Its dead jim
Its dead jim
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Its not a bad id3a at all, but I can't help but think it was jewish motives that drove it.
Gaben just couldn't fucking let this go, huh? I never bothered with Greenlight to be honest but this seems pretty high on the Kikeometer, and such a needless slap in the face to people who use the system, how much fucking cash does Valve need considering they don't even DO things anymore?
About time.
About god damn time. Greenlight was nothing but a mistake.
Well, this is a golden opportunity for sites like and Gamejolt.
Its sad watching Valve devolve these past 5 years from a company that at least put out games to a company that is solely driven by profit and selling "Multiplayer games as a service". Even then though Gaben apparently hinted that they're still making games in some reddit Q&A and made fun of people who thought HL3 was canceled but at the same time there's no proof of them even wanting to make games anymore or have been doing so for so long
What have they been doing with their CSGO/Dota bucks anyway ? That must be a fortune by now.
isn't that pretty much how it is at the moment
you can just pay some russian who hacks his way into greenlight and puts your game there
They where talking about killing greenlight for ages now.
Good, maybe now it won't be flooded by trash.
Apparently they announced today they're making 3 VR games.
Like, full fledged games
good, it was shit
wow, the company whose greatest pride is turning all of its vidya titles into slot machines pulled a kike? how could this happen
HTC Vive
Pick one.
They were always kikes
Fair enough
They're probably swimming in that Scrooge Mcduck style, they certainly havent been using it for faster customer service or for better servers.
Do they genuinely expect people to believe that after the shit they pulled for 5 years? Plus will they require you to own VR, why not just make a well polished game without that gimmick?
In dota they where selling these virtual books called Compendiums. 25% went to the tournament (10mil). They pocketed the rest.
Too late. We already have nips flooding steam with weebshit.
Daily Reminder.
It's good that it has a fee. It's there to prevent flooding by scam artists that is rampant now on greenlight. GL has a fee too, in place for the same purpouse. It's one time only and for 90$ you can flood steam with crapware. Anyone who is serious about developing a game will obviously have the 100$ (or more probably) needed to use Steam Direct
But I like Atelier
Pushing VR is more money on the long term and their audience is rabid and desperate.
Most of it was probably burned by Vive ever since it became a spin off company (HTC are doing poorly so they spun it off into a separate concern funded by both). Valve's propping it up while HTC is fighting to survive (The M10 was a catastrophic failure)
Most of these products were failures as well. Only Ayylmaoware sells Steam OS boxes now. and you have to specifically ask for one so likely that was how they burned all that money. The only semi-success was the controller and even then it got destroyed in the PC market by the Xbone Elite pad (Steam controller sold 500K first year. Xbone Elite 1.5 million and constant restocks. Sales for regular bone pads were something crazy like 20 million though still behind the DS4 overall). So they are basically getting annihilated in the areas they invested in.
That blogpost by the former head of tech at Valve saying Gabe only ever cared about Linux and OGL to saber rattle Microsoft was amazing especially as it turns out they got rid of most of the steam OS team once Valve got assurance they were "In" on Windows 10 and Valve's participation in Vulkan and Khronos was just trying to hurry up Microsoft into releasing DX12.
Jews, man.
I always thought moving Steam itself to subscription based was BS, but it kind of makes sense.
This'd be over 20/50 years of course. And in that time other changes can happen (industry/casual crash, Vulkan, Linux getting more popular with Mincrosoft's constant fuck ups)
I'm desperate for a new good Valve game to the point where I just want blurry screenshots as proof but not enough for VR.
Are there any VR devices doing well outside of PS VR? That seems to be the only one people talk about.
Also the second apart of your post is really interesting, with how Steamboxes sold that badly, the Steam controller selling worse than the Xbone controllers, and SteamOS being forgotten about very quickly.
Is this for quality control or just jewery?
For a third world solo gamedev like me this is very bad news. 90 dollars for Greenlight was already a big investment for me, I won't be able to afford the thousands of dollars they're going to ask now. RIP all hope and dreams.
FYI gog is a much smaller company and there's no fee for submitting your indie games, which are curated personally by the staff.
Seriously, fuck valve.
The first will be a consequence of the last, so both I guess.
Try making your own website and your own game client like this talentless hack.
Ask Humble user, they publish games now :^)
You can see how he was losing it through those pictures
If only Vulkan and Linux was actually not fucking up and Microshit were actually fucking up unlike what Holla Forums wants you to believe in their bubble
VK has been an outright disaster. Only Nintendo's adopted it. Apple and Sony have laughed it off and Kronos Groups dev tools are almost a year off where they said they would be. Widespread VK Support was targeted for Holiday 2016 and none of those titles shipped with it. Intel has said they won't be supporting it with official drivers. Nintendo and Nvidia must have some fucking wizards to get it up and running on Switch so quick.
As for Linux. Token support. Still fractured. No fucking drivers. Vulkan is still way off from where it should be and Valve abandoned it to basic support.
People can yell "Botnet" all they fucking want but Microshit haven't done anything people claimed they were going to do yet with Wangblows 10 and freak out at router sniffer packets.
Fuck everything, really. Fuck microshit and fuck the tech illiterate wankers who yell "Year of Linux Desktop" and then do nothing but complain online.
So it's fucking nothing.
Most talented man I know tbh
I made pic related into a shirt. Looks nice.
Your post is so full of shit that someone could post it on gurochan or >>>/scat/ and someone would fap to it.
They are fucking up, it's just not noticeable on a grand scale yet.
They're selling the telemetry data, so yeah they have the right to be paranoid. Yes, it still collects this data even if you turn it off. And If you block it, a future update will add a new domain and send the data before you can block said new domain.
Gaben ever being a nice guy that cares about the customer was the worst meme that Holla Forums ever made.
wtf i hate video games now
And they gave me my publishing pass back in actual cash, not gabebucks.
But when are they deleting shit titles their platform allowed?
That shit predates Holla Forums you retard
What are you going to do with your 90$ user?
That would mean less potencial sales.
We wouldn't want that now would we?
Frame that shit.
Probably buy 25 mann co keys and a bag of chips.
Didn't Greenlight originally have a fee? It didn't really stop much.
I've seen 10000s of edgy attempts at being creepy, subtle and otherwise, but none of it comes close to that shit.
Wait, why is this a problem? People were bitching at Valve because the requirements to get a game on Steam were too stringent, so Valve introduced Greenlight and let the community handle it, but it turns out that their shit community is completely retarded and flooded the place with turds, so they began complaining that Steam requirements were now too lax.
Making developers pay actual money to get their shit on Steam will at least limit some of the indie trash from making it on the store.
Holla Forums is not one person
Thats the problem
The only relevant line in that press release. It's amazing how they've danced around the issue and avoided saying, "Greenlight opened the floodgates of shit." But it seems like they actually do realize it.
I'm fine with having a fee; it will weed out children and at least some scammers. It should be more than $100; $1,000 would be more reasonable.
That man was one of a kind.
It would've worked better if they just lightly curated Greenlit games. The quality of content being approved is just abysmal. You have no idea how many derivative, half-finished Unity/UT4 FPS abortions filled with stock/free assets there are on Steam sold for actual money. These are clearly people either making student projects or giving up on their shitty ideas, and since they can submit them for free and maybe make money off of scamming people, they put in a couple hours of work to get them on Steam.
Schizophrenia is a hell of a a drug user. No joke.
What else could they do? It's either this or have their platform flooded by shit forever which they obviously don't want. You could go to GoG or make your own site.
Is it weird that I quite like those designs and patterns? I can't quite find something this colourful creepy.
Don't forget
Remember to beware what is labeled as "fair".
Look at it again, and while you're looking at it, remind yourself that this is what a man thinks cats look like.
It's the opposite with me. Dark and grey has been overused for horror effects, so they do absolutely nothing to me.
The cunt divorced him on the exact day she was legally entitled to half his shit. Luckily for Notch this was before he cashed in real money so he dodged a bullet there (undeservedly).
I still don't know whether to be happy a man managed to escape the clutches of a cunt or sad that Notch didn't get taken down a peg.
It was like that for a while, keyword being WAS. The Orange Box was a great value for the money at the time, but expecting a company to do something like that nowadays is just dreaming.
I feel the warp overtaking me
Well then.
And this is what cat's think man looks like.
Took them long enough.
Notch and his wife got divorced in 2012. Microsoft bought Minecraft in 2014.
Cats confirmed for schizophrenia
Don't make me explain again how fucking retarded that last part is.
No that fucking cat doesn't think that's what humans look like god damn it.
It's a distorted output of muddy input seen on an already low res screen filmed by a camera what the fuck do you think you're gonna see? 4k details?
The technology to put on a screen what a cat's fucking brain is observing in real time is not impressive enough? You really have to give it a omg so creepy! spin to it? Faggot.
Wasn't greenlight already fee-based?
Isn't it more along the lines that he feels so paranoid of shit due to schizo, he expresses his feelings anxiety of his permavirgin sisters's 17 cats trying to fuck him over in his art? Rather than actually seeing a cats as abstract fucks.
Then again, considering he was living with three crazy cat ladies, the paranoia probably was at least somewhat justified.
It had a low one-time fee, after which you could put as many games up as you want.
This new system would charge a fee for every game, and hopefully a higher one.
How can a Swede become so based?
He even uncucked himself.
No man should deserve a fate like that.
'sides, what harm does Notch do nowadays? As far as I know he's just shitposting on twitter all day and bathing in dollar bills.
Valve REALLY needs to do the same. They have more money than God so they can afford to hire a dozen people to test and evaluate indie game submissions.
I know they're interested in seeing what the steam community chooses for themselves, but the current system hurts variety instead of helping it. There are basically only two types of indie games that can survive on steam right now, meme games and early access games.
The meme games(broken physics games, cheap horror games, "story" games, etc) get popular because youtubers and streamers use them to make their own content. They aren't actually fun to play.
And the early access games get popular because they promise more than they can ever actually deliver.
Other indie games just don't get noticed anymore. And I don't think raising the submission fees will do anything because there are still retards funding everything on kickstarter. So shitty devs can just ask for the money.
Was this ever actually a fucking problem?
So every so often he have a thread where we laugh at what sorry excuse for a game managed to get itself on steam. That never stopped us from finding actually good games which got on the platform as well. Is it really worth screwing over some poor no-name lone-wolf game dev who managed to make something great just so we don't have to see "uninspired rpg maker walking sim" in the steam pages anymore?
Have you ever seen all the garbage on Greenlight? I'm ok with this move. It will cut out a lot of riffraff dogshit app games.
What a shock. I bet they'll even charge for the submission for DLC, and then you'll have to pay to able to submit a single mod.
How long until you have to pay to leave a review?
And why would anyone pay for that? Are you mentally challenged or something?
But Valve is.
Developers and Publishers are.
It's real. Advertising is filled with fucking morons.
They put a price tag on the Workshop and everyone will simply go to moddb or another site and post their mods there.
You don't need Steam to make mods work.
You may be right.
You're a magnificent bastard.
There is no excuse for a self-respecting store to stock shovelware. If you local grocery store were putting literal shit on the shelves, you wouldn't be OK with that. It's not enough to say, "Oh, but there's good stuff here, too."
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post
The goycats know about the jewhound misinfo, shut it down!
Oy Ruff, anudda showah, remember the six dogorillion good boys!
Dogs > cats, fite me niggers.
Why would I fight someone who's absolutely correct?
A $100 fee will eliminate nearly all the garbage phone game shit while still not being a big amount to an indie studio
Hell paying a fee might be easier for small studios than staging a greenlight campaign and trying to build enough hype
Why are the dogs Jews? Why not rats?
The main factor is how big is the fee?
If it's $10,000 they will kill lots of good indies and if it's $10 it might as well not exist.
So would a single person if Valve bothered with hiring someone to do quality control.
Because cats and dogs are natural enemies, like humans and jews.
So are cats and rodents.
But Steam had such a system in place before Greenlight and the userbase complained the requirements to get your game on the store were far too harsh.
Because dogs have a pure slave mentality/behavior and try to screw over their glorious Aryan uberkatze superiors.
Believe me, if dogs were human in appearance, they would destroy the Roman Empire by controlling the plebs with an updated slave religion.
Dogs don't pretend to be human, though, so they're fine. Don't gas the dogs. Gas the kikes.
honestly i actually kinda support this move. it'll cost devs to put their garbage on greenlight, which means that the deluge of total shit-ass games on there will at the very least slow down briefly
I've seen cats fuck up dogs, dogs fuck up cats, but I've never seen a rodent have any effect against a cat though. Call jews rats, while fun because they're rodents who spread sickness, is underplaying them.
Yeah Valve is stupid like that.
I dunno, to play devil's advocate they might have had the best intentions in mind. They have a near monopoly on the PC market and everyone is clamoring to get on their store, so they could either keep expanding their QA department until it reached gargantuan sizes and likely still not keep up with demand or democratize things and let the community decide what games they want on the storefront.
I guess they didn't quite realize how retarded their userbase really is.
both dogs and cats can be top tier loyal buddy animals, but dogs are much easier to nurture into this whereas even hand-raised cats are often unpredictable in how they turn out
same goes for recuperation of abused animals, with enough positive reinforcement most dogs will grow to trust humans again whereas most cats stay terrified and feral
Yeah, and that's quite fascinating. It is sad, I'll give you that.
You should like that, though. Cats are strong.
Fuck with them, and they fuck your face up.
Mark my fucking words, if this shit is above $1,000 there is going to be one kikestarter for every single release on this goddamned store.
I don't feel like putting my game up on Steam anymore, what are some alternatives? It's just a shmup.
I see $1,000 as the upper limit of fare on the condition that you get the money back once it's proven to sell.
It's going to take at least 2 years to make a decent game, over that time it's going to cost you tens of thousands just to stay housed and fed. If the dev is willing to do this I don't see and extra grand as a major obstacle but I do want them to get it back because $1k is way too much to charge for the little effort it takes on Steams end
I own three cats, all found as kittens. One stayed terrified even with coaxing. One had dwarfism and some level of mental retardation and became skittish after constantly running in front of my legs mid-stride and getting punted. One is a Siamese mix who's quite cuddly and pleasant when she's not being a Siamese bitch.
3/12 cats have been dog-tier. 4/4 dogs have been dog-tier. I like both animals but dogs are much more reliably great pets.
No, not exactly, there wasn't a block-based building game with RPG and crafting elements before Minecraft existed. And I wouldn't say the success of Minecraft was all luck, judging from places like Holla Forums at the time, there was a demand for a game like this, you also have to keep in mind this was before the market got flooded with early-access survival crafting games.
Steam Direct is even worse.
There is zero fucking quality control now.
Stay cucked Holla Forums
I think Steam could give less of a shit about the fee itself, considering what a pittance it would be if you take into account the number of Steam games that get released yearly. Half a million is what Valve makes in a few hours, my guess is that they just want to cut down on the number of trash flooding their storefront.
This wont stop anyone but the barest of single person projects, this is a shameless cash grab by GABE and the gang because they need just that little bit more of a boost to their bottom line.
I don't object to finding money where they can but this is just slimy.
I agree, so long as it means it curbs horseshit from making it onto the platform. Steam desperately needed quality control.
I agree. $100 is too trivial, assuming you live in a Western country. (Maybe they could reduce it if you live in a poor country, which they can verify anyway since they're going to require tax documents.) $1,000 is enough that only someone who's serious will pay it, but not so much money that it'll bankrupt you. And you should get it back either way, if your game isn't a piece of shit or a scam.
There's already on quality control on Greenlight, given how common it is for shithead "devs" to give out keys in exchange for votes. This is just a barrier to entry that will (hopefully) weed out children, retards, incompetents, and scammers.
It would be better for Valve to actually just have a QA department, but we all know that will never happen.
why should i give a shit if game dives must but op 5k to put their shitty game on steam ?
Dwarf fortress. He ripped it off to hell and back Minecraft was even going to be top-down until he saw infinimine, so he copied that idea to.
Guess where he got a lot of his other ideas from
minecraft didn't have RPG elements untill years after it's launch. Coincidentally after a lot of minecraft clones and minecraft modders came out and expanded the concept with things like RPG mechanics.
Why should we give a shit about what you give a shit about?
This is great.
Sounds like this man had a foggy idea of meme magic. This cat progression looks ominously like a pepe transformation sequence.
That's why the Jews coordinate, to make sure the goys can't go anywhere else. Moreover, once modders start getting shekels for their work the modding scene will become permanently Judaised.
minecraft is just a infiniminer clone with added procedural open world… the rpg element was just added because tons of modders created mods that adds it.
remember when indie games where just called freeware?
Great, but what really needs to go is the early access shit.
thank christ. the store is already bloated enough as it is with god-awful RPG maker trash and furry shit
i can count the good games on itch with one hand