Farming waifus game

For some strange reason im smiling like an idiot while watching the video

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this looks awful

3DS is a shit console. This music is also bad.

into the trash it goes

Hi there Holla Forums, how goes the fight against the kikes?

I don't go to that fucking board and I'd admit race mixing is for "people" with personality disorders who need punishment/attention. It's psychological cancer.

theres nothing wrong with race mixing
because you can use it to wipe the weaker race off the earth

It's YOU who is the mental defective if you race mix dummy. It doesn't matter what comes after. But if you want to take it there whatever is the darker race the kid comes out that color and if east asians and whties fuck they turn out ugly.

Am I supposed to call you Holla Forums now?

How does creating a weaker race equate removing a weaker race?

I've got a 3DS and I find them quite impressive little things honestly.

The game seems rather conservative honestly. A nice, quiet working life.

Those waifus sees rather lacklustre.

are you retarded?
you mix white with nigger, then mix the mixed with more white, then keep mixing until the niggers are gone, as long you dont keep remixing with niggers

Well it is accomplishing it's goal of removing whites :^).

No you disgusting subhuman race traitor. You kill and hang niggers.

Fun fact, halfbreeds almost always feel out of place within society, due to not fitting in between their respective races. It's also why they often join ideological groups, or resort to paganism or some such bullshit. With no racial identity and being an aberration of two races, they need some type of identity to cling to. It's irresponsible of parents to subject any child to such a fate. That's not even taking into account the fact that they cant get bone marrow transplants or other such things, due to their mixed genes being too far from either parent.

Holla Forums - Video Games

I know you're dumb and probably can't into math, but whites are only 12% of the world's population. Blacks are 15% and the population of Africa is set to quadruple by 2100. American blacks are already on average 25% white, and look how that's going for them. Oh and vidyas.

I guess I will wait for the next harvest moon thread


Youre drawing attention to yourself. How ironic.

Holla Forums faggot.


Angela is best girl.

fox is best girl

why cant we just delete Holla Forums?

That's pretty cute, though.

also in case you guys didn't know xseed it a bit lost in how to deal with the dlc.

Mocha girls are 100% better than black girls and American-Asians look better than most East Asians. White genes just improve everything.



Because Codemonkey is one of them.

communist jews?

That's not how it works. It's survival of the fittest and right now we live in under dysgenic conditions that encourages the procreation of less intelligent people, and no, this doesn't mean they are superior physically.

polite sage not vidya


Komari or bust.

Wait, this is a Holla Forums thread isn't it?

I'de say Holla Forums's days here are numbered, at least in it's over-presence, I don't mind the occasional shitposting though. Mods are already banning off topic discussions about Black inferiority and the such so I think they'll learn to fuck off a bit and post when its actually appropriate to the discussion.