#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Malebolge, The Eight Circle Edition



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pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated November 29th, 2016)
2. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: liberapay.com/archiveis/donate
3. OP DISNOD 2: REBOOT. The Blizzard staff email addresses were added for easy emails.
4. Defend Free Speech! Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation:
5. Dig for info regarding the ESA, (also ECA, IARC)
6. OP ESRBusted! Expose the ESRB for being against developers and consumers.


> ESA Michael Gallagher GfC15 transcript of video youtube.com/watch?v=mQhOqFH8cR0
- pastebin.com/rb7uyF89
- reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/5qva0e/deepfreeze_deepfreeze_291_update_five_new_entries/
- imgur.com/gallery/X2w49


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
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• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
• Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
• An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php?title=Boycott_List
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OLD BREAD: archive.fo/dnWAu

It's Vee, flaunting their faggotry was bound to happen eventually.

2017: the year the false gods and headonists are shown to be mortal again.

never EVER get paid today
its super gay

What did you get your waifu for Valentine's Day?
What did your waifu get you?

I hope this is the first step to their collapse, Samsung has jewed most of Asia pretty fucking hard.

whos gonna read all those things for gods sake, you probably cost poor archive.is $100 a day.


Same thing I got for my birthday and christmas for as long as I can remember.

Don't get too excited, we have a long way yet, and we have yet to see if this is really them bleeding yet. If this is, though, then it means they can be brought down.

Wow, your waifu a shit.

Has anyone tried suggesting to Pewdiepie's massive fanbase they do their own Opdisnod style campaign against Wallstreet journal and the other sites who jumped on the band wagon?

Ok fair enough. One of my friends used to work in a vidya store, and even he complained that nowadays the service has gotten worse, mostly due to head office treating managers in turn staff like morons, and not letting people use their brains. ie: Unless the staff are complete morons, if they work there long enough or have a bit of common sense they usually can figure out the situation or ask tactfully "do you need a gift receipt"?.
Excuse my wariness when it comes to LianaK's brand of "neutrality".

thats right idiots, keep doubling down
keep tripling down
keep quadrupling down
they'll never break through your AT field bubble.

One of the elite being dragged from heaven on high should scare them enough though, enough to put them on edge and make them nervous and make mistakes.

no because no one will cover it, and thats the main idea of protests of that nature.

Remember the MSMs massive coverage of GG's protests, and how unfairly GG was treated?

2. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

Op disnod was about getting advertisers to pull out of corrupt sites, not getting coverage. What wallstreet journal did is pretty darn corrupt.


so, memeteor when?

You, I like.

I can't remember, did they link PewDiePie to GamerGate, Trump, NeoNazis, the alt-right, and the KKK yet?

You have been visited by


Good luck on love, Good Luck on Surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic, faster Japanese learning and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”

Remember to always be a big guy


It is sad to see, how some people could be so easily broken down by spending too much time on the Internet. Normalfags weren't ready for it.

Are there any meetups happening?


Didn't mean to still have flag on, my bad.

When did left wing humor became so fucking cringy?

This is what all of those usenetfags said in 1995 or some shit during Eternal September.


When they took everything seriously

for her

Every day I think about killing myself, why would I want to interact with people face to face?

When you weren't allowed to offend anyone, except moderates they like to call nazis.

I need friends, I'd be up for one.

I could mock Trump 1000x better, for fuck sake.

I could too, and I like him

When they became the untouchable nobility.

Why don't you? You won't be missed. Your family will be relieved. It would be a net gain for society.

Previous thread recap.
>the IGDA & ISFE were mentioned on the Related Organizations page on the ESA's website
>Gallagher talked about women in gaming again by applauding the Passage of Women in STEM Bills
>found Impact with Games: A fragmented field who was another front for Gamification, and had many connections to other organizations like ESA+EA's Glasslab & Games for Change

I think they just don't know shit about him except for the last 5 lies told by the lefty media and his looks from photos.

When they became the authority. It's hard to make humour about your world view when you're also trying to convince people that it is no laughing matter and any dissent is offensive.



Turns out its quite difficult. Firstly, sometimes the overdoses results vary, sometimes you are sick, sometimes you wake up in hospital.

Suffocation and Hanging are difficult as well, since after passing out the brain will attempt to remove obstructions reflexively.

You could throw yourself from a building, but the chances of survival are high. if you don't live in a built up area.

This is why we need to remove gun laws here. Mentally Ill people are not allowed to buy guns.

Also webm related is the president of the Higher Education Video Game Alliance.

Don't you know user, gamers used to be exclusively white males? They would lynch any niggers that dared to pick up a controller.

This is led by Tracey Fullerton, and this is the same group that was invited on Hillary Clinton's campaign rally at one point to talk about how women in gaming should support her all the way!

Cut your throat. Don't be a pussy.

Wow, thanks Mr. Leftist Marxist man! I had no idea!

Twitter punished an account for tweeting DeepFreeze

Saudi and UAE may be arresting atheists. Can anyone confirm?

Comic about antifa:

"at a free speech event, .@UCLA tried to ban my book on Islam totalitarianism"

Twitter drama involving Dan Olson

Copypasta about the political angle of gamergate

Remember to spread and share infos.

Also could any kind user translate this ESA interview with Game Spark?

Gee, where have I seen this before?

That's nothing new, they've done that for decades.

t. saudi

Do the Saudi have money tied into the videogame industry?

Zenimax perhaps?

There's even an actual hashtag for this bullshit. #gaslighting


What the hell is gaslighting anyway?

Well this Saudi did attend Games for Change and has a game studio. Haven't found any ties though.

Basically trying to make people think they're delusional by telling them that what is actually going on is all in their head.


wew that alt right rhetoric

The term comes from the 'Its not UFOs, its just swamp gas' meme.

Has his studio produce anything of value or is it just something to give him credentials as someone who knows what he's talking about?

You should buy stock in helicopter companies, business is about to skyrocket.

Its what Zoe did to Eron


Part 4: Games for Muslim Appreciation, Emotional Intelligence, Diversity and Masterbation

As the Games for Change event revealed, game developers, with financial support from the Department of Education, are producing games that provide lessons on Muslim cultural appreciation, bullying, slavery, Native American culture and masturbation.

Ken Weber, Executive Director of Zinga.org and a board member of Games for Change, then introduced Saudi Arabian prince, HH Prince Fahad Al-Saud, a technology entrepreneur. Weber noted that it was not often that he got to introduce a prince, whom he referred to repeatedly as His Highness.


No, it comes from a very old play. Is also used in field of psychology.

How do I get off the ride? I'm getting kind of motion sick.

Jacking off to Princess Peach porn doesn't count as "work" Bob.

to be fair, he thinks sitting on twitter all day and then recording a 5 minute video is work. Much like the elite who have never experienced real work and think any stretch of boredom is comparable

congrats on your trips

the ride never ends

The latter.

No it comes from the play and movie "Gaslight" aka "Angel Street"

He worked one day in construction and thinks he's overworked.

I spent 1 year fixing potholes on roads, 2 years in a shitty warehouse, and am currently working as a respiratory therapist, and this fat asshole thinks he's above me because he reviews movies online.

What Zoe did to the one cuck who found his balls to stand up to her long enough to write the Zoepost.

Men in Black is garbage and you know it.


They did, he relies entirely on patreon.




If I didn't know him better, I would have thought he was talking about leftypol and that burgerousise shit they keep spouting.

I used to work for Chrysler, and I found out fast that it's normal to have nightmares after you start there, where you just work. I talked to my dad about it and he said he had the same thing for a few months after he started, and his dad had it, and my uncles had it. I would have taken construction over that any day. Other Chrysler story: apparently when my granddad worked there in the 70s, there was a blackout for about half an hour to an hour, and when the lights came back on they found an especially hated foreman had been lynched

It's going to crush Bob's soul when he realizes he's not one of the elite he's always sucking up to. He's an overweight manchild who dresses in Mario shirts and reviews video games from his mom's basement.

We really do live rent-free in their heads.

They made their bed the moment they didn't let us play videogames in peace


I was told that when I started to work in a hospital, but damn, you wouldn't think that would be the case at Chrysler. What did you do, sell cars?

Saudi Arabia, as the UN Human Rights chair, has outlawed Atheism

It's probably a factory.

Nah, I was in an auto plant. Basically for 8-12 hours straight (they're understaffed and push overtime hard rather than actually hiring more people), 5 or 6 days a week, you do the same thing every few seconds. It's extremely repetitive and you just feel your soul being slowly crushed. The norm for those nightmares is apparently the first 3-6 months. Unless one of your parents is a higher-up, then they just make you a foreman and all you do is boss around people three times your age who know better than you.


Thanks for reminding me this is a thing

I think bus drivers suffer from that too. Study shows that having to fake being nice and doing repetitive actions depresses the hell out of bus drivers and stresses them out. Something to do with the lack of control and predetermined bus routes.



Could be, man. I've never been a bus driver so I wouldn't know. I know I hated having to fake nice when I worked at a corner store, but I got a lot of free stuff too so it was worth it. Come in, get a free coffee, clip yesterday's unsold papers to send in, put the new ones out to sell, make sure the shipments are right, throw out any old stuff just kidding I brought it home, restock whatever needs restocking, turn on the sign, and mop the floors. It was kind of comfy. I worked the really early shift so it was slow. Still have a milk crate I used to bring home my free stuff. Full of socks now.


Thanks, have some triggering posters.

They're still running with that Trump is dark and spooky shit even after Clinton lost?

that reminds me, how's project socjus coming along?


It's kind of hilarious really.

The meme they are pushing today is

I think fine.

Pictured: the face of sanity


Hope so. The whole thing looked promising.

On a brighter note making it sound like gamers are now all political right-wingers might make all the hipsters and SJWs flee the industry before they lose all their progressive points.

I need sauce on that wolf vagina.

The new nep game, or an official 2hu or neir automata

Furshit should be gassed, but this reminds me. I need more forehead licking.



Using the #GamerGate time machine, I presume.

You can't gas all of Germany.


Learn to read, they did not write that he rose to popularity during gamergate. They wrote that he rose to popularity in the video-gaming subculture and the subculture later went political starting with gamergate.

An unnanounced for the West Japanese game.

and as we all know, the originator of videogames was nazi Germany

That reminds me, around 1:27:00 if someone webm I would be grateful, This speech goes well with us.

Its a dog

I will find the sauce user


The fuck are commies trying to shill their shit here so hard

Does it matter at this point?
There's a vagina in there somewhere and I need it now.

but there are vaginas in non-furry porn too, user

Communism is humanities vomit wipe it out

I remember the japanese version of it being posted in the doujin threads on /kemono/ ages ago, go look there.


we are in the slow hours once again

Is our /r/ dead?

Its not hard to find.

Link it if you do. I'm enough of a degenerate I'll probably fap to it eventually.

isn't that the Bat of that kid from Paranoia agent?

> archive.fo/3KLCg
Welcome to #Gamergate, Mister Kjellberg. We've been expecting you.

Just found this pastebin of Tracey…
USC Fauxminism: All-Male ‘Gaming Legends’ SJW Censor Doubles Down
I don't even know what to think. Gallagher's statements just keep contradicting with the actions the ESA does & the partners the organization is with.

HAH it's somewhere in here exhentai.org/g/960016/0689e3fb4e/ and
>>>/kemono/4078 except I can't find the english anywhere but /kemono/, where'd you get that?

Soon you fucking faggots. Soon you will answer for all you've done.

Just search the name of the doujin on exhentai nigga, if there's an english translated version it'll probably be there. This isn't rocket science.


what the hell am I watching

The fuck is this

I did, I got nothing

And that explains it, it has its own gallery whereas I was looking for the compilation.

Fucking lying media.