So, where does this game stand along other Kirby titles?

So, where does this game stand along other Kirby titles?

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On the edge.

It's a kirby game, they're all pretty much the same and equally good.

Next to Triple Deluxe.
It's basically the same game with a new coat of paint and a different gimmick.

I honestly can't argue in favor of Mass Attack being a good game.

It just feels so barebones in almost every way.

By which you mean all of them equal beneath Kirby Dream Course's glorious reign?

of the crater

Isn't mass attack more of a spin off like canvas curse?

In the middle tbh. There are far better kirby games and far worse.

Stages were small, it was way too short.
And well if only criticism I have for a game is there was not enough game I must say it was quite fucking good game.

Still worse than Kirby and the Amazing mirror. GBA platformers was prime time for a genre.

Pretty good, I like the shump levels and like being a huge fucking mech but the moment the game threw an underwater level, it's pretty bad.
I give it a "better than return to dreamland"/5

I wouldn't say that. The bosses that aren't reused are pretty unique and the new minigames are nice, too.

As a 1:1 clone of Triple Deluxe

I spent hours and hours playing Brawlball.

I don't like this much technology in my Kirby.

Kirby is supposed to be rustic and idyllic.

Kirby games always had technology going around, dunno what's the big deal.

Amazing Mirror best kirby game.

Yeah, but it's always evil technology invading the perfect pastoral paradise. Kirby doesn't use technology, he fights technology.

i never realized those jet enemies looked like twinbee

That's why they changed them in Super Star Ultra

His entire shtick is copying his enemies' powers and use them for himself.

It's definitely better than Triple Deluxe.

I don't like all the 2.5D kirby games.
They feel less responsive and more floaty.

This is why I prefer the Dark Matter Trilogy. Instead of the more cartoony aspects like Sakurai used it goes for a more whimsical and down to Earth approach.



his base sprint speed and walk speeds definitely feel noticeably slower.

Kind of sad how since the switch is going to be shit Robobot might be the last Kirby game I play until new emulators come out

Tilt n Tumble was far more addictive than it had any right being. Is it still possible to even play that game anymore? I hope I didn't just have shitty child taste back then.

I think I'm just about to clear through the water world. Thank goodness it was so early in the game, but I still haven't finished the game on whole because the water world killed much of my will to even play the game.

are you a retard?

This is the only good board on this shitty site and we were doing so well with nice discussions. Fuck off back to Holla Forums or Holla Forums or wherever you got assmad.

Pretty weak, like all the games with that engine. Most of the copy abilities are rehashed from Return to Dreamland, and since they follow Super Star's format of "each ability is its own moveset" they all play pretty much the same.

The robot is a bit better than past gimmicks, but it's basically a cut version of Kirby's regular gameplay. The robot gets eight copy abilities next to Kirby's twenty-ish, and you almost never get a choice which one.

They aren't ordered, you doofus.

user, the chart reads top to bottom.

Learn to read you fucking aspie

Nah, it was pretty good. Don't know why they didn't try something similar with the Wii U but all might be forgiven if they make another goddamn Air Ride.



It's excellent, just like every other Kirby game. I'm not gonna rank the whole series, but among the recent 2.5d mainline series entries i'd say Robobot is the best.
My only complaint was that it was on the short side, but again it's Kirby so there is plenty of replay via True Arena and mini games.

I didn't like it as much as triple deluxe.
few things top the feeling of:

Second best game right after Kirby Super star/Ultra

amazing mirror sucks

I like triple deluxe better because of amazing mirror references and better music, but they are both good


So? This only makes it better.

A fearsome technological force beyond the Halberd invades and begins assimilating the entire world and he steals one of their very core weapons and uses it against them the whole game after redesigning it to his tastes. That's awesome and it just shows how resourceful he can be.

I don't think so.

First we have to see just how good Super Mario Odyssey is with the mascot of all platforming jumping into a fully 3D open world before we can see something like that with Kirby. You'd have to be able to explore a world like Pop Star to give it that unique Kirby flavor.

Not particularly sure how it would work. Floating Kirby already makes the games easy enough as it is. Unless you remove Kirby's flight through plot shenanigans/make most levels indoors/make flying slow and limited like in Smash, I picture playing a 3D kirby game just floating over everything.
Having dealt with this, sure make a Kazooie-esque action platformer with 64's ability mixing and there's your GOTYAY.

Robobot stands as a MUCH weaker version of Dreamland 3. The Robobot is basically a replacement for the animal friends.

The game pails in comparison to triple deluxe, just in the delivery, as the moments when you get the hypernova, you know you're gonna get to kick ass, but have some interesting puzzles to take care of. The robobot comes off as more of an obstruction as once in it, you can't get out and it has less abilities than Kirby himself, meaning you can't jump high enough to reach certain places. While this might seem like a puzzle element, it's just infuriating compared to every other kirby game out there.

Oh, and the final boss of the true arena has a 1 hit kill that bypasses all forms of invincibility. it also only performs this attack AFTER YOU KILL IT.

Yes, it's death throes will kill you instantly because fuck you.

I rate it a 6/10 compared to triple deluxe's 9/10 and, unlike EVERY other kirby game I've played, I've not wanted to come back to it after I 100%ed it.


Skip it, play Dreamland 3 or triple deluxe.

Simple, let there be end-goals to levels that you can float over everything to get to (been a kirby staple for the most part) but then make the stages full of things to encoutner and do.

Kirby games have not been hard to get from beginning to end. The difficulty comes from trying to 100% the sucker.


Hypernova was a one note ability.

I won't deny that ,but it made you fee like you were strong and there were a few puzzles tied to it that were enjoyable.

Compare it to the parts in robobot where it's "supposed to make you feel strong" and it falls fucking flat, especially the side shooter segments.

I will agree the robot doesn't feel as strong as Hypernova, but it was far more varied in how you could use powers. That said yes Dreamland 3 does outclass it with animals each having their own variation on powers.


Dream Course was a pretty comfy game, but I was never good at it tbh

That's the thing, ever since that savant who made Dreamland and 64, we haven't gotten the animal friends and instead of them returning ,we got a half assed replacement.

At least Galacta Knight returned. Galacta Knight and Queen Sectonia playable in smash bros when?

Right the games have been feeling more rote these days. I'm really glad I had friends to play Return to Dreamland with or else it might have been unbearable.

Maybe it should go the Mana route and spin off into a new genre every few games?

Epic yarn was a fun spinoff.

But yes, Kirby is one of the few characters who can, frankly, do kinda anything and it won't be seen as a negative since he lives in the god damn realm of dreams.

Right. Speaking of, there are more Kirby RPGs than I had thought.

Squeak Squad is best Kirby, prove me wrong

At least that's how I remember it

This is blatantly false. Kirby's realm isn't a world of dreams, it's just called Dream Land. It's just one country on the planet Pop Star, it's not some magical realm made of dreams.

Well, the fountain of dreams is where good dreams stem from, though I don't recall if that is actually on pop star.

Still, Kirby falls into the category of flexibility. Due to him being a placeholder in the first place lets him fit in basically anywhere.

It's a very good game and slightly tried to bring back the combining of abilities, but the best part is the freaking Ghost Kirby power where you get to possess foes and get to PLAY AS THEM. Shit that stuff is insane.

huh… cute stuff.

While I think Kirby gathering a crew and going on an adventure is a fun idea, I'm a little more focused on an action oriented game, namely a 3D adventure, possibly a collectathon as it would task you with getting abilities to do certain things and really branch out.

But I'll be honest, I'd be all for a Metaknight game that wasn't just Metaknightmare.

Get platinum on the game as Metaknight travels on an insane trip to stop the dark forces while you reinforce the RULE OF NATURE

Final Boss showdown with Galactaknight, culminating in a motherfucking be-all-end-all sword/lance clashing blitz at a million MPH.

Galacta Knight is unlockable character with unique moveset you get to replay the game with

In Super Star, every planet has a Fountain of Dreams. Fountain of Dreams just control the flow of dreams in the land.

Dreamland is called Dreamland simply because it's an idyllic place where the residents are lazy, part of why Meta Knight wanted to conquer it in Revenge of Meta Knight.

True. I forgot that.

Threadly reminder that fighting to save everyone's Dreams is one of the more awesome video game quests to have been conceived.

Ain't gonna argue that.

I can't believe people want to fuck Sectonia just because of her voice.

Bees aren't sexy.

user haven't you heard? It's hip to fuck bees.

super star exists

want meaningful collection?
Milky way wishes
want pointless collection?
Cave offensive
want ghost mode?
helper tac

plus it does anything and everything else better than any other kirby

Gonna agree with on Robobot being weaker than Triple Deluxe, since I was motivated to 100% the latter, but stopped playing the former after a few hours.

The answer is going to sting, but just how little involvement did Mashpotato Samurai actually have with all the great Kirby's?

I want to romance that bee

Triple Deluxe was the worst of the three most recent games, though. Hyper-Nova was as limited as the hyper powers, but there was at least some variety to those. Flower Sectonia sucked as a boss, too. In fact, most of the bosses were just unfun slogs. The only good things in Triple Deluxe were the portions involving Dedede and normal Sectonia.


Like the prophets once said.



Remember when the western industry had actual fucking attitude?

We absolutely have to restore that.

By all accounts his involvement stuck through just about the whole series. It natually diminished with time as projects got bigger, but he seems to have a real fondess for the series he made. unlike miyamoto, the kike

I'd say it's better than return to dreamland worse than triple deluxe. It's got a stronger puzzle focus because robots n sheit.

shame amazing mirror is objectively worse than Nightmar in Dreamland also known as the best game of all time

Yes, yes I do.

Fun fact, the PAL edition of Digimon World had a glitch so you couldn't beat the game.

Aye. Even in the USA version, some of those digimon who "talk to you but won't start a fight" still exist.

Oh, and the infamous Giromon Jukebox that fucks the universe.

It's pretty fun, some okay puzzles to get the Cube colletable things, neat new robot mechanics. Easy as piss though. Overall good for a Kirby game, but obviously no Kirby Superstar.

Which Digimon were banned from TV?

Interestingly, the digimon included in the game were eventually in the anime, but oddly, it's that the USA censors didn't remove a whole lot from the cut. Blood, death, violent digimon as a whole and some gruesome fight scenes were kept fully intact, which caught a lot of people off guard.

Oh, and all the shit remained nasty ass brown, like real shit, which was edited to be pink in basically everything else.


Only Digimon to be banned were much later- after or during Tamers.
Like Bombernanimon (Nanimon looking like Hogan as a sphere, so the thick beard on BomberNanimon looked arabic. Or maybe it was because of bombs being thrown at buildings) being change to Citrusmon or some shit.

Mentions of alcohol were usually changed to lemonade ("the bubbles go straight to his head and make him dizzy!")

Can Digimon be real?! I think so! I belive that they are! -no laughing- but It's weird because my digivise broke and before it did It started beeping AFTER I told my digimon to sleep. In which case how can it beep? Then my other Digivise totally dissapeared! My parents and sister never saw it and i tore up my entire room! Another thing i keep having these strange fellings like I'm looking for something but I don't know what and that I need to help something somewere! I swear one night I woke up and my computer was making weird sounds like it was on but it wasn't plugged in! Also I have weird dreams and when I wake up I can only remeber someone asking for help!

I want a Musou-type Kirby game, but instead of having lots of playable characters, it features every copy ability in the series AND power mixing from Kirby 64 and Squeak Squad AND the animal friends from Dream Land 3.

Let's agree to disagree. And wish we could netplay Amazing Mirror.

Well the robobots last secret boss only does 7/8s your health and is avoidable using some types of invincibility (leaf shield workd for me) but your point still stands

I like robot ultra thing better because you zoom like "woosh" as all fuck past the screen but with sucknova you go slow