what's going to happen at E3 this year?
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Nothing, I'd bet.
The only things I look forward to seeing at E3 are this and Super Mario Odyssey.
Good memes, as that's all its good for anymore.
Cringe, SJW shit, people attacking Trump and complaining about muh refugees, and more pozzing.
Cringe and funposting with /vee/
All the summerfags from 4cucks that will be banned due to the shutposting will bring their cancer here making this board worse yet again.
Also cringe and maybe gameplay from upcoming decent games.
more switch games I hope
Game Journos try to false flag in response to e3 being open to the public, as another hitpiece against gamers.
It will backfire spectacularly
i want f-zero x (with the dd expansion) remake for 3ds
i wanna go fast in 3D
Reggie! What are you doing here! Go back to your desk and fill the rest of Switch boxes with your special DLC turd! We have only 12 days and hundred of buyers left!
this is the only thing worth watching this shitshow for
2016 had like 2 interesting games neither of which are out yet, just lot of progressives, microsoft donating money to feminist foundations and far too many XBox One Exclusives*
*also available on Windows 10.
I have a recap if anyone wishes to relive the horror.
I don't entirely care about Nintendo, but most of the other games I'm looking forward to aren't likely E3 show material.
Well, I suppose there's Marvel vs Capcom, but I don't trust Capcom these days.
It hasn't even had that going for it for years now.
I just care about TES6
It will be about videogames, profit and people having fun
Oh and bloggers crying foul of all those gamers allowed to enter the E3
We need our hero back.
bonerlord because it still won't be out yet :^)
It will be the worst E3 in recent memory, and they've been pretty bad since 2006. Switch isn't going to sell enough for third parties to bite and we already know NIntendo's lineup for the year, Xbone will remain fucked even with Scorpio, so E3's basically going to be Sony showing off their exclusives that will be on PC 6-12 months later. Oh yeah, and there will be the usual cadre of annual CoD, Madden, and AssCreed type shit, probably. Maybe some cringey liberal pandering indieshit. I'm not even going to waste the time to mock the show.
Give up alreadg
I hope for Cyberpunk 2077
Otherwise I dunno
Don't forget games that will be announced that will be still missing and not released three years later
Shenmue 3 will probably be cancelled. Never fucking ever
I'm going to be an optimistic fag and say DMC5 is going to be revealed after Capcom shows Dante for Marvel vs Capcom infinite. If it's not DMC5 I can still hopefully look forward to what ever Hideaki Itsuno ends up working on.
Sega is going to show something that will have to do with Those PC ports Jet Set Raido Future HD BABY.
I'd be willing to call you a moron and say the best you can hope for is a DMC phone game but that just made me think how they'd do it.
Better brush up on those buzzwords, OP.
that's missing one
A lot of disappointment, and probably more bullshit from the sjws in and out of the industry.
Journos BTFO even more as nobody gives a shit about their live coverage?
Someone will probably get groped
Jewbisoft will have 6ft nigress talking about her junk again or whatever
EA will bring more washed up Hollywood celebrities to play and endorse their homogeneous corporate product(s).
Bethesda is laying dormant after feeding on the profit that Fallout 4 generated, so not much to expect from them, though maybe they'll flash a teaser for TES6
More coverage of the Switch from Nintendo, maybe they'll actually announce some unexpected and interesting titles, but I'm not holding my breath
Microsoft will continue sucking shit, and they'll probably reveal the Scorpio prototype
Sony will continue their same routine of, "look at how modern and progressive and open minded we are" among shots of shitty indie garbage and trailers for whatever they've got lined up
Cockstar will have a demo for RDR2
Kojima will have a demo for Death Stranding
Probably a hell of a lot of indie fodder
ecelebs will get more of a spotlight than before because their fans will amass in droves to meet them on the show floor
It'll be yet an even bigger shitshow than before
Cringe and shitty memes abound
Mountain Blade is finally given a release date.
Bethesda either announces Skyrim 2 or another game in the vein of Fallout/Skyrim series and a sequel to that game made by Shinji Mikami.
Sony shows off more Sony films that no-one but die hard fans care about, a few good third parties that will never get a PC release are shown, one of them is from From and it's a new Souls game.
Microsoft talk big and deliver nothing, no-one is able to guess what they have been doing for the past 2 years with so few exclusives rolling out.
Nintendo shows their hand consisting mainly of releases between E3 2017 and E3 2018 which includes a few unnanounced titles that will release before years end 2017 with 1 new title shown for post E3 2018 and more in depth trailers for all their announced upcoming third party exclusives not including the SMT Switch, it's absent. Koizumi will host the direct, people will still not realize that he's being groomed as the next president, which is an excellent choice.
The mystery of why Platinum games, From Soft and Starbreeze were listed as Switch partners is not revealed, and probably never will be.
Konami announce a new 2d Castlevania and Super Bomberman R goes multiplat, no-one knows why there is a new 2d Castlevania.
Game journos of old will still be trying to force their way into the new media of Youtube, not even slightly funny games will somehow have exclusive gameplay and interviews in spite of their channel being fucking tiny with a small regular viewer base.
Iwana see Animal Crossing for Switch and Story of Seasons for Switch, I thought that it was a flat port of the first Story of Seasons but it's been upgraded to untitled.
I'm doubtful that the SMT for Switch stays exclusive, even though the system will sell well in Japon, entirely based off of it using Unreal 4, but that's all I am basing it off.
The team that made F-Zero GX now makes Yakuza games, that's a pretty regular series now, you are never seeing F-Zero again.
We only know it's in the works, we don't know if it will be announced at all
more disapintment
Getting drunk and laughing at the industry jews is good fun though even when dying inside
More #GirlWood
I wonder how many swipes will be taken at Trump at a video game conference that has nothing to do with politics
Didn't he die from cancer?
But Nintendo is a fun company that makes family friendly games!
thats a little insulting for crusaders. they fought for their god, not for some crony jew puppet president.
You're thinking of total biscuit.
Even better, GDC starts next week. Just one week 'til the numale hipsters and feminists start accidentally redpilling normalfag gaymers with their uncontrollable anti-Trump faggotry.
I'll never understand how anyone could willingly subject themselves to such concentrated faggotry.
Good goy hehehe.
Maybe you can shitpost on reddit now and stay there.
does this retard understand what censorship is or is he so retarded he's making REALLY beyond stupid strawmen?
He's a shitskin curry-in-a-hurry so years of shiteating and inbreeding.
- Out of touch idiots
- Cringe-inducing celebs
- Shit games
I'm pretty sure it's the latter.
his attempt at biting commentary just proves how little he knows about video games
But non-lethal was a thing in the first game.
non-lethal is a thing in most stealth orientated games
sounds like hes too retarded to understand what censorship is
he apparently has never played a metal gear in his life.
Like this would be something to be ashamed about.
No kidding the fact they're proudly talking some standard feature in the genre as a revolutionary addition worth writing articles about is pretty silly honestly.
Then again, these SJWs know jack shit about vidya.
I think Bethesda will announce Starfield this year. Something that Todd said will be the biggest game they have created. Most likely TES in space.
Trying to compete with star citizen and no man's sky flop? I can see this coming.
The patent was first filed at the same year NMS and Star Cucktizen were announced (2013), so, very possibly.
That's pic looks like one big non-sequiter. Why must Capitalism precede Socialism? Is there no other economic model that could inspire the development of socialism? What form of capitalism must precede socialism? Can socialism arise in an economic vacuum? It's historically been a response to Capitalism - but it's hardly the antithesis since Capitalism existed for long before Socialism, but Capitalism's very existence should have necessitated the creation of it's opposite economic model - which is basically a centrally and totally controlled micromanagement of the economy, not socialism (seizing the means of production by the people). It may seem that way in America where the Government is of the people - but what about in a monarchy, or dictatorship? Isn't that why people complain about how Socialism is great - except when dictators and tyrants take control and fuck it all up every single time it's ever been tried. Why couldn't socialism exist prior, and Capitalism flow from that?
How does any of that shit relate to game design?
Point 3 is the only bullet that makes sense, and it's just pointing out that the rest of the slide makes no sense.
Commies believe in something called the historical dialectic, a quasi-mystical force of nature that will inevitably move humanity through primitive communism which didn't exist to feudalism, capitalism, socialism and finally communism.
What about the team that made X?
Checked, they're all over the place, think they're mostly helping with the Nintendo Switch games lineup.
Because a jew wrote a book about it 200 years ago and if you don't believe it you are a infidel bourgeoise.
Y-you too.
Damn, that third one hit me right in the feels. I'm an aspiring devfag trying to work through a serious illness and sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get a game out.
I think that was a Nintendo internal team, they are always super busy, Nintendo needs more fucking studios.
Being a faggot?
GRIDS is a serious issue, please do not make light of it.
I should have specified physical rather than mental illness, you got me there.
What will happen in this year's E3?
The ESA will give platform to this feminist now that they opened it to the public! They deleted this tweet by the way and said, "it wasn't approved! We have been mistaken!"
Companies moving away from it
Nintendo will NOT have an E3 Pressence.
Microsoft moving to Sunday
Sony bribing their horrible E3.
by next year it'll be dead.
There's no point when Sony can just bribe everyone out and no one in the industry wants to get bribed by anyone but Sony
People like you are the reason this site has no morale.
Elder Scrolls 6 will be Fallout 4 with swords
Commander Keen reboot
Nu-Prey DLC
Nu-Quake is still shit
Off the list because the Xbox brand is fucking dead and Microsoft helped to killed it.
They try to be (((progressive))) and failed at it
Some indieshit they're publishing
Nu-Battlefront 2 is a Battlefield 1 clone
Nu-Star Wars shit
Sports shit
PC Show
AMD shilling
Unironic Denuvo shilling
Star Shitizen
Half Life 3 never ever
Lawbreakers is shit
Prince of Persia reboot is a AssCreed clone
NigChick hosting the show again with more forced memes
Rayman will forever stay dead
Blood Dragon 2 never ever
For Honor DLC
Tom Clancy shit
Unironic shilling of their up coming movies with one of the main trailers be The Emoji Movie
Spiderman PS4 is based on the new movie
Nu-God of War is shit
The Last of Us 2 is the biggest SJW propaganda game in existence with Not-Trump as the main villain
Crash HD trilogy will be multiplat and the there will be massive salt from the sonyniggers
Nier and Demon's Souls remastered
Nier Automata DLC
Mario odyssey is cool but not as good as Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy
Metroid will forever be dead
First look at Zelda BOTW DLC
FE Warriors is censored
Treehouse is still alive and continuing to censored every Nintendo game for years to come
No Third Party support again
No, actually, we need people more people to run over and shit up other sites with their shitposting instead of ruining our own communities. There's a reason I tell shitposters to go back to 4chan; it's because the site is already so shit and chaotic that they might as well stir the shit and fuel the fires even more. It doesn't have much of an effect though, so that's why they should go to Reddit instead.
I'd much rather have people shitting in Tumblr and meming on special snowflakes than interrupting and breaking discussion and content in this community.
That whole GDC presentation honestly makes zero sense. Indeed, according to Marxist dialectics, Capitalism is the preceding phase of history before Socialism and then Communism. How this relates to game design I'm entirely unsure. By engaging in the capitalistic enterprise of designing and selling games for profit, this somehow leads to Socialism?
Unless you're coming at this from an accelerationist standpoint, but even then. Simply engaging in the act of making Capitalism more tolerant, I fail to see how this creates anything close to the ideas promoted by Marx and Engels.
If you ask me, its a bunch of hippy dippy, centrist, liberals LARPing around, thinking that making videogames makes them a revolutionary. When the extent of their personal 'revolutionary' thought is simply, 'lets make croney capitalism a little more bearable'.
Polite sage because off topic politics.
How's it feel to absorb neo-Holla Forums's groupthink?
I come from the future and I will tell you that nothing occurs at E3 except for the following:
1. Terrible vidya and tons of failed potential
2. Cringe
3. A LOT of anti-Trump sentiments and jokes
4. Cringe (this time from the crowds, not developers)
5. Terrible ideas from terrible people who think cussing and profanity make them "hip" and "edgy" and "trendy"
6. someone is going to [claim] rape and that YOU did it, John. Yes YOU. I KNOW YOU ARE READING THIS JOHN
Oh and Aisha Tyler will once again be cringey as fuck.
this is a good thing.
You better be fucking wrong m8.
Absolutely nothing of worth.
They couldn't fuck the series up worse than Keen Dreams. Could they?
Reminder that Keen Dreams was so shit, it's source code and rights was only worth $1,500. An Indigogo was set up to buy the source code, but couldn't even reach $1,300. After which, the company who owned it released the source code anyhow because the paperwork involved with selling it would have cost more than just throwing it away.
Salt mining, shitposting and laughing at normalfags on Holla Forums is what it's good for. Also: spiteful memes.
Nah. If Bethesda announces a game at E3, it will be Starfield, mark my word.
Nu-Quake looks like your typical classic arena shooter autism garbage. At least it provides a game mode where there are differences between characters and a competitive mode where everyone is equal. How is it shit?
Trump is a well known Putin and Bibi shill. It's a plot to make the right wing support Israel's interest again. Why does this surprise you?
Even Miyamoto doesn't like F-Zero.
e3? wont it be more like e22 at this point? or maybe e621?
maybe there can be a return to the mother land expansion where you can fight with blowdarts and spears trying to round up the enemy tribe to sell as slaves