This series is shit and only got popular because muh violence

This series is shit and only got popular because muh violence.
Remove fatalities and no one would have played these games.

Its almost like the game was defying convention with its celebration of violence and gore with (at the time) decent fidelity and visual quality.

Not least many of your problems with it go for most, if not all, of the genre.

Similar sure but there's pronounced enough differences to make a few of them viable.
Agreed ed.
I don't think this is a real problem you should be paying enough attention that its no biggie.
Arcade style ai for sure.
A bit its an arcade game to its core.
Never really bugged me its production level is decent for its era.
I don't see this as being bad its a design choice. A mediocure one.
Never had a big problem with them their easy enough to predict/consistent.
Its easy to counter too.
Is there even a fighting game with an objectively good story nigger?
Their pretty damn easy.
Its 90s tier but its not the worst of the worst.
Always liked the music.
People still played the inferior versions with less violence.

I'm not deeply in love with the series but at least if your gonna pick apart come up with some better complaints. I think its a servicable if not entirely remarkable 90s arcade fighting series (1-3 that is). Violence is part of the selling point bu the chessiness is too. Did ed boon date your sister or something?

Who knew?


I see Jade, Smoke, and Noob, plus Goro and Kahn, but who the fuck is the black notmileena and the white smoke?

Probably some rom hack with oc donut steels

That's what I figured. Mileena's black one is literally flipped and palette shifted, and other portraits were probably taken from other games. Oh well.

I remember MK Trilogy for the N64 had a fuckton of characters in it.

I always liked how these games had a lot of secrets, like fatalities, VS pre-fight cheat inputs, secret codes, and mystery fights.

Hahaha nice thread OP!.
But, have you seen my dubs?

.t Millenial who never played the game-series when it was released.

Mortal Kombat was the fucking tits man. You just had to be there.

I'm with you on everything except these complaints

I've seen plenty of people shitting on MK recently. What's the deal?
Is it because Injustice will launch? But that's only in June.
But since it is a bait thread and I already responding, let's see…

The only way to say this is if you never played the games. Even SF, a game with many headswaps don't do that.
That's why every fighting game have tiers. You do have more effective characters. Always.
Another sign the person never played the games. The costumes were recolors, but the characters had different stances and special abilities. They played differently.
Your photo shows otherwise. You need to be playing in black and white to not see the difference there.
The only fighting game to this day with a really competent AI was Virtua Fighter, and I think Tekken from 6 onward. Everything else relies on that too.
Just like every other fighting game AI that is not Virtua Fighter or TK.
Back in the day they used people from the company to do the voices in many cases. Video related. It was more of a fun thing, the game was better when it didn't took itself too seriously.
VF, DOA, SC and others use it too. Will you shit on those series?
Have you played any other fighting game? You always had bugged boxes with certain characters/moves. Seems like MK now have boxes in the models, so, it's different from other fighters like GG or SF. Not better or worse, but demands a different take.

Yeah, try doing that when the projectiles don't cancel each other. Or when you are facing a character with teleport. It will work wonders.

Go read GG story. Or BB. Even Soul Calibur. I will wait.

Like, b,f 1? or d,d 2? Again, have you played this game at least once?

Personal taste pure and simple. And yet, most of the characters are quite recognizable anywhere, like Raiden, Scorpion, Goro, Jaz, Mileena, Sonya…

In fact it isn't. MK music have a weird characteristic. You will listen to it and it will click right away it's an MK song, but it is not as catchy as SF or KOF. But most fighting games are not that lucky as those games. Hell, VF was made by the team that created games as Outrun, Super HangOn or Afterburner, and they could not make one song stand out. Sad.

user, you don't need to be envy that MK is one of the most successful franchises in video games and also have a movie that people consider one of the best ever made based on a game. Right now, we fans are dealing with plenty of bullshit by Boon and his team, that decided to fuck the whole aesthetic of the franchise for no reason, after delivering the most amazing MK ever made with MK 9.

It's either a literal nigger (they have this weird obsession with hating/bashing any non-capcom fighters) , or it's a weeaboo whose butthurt the filthy gaijin made such a popular fightan game and he feels the need to settle the score and prove to everyone that nothing can compete with grorious nipponese fightan games.

Basically yeah, now the leads are SJWs too, and their artists are a fucking joke, but the series still sells well, I think the previous one sold around 10 million, it's never ever going away, especially with it being owned by the Warner Jews now.

If you were old enough to remember when MKII came out in arcades, it was the most insane thing you could have witnessed. You couldn't see over the sea of shoulders of people piled around the game. There's no modern day equivalent. The series went down after 4. Imo, MK is not MK if it's in 3D. It needs that gritty, digitized character aesthetic or GTFO.

What? I never once saw this playing Mortal Kombat. I know Super Smash Bros is criticized for supposedly having this, but that's just a gruelingly worked on party game and even then I never see this.

Fucking so? Reliable defense is bad in a fighting game?

What? Fighting for personal reasons and above all else to preserve or conquer other worlds through ceremonial fights to the death is just fine and the lore is surprisingly good.

True. At the end of the day I can only think of the humor in such a dark series being the silver lining unless you enjoy violence that much.

Please fucking tell me you're lying.


There is a difference between making a violent game and making violence the only appeal of your game.

They all have the same awkward upward punches, mid punches, uppercut, leg sweep and kicks, hell they even have same animations, they pretty much made one character. The only differences between characters are the special moves, wich most of them are projectiles.
They're not as bad as these games, you can easily get the AI in a loop just by walking forward and backwards.
It is tho, they only made a dedicated block button just to be different. It adds nothing to the game, that button could be used for another attack.
You can sweep/uppercut opponent without even touching them, and at the same time sometimes the uppercut/sweep won't hit even when you're next to the opponent
Once you learn how to do them, yes, but someone playing the game blindly will most likely not be able to do most of them due to them being really stupid, like press back 3 times then punch or press down then back for a move that moves you forward. There is no consistency between them either, for example some projectiles are used by pressing forward twice, others by down and forward, others by down and back, or just back twice.
The music is okay, but it's forgettable. Compare it to SF2 music, I bet pretty much 99% of people here remember Guile's theme from start to end.
Less violence, yes, but they still had fatalities, just with less gore.

Nice argument.

What are you trying to say here? Do you agree with me or not?
You're bringing out SF so I asumme you're talking about shotos wich yeah they all have a similar moveset, but starting with SF3 they actually made them different, meanwhile in MKI, II and III they all have the same moves like every other character with the exception of the special attacks.
True, but here you have character that can win by spamming a single move like Noob Saibot.
No, the only one with a different stance was Reptile and still, his was very similar to Shang Tsung. Actually, most characters have similar stances wich is even worse.
Yeah, lets have blue and slightly darkes blue, people will totally see the difference instantaneously.
Fighting games may hae bad AI, but there are not as bad as this one, see webm.
Again see webm, it shouldn't be this easy.
It' not about the game taking itself too seriously, I mean if you have every character play the same and half of the roster looking alike, at least make them sound different.
I don't know about VF or DOA but I'm pretty sure you can parry with it in Soul Calibur, that alone makes it a million time better than MK block button.
Yes, with certain characters/moves, not with every single character, but I guess that's the price when copy pasting the basic moves for every character.
Should have said easily spammable special moves.
I'll give you that one.
I'm not, fatalities made the game successful, wihtout them we wouldn't even be talking about this. About the movie part, that isn't very hard to do.

See webm.
It's not necessary in a 2d fightning game.
They do to some extent, but not at this level.

I enjoyed the first MK in the arcade but not as much as streetfighter II. I was looking forward to MK2 but got in to it late and got slaughtered every time someone walked up. Tried Killer instinct when that came out but the character style turned me away and capcom was making children of the atom by then so everything else was DOA for me. I hope you enjoy my old man blogpost.

That thumbnail just mindfucked me


long blacktext sentence
long blacktext sentence

This formatting is cancer on the eyes, please stop.

user, I can disprove your points, again, but, what exactly do you want to say?
That you don't like MK 3, therefore the series is bad?

I don't see any weaboos or Crapcomfags trying to defend their equally shitty franchises here, if anything it's just western fightanfags sperging out - who after all this time can finally have some semblance of a half decent fightan series that they can feel proud of.

It's still shit though

You do have a point. I've always said that if it wasn't for the gore, Mortal Kombat would be now as remembered as Pit Fighter.

You never disproved any of my points.
Did you even read the OP?
These games are shit and only got attention because the fatalities.

Fatality's were certainly one of the major attractions but that alone didn't make the game popular, lots of other games tried to copy the ultra violence and it never worked for them.

I honestly loved this at the time, with shows like ninja turtles and power rangers being on tv, different color characters were pretty popular.
I never had a problem, one was really dark and the other was normal colored.
Yes Ed boon is a hack and the arcade games are almost unplayable once you get past the 5th character.
Story of the first game is pretty good, its like a super natural enter the dragon, it got dumb in later games but what fighting game doesn't have dumb story?
same with street fighter, and like that game they can easily exploited and punished.
Characters looked pretty good for being real life digitized models, the characters were one the main appeals of the game besides the fatalities.

Music is good in mk1 and 2, I never really cared for the mk games after these titles.

You forgot to mention the stages, they brought a lot of people into the series.

Oh shit! I guess Mega Man 2 is a shit game too since it does the same thing.

It's pretty simple user. You are lying, or better, choosing facts to try to push your point, or your bait thread further.
So, let's see these misconceptions, shall we?

>Ryu Ken and Gouki where headswaps on SF 2, they looked alike? Tell me how on Earth would you be able to not know who is Sub Zero and Scorpion on a fight when "get over here" is as famous as "hadouken" or Liu Kang bicycle, Raiden's 'Superman'. Just because they were not anime characters like most japanese games at the time, that NEEDED to shout the name of the move every single time, it does not mean you don't recognize them.

>user, tell me one move that is more easy to spam than a fucking hadouken/power wave/kohohken? Seriously? Unless you have a one button projectile in a fighting game hello Cable, MK moves were on par with everyone.

Now, do you understand why this is a bait thread? You are trying to shit on a game from 20 years ago you dumbfuck. Even Doom would need tweaks to stand against games like Quake or Unreal. Time ´passes, things change. But it was nice to remember the good times I had with MK. I was never great, but the game always had a special charm with all those crazy characters and special projectiles that did things: While most fighter had projectiles only doing simple damage, MK had crazy things like the Scorpion spear, Sub's freezing anywhere, Johnny arched energy balls and so on. Great memories.

stop trying to defend your shittaste, you basement-dwelling juggalo loser. you look like a down syndrome kid trying to solve a math problem

Why is this guy extremely butthurt? Did something happen that I missed?


Whats a juggalo? and I dont have a basement, you seem very upset with my post, have you had a bad day user?. Mk1 and 2 are classic games, this is not debatable.

It checks out.

I had that game on megadrive, I'd always get stuck on the clown bomb level.



oh man that brings back memories of huddling around a tv with complete stranger in the village
It didn't matter if you actually knew anybody there, as long as you were a friend of a friend of a friend, you could all just shimmy over to the kids house on your bicycle and hope you get a turn.

Honestly the biggest offense of all is that stupid block button. It's so lame. Block buttons are trash and shouldn't have ever been a thing in fighters. But you are absolutely right about Mortal Kombat's success being entirely due to the shitty violence. Anyone who grew up in that time knows this, it's literally the first thing that anyone ever talked about when MK was brought up.
Boring shitty animations, boring shitty combos, boring shitty game.

I always enjoy readin about other people's arcade experiences.

the series was big because the 1st was big. the 1st was big because it was a good non-arcade fighting game at the time.

the vast majority of fighting games at the time available on home console were absolute trash.

I don't even like Mortal Kombat but these kind of shitty hipster threads are popping up one right after another lately.
And now here you are, complaining about muh balance of a casual arcade game from over 20 years ago while stating the fucking obvious, this is just a collective "hey guise, lets shit on X" thread, this kind of shit is why i left cuckchan.

was it just that or was it also the bans, silencing and sell outs?
But I agree, these threads that outright hate videogames are like browsing through gizmondo or Cucktaku.

Congrats on pointing out what John Vogel said about MK 1: "I think if Mortal Kombat did not have any blood in it, it probably would not had the kind of success it did."

Yeah, let's compare one 8-bit game with one 16-bit game that are completely different genres.

You said it yourself, since MK4, until then not only the recolors but every character had the same moves.
And your point is?
Also isn't MK4 one of the most hated MK games?
There were only two ninjas in the first game, they had to make them different.
Correct, but tell me, in how many fighting games can you break the AI just by walking back and forth? Even in the easiest difficulty it doesn't happen that easily. Also the AI breaks even in the last regular fight against 3 people, only Shao Khan and Motaro don't break.
Wich is even worse, each actor could have given the character it's own moveset, but no let's just make every character attack the same way.
Or maybe because of lazyness
I never said they weren't recognizeable, I'm saying they're recolors and that they have the same animations, attacks and voices.
You proved my point, in those games you can parry therefore a block button is necessary, however you can't in MKI-III therefore it isn't.
Noob Saibot's down up teleportation, you can get to Motaro in the single player mode by using that move alone but you can't beat it with it because they actually deactivate that move against Motaro and Shao Kang, that would be like losing the shoryuken in SF2 once you get to Sagat.
You missed the point, most of video game movies are shit, therefore if someone makes an okay movie of a video game, it will shine on comparison to the others. The MK movie was good tho.
Only two things made MK "powerful": fatalities and graphics, their main appeal.
Except that they used the same attacks and animations from MKI to MKIII
Wrong, SF2 worked because they made the game playable. If SF1 had the cast of SF2 it would still have been bad.
So you're telling me that we shouldn't talk about old games ever.
Yes, that's why I never compared the MK games to any game that came out a long time after it, in fact, you were the one that brought up SF, VF, SC and DOA.

I'm not, I'm just talking about a shit game, but I guess you can't talk about videogames here without people screaming bait all the time.

To be fair, the MK gameplay style was made with a 1v1 fighting style in mind.

Again, I'm not allowed to talk about old games?
Yeah, that's why everybody in this thread is shitting on it and no actual discussion is happening.
Also, if you didn't left cuckchan after 2014 you need to go back.

Instead of asking "what do you think made this game popular", you basically said "this was only popular because of X, and it's shit". What did you expect?
"Oh yes, yes, I agree OP, you're totally not a faggot"
Here, that's your "talk".

People to come and try to counter my points, wich already happened.


What a great and horrible fucking ending for how bullshit that game can be.

Op is right.

the level of autism in this thread is impressive tbh

A punch is a punch you dumb fucker. It stands to reason two different professional opponents' repetoirs would contain similarly skilled moves. Have you ever seen a UFC fight lately? They are pretty unremarkable because most of the time you see the same moves over and over and over.

Are you DSP or some other faggot that thinks they are good, but can never actually prove that you are because you're actually not good?

That doesn't mean that every character must have the same exact punch with the same exact animation.
You're trying to compare real life to a video game. Even if two fighters have similar moves, they execute them different or at least slightly different, not a 1:1 copy.
Again why are you trying to compare a video game to real life, and this isn't an UFC game, every character should have their own moveset like other characters do in other fighting games.
What does this has to do with anything?
If I'm good or bad at games, it doesn't make any of my points less valid because I'm not complaining about difficulty.

You're either too much of a faggot or trying real hard to look like a contrarian.

Except that plenty of things that I'm saying are facts, or you're going to deny that the characters use the same animation in the first three games?
Or that Sub Zero and Scorpion are recolors?

This thread is fucking poe's law at work. You can't make this shit up, literally fedora tier faggots at work posting here.

So you're telling me we shouldn't talk about video games in a video games board.

Can someone stick MK heads on them?

Every single person on Holla Forums knows MK is overrated shit, some may like the games but they know the facts.
It's pretty much the Genesis/Megadrive equivalent of CoD, as in every single fucking kid wanted to play this shit while you wanted to play actual good games.
Disliking the games is as far as hipster as you can get.