Hey Holla Forums, I need some good fully featured dress-up games where clothes and/or fashion is the main focus

Hey Holla Forums, I need some good fully featured dress-up games where clothes and/or fashion is the main focus.

Don't get me wrong, it's perfectly fine if there's a focus on things other than just dress-up, I'm just not super interested in flash games or "Dream Avatar" makers for Maple Story or GaiaOnline.

Trying to think of more examples, myself.

Dark Souls

The Sims series. Each release has a shitton of custom clothing mods. Including burkas.

That and Dragon's Dogma.
You can just git gud and put on whatever you want.

I really honestly would prefer something cute.

Didn't Akiba's Trip let you dress your party up?

Lightning returns has a lot of customization for a game of its genre, though it's based on full costumes you can colorize, not true dress up.

Yeah and the clothing options were pretty diverse as well. Also it's a damn fun game that's like a mix off Persona and Yakuza.

Fortunes Summoners has some dressup.
It's also bretty fun

Why are the English versions of Girls Mode 3 so shit?

Sorry but is this a fetish or genuine interest? I actually want to get into these kinds of games.

Have you never played a game with dressup elements?
How can you live with yourself user?

Anyway, Neptunia series tend to have pretty cute dressups. I enjoy the slick, mindless grind, others may not though.

Dream Girlfriend on Android. Not much interaction but lots of clothes and accessories.

Second Life

Nothing comes close to Phantasy Star Online 2 in the customization department, both in terms of your character's body and the clothes they wear.

my wife still thinks this is a dress up and dance video game and uses it to create outfits and shit…

of course after she save the maid i go to the yotogi

Woah, what a fucking loser.
Enjoy paying alimony in a couple of years.

So… Style Savvy is pretty much the best of the best in this genre?


reminder digital girls will never have rights

Dont lie anonymous.

Everyone says that game is beautiful, but whenever I see any screenshots of it, it looks like ass, with low poly models, wooden hands, terrible textures and clipping up the ass.

I mean the fuck is this? PS3 game?

You are one discovery away from a divorce

You homosexual NEET scum need to leave