front of each other or did annoying not-combat things like buckets of water to trigger someone trying to kill them for a free retaliation.
I'm sure someone will chime in with a way to solve that specific problem, but more will come. It's a constant game of mouse&cat when you try to code bad players away and automating it also means automating their shitty behaviour.
A far better option is to implement the code I wrote that removes names from OOC, so we are all anonymous, even Admins.
Everyone was "Anonymous #456" much like Slimes and Golems or Aliens IC and Admins were also "Admin #56" and this changed every round (or every reconnect, I can't recall. Admins could still know the CKeys of who was playing what (required for moderation) but the potential for drama would be greatly diminished. Far more than the stupid Random Names idea, IMO.
Finnaly, Admins are not a mistake at all, they play two important parts in SS13.
The first one is to give a better, more humane judgement to every iffy situation. Instead of dolling out the same punishment every time, having someone evaluate the situation properly yields better results. They might not be always fair, but we're not aiming for fairness here, we are aiming to build a community and educating is far better than just punishing.
An admin that gives out brain damage or funny diseases to punish people is better than a system that bans you for 15 minutes
Secondly, they are much like GMs in traditional tabletops and mandatory for excelent RP. They play out NT, set forth chalenges and adapt the entire game to suit the community. If there are a lot of engineers and the round is kinda dead, spawn meteors. If there are too many Officers, spawn pirates. If there's a lot of Scientists make an event about studying Xenobiology or exploring something.
Admins shouldn't be "hired" just on the idea that they'll doll out bans when needed and keep the round going, admins should be "hired" as well for their creativity and ability to entertain everyone else, which is probably harder to find.
No automated system is ever gonna give a proper substitute to these 2 points.
What do you guys think about having different maps to vote on every round? I like our Metastation and all, but it gets really fucking tiring when it's all we have. Especially on lowpop where everyone scrambles off to their little autism department to never be seen again.
Does the codebase we're using does what /vg/ does where you can't call the shuttle after you recall it until it's done "recharging" the shuttle timer? It's been a while since I played a /tg/-based codebase.
I like this approach, it helps prevent stations where literally only 1 or 2 guys are alive and everyone else is bitching in deadchat.
I like that better. Also, I like the idea of an anonymous naming system as that's the most reasonable way to prevent any admin dicksucking and drama like all the other servers.
Yes, please. Playing on the same map a lot of the time can get boring, there's no reason not to do this, even having it random.
Would require having a mapper make more maps, though.
Or we could use something like Boxstation
Fallout admins are gay
keep dreaming, nigger. getting one is a huge longshot. just stick with what exists
So I guess nothing happened with this? Sad.
Is this just a copy of /vg/s server?
which 8ch/v/ had a populated server
They don't have a good dedicated server, even less a proper banlist, bet next time their server crashes you can enjoy being unbanned from their preferential treatment lifeweb-lite.
You shot someone to death over an insult? You seriously removed a player from the game because of some banter?
And then you disconnected when an admin was questioning about it?
There's a gay faggot here indeed but I'm not sure it's the admins…
That server is still shit like all combat-focused SS13 servers
there needs to be moderates and game masters, not just admins who do whatever when they feel like it
a GM needs alot of time to come up with a campaign for people to play in and for a actual change of pace
a mod doesn't need to get distracted by trying to keep the round fun, they let people get away with alot of shit because of that
unless we get our own map, there's only afew other maps which can stand up to metastation but they're still trash in lots of regards
yeah it is sadly
Fallout 13 has respawn you ignorant faggot, and I shot a non-NCR player
That's completely wrong retard, "BSA" is not a verb and I did not disconnect while being questioned.
Removed by kebab.
anyone here play barotrauma?
Oh that's still a thing?
How were the last updates?
Bodies don't randomly fly through the floor, but it's still impossible to drag people.
Server announcement
Daedalus online.
The github has not been updated but will be completed within the day.
Server ip:
That's off to a good start. I'll check it out within 6 hours
Shit, guess traitors gotta make shit look acidental if you can't drag folks outside.
I meant content, the shop was barebones as fuck last time I played.
The server is still in development. Just giving people the ip before I push some. Updates to the configuration ect.
What codebase?
I'm hoping for Hate, but anything will do now.
it's cp
We are on serbia, only 4 players though, we need more peeps in here.
I would like to try to make a SS13 game in 3d. Should I try?
That wasn't a MoMMI that was a drone that set off the nuke, and half the people at the time did throw a fit over it even though the round was about to end in like 15 minutes.
I don't think Nel's even had MoMMI's, as far as I can remember they were first introduced in Pizza when Zaers ported them.
I don't think we'll ever have something like that again though, considering most people from those days have long since given up on the game. Funnily enough if you disregard a couple of real shit additions like solar cleaning and meeseeks the codebase itself has only improved and MoMMI's even had a bunch of shit they didn't have on /vg/ where they were ported from. Unfortunately the community only degenerated and everybody fun and relaxed has long since left, all that remains now is powertripping admins and shitters and maybe a handful of alright people.
The evolution of head positions and silicons demonstrates this degeneration better than anything. We had alright heads and silicons at first, then drones and HoP's shat everything up, MoMMI's were ported with hard restrictions to minimize the shittery, bit by bit as shitters got banned for head positions they migrated to MoMMI's and got banned there as well and then went on to borg and other silicon jobs. Before you know it people were convinced that all silicons were shitters and went around fucking them up instead of wanting the actual shitters gone who then just migrated to cargo or science jobs, while a lot of actual silicon and head players were driven away. Cut forward to people complaining about there never being heads or silicons on station.
It's all just a shitty vicious cycle and I wish it could be better but I just don't think it will, which is also probably what is keeping most people from those fun and relaxed days from coming back.
It'll be difficult to bring those folk back. Laxer ruling is the easiest way, but that could also run into major issues thanks to a fairly large lot of massive shitters, usually of the type what desire revenge or to drive people to another server.
I miss early drone days, though. That was a fun time, before the shitters ruined it. When you could roll around fixing shit without getting destroyed, picked up and worn as a hat, or generally fucked with.
The autismfort era was my favorite stretch. Working together with my fellow autists, to colonize everything
Who here griefsquad?
i love being a shitter
No because EVERYONE has fucking tried to do it.
2/10 - You Tried!
Not very original, not hard at all on a low population server. Pretty typical greytide.
I didn't do it on CP though
I don't try to actively take people out of the round or anything, I just like to leave people all access to cause chaos more indirectly
You don't have to actually do anything like that, in order to be a shitter.
I started up a gang, and all I did was hand out jumpsuits. First time, a bloodbath with sec happened in the bar. Sec came in and arrested everyone because 'lolgang', making folk quite upset, and those who escaped felt justified in retaliating.
Second time was a short lived someone ran in and ISISed the gang quarters because there was so many folk around. We actually worked with sec that time, and caught the offender parties. Anyone not part of the gang was either recruited by sec or strongarmed into the gang.
Another time, we started up in the library, and I did literally not a single thing, almost never setting foot outside the library. People just brought me things. The doctor loaded up library with the best of drugs, some guy broke into armory and stole half the guns, a scientist gave us a mech and telescoping shields, and engineering gave everyone gloves. The only sec officer was very pissy about the whole thing, tried to arrest me for nothing making the gang as a whole angry. Started chasing one guy in Engineering, and that caused the gang to snap. Next thing you know, he was surrounded by five armed guys, trying to get him to back down. He refused, got shot.
I was just taking the piss, but if you want my honest opinion? Sure, you're creating conflict, but it's meaningless and empty- they've got no reason to engage with you other than the OOC frustration you're causing them.
All you're doing is making an ass of yourself and pissing off autistic security players.
Now this is how you griff.
It's a riot shield what can be made small enough to fit in your backpack.
is that a bad thing
Maybe not. But trivializing the round by dumping all acc and weapons everywhere is pretty fuckin' gay.
Plus, if you've got to do something actually against the rules to griff, you are a shit griffer.
Does anyone have a link to updated Sierracode? I want to map in some space locations for muh exploration.
If someone wants to be a sweetheart and edit the config for me that would be grand.
I would do it myself but I am a lazy shithead.
Are there any serbers up right now?
I wanna play spessmen but most of the ips in the thread are down.
This one is.
thread theme
There is one, with a salty griffon constantly rejoining for the sole purpose of griff
What a waste of two traitor slots
I think I was there, was it the murderboning cmo?
Shit, missed the launch.
Alright you fags, agree on the codebase, I'll send a commit for the anonymization of players and admins. Try to keep it a /tg/ fork, in case you fags change codebase again atleast you can copy paste the code and pray the spaghetti works.
Yeah. First joins as HoS then as CMO, same MO and everything.
Can't the admin just ban he?
Its CP so /tg/ before 2013-14 with extra stuff added and ported /vg/ mommis and xenoarcheology.
and so another server is forever doomed to low pop
really hurt to see that
Server Announcement
I am a huge autist and need more than 5 seconds to set up the Database and admin config.
Server online ETA: 30 minutes.
its bin a bit. How is it?
youtube cancer making a safe space for his kiddie audience? what a surprise
Did peyton the autistic attention whore write that one?
I remember the 5-7 AI round where two of them had kill laws because I was one :^).
What should I work on first? more Z-levels or more away missions?
You know what?
All those rules the guy laid down would work as a very intensive version of Spess Law, but with "Nanotransen Code of Conduct for Productive Employees".
And it would work too if it was enforced IC.
If there were inspectors from NT making sure people are following these rules.
And if they didn't, IC punishment, like getting extra assignements (that benefit the rest of the crew) and failure to fulfill them leading to your impriosenement.
But no. It's a shekeltube safe-space, so rules are to avoid too much fun, and if you don't like it, you get a ban.
It's as boring as boring can be.
More Z-levels. If you're just doing mapping: there's stairs. It's a tile that, when you walk on it, teleports you to another z-level (usually another stair tile, that you pair them with).
You could put a few in maintenance and what note and made 3 floors for the station for instance.
Alternatively, make an away mission that's a giant skyscraper with 30 floors, and we can recreate Die Hard. IN SPACE.
fixing metastation up abit
adding more shit to space
making the asteroid less boring
making cent com an actual space station
This is what we need to spruce up the dusty space station and attract more users. If we have a steady stream of updates, and maybe have a guide written or two, we could guarantee a more involved and content user base.
Centcom undergoing a space station setting would be nice. Toss in some outposts and fun easter eggs, and there'll be plenty of fun spess adventures.
I got to say, I love this salt.
Here's the log of Towershield doing shittery and lasering people as ASIMOV AI. Reminder this faggot is applying for a mod position.
Ooga booga new round starting get in here darkies
Serb link since what the fuck who would have seen that
Thanks, honestly I was waiting for this thread to die so I could post the new thread tomorrow.
Speaking of which does anyone have the old OP.
Until some bans start coming in I'll be off.
This is why I'll never buy into the "Handle shit IC" meme. It works fine and dandy when everyone has the mutual feeling of "Do your job and dont act like an antag unless its warranted" but it gives shitters free reign and reinforces the idea that everyone should act like pseudo-security and if you're the kind of person who'd like to just stick to their job, you may as well space yourself now. Hippiestation follows the whole "shittery reigns supreme" and it may as well be DMfest. Whats needed is a communally agreed upon and well-enforced set of rules that aren't glue-sniffingly retarded like are, with admins who are willing to take a step back if the people playing on the server think they fucked up, but we'll probably never get that sort of thing
The turrets on the AI satellite will shoot anyone that doesn't disable them before entering the room and by default they're set to non-lethal.
That log shows you taking two non-lethal electrode shots from the turrets. Meaning you didn't disable them, either through the panel or by ordering the AI to do it. You then claim over the radio that the AI had them set to lethal and it tried to kill you, which is a blatant lie. So congratulations, you got yourself caught! What's the next step of your master plan? Apparently it's crashing yourself with no survivors.
You order the AI to stop, which it does. Until you come back with an EMP and set it off. An EMP that goes off near an AI will reduce it's system integrity and damage it. And because AI are considered part of the station, damaging the AI is also causing harm to the station and causing harm to the station causes you to forfeit your status as human under Asimov law 4. Now the AI can defend itself following law 3, and since you're not human anymore it doesn't have to play nice about neutralizing the threat you now pose.
Not once in that log do I see you order the AI to open up the way to it's core or disable the turrets, which it would have had to do if you had ordered it to do so before using the EMP on it.
The AI set the turrets to lethal right after i got stunned once and exited the room, which is why i had to go through half the station to grab the only EMP grenade in maint and flush it to the sat it din't work because griders don't block 50% of incoming laser fire, which was dumb on my part because i thought this feature wasn't in this version of the codebase. The logs don't show it because actions aren't logged in timeframes but it was an almost ten minute difference in getting hit vs adquiring the grenade in which another ten minutes before i found out it unsynched literally every machine in tcomms and shut down the room's APC. Nevermind the AI was literally shutting down telecomms by itself for no reason and then framing me for it, obviously any laws it has it is ignoring them because turning off tcomms when there's rekeying murderboners signing up every time they get robusted is harming the crew and you're expecting any self-respected crewmember to not believe it's rogue? The Captain told him to stop and it din't, it wasn't following its laws in the first place and you're arguing semantics about law 4 which isn't even applicable if the AI isn't even following law 1 or 2.
If anything you're abusing the existance of law 4 after already breaking your first two laws to justify bolting the entire AI sat and setting all turrets to lethal. It would have been alright if you had literally any other lawset than asimov, even Corporate lets you shut down Tcomms because power is expensive but no, you were straight up griffing for no reason.
Fuck this is the only one that applies to me. You all are faggots and I suck dick
You didn't have to go back to the AI sat to get yourself killed, even if it was as antagonistic as you claim.
Face it, you're just being a salty bitch here. Take it on the nose and move on.
I don't care about dying which is why i came back into the sat with the absolute most minimum gear needed and got shafted for my own unrobustness. The problem isn't that he's being a shitter, it's that he's being a shitter AND applying for a mod position at the same time what makes me post about this. What's to say he won't keep doing this?
nah man you a dumbass borgs/ai gotta follow their laws. For all he knew you were just a dumbass antag. And he's right. You didn't law 2 the AI. Kinda your fault there
This log shows you disabling security cameras and when the AI asks you about it you start using a multitool like crazy and say the AI is un-linking machines. You then try to break into it's core where you get stunned and then try to claim it lasered you. You escalate things from there and get killed.
You lied twice to make the AI seem like it was rogue. What's to say you aren't blowing this out of proportion now because the player that killed you happened to apply for a mod position?
how do you do it?
Because why would i fuck with tcomms if i was in the control room the entire round? I was literally just sitting there with a camera console watching things unfold and suddently there's no radio, there's no ionospheric anomalies and you can check this by the times i was testing with italics and i even had to go and carry a radio. I asked the AI several times before going inside the actual tcomms server area if it unsynched the machines and it din't respond, i went inside and lo behold, everything was being SHUT DOWN just as i was entering the area, i had to cut down the cameras just so the AI wouldn't keep turning the damn machines off while i was fixing them.
Tell me anywhere in those logs where i turned off the PDA messenger? Those things don't turn off by their own even in Ionospheric anomalies, you have to manually click on it to turn it off.
Hey dipshit, is this your first SS13 round?
Half the ionic anomalies do NOT give an alarm. They just happen.
Either read the code, or stop meta-guessing that "welp, radio down, means it's malf".
You're as shitty as the guys calling the shuttle to test for blob or not some years ago.
Eat a dick.
And btw: you also suck at meta-guessing the gamemode. There aren't enough players for malf until the admins change the pop requirements.
It doesn't even have to be tator, it just has to has terrible laws for it to start doing shittery which it din't, it's pretty unusual for an actual MALF to appear this late in the round (3+ hours) even with the pop necessary.
They make the Tcomms server room appear as if all machines are off, EXCEPT the PDA messenger that stays on always. Have you never been on the Tcomms room when an anomaly is happening? The AI shut down every machine except the Hub, the Reciever/Senders and the four northern Bus/Processor units and then unsynched the Hub from alot of them. They would have all have been off it it was an actual Ionospheric anomaly and none of them would have unsynched. You can see in the log that i re-linked every machine, it actually shows a log when you unsynch a machine yourself using a multitool. Here's the screenshot of this shit so you stop attempting to strawman and deflect blame.
What I see in is Tcoms working fine,
Then there's a lot multitool fuckery.
Then you test it and it's fucked.
Then you unfuck it and blame the AI.
Right now I'm willing to believe both you and the AI are a pair of faggots that deserve each other.
Actually view the full log at
His image omitted how i tested several times if tcomms was out, i even posted the logs here:
Remember that green messages under the actual message is that a handheld radio is being used, if the green radio message is seen above the actual black italics-message, it means it's being sent from a headset.
I mean do you not play this game or are you here just to shitpost? Cause it's kinda good because we need a new thread to put the notice that there's a new serb.
Not always, depending on ping. And the AI always has her text before the green text.
But sure, alright. Your screencap is kinda right, so I guess I'll believe you.
I'm joining anyway, hope you both are there so I can judge myself.
There's no one at the server right now actually. We had a round with like 5-6 people but really nothing happened and everyone left after the shuttle was called.
Can we request the mods to delete this thread and remake a new one with the curret info on the OP?
Here's the old OP:
Need to tweak it a bit.
If I am not online for the new thread. Use this.
What is "Space Station 13"?
Daedalus: byond://
Daedalus Contacts:
[email protected]/* */
Or the public Holla Forums mumble, I will rarely be here but you can leave a message with them.
We are running a /tg/ fork with some custom content.
Consult this guide:
include this in the op too since it's still up
I'll be posting this in the new thread once it's made as well.(sage if you want to post in this one, please)
This pull request will remove names for everyone, but not from the game.
Everyone gets named "Player (number)", much like Slimes, Golems and Aliens, and that's the name you'll see in OOC, Who and AdminWho.
The only exception is Adminwho for Admins who can still see each other names, since I figured it wouldn't be necessary for them to hide from one another.
This number is randomized every time you reconnect however this name does not replace your CKey at all nor is it used for anything other than this.
So if you expect to be able to grief or ban evade with this, you can look for another server.
This might not be a popular idea since it means the admins can know who's who, however without it, there can be no moderation and that's far worse.
Hopefully, this will remove the meta-drama that usually surrounds these threads with people backing their "arguments" with names and hearsay rather than what actually happened.
Maybe if we actually talk about our actions and characters instead of resorting to fabricated fame and history someone might or might not have, we can avoid a lot of problems.
And as a bonus, it will reduce any enjoyment shitposters usually have from causing drama since there's no personality to get a reaction from.
Finnaly, I want to ask anyone at all to contribute code. If you have doubts about it, ask in the thread and I'm sure others will gladly help you out.
Not all contributions are gonna be that great and some might end up having to be reverted, but that's the advantage of using Github, that we can revert what we don't like.
This means that there's no excuse not to try new ideas, no matter how silly they are. If you can code it, you definetely should make a Pull Request so we can test it and see how it works out.
Any Holla Forums station will always be a contributive work of everyone, the admins, the coders and even the players themselves. You can make this work, but you need to work for it.
Admins should be able to see who players are on the who command.
Like this:
Current Players:
Admin (795) - Kyron_Kiranov - Playing as - DEAD (?)
Player (954) - Koriath - Playing as - DEAD (?)
This way we can atleast see the player info before getting into ckey data ect. Once this has been commited I will accept it.
>That's totally not why we NEED this anonymity code I made.
Why aren't you playing video games?
The idea was posted and discussed over 2 months ago (when neither of us posted on the threads because we had IRL shit to do).
Some folks mentioned it a few days ago and yesterday, so I wrote it.
Not like it was a lot of work, dozen lines at most.
If you are against it, kindly state why. If you support it, kindly state why.
If you're neither against it or support it…
Well fuck it, it's a chan. Shitpost away I guess.
Jesus, why did I even bother to respond.
You got 18 fucking posts in the thread and every single one is you picking a fight with someone else. Fuck man, get a new hobby. Autism leads to a slow death. For your sake, stop now before it's too late.
doesn't matter what it comes from so long as it's of quality
Also, you cut that snippet 3 a bit too short.
I guess what came before it didn't fit your shitposting history, so it had to be "corrected" right?
I PM'd you telling you that I wanted to talk to her before banning her. The same way I talked to everyone before banning them. I stand by my actions, I always tried to talk to people before issuing any bans. You ban someone, you lose a player. You talk some sense into them, you gain one. In both cases, the shitter is gone, but if I have a say in the matter, I'll always pick the second alternative.
I remember 3 diferent players I had a talk to before that. One of them still plays (saw you yesterday). I don't expect them to vouch for me, but they got to play WITH us (instead of against us) because I didn't ban people on a whim.
What Emily did was take advantage of that. And that's the reason I don't wanna be admin anymore. Sooner or later, someone will do the same shit she did. And I'd still not ban people without talking to them.
People here want admins that outright ban you without more than a message or two. That's what the playerbase picked, that's what they get. It's a diferent way of doing things that also works but one I do not condone.
And the second snippet is hilarious. You know why?
All I ever wanted was for people to be user's. No names, no meta-faggotry. Even that shitter should have been kept anonymous. If you value your identity that much, you're on the wrong site Hint: reddit might be more your speed
Were anons here. We don't need names. Argue with actions, not identities.
You could have chosen the truth
Server Code Shenanigans
Just so I can settle this for future shitposts.
This "Anonimity" on the codebase is going to be PURELY opt-in at best. As much as I can understand why being user helps with boards and threads but for byond it will not suit everyone nor most people.
Though I cannot see a huge reason for it to be implimented that isn't "People are metagrudging me using my ckey". Only thing I can suggest is stop giving them reasons to even remember your name as a shitter.
In relation to Towershield and other possible future moderation.
The Moderation team is going to be minimal only really using adminpowers to deal with metagaymen and some high octane shitters.
In relation to all this Emily/koriath/kyron shit that is being kicked back up.
It has nothing to do with Daedalus so I won't act on it in server but don't expect me not to hold a personal grudge you shitbag.
it suits people who actually want to play and it doesn't suit the shitposters in the thread, what's there to not want, don't tell me you're a one of the people who ruin the thread for other servers now
That atleast is funny, in a dumb kinda way.
Do you have the rest?
How the fuck is that even supposed to happen?
You can choose to hide your name only? Or hide the names of everyone else but only for you?
The idea here is to remove names as something that shitters can use to generate drama, if it's opt-in for them, it defeats the entire purpose of it.
Not to mention the part about cutting down on being an actual speshul snowflake, where your CKey actually plays a very important role.
If it's opt-in, the only thing it does is give some people the ability to hide their name amidst a lot of players that don't give a fuck and are free to speculate who that person is if the amount of players that opted-in happens to be low.
In case you don't get it, in a server with 5 people, if only one hides his name, he's obviously Gitgud. Or me. Or Chaos or whatever scapegoat suits the ocasion.
Yes, that is correct. It will not suit people that depend on identities to get by, that need names to judge other people and form characters with.
It will not suit anyone that shouldn't be part of an anonymous community.
For all the bloody fucking talk people throw around about Reddit this, Reddit that, the first oportunity there is to create something that shuns away the redditor, it's optional?
I have no fucking idea why I even bothered writing those shitty 6 or 8 lines of code if this is gonna have as much impact as giving the clown another banana.
And for the record, admins can still see who's who. There's the Player Panel specifically for this, you can VarEdit characters to see their CKey and even look up the var for their fake name to crossreference if it's truly needed. Administration proceeds as usual, nothing changes there, unless you actually want Admins to know what name is attached to what people say in OOC, which I figured admins wouldn't want in order to have the same experience as users, but it can be easily fixed.
Hey guys whats the differance between Koriath code and a rotting crow carcass?
One's a bug filled mess that no one wants around and the other is a dead crow.
>one of them almost dies thank fuck I had a medkit
this game really never gets old does it
I was the engineer, that was some fun shit. Away missions always make the game way more fun.
I was the other dude who had to leave, i can't fucking sleep but i'll just say git gud and learn about the existance of the Message Monitor console. There was no admin on that round.
In one of the latest updates R&D machines were changed. Now they slowly heat up on production and can explode after overheating. You have to pour water in them then flush and lubricate them (in chemical material options) so they don't overheat and explode. Unfortunately changelog wasn't updated, so almost nobody knows about it.
they run much better and produce alot more as a trade off though
Then it isn't getting accepted.
Not only is this "sloppy" code at best it does not allow for admins to use who to know at an instant who is playing.
It does not allow for logs to follow the same format of "anonID""Ckey":action
It also would need an update to the DB so past logs can be saved showing a comparison between realckey and anonID.
The logs keep ckeys and work like before, all this thing does is change the "who" command and the OOC channel.
It really only changes 4 files, check it yourself.
Changing it so admins can see who is playing is pretty much reverting one of those lines.
And I didn't think it was necessary because if Player347 is being a shithead, you issue a ban to Player347. The ban is registered with his actual ckey and the admin has no need to see who he banned. Aka: admins ban based on what an user did, not on who an user is.
To be more specific, it's line 13 and 35 on Actually, you can just forfeit the "" file at all, but you'll get a lot of people trying to guess who PlayerXYZ is based on the "who" list.
Pretty much a big game of "Who's who" played over 30 minutes until everyone's sick of hearing it.
Whathever, someone requested the code in OOC and the code is there. Do whatever you want with it. It's your server.
It's done for a single purpose and what matters is what the players see.
Admins get the same thing because I figured admins would want to have the same experience. I know I'd want to be in equal grounds with other players instead of being constantly reminded of their identity.
It allows you to use Who to know how many are playing, which should be way more important than who is playing. If you think otherwise, that's not good at all.
Admins also have the Player Panel and several other tools to get that information and much more, tools that they should use since they are far better than Who.
Did you at least read the code or did you just got that offended at my post you jumped straight to posting this?
It affects Who, Adminwho and OOC and that's it. All logs are still maintained and appear in the exact same way. And if OOC is logged, it even uses their real CKey but not their fake name since it doesn't matter.
If the problem is "IC in OOC", you could just cross reference what was said instead of the ID and get straight to the right line in the log, this isn't even a good argument.
Now you're just making excuses up.
Why would you want to save something as pointless as an ID? It changes every time someone reconnects or the round restarts, it's there only so you can have a conversation with someone in OOC and follow it through, that's all.
It's non-data as far as anyone should be concerned.
Admins already have a problem that they know far more than the regular player, a necessity to properly moderate the game at all. If the admins knew the exact CKeys of everyone with a single Who but the players didn't, what do you think would be the reaction of most people? Especially the usual shitposters? It would be the Discord\Mumble Cabal all over again.
I made the decision to code that specifically in that way precisely to avoid that criticism.
If you still require names to properly moderate the community, then this code simply isn't for an anonymous community and you not only completely defeat it's purpose but kinda reveal more about your mindset than you probably should.
All the more reason to not change the who code at all. Until what I suggested is ammended.
at this stage I don't know why you haven't made your own server koriath, with your own code base
it'd have alot more shit going for it then every other Holla Forums server since it'd actually get fucking content added to it
Because I got a job. A year ago I could afford to moderate till 4am because NEET life.
Right now, I get a few hours of vydia and small projects. I like small coding projects either on BYOND or other engines, but I can't do it fulltime anymore.
Is Koriath still around? Why doesn't he fuck off already? He's a cancer to this server, was a cancer to Hippie, and is a cancer in fucking general.
you can have someone else moderate it
That would be the same as we are now.
With the exception of me vetting what gets in the code or not. Would that change anything?
If people don't want something on this server, why would they play with it on a server of mine?
Comunities aren't mindless blobs user, they want things and despise others. You gotta respect that, even when you don't agree.
I'm sure someone else will code shit for Daedalus, there were at least 4 other posters on the threads that were more talented than me (not very hard, I treat it like an hobby).
You could try it too. It's not really that hard.
I don't think so, the one thing our servers need is content, if your server has the most content then people who don't like certain parts of it would put up with that and if this content is different then every other server you can get pubbies to actually stay which will mean you'd get a decent player base
I doubt daedalus will get any coder who actually puts in content rather then just simple fixes since zears, the poor man gets tossed about server to server here like hosts are entitled to him and I don't know about the other coders, you're the only person who actually adds shit to the code as far as I've seen
Well, Zaers coded for Bigslice and I think the station after that. He knows a lot of the underlying code and can read spaghetti like it's modern day english. I'd put stock in him.
Maybe I'll look into hosting a serb. Ever played Startopia? There's one thing I'd like to try: a station that starts with 2-3 rooms, and you expand it slowly. The idea isn't to have traitors and the like, it's about making money.
Pretty sure it can be done with current SS13 assets and some lines of code. Biggest thing I'd need is the "Spaceport": aka, a 3x3 circular door on the ground where shit arrives.
Like, getting a cryocasket with a patient, medbay has to heal it. Sucessfull treatment? $$$. Patient dies? Station gets sued.
Toss in the usual random events, and you got a gamemode that suits 3-4 players up to 60.
I've been coding it slowly, but like I said, I don't have a lot of time.
Oh, and the reason this shit is taking so long is mainly the power (or the engine).
In Startopia, money IS indeed power: you have a reactor that holds a certain amount of energy. You use energy like money to trade for shit, but you also need a certain ammount of energy to keep shit running. So you can shut off a few things to have "spare" cash to spend, but if you want to expand and build new stuff, you need to save up energy.
I'm thinking up ways to turn the powernet into a sort of "bank" for the station.
startopia is pretty decent for what it is and I like your idea for the most part however I don't think removing traitors would be a good idea but I do think that optional traitoring should be a thing, instead of just you're a traitor, have it that you're not a traitor till the player gets contacted by the syndicate who'll either bribe or threaten the player into becoming a traitor, with this and respawn on so long as their objectives aren't utterly crippling to the station on the whole, it'd work
see the issue with money literately = power is that if you don't utterly change the current model for power then as soon as there's a TEG up set right the station is never going to have to worry about money ever again
Yeah, main idea is something like:
That's how it worked in Startopia anyway.
There was also the Booster that burned throught your money but gave you a boost in power. For something like this to work, the power costs of every machine would need tweaking, and the effect SMES have, well, they'd need to be toned down but still alowed, maybe with a reduced cap.
I've seen what a max-research SMES does to the powernet, it's fucking scary.
I hope someone kept a screenshot of that clown's last romance with the anti-matter shard.
It was tragic and poetic.
there's alot of retweeting to be down but what I suggest instead of turning shit down, you actually round them off up
Newfag for u ss13 here. What do I need to know?
low pop is shit, high pop is good
lowpop is comfy, high pop is cancer
lowpop (3-10) is boring when you have jack shit to do
middlepop (around 15-20, roughly 1 or 2 for each job) is the best, also best for autismforts
highpop (25-40) is fun at times, a lot of more interesting shit happens
veryhighpop (40-60) is cancer and usually the shuttle gets called in a matter of minutes
Oy vey get in the server goyem
you lied to me, there is no one here
I fucked up a bit the OP but the new thread is on
This is what you get when we don't have dedicated OP posters
Read the wiki, play an unimportant role until you know what you're doing.