Oh hey
Tell me honestly OP, what reaction were you expecting from this thread? Check em
hey girl hey
trace + noxus is worse than O&S, trust me, you kids have it so easy these days
I used to Disconnect to these people.
But then I realized that most of them were shit at the game, so I started maining Kanden.
Fuck them up with charged Volt Driver, and follow up with missiles or another charged VD and they die.
Good times
There should be a spiritual successor to Hunter's gameplay
I will miss swole slug, spiderman, and the space pirate who is the best at the getting sawn in half trick
Hunters was basically a lot of potential squandered because it was on the DS. I had a lot of fun with it playing Noxus.We are never seeing them again are we?
If you are going to play some new age oldfag shit then lets see some proof. Because you must be 14 to think Hunters is "old".
I mean it was released 12 years ago
*11 years ago.
Polite sage.
Ya, that not very old. Morrowind and WoW are older then Hunters. Even the term abandonware is older then Hunters. Rule of thumb is something at least 20 years old.
Don't mind me, just laying my bombs around you.
remember me
Tubes thread.
I used to play with bots all the day since no one appreciated this game. Fuck, even when Jewtendo ported it to the Wii U they didn't include the multiplayer, what is the purpose?!?
People like to complain about Trace and Noxus, but Sylux was absolutely deadly in the right hands. Fastest alt-form if you don't count Samus's morphball while constantly boosting, that highly damaging bomb combo, bomb tripwires, and a special weapon that not only did a shit ton of damage but also healed him for the damage he dealt. If you could stick on someone and keep your aim on them, they were guaranteed goners.
don't mind me, just picking combat-hall 24/7
They ported a DS launch title to the Wii-U?
What the fuck for?
And without multiplayer?
I thought the point of Metroid Hunters was to show off the online multiplayer on a handheld. Nintendo is fucked.
wiiU has some DS games on virtualconsole
Stop reminding me of all the cool shit I'll never see again because Metroid is dead.
He's hot
Tracer was the real Combat Hall cancer.
There was nothing anyone could do if they were even half-competent and knew what they were doing.