ITT: Holla Forums designs a video game HUD one element at a time

I'll start.

Other urls found in this thread:

We need more helmet UIs

must have feature tbh fam



Time Limits are a must though Anons

HP bar is looking a little low, so here's some blood vision.

And a mana system

But what if the player doesn't know what to do? You need hints for that!


Can't forget your mana and niggergy, user. Always need to know your mana and niggergy levels.

Someone combine these>>11911554


Don't worry about mistakes it's only early access. it will be fixed in the final release

And another integral part of a good videogame HUD


Ok what's the latest HUD version so far

You've brought shame to the numbers, friend.


These are the best

This thread is moving way too fast, someone needs to combine all the new additions into one image

At least it wasn't an eye.

The billy bar is the most crucial addition, without it you will never know how much Billy you have so you'll never find a way to up down.

user, I'm gonna need a source for that.

Nigga I almost did

And hunger/thirst/energy etc

But it's a Biilly bar, not a Billy bar. What's this, a Chinese knockoff?


It only measures how much Billy you have. This guy has more Billy than the standard guy. one I more. You can collect up to twelve Billy.

Can't forget the essentials






how can you be that far in the game and not know your alignment


Continue with this.

All this and we still forgot the quick bar for our items.



It's still too empty, something is still missing.


How did we go so long without offering goyi..gamers the ability to enrich their experience with cheap fulfilling DLC?

no idea what to add in the last 3




This is too much work. go away (where is the hideo kojima credits

Best one so far

meant for

This. Where's the helmet?

What would a game be like where the HUD took up the entire center of the screen, and the gameplay took place around the edges of the screen? It likely wouldn't be an action game, probably some kind of micromanagement game.


That new 40k warhammer action game does this. your weapon take 1/4 of the screen alone



Just 2 more letters bro

No quest journal ?

That's on the touchpad.


My fucking eyes hurt from seeing this shit
good work, keep going

Polygon's review just came out and it's fucking garbage, as expected.

Well It's still in EA Alpha.

over 9000 posts later


Not too far from reality


It's so bad, it has an accidental connection to the alt-F4


Don't forget to spend your in-game currency :^)



Also here's the currency exchange rate:
130c = $1
760c = $5
1290c = $10
2330c = $20

Decreasing ROI, should be changed. How about this -

How do i make the kill meter look cool

Now there's something i didn't expect to see

First thread I've seen in a while where OP is not a fag and it genuinely has some lulzy user-sourced stuff in it. I'm impressed.

I don't care what they say, Holla Forums has the best people of all the boards, and I go to the most frequent oneslove you fags


share your adventures with your friends !

we do not support pedoshit on this board.



but user if i told you billy is the name of an adorable loli would that make it okay?

someone add the fruit hud from yoshi's story

only if she's asian.







I would put in a PLEASE PURCHASE PREMIUM ACCOUNT TO KEEP PLAYING somewhere but I don't think I can even fit it anywhere

We must expand

Yeah, where's the handheld second screen?


In the $100 expansion pack.
Save $0.01 by preodering today!

Still not as cutlery as a ghost recon game.

added a new feature to help reach out to our casual audience!


Anyone have the old GFWL hud thing? We could add that




I wanted the numbers to be making fun of shitty currency systems like Xbox Live's "Gold" system and League of Legends's "Riot Points" system. Where your money doesn't transfer to the game's currency in a 1:1 ratio.



Needs more Dante

Not enough pussy and ass.




posted wrong image lul


that just looks like an mmo

i like you guys


You know it's not true, there's too much reddit.
Sure every time the planets line up there's a thread like this and i'm always too late for it but you know that's not true.

Daily Dose Vision

They did this with the dead space games.your health, ammo, and stasis are all indicated by various components of your armor. the shop and inventory get their own separate screens when opened.

Thanks for those dubs, doc


We can go deeper doc.

What's his name Holla Forums?

Gregorius the Gamer

Aggrieved Johnathan


Kirk Johnson

Frustrated Jose.

Dubs names our new stream superstar

"Gorilla Dick Daddy who makes all the Dyke Pussy wet" full name

Richard Two Balls

Not Important







At least take a screenshot of an in-game computer yourself instead of picking some random 15 year old jpeg

That jpeg is rich with the patina of age.




where are the watermarks?

i get that meme

At this rate, we're going to be interior decorators. This is only gonna get better.

The absolute madmen!





This is it




stop editing the wrong pictures reeeeeeeee


Will continue from there



we're going to need a keyboard and mouse



Acceptable solution.
Putting back my dragon dildo.

Tried combining a bunch of them

You messed with the table.
Nobody messes with the table.

we managed to create a picture too big for cuckchan to steal
sage for double post

Gave him a mouse pad.

no nigga, put your mousepad on

no, put it on

I have one of those plushes on my actual desk right now

He needs dat hardware

but what the fug did you do with the table? It's misaligned on the dragon dildo and there's a random grey line on the left.


And now we are



>normalfags keep berating me about my dedicated coaster mousepad

Woah, forgot to remove background for deadpool mousepad



inb4 tumblrtale autist shows up

Hey, that's 9 months from now, GET HIM, YOU LIAR!
i-i-i'm only kidding, non-american user


17/02/11 master race. Although it's the 12th here already.


We have almost reached the old filesize limit, what will we do when we reach 12MB?

switch to jpg

are you bad at math m8? We still have an entire 5 MBs to go give or take

Learn to fucking read, you illiterate nigger.

toriel best tbh

The larger one is for anus, and the smaller one is for his peehole
why isn't the mouse on the mousepad?

Where there is cake there is Mark

Make mark a body pillow

Now that's just lazy.




Filename should be Mark's battlestation.

Clearly not enough cake.

So what, no gayming chair with RGB lighting?


he ate the rest

im too lazy to edit that in

Holy shit this is gold

It's missing a chair

you had one job user!


i need someone to edit the cake from onto the desk without mark obscuring it


Yo man you got a .png of that particular cake image?


How come your image is just 2.49 MB, without loosing quality, or maybe I can't see how badly it was compressed, if this is what happened.


It's a jpg

Apparently I'm blind, thank you for helping me see my error.


fuck you codenigger


Good job

You failed


I want this to be a banner but I don't think it would work out so well.

Here's the supercut edition

several years in notepad++



It makes it easier for editing, I put a mark .png up earlier.
Also Yours can be version A, mine is version 1

Stop giving mark attention or he will never go away.

For shame



I think I came into this thread too late to add the imouto detector


You need to somehow get the dead mouse more into the screen
Perhaps make it a bit less wide, and more tall?
**also maybe put the Holla Forums logo somewhere on one of the screens

its too big for a banner sadly

there's no way in hell it'll ever scale down to 300x100 lol

Wrong proportions though
A banner is 100X300

actually the picture is exactly banner scale

boasting in an ebic bread

Good job you proved wrong

We need to call mark now.

I'm surprised that much detail fits into 100x300


Why the fuck are banners so small? Don't we have like 1000 of them? A 300x100 .jpg is like 50 KB. 1000*40kb is 40,000 kb, or 40 MB.
If faggot jew let us have 3000x1000 banners (which is pretty huge), and assuming we only had 1000 banners, it would only take up 1.5 GB of server space.

i think there's a 100 banner limit

Mark we need you to add something

Fuck. I think there's a 300x100 banner resolution limit too.
Where is hotwheels now?

The banner needs to fit in the space of a banner
Do you want the banners to take up the top part of the page

hotwheels is dead

Mark needs to add this


might want to save as png for quality

He's just chilling with his ladyboy assistant

>implying that isn't a impostor like dead julian

Good to know he's still alive, at least. I know he found out that he only had a few years to live a while back.

Whats the point


You can almost say that. But he's done with us now.


What's the point

I wonder what happened between November last year and January this year to make him stop going on chans altogether?

Ouch.. What the fuck did Jim and his retard son do to hurt him so much? Or does he me Jawsh and his total failure Infinity Next?

geez that's a downer. He used to come here all the time back in 2014.
I'll miss that cheeky cripple.



No you fat cunt, when we reach the file size limit the OC is done

Try again and come back.

not until my isp stops being so fucking garbage


Note - there is a 10% downscale because files with dimensions over 10000 apparently are "to big"

here's one with mark

Try again.

wow rude

Re-did it so it's a 100 % scale

If it's going to be jpgs it has to end now before we end up with pic related.
upload a png of the original with the edges you cut somwhere and link it so i can make a jpeg with the highest possible quality as of today.

fuck you nigger

This is exactly what i'm autistic about avoiding.

Why are you trying to control the thread? People uploading more edits doesn't mean the old ones disappear.


If people pick the last jpg, then post a new jpg very soon we'll end up with an unintelligible garbled mess of compression artifacts.
Sure the old ones don't disappear, but the new ones are as good as nothing.

look man, this is a fun thread and we're all having a good time and everything, but i can't help but notice all you've done is tell people they're doing it wrong while contributing literally nothing

People will just save the good ones for future use and ignore the shitty jpgs. It will sort itself out naturally.

I got a fucking 8 bit version with 256 colors 4u.
If you want a high quality one with more colors, send me to a uploading site.

fuck off you autistic faggot
Hopefully I didn't fuck up



For now settle with this but if i manage to get computer time on the server with more ram i can make a better one

Managed to make a better one.
Still trying to get computer time on the server.

Only Christ can take the degeneracy away.

We have the best people, don't we folks?


Nool and Holla Forums happened. Its totally irrelevant now, but moot has managed to amass a lot of meta denbs with shutting down /new/ and tormenting /jp/ and ousting the topic Chrischan out of Holla Forums. Back then, the entire universe crashed down on him when it came to Image Boards. I hate to say it, but the ideal Admin would be a guy with the comptence of CM, the principles of Hotwheels and moot's nerves. Such guys are in short supply though. This is also one of the reasons, why I am contemplating making a piss easy to install BBS system for teaching myself net development.

way too much more information about the entire development process of Next

A few posts explaining that mess I have made for total outsiders

Hotwheels stepped back voluntarily, because being an admin of a crapton of Holla Forumsirgins, Holla Forumslacks and a handful of bored /jp/sies and a bunch of Warosufags and a Dev at the same time was way more than he could handle.

Also don't bet on Cuckchan's staff. They either totally dismiss any notion of hotpocket misbehavior (see Troid) or totally freak out and overreact (see Modcat and Yesturdy)

Let's put that shit on a shelf or on one of the monitors.

I think it's the userbase, mostly. Providing a free speech, do what you want as long as it's legal platform is a nice idea, but when it got large it attracted groups that split up into multiple boards and fight each other by spamming other boards to change the board rankings, and it attracted pedophiles who systematically explore the line between just barely legal and child porn and step over it all the time and complain when they're banned, and you get a constant flood of people who have no idea how the site works and demand that board moderation is replaced (or "banned") or other boards are deleted, and then you notice that all the nice small unique boards from pre-Gamergate are nowhere to be found and most popular boards are just 4chan analogues and you just give up because you're able to offload the responsibility of managing all the cancer to people who haven't grown disgusted with it yet. But Infinity Next is what pushed him over the edge.

Wow that's a big improvement from the 15.35kb

Welcome to modern gaming, where the filesizes don't matter.

I miss Hotwheels.

I fear that Holla Forums might not be able to survive for longer than a year or two from now. The site and it's userbase are slowly crumbling, and I there is no other place to go.
I joined halfchan back in the day some time before moot retired, and from there on out shit started leaking in the fan. Joining Holla Forums a year later (I think) infinity next came up quite quickly, and like said, that was the coup de grĂ¢ce for the site.

Why does everything I like have to die

Sage for unrelated and blogposting

Holla Forums has survived utter dysfunction. Besides the userbase is growing back slowly outside of the big boards. Honestly, 4chan was much smaller back then.


I bet you wear fedoras unironically fag


improved smaller file size

I think it's shopped.

It's really not as inactive as people believe it is. As long as we remain boogeymen (which is at least the duration of the Trump presidency) and as long as 4chan remains riddled with rulefaggotry, we will survive.

That's actually to our detriment. The latest example was with the He Will Not Divide Us threads on both cuck/pol/ and 8/pol/. At one point the hotpockets on cuckchan deleted the threads, on the grounds of breaking the no raiding rule(or at least that's what I heard the reason was) so they migrated on 8/pol/. Now the quality of the board has sunken even more than it was before the threads, I know because I post on it

Well done

A mistake

That's by the "quality" metric, not the "not dying" metric. 4chan is awful but it's not dying.

It does if you want to use neural networks and a simulation of human perception to get the best quantizers.

old asia man is already in

meant for
