Retro games

So instead of bitching about modern video games, why doesn't everybody just find all the games they missed growing up?

I'm playing through the Wario Land (and World) series for the first time. I've only ever played through about half of 3 when I was a kid. What golden oldies are you all playing?

I know there's an emulation thread, but nobody wants to talk about video games in there.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Awakening#Development

Spelunker II for the NES/Famicom. What the fuck were they thinking? This game is hard as fuck and i don't even know where to go. You can also go to hell if you kill too many animals

Might have to define "retro" in terms of the thread. Not that I want to start an argument on it, just that I've been on a bit of a PS2 binge lately (first got one some years back and am still getting around to playing stuff for the first time), and I'm not sure if this would be the sort of place for discussing it, given how divided people tend to be on where sixth gen exactly fits.

1999 or before is retro.

Really, anything that's at least 10 years old. If it can't really be called "modern", it's retro enough for me. I was going to title the thread "games you missed out on when they came out, but are playing now that everybody else has forgotten about them", but I couldn't think of a good short way to convey that.
Really, why complain about how shit most games are now when there's a wealth of unplayed treasure you may have never touched?

You are a mad man, I played that game for a whole day and got no where.

Even though we have a /vr/ board which gets no love. I went back and played Final Fantasy 2 and 3 for the nes. If you get the bug fix in 2 and learn the mechanics and rng it can be a pretty good game. 3 is insanely underrated for how grand of a game it is. I mean within 2 hours you are smashing a ship into a mountain. The end game dungeon side quest has you fighting all the legendary monsters of old. Good stuff.

Thanks to the Sega Genesis Retroarch "Virtual Console" created for the 3DS, I'm playing Shadow Dancer on the comfiest mode possible

Because the truth is, most people here completely grew out of video games.

Their mind is now so fucked that when they go back to games they used to love they find SOMETHING they didn't notice before that triggers the fuck out of them, and they drop the game.
Or they go on the developer's twitter and find something that triggers them, and bam, now any game made by them that they enjoyed in the past is now shit.
Or they don't have the attention span anymore to sit down and sit trough boring parts or to keep playing after they die once, and they quit the game.

So every fucking day they come here and make "I WISH GAMING WAS GOOD AGAIN" and "TFW DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANY VIDYA ANYMORE" every fucking day.
And the only thing left for them, to only real video game they have left, is Holla Forums itself.

Shitting on games becomes the new video game, shitposting and getting replies gives them instant gratification, every (you) gives them a small joilt of endorphin, just like how they used to have back when they actually played video games.

Why do you think /vr/ is so dead and threads that AREN'T about shitting on video games 404, while threads that are about shitting on something get 500 fucking replies in 2 minutes?
Because of that driveby shitpost, that sweet, sweet (you) of someone getting mad.
Video games can't compete to Holla Forums.
Holla Forums is the only video game you've got left.

Great games, especially Wario Land 1, great atmosphere/music too.

You can go back now.

I thought about posting it there, but I don't really want to start a thread and have to check it 3 days later to see if it got any responses.
Halfchan /vr/ in its first 6 months was the fucking best.

I've been replaying all the dk country stuff for the snes. I don't know how I beat this shit as a kid, it's busting my balls now.

Nice armchair psychology homie, how bout you head back to where you came from

Yeah, Holla Forums doesn't have that big of a player base. What is halfchans /vr/ like right now? I heard the BO is now a gamer gurl and ban happy.

Max comfy

Man that music seriously triggers me

I just beat it. A couple mechanic issues aside (The fact that you have to hold up to get a high jump, a moving high jump is faster horizontally than a normal jump or walking, and the fucking hidden waterfall door in stage 9), it was a whole lot of fun. I'm going to do these in order, so VB Wario Land is next, but I just ordered a pair of 3D glasses and need to wait until Tuesday for them to come in. I want as close to the real experience as I can get without having to buy a Virtual Boy, and anaglyph 3D is good enough for me.

I wouldn't know. I left years ago and never looked back.

Just sounds like you're depressed, user.

I am too

Beating this game is absolutely on my to-do list even if it's obtuse as a rock.

I don't know user God Hand is a pretty good game.

Also, fuck this game.

Go on Holla Forums have fun.

I wish I had friends to play this with.

Fightcade is the solution my fellow puzzle fighter fan!

I wonder where Virtual Boy Wario Land stand among the other Wario Land games?

I've heard good things. I suppose I'll find out on Tuesday.

It's the best Virtual Boy game. I think it's as good as the original trilogy, maybe between 1 and 2.

Getting mixed signals here, but I suppose I might as well go with what OP's verdict is for this particular thread. Been taking a short break from my PS2 (though admittedly been playing Odin Sphere on my PS3 at the moment), but planning on playing Tsugunai once I get done and head back to it. Premise sounded pretty neat, but it seems like the media in general was rather harsh on early PS2 RPGs up until 2002 or so with Final Fantasy X and Shadow Hearts (and even then, fucking IGN only found the latter to be a 5/10, while FFX was a 9.5). Not that "official" ratings have always been the proper indicator of a game being good or not. I guess I'll have to see for myself what it's like.

Also can't find any artwork, be it official (I know it has to exist; I've seen scans of the manual) or fan made, for it regardless.

Yeah, I wish it was more popular here as well, since the sort of games I'd like to discuss don't really warrant threads on Holla Forums these days and would fit in to some degree on /vr/ here (especially given how the BO is lenient with up to 2003). Unfortunately, it seems like no matter the vidya board or how popular they get, all vidya discussion has to come back to Holla Forums in the end. Though it doesn't help matter than the prior /vr/ board owner declared the site compromised and fucked off until the current guy, Segata, took it over.

Left halfchan years back and haven't gone back since. Last I was there though they were just as autistic and anal as ever about what was retro or not, meaning whether a Dreamcast thread was left alone or deleted was up to how the hotpocket on duty viewed its status.

A part of me has wondered, what with all the shit that's happened to halfchan, why they never came over here. But I suppose it might have to do with fear of separation of their posterbase in such and act, and given differences in rules between both /vr/ there and here, I suspect that they'd just opt to make /realvr/ or something rather than acquiesce to the existing rules /vr/ here has had. Of course, I'm not even sure if they'd be a good addition at this point, given they've opted to stay put for years.

I think with the Exodus and all, only the top 4 boards were effected to leave. Most anons on 4chan, being that it is pretty fucking huge, didn't give two shits about what actually happened.

I thought it was mainly Holla Forums and Holla Forums that had seen reason to leave, between GG censorship and the Holla Forumsharbor bombing.

I see that Tales of Destiny back there. Hope you've played Eternia as well.

It's true that a lot of us became more cynical towards the game industry growing up. When we were children, most of our video games were either rented for less than $5 or were simply bought for us as presents during our birthdays or Christmases (because God knows my parents never bought me a game unless it was either one of those two occasions).

Now we're the adults. Now we're the ones pouring in 40+ hours a week and paying $40-$60 on video games. Since we're sacrificing more for the opportunity to play video games than we ever did as children, the things that upset us - poor gameplay, shoehorned socio-political messages, exploitative DLC/Microtransaction setups - do so to a far higher degree.

But I try not to look at things that way. I admit that I heavily rely on nostalgia to enjoy both old and new games because video games were far more enjoyable as a child. If I invoke that child-like sense of wonder and excitement, video games become fun again.

We're talking about games with characters that we would draw pictures of in grade school in our notebooks, characters we spent so much time imagining about. Games that we eagerly awaited to get home so we could continue on to see how the story unfolded. Games that we felt a sense of accomplishment for completing and to see that final scene where evil was vanquished and the princess was rescued and all was well and it was all thanks to us that it happened.

Maybe the reason we become so cynical towards games is because we approach them from the perspective of world-weary adults and not the children we used to be.

Where did you get the shelves on the walls. I need those badly.

There's also people like me who were barely allowed games growing up anyhow, so I stuck to the handful that I liked and only started branching out years later into seeing what I missed out on. I don't even remember getting games for birthdays or Christmas either back then.

There's also people like me who were introduced to Dreamcast and Playstation piracy at an early age, heh.

Going to be honest: I didn't know game piracy or emulation was a thing until I started lurking half/v/, probably somewhere around 2006 or so, so there's a lot I missed out on. On the one hand, I still have plenty of great older games to enjoy for the first time; on the other hand, for most of those I don't get much opportunity to actually discuss them with others, given how they don't warrant threads at this point.

Though, even if I did know about emulation back in the day, my parents would have likely gotten on my case over wasting my time on games (vidya being in their opinion "a waste of my time and their money" back then).

I have never really gone through and adult vs child mental state when it comes to video games. Its just a hobby. I stopped collecting when I went to university cause spacing reasons. As for new games, I simply have no interest in what is being produced for the masses. There is a hidden gem here and there, but there are so many old good games it doesn't even bother me. I can't even remember the last game I purchased. I think it was either Mario Kart 8 for my wife or a legit version of Warband. (They only give you a CdKey which is cute).

I was raised in a Christian home so video games were Satan 101 and evil to core. The only video game my parents evenr bought me was pokemom red when it first came out. I got a job at 12 just to buy my own Snes.


forgot additional pics. Been meaning to ask, I've been putting of Curse of Monkey Island for years out of fears it might be bad. Anyone have any thoughts.

I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing as you can enjoy content at a more deeper level as an adult than what you could as a child.

The current vidya industry being shit might not be as much of a meme as anybody would want to believe, especially with the (((modern art))) levels of investment and incestuous shady dealings floating around.

Nigga it's great.

I just got a Core i5 on the cheap and can finally emulate PS2 games at 1080p.

I'm playing through Lament of Innocence and Silent Hill 2 right now.

I've been playing the Streets of rage and Golden Axe series over and over the past few weeks. I'm going to beat all of them without dying someday, damn it!

lol at this Good Will Hunting word salad. The more simple truth is that many people simply don't think the latest AAA shovelware is worth playing. It's interesting to see the rationalizations shit taste crybabies like you come up with when your favorite game is cut down to size. Cry more, bitchboy.

user, it looks like he bought some planks and attached them to the wall with some shelf brackets. It probably cost ~5 dollars for each shelf.

Speaking of NES Final Fantasy… anyone remember FFanon with the save-hack? I wanted to see a part 2 of that thread to see if we could redeem our hero CUCK

Games like these free me from the pain of life.

the opening notes remind me of

I just finished LoZ: aLttp, and good god, what a fucking brilliant game. Also busy with TMC and LoZ. A few Kirby games as well and Metroid too. All on my emulator PSP, super fucking awesome for these games.

I had no idea these games were so fucking comfy

I finished replays of Turok 1 (via remaster) and Legend of the Mystical Ninja last month.

Meanwhile most posts on this board read like they come from petty 15 year olds.

That's a good point, it was kind of a "you get what you get" situation for most of us, so we had no choice but to find a way to enjoy the games we had.
That's another argument for going back and enjoying the games you missed. There are many consoles that many of us never had. With the competition of Sega vs Nintendo and then Sony vs Nintendo, many people only had a Super Nintendo or a Sega Genenis, or the N64 or a PlayStation, but not both. I had a PlayStation and a N64, but I only had like 3 PlayStation games, so there's a lot of hidden gold in that library I never played.

How are the Ultima games? I've heard a bunch about them (and Ys), but I never played a lot of RPGs growing up other than Pokemon and Final Fantasy.

How many of you here have beaten this piece of shit?

I've beaten it several times without continues.

shoo, shoo moroccan scum!

I recently replayed the Asterix games on Sega Master System I played in the after school center during my elementary school years and it brought back some good memories
like girls still being friendly to me

I played it a lot as a kid, but I never got past the turbo tunnel. I haven't played it since I was 10.

I feel sorry that you've lived this long and have never played Super Mario Land 3 - what a fucking classic.

Start then select x16


You neurotic fagots and the silly imaginary world you live in. Must be honestly terrifying. by the way you forgot your (you)

I would love to get into PC98 and MSX2 games but I don't want to learn Moon. But I live on Emulation. Just replayed (pic related).

Sometimes i just forgot what year it is.

Don't be. I get to experience it for the first time now.

Better late than never, to be sure.

I also forgot, after Select x16, hold down B + D-Pad to move around values

I never need to use it, but sometimes it's fun.
Definitely get all of the treasures.
If you jumpdash right at the lid of the treasure chest, you can "grab" the treasure before it fully leaves the chest - leaving it as an object stuck in the map - and it will "die" but you still get it

Why does rob the robot have grandma tits?

I finally played DX and the new dungeon, too. It was way too easy…the Red Tunic was worth it, though.

What a fucking awesome game.

What world did you live in?
Castlevania III was $44.95 in 1990, if you adjust for inflation that is $83.52
Yes this was always the case but now we can Pirate and have a huge backlog of what is essentially abandonware with emulation. I would argue that gaming is cheaper now as long as you are frugal with your money.

He might be talking about how a lot of people got their games from used games stores. $5 is a huge exaggeration, though. Most NES games were hard to find for less than half their new price well into the 90s (other than horribly common ones like Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt).

Yeah, and pawn shops / game shops were probably even full of even harder shop keeps cause they didn't even play the game and wanted to make a quick buck.

http ://www php

Yes and alot of normalfags get their games on steam sales or flat out piracy. Seriously when I was a kid I think I owned like 4 nes games and 5 SNES games. Because getting a game was expensive and If I wanted something outside of a one a year birthday percent I had to buy it with money that I earned by doing chores around the house. I remember literally saving 50 dollars worth of loose change to buy Zelda II.My backlog of games is ridiculous and almost every sing one I got for less then $10 or flat out got for free. It's like video games are so cheep and abundant is like being given a trash bag full of grateful dead mix tapes from a deadhead. Anyone complaining about the price of games are just spoiled brats* who are irresponsible with their money.

* Now if you are to say that micro-transactions, DLC and Anti-Piracy bloat ware are shit I would agree. But to cry "back in my day video games where cheep, it just bullshit.

Yeah Gamestop was supper shit for selling used games for a bloated price. You didn't find "bargain bin" sales unless they where trashcan tier vidya.

Or Ps3 games, I am still blown away I found Neir, Demon Souls and Dark Souls for 4 bucks each. Then you go over to the Nintendo bin and Wii games are like 30 bucks.

I used to buy all my SNES games from a pawn shop that sold them for $10 each. no bullshit, no hanging on to the "rare ones" to sell privately, just ten bucks got you a game. god i miss 1995

Absolute cancer. Everyone there is either a tryhard elitist or hipster memer, and there's a rogue mod that deletes your posts if you say an opinion that triggers them (like Nintendo bashing).

I just finished up Space Quest 5 over the weekend. I haven't played or beat this game in over 20 years. I actually laughed out loud at a few points in this game, it holds up better than I expected it would (there was only one reference in a joke that I had no idea WTF it was talking about, something about an encyclopedia commercial that must have been airing non-stop at the time).

I stop in to /vr/ from time to time. I wish that board saw more love.

The struggle is real.

I didn't, DK has always kicked my ass. :/


I own both a VB and Wario for it. It's the best game for the system, imho.

ActRaiser is awesome, why "fuck this game"?

It's a good, solid game and probably the #1 title for the system.

I almost started in on this over the weekend. Space Quest 6 won out, but only slightly.

A Link to the Past was, is, and always will be the best Zelda game to date. Fuck OoT.

Got to the end, couldn't beat it.

Second best Zelda game, interesting history as well.'s_Awakening#Development

I hate this. I can't even post dank reactions because this piece of shit motherboard I am stuck using only has 2 sata connections and I would rather have my media hard drive connected. I fucking hate this.

Probably because he hates it compared to the first actraiser
I personally love both

One of my favorite things to do is to mod consoles and get the best quality out of them, and from there explore their game libraries. I've discovered the original xbox is an amazing platform and the Sega saturn actually won the 5th gen by doing this. Also that the wii and gc and wii u are all terrible consoles.

I guess they're not really retro because they're only from 94 and 99 but I finally got around to playing System Shock 1&2 and I was pleasantly surprised by SS1 and so far have been very disappointed by SS2.

SS1 felt basically like Doom with an inventory system, some puzzles, really interesting and open levels you could mostly explore in multiple directions. The only problems I had with it were some wonky hitboxes when aiming up or down, tedious ammo collection, weapons mostly feeling a bit too similar, cyberspace and some of the last floors being shit and the final fight and cutscene being really short and unsatisfying. I really liked that you just got dropped into large levels and had to figure out what to do on your own by tracking down logs and almost every corner of every floor had something useful in it.

Then SS2 which I've seen so many people jerk off over being one of the best PC FPS or whatever immediately discarded basically everything I liked about the first game. Long boring tutorials at the start though thankfully you can skip them, a really dumb and tedious character creation system that takes a long time to go through but doesn't actually explain anything you pick and could easily be replaced by just a menu, and then as soon as you get to the ship you've got someone constantly talking in your ear and feeding you good boy points when you do exactly what it tells you to. There also so far hasn't been any real exploration, you're constantly presented with what appear to be multiple routes but you find all but one are dead ends that require something from the one real path to proceed. Dedication to looting also doesn't feel good since most of what you find you can't even use because of the stat system.

those are available at any furniture store for almost nothing, but if you want to get it even easier just buy some brackets (less than $1 each at a hardware store) and get a cedar or spruce 1x6 (about $1.25 a foot at the lumberyard I work at). extra credit: finish/varnish the wood, add a coat of lacquer, and/or rout the front edge for a nice finished professional looking product. it's literally the easiest fucking woodworking project you could ever undertake and they look great

Pawn shops were my fucking jam. FF3, Secret of Mana and SNES Doom all for $8 each at the same shop.

Dude, it's a few brackets and plank. $10 project at most, and that's if you're having someone cut the plank for you or you're making some retardedly long shelf.

Wario Land is 1994. Wario Land 3 came out 2000. System Shock is definitely retro if it's Game Boy era.

Oh fuck man, the Donkey Kong Country games had some of the best music. Though I don't remember much from 3.

If anyone hasn't played secret of mana 2 yet, what's wrong with you? But ball busting aside, if you have the time, it's a great game that plays a lot like the first. But there is a lot more story with where you have to pick three out of the six main characters to use throughout the game. If you have the time, then download a rom of it and have some fun.

I think an NES rental was $2 for Fri-Sun when I was a kid. The world was a simpler and nicer place back then.


I miss early 2000's more than 90's.

I really do. We had no idea how good we had it.

Tell me user, how badly did the Dark Queen fuck your ass?

I said "when we *rented* our video games for less than $5."

…there was a Spelunker II? Neat.

I've gone through the the entire NES library. Not playing through everything, but at least playing trying every single game out. I should probably do the same with things exclusive to the Famicom, I haven't really touched too many Japan-only titles.

Out of the some I've tried, Mitsume Ga Tooru stands out as breddy gud. Platformer by Natsume. Run around, shoot things with your third eye, throw your magic javelin platformamajigger, get coins, shoot coins over and over to bounce them up in the air and make them bigger and worth more, buy upgrades, see some some of the usual gimmicks you'd expect from platformers. Would recommend.

Just started it last night! Went Fighter, Magician, and Thief. Fuck heal sluts and furry fags.

Honestly I'm not even sure I made it all the way to her, I think I made it just to the last level and got stomped. Fucking NES hard man.

I built a RetroPie a few months ago and loaded it up with ~500 games, give or take, from NES, SNES, GB, GBC, GBA, Genesis, and PSX, and a couple of PSP games too. It's pretty fantastic, and I included every game I not only owned as a kid, but played as well, like some obscure ones my cousin had on her Genesis. It's a great way to just boot something up and go when I'm not sure how much time I'll have to play.

i lose long tracts of memory because im a basket case. i replay games and its like playing them for the 1st time.

Been playing some FFIX, it's pretty good so far. I've been playing some playstation games now since I grew up with nintendo consoles and missed out on a bunch of games. I also wanted to try the PC-98 Library of games along with the x68000 games.

I did, i ended up with around 1500 unplayed games from nes way up to wii. I just added yesterday 50 more psp games to my list

What a happy ending!

Best way to play N64 and GameCube games? The emulators seems pretty shitty and the "real deal" are expensive due to autistic collectors must fill their shelf with shit.

Here's a Magnet of all the NES library (including some hacks) separated into JAP/EU-US

Emulators are shit

Emulator is absolute god-tier among emulators and is unified with the Wii emulator Dolphin. You would be a fool not to emulate GC.

screencap was taken without the widescreen hack on, which fixes the aspect ratio, this was just to demonstrate the difference in color/texture quality

Dolphin is a great 3D-era console emulator. If you have a decently beefy PC, it's better than the original thanks to graphical enhancements.

As for N64, I don't have any experience with flash carts but they're probably a better option than paying scalpers.

FUCKING Legacy of the Wizard. I couldn't figure out where to go after a certain point when I played that as a kid, so I kept replaying it and getting stuck at the same point.

Sounds ok, was hoping for better N64 support. GC seems to run native on Wii/WiiU with some flashing. But if emulators are better, than that is good unless my computer is too weak.

These fucking ROMcarts for N64 cost as much as a WiiU… the fuck

I'm so fucking hyped for Warframe to release the new bard-esque character so I can set each of four simultaneous tracks to be DKC music. It's gonna come with a Mario Paint style composer for each of her four skills to play as individual tracks that can layer over each other.

N64 emulation is fine for the handful of games actually worth playing on it.

but muh hidden gems games?

Try mupen64plus for those.

N64 emulation isn't that bad. Use the latest Retroarch and the latest mupen64 core and it's definitely passable.

You know the PS2 port is famously inferior to the original Gamecube version, right? On original hardware

Well I tried dolphin and it just have those microstutters from time to time that ruins it, mupen64 probably have the same thing

Probably a hardware problem on your end.

There was an old gameboy game I played as a kid that was basically a fighting game and the last boss was some big ass vampire guy that would stomp the living shit out of you.

I cant for the life of me remember the name of it.

GameCube emulators are very good. I was using one to play REMake a while back, until the PC release came out.

No it is probably shader cache stuttering since there is no such concept of shaders on the gamecube the CPU thread is put to sleep while the shader is compiling (when needed)


wew lad


Try the OpenGL renderer. I remember the shader compiling being much better than the DirectX one.

ActRaiser 2 is horseshit. The sprites are too big, you have too few iframes, and enemies spawn around randomly and don't telegraph their actions enough. Gameplay-wise it feels like an Action 52 title

Emulators are 1000x better.

I had only used Project64 up to 2.1, it only works well on the Zelda games, so I will definitely have to check out RetroArch. thx

You need to look at the dolphin wiki for settings most comparable to your hardware and fuck with the settings in general. Play with shit like increasing internal resolution (loads your GFX card more) vs enabling AA (loads CPU more) to achieve the same end.

I also hope you did not download the "stable" versions. You need the latest dev release.

I also hope you checked "Dual core support" in the settings. What are your specs btw?

The 3D glasses fucking sucked. I'm just playing this shit in 2D. It's a pretty fun game so far. You always want to play the x10 coin game every time. The odds are always in your favor. 3/4 chance to halve your coins and a 1/4 chance to multiply it by 10 is disgustingly good odds.

I just finished it.
Compared to Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land, it's a step up in some areas and down in others. It has about a third the number of levels, The levels are about the same size, and there are no branching paths. Some of the hidden treasures you literally have to find by ground pounding random tiles or shooting fire at all the walls, but only 2 or 3 of them. The game is fun, but terribly short. On the plus side, it has some interesting abilities (though not enough for my tastes, it only has two extra abilities on top of the ones from the previous game), and the controls are superb. The foreground-background thing was done very well, though I'd have liked to see more of it across some extra levels.
If you have a hacked New 3DS, I'd recommend playing through it on the virtual boy emulator there. The 3D effects are pretty worth it, but red-blue anaglyph glasses fucking suck. I imagine it would be better on the 3DS.

I'm moving on to Wario Land 2 tomorrow.

Just about all I ever play anymore is old games. Modern vidya is roughly 99% cancer.

What are some good /vr/ PC WRPGs?

it's like i'm living another timeline or something, why dont you faggots actually literally just go play some videogames?

What's the best Spiderweb series to get into? I have played the first Geneforge and that was pretty fun.

Because then Holla Forums would realize that older games being so much better is actually just nostalgia and they wouldn't have anything to circlejerk over.

Exile is still the best.

What a waste of dubs
Sprites are just right. Enemies are predictable as fuck and you can deal with them easily if you know what you're doing. Too little iFrames could be a problem (though I never had any).

I'd get you if you complained about it being slow compared to the first one, or that mobility isn't great, but you just couldn't git gud

And also, I'm almost sure that you never even played Action 52.

shameless self bamp looking for FFanon to redeem our hero CUCK

I'm thinking of playing Final Fantasy legend 2. I first played it probably a decade ago, but I never finished it. When I was reading about it again, I read that a remake for the DS came out a while ago in japan, and a translation patch was created. Is the remake worth playing instead of the original? Also, are the other Final Fantasy Legend games good? I know they were originally not FF games in japan, and the label was probably added in the US for marketing purposes.

Wario land 2 was probably my favorite of the wario games, but I haven't really given 4 or wario VB much of a look yet. 2 Uses a pretty unique level progression. Similar to games like super mario world, some levels have alternate exits. Instead of being shortcuts on the world map, these exits can lead to an entirely new branch from the story, fully separate from any other level branch. There is even one at the start of the game you can get by sleeping past your alarm clock.

I've been playing the original X-com games ever since I beat the newer ones and have been having much more fun with it than I thought I would. Also a damn shame just how much you can actually do in the original compared to the newer ones, like having multiple bases and skyrangers. I don't think I'll be able to go back to nu-com even with long war after playing this.

Once I beat it, I'll try out terror from the deep. Though all I've heard from it is that lobsterman are absolute bullshit to deal with. If I get burnt out by the end, then I'll probably finally finish Icewind Dale II which I've been putting off for some reason.

Wario Land II is pretty great, but I'm a little irritated at the treasure game. The fact that if you miss a treasure, you have to play through the entire game again to get it (instead of just the level) is dogshit. The worst part is that it costs coins to play, so if you use all your coins and can't find enough in the level to play again (which is common, as coins don't come back, so you'd have to spend like an hour killing enough enemies for one more go), you're fucked. I've actually shut it off and started a level over again just because I didn't have the money to get the treasure the first time and my reaction time is shit.

I'd read about the story branches, and I'm looking forward to exploring those after I finish the main story.

Is it bad that I consider Wario Land 3 better?

I take that back. I didn't know you got a stage select after finishing the game. Wario Land II is great.

Not at all. I think I enjoy the third one more, based on what I remember from my childhood. I really dig the Metroidvania-style backtracking and ability unlocking, and the day-night system was pretty interesting.

I actually can't find some of the old vidya I liked, the creators fucked up and lost their sources, and they were only available on now-degraded floppies.
Thank fuck for people like Becky Heinemann that autistically salvage everything before they start their new projects, she's passed on some potential lost souls to the Underdogs.

lassie go home!

This is the best NES game, nothing else can compare except for maybe Little Samson.

What are some good X68k games to download and play?

I don't regret this purchase, it's a PSX port of the game though.

Etoile Princesse
Cho Ren Sha/Chourensha
A-Train/A Ressha de Ikou series

Terror from the Deep isn't much more than a sprite swap of X-com. O.G. X-com was an amazing game, though. I still replay it every few years and still love it.

You are completely fucking WRONG. If you go back to old games you will find way way, way, way less political bullshit and agendas that they try to sell you, especially leftist hipster hugbox shit.

Wario Land II is fucking awesome. These branching story paths are the best.

lol kill yourself you retarded faggot

Most of us are pirates I assume so we sacrifice next to no money whatsoever. As far as time goes, almost all classic vidya are designed to be played in short bursts. Fuck, even Square RPGs at their most bloated allow frequent saves so a person can play through them even if they have very little free time. Your argument is complete shit and I bet you're gay, too.

That's because 3 was garbage.

That's why it's good.

Oh man, I haven't seen this kinda retarded "Holla Forums hates all vidya" projection since halfchan. How's it going, newfag?

Holy shit, why is the secret stage so fucking hard?

My eternal nigger