Draw thread

Art boards.

Other urls found in this thread:


taking request

What is this?

it is a post in a thread.

No, I mean like, I have you draw something?

You see the natural progression between these two images? I'd like you to continue this.

Is this your first day here?

No, I just never been in a draw thread.

… So you're new.

Well, I suppose it's my first time in a draw thread. Yes, I'm new.

Welcome. Don't forget to lurk moar



Very nice

Your current mood.




that's the spirit!

Go to your image folder.
Type in three letters or numbers.
make it lewd.



But why did you draw Garou?

Anybody here can 3D model people?

pls draw sexy tactical cutie

It's a lengthy process yes.


Draw DIO riding a motorcycle that kind of looks like 「THE WORLD」

Why motorcycle when there's already coffin limousine?

Can you do lewd stuff?
I'd be up to pay

because i prefer motorcycles

Draw Christ-Chan doing a Pucci pose

Draw a penis



are you spamming this image?

"Ambulance is not Crash" is still my favorite.
Ambulance was the true hero of Part 4

Kira got a gruesome death

Why do you ask, JC?


Requesting Junko as remove kebab or in her case remove lunarian/Chang'e



Draw a Freedom S.T.A.L.K.E.R masturbating to mutants.


draw thread is back!



I want to fuck it

I started drawing another exanima thing. I really don't know what Im doing with the last panel. At least I think that the torch looks a little bit better than the last one.

working on it

I'm already chuckling in anticipation

Sure, where do you think we are?
Are you the guy in /agdg/ who couldn't find a model for his smut?

can we have a version with a penis?

Damn, thats a pretty nice model
That fucking face is uncanny though.

Futafags need to be hanged

I don't really like figurative drawing, here's some stuff I did a while ago.

those 2 are now finished but I don't have scans yet. Have some paintings

That was done in a sculpt thread.
I had to wrap it up quickly to get my (You)s.

I did a thing

Breddy gud

A cat is fine too

Alright, draw me some shemales- as in dirty trannfied low-cost has-been videogame shemale balloon tit prostitute tier whores, reduced to sucking dick for money and cuckolding Old men.

That said, it has to be a male videogame character present for conversion, you can do a before/after image for it to boot, or just the final result, and I have no problem with surgery scars, piercings, tattoos, pubes, anal hair, sweat/sweat vapour, sluttified versions of existing clothes, body writing, or even fake tan, I want it to be ghetto levels of the the most deprived back alley filth imaginable, hell, even fucking up their hair into a mockery of what it once was is okay with me.

To get you motivated, do it to the most deserving male Videogame character you hate, or otherwise, someone you really want to see lose all vestiges of innate masculinity pusuing a hapless unachievable dream.

The only thing I can possibly refer to in knowledge in regards to this is the passive joke in Vampire the masquerade Bloodlines where it was implied your previous flat owner was a tranny, given the bottle of Estrogen you find.

Don't draw the dicks dry, you know how much I hate dry cock, Holla Forums

Why is user such a benis?

I don't usually partake in draw threads. In fact, I rarely post, period. But I just had to comment on this level of autism.

Well done.

futa masterrace, just pussy is inferior


Have you tried not being a fucking faggot?

I like it

Hey, I like vagina too.
But I have no standards, and I don't care, and I really need to fap to some dirty shit because I'm in my Post-Oxtail soup masturbation sweat mode, and I really need my filth fix.

Someone really really needs to make a guide.



make the world

I need a picture of Vivian running the leaves of an Alo vera plant across her nose as she's tip-toed to reach it as it is situated on top of a grey filing cabinet.

She's enjoying the texture

I need a Picture of a Globoc Pepe performing the rain dance.

Mara Sexually harassing Byakuren Hijiri from 2hu with his super lewd speak, tempations and the like as he did with Buddha.

SluttyMcFuckSlut from the critically acclaimed Sex Kittem Sim Date Newgrounds Flash series redrawn to look more like the hyper-death nymphomanic catgirl she is characterized as, driving a nigger car and shooting up gangbangers for drug money, with Frank taking Pictures of the unveiling massacre

dude at least wait for one of your pictures to get ready

also that's real fucking autistic mate

I'd like a picture an an angry nep wearing Acid Rain Ski mask themed panties, or some other Vidya girl.

Requesting Adventure quest art of the girls from it, they don't have a lot you see.

C'est tout à fait charmant. J'aime beaucoup la grande diversité des textures et la clarté des formes.

Par contre, la maison est assez naïve et l'autoportrait ressemble fâcheusement à une photographie avec des filtres dessus (mais je peux me tromper). Tu devrais regarder un peu de Bob Ross.

I did it off of this version of this card.

Its not the images, its the symbolism.
Firstly, you see that the Magician is also holding the cup and the coin instead of just the coin, this is because the Magician has access to all the tools. This is very important, the wizard needs to hold all the suits in his image.

instead of just the wand
Ah fuck, I'll be.

Draw a theoretical cover for a Zelda game set in the Underdark (Drow)

I did one of those. Not as good though.

Nashandra and Nito accidentally conjoined together after an anime tier fall on her breats scene occurs

that b0si looks kinda weird


I remember you.

Draw Maro


That thread was brilliant

Castlevania's Dracula (SOTN Design) With Lisa doing the Candlelit dark room dance from Bram Stoker's Dracula.


Merci pour la critique constructive. L'autoportrait est bien une photo avec un filtre de postérisation des couleurs, que j'ai reproduit sur une toile. La maison est accidentellement de l'art naïf, puisque c'est dans cet état que j'ai dû la remettre pour une expo. J'ai gagné 1ère place avec ces deux toiles et je me suis résigné à les garder telles qu'elles.

Hitler didnt't die for this.


pedo detected

Did a shitty, unflattering drawing of my buddy in ms paint


Normalfag detected


i bet you're into 3DPD



Draw you're waifu on the toilet, contemplating Tampons.

Draw you're waifu wearing a Fundoshi and Sarashi, uncomfortable at how much it rides up her ass.

do these things eat semen? they have a fleshlight for a head but there's no mention of their diet


This should be a meme.

I bet you're into the gay science because there's no way your train of thought was straight

i'm sorry, i didn't realize you had asperger's



They eat avocados. Did you know that in some countries, they use the same word for lawyers and avocados? It's funny because penii like avocados but dislike lies, hence, lawyers. It tells a lot about the duality of the world, and also that women are creatures of deceit.

Meant for of course.


I'm not a drawfag but would someone do this with tsukihi araragi?

requesting a floppy toucan
or a happy snek

a snek but the snek is actually a penis

Had to browse my shitty old DA page for these… I need to start drawing again.

Is that middle one a space marine?

Supposed to be a Strogg style monster, like from Quake 2/4

thank you, jesus

Requesting the Plain Doll lifting her dress and grinding her crotch against the Hunter's +10 dick.
Is it just me, or is it impossible to post multiple images in the same post with chrome?

Still waiting for that Gaius image.

Requesting Jacket from Hotline Miami carrying Chiaki Nanami to safety, mangled dead faggot optional.

Thats pretty gud

Ok now draw THE WORLD riding a trike that kind of looks like DIO

Ty user

wryyyyy 2.0

i want to say you traced dios face because it looks too clean compared to the world but i have no proof


I put the picture on my phone next to my notebook, for meme's sake

also, you got a problem with the world's face?!???

Mara is female user

Mara's sex has varied from game to game, user.


I'm also taking SFM requests

Its gay if its a dude user

Safe For Mini?

source filmmaker

Something cute with warframes, because fanart is the only way to enjoy that game anymore.

Anything with Haydee or Snek

Oh. Do something retarded with whoever your source filmmaker waifu is, then.

Requesting Punished Holla Forums-tan doing 2nd pic related

That's me
write me an email

Requesting a Mega Gardevoir version of this Gwendolyn pic.


Is that you, Liefield?

Needs more moscles.

I'll mail you a dollar if you do a joke version of

Well user, I took a shot at it. I'm still learning the ropes of digital.

Pepe in his natural habitat

Requesting a video ga

Requesting the pic of Nocturna from CotND that popped up last art thread or so.

muh sides


This this what he does in the new Rayman game? he only rain dance I know of is the one he does in Rayman2/Revolution

Eltonel here, taking requests.
Sorry if I haven't been keeping up with previous requests. Still bummed over the death of my mother.

Picture of Holla Forums in the "Morning after" with Erien after he asked Vivian if she wanted another sibling.

Wait shit dood sorry to hear
As for requests

Or you know, Eirien as a Housewife with Holla Forums as he's playing vidya with his daughter is some kind of nuclear household dreamscape.

you rusin' me, boy?

I'll be your mother
I'll wear frilly cute clothes and let you fuck me in the ass

lil' Viv sitting on a couch playing something fierce with a controller (facing us) with Holla Forums-tan sitting next to her complacently

with just a little too much empty space on the other side of the sofa I'm sorry for your loss, buddy

Don't do that anons, he'll start popping the estrogen and become trans/v/ and we'll all be drawn into a Modern bubsy tier nightmare.

Keep that shit back on 4cuck where we left most of our innate dicklust- eh, most of it, I mean, we've got beards, so we can't suck dick.

user, you got more issues than Nintendo Power.

Shut up or I'll put you in the hidden tranny battlestation feminization indoctrination basement you soon to be boyloving twink-whore.

Stinky hat!

I wear no hat.

I'll wear two for you, user.

I wish

for a hat

sure buddy why not


My 88 year old Grandmother was just sent to the hospital after throwing up and feeling weak. Got to visit her soon. I feel you bro.

I'm sorry for your loss
Stay strong

Please leave

My condolences gift-bringer.

Nigger don't do that.
You are not me and my mother is alright, fortunately.

In any case, thank you very much for your condolences, that really means a lot for me.


Draw me a kirby sucking a big hot sausage

I'm glad they made lotte into the most unlikable character in the show in a single episode. She's the worst kind of person - an obsessive, ugly fangirl over shitty pop culture media. little witch academia has never been more worth dropping.


Good thing we still have best girl eh?

That's not a mushroom grill.

sure thing, buttbuddy

I mean you're almost right since akko is worst girl but I wouldn't call the in-universe series pop culture since it's been going on for decades, iirc. More like shit taste in general.
I mean we all know Sucy is best girl.

Draw youre waifu as a funko pop figure

There's just something about that drawing in particular…


This is the fugger who keeps pretending to be me.
Please ignore him.

Here's a Viv someone requested from last thread.

I need pictures of trico receiving Head pats

You're reposting this from another thread

Then go to that thread and ask that same person to post it here.

Whichever of you is the real Eltonel, requesting Vivian consoling an user by pretending to be their mom for them.

You are not me.

Akko>Russian girl> Lotte >Sucy
Diana is a cunt

told ya
Years of being on the interwebs gives you a sixth sense for bait/bullshit

You are not me.

Rabbit Akko> Russian girl>>>>>>>>>sucy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everyone else

Are you talking about Jasminka? Because if you arent then I think you are talking about the german.

Whichever one is the engineer with blue hair and the rocket broom.

Nice job pointing yourseves out you faggots

Come on now, everybody knows that editing to make an exploitable is the easiest fucking thing to do.
You even kept the same baloon speech and everything.

Wait a minute

There's a difference?

That's Constance Amalie von Braunschbank Albrechtsberger, who is the German. Jasminka, the one who likes to eat, is the Russian.

This grill.
Cant be assed to get the quality any higher

No, it changes nothing. Back in the day, there was hot debate between jpg and jpeg I like jpg, just because most image file types are 3 letter it was the same file build but no agreement on the name, so just about all modern software recognize them equally.

I'm afraid they're right. Stereotypes match as well with germans being cold and master mechanics and russians being big fluffy and bear-like.
Although nowdays the stereotypes would be reversed with Slav magic and germans being big fat pussies.

Oh fuck. Can't wait to hate this series in the near future.

You don't have to hate the entire series, just localization.

It's not the shitty dub itself that makes me hate it, it's the disgusting fanbase it brings in. Just wait until it's on Adult Swim and the normalfags start calling it "the new Harry Potter."

This meme needs to end.

You don't keep up with anime much do you? I don't think Netflix will want their right to stream it being on some other channel. You will get little kids watching it though.

Since when does AS air animoos? Still, that's no a reason to hate it.
When the show tries to adapt and cater to the new cancerous audience, that's when you trash it.

I can't really think of any franchise I've stuck with until the very end right now, 'cept maybe Rick & Morty or South Park.

The last time I watched that was S20E4 and after that I couldn't finish it but I had a feeling that this season wasn't as good the last one

You only have yourself to blame.

Can the real Eltonel PLEASE draw [my waifu] doing [slightly lewd thing].


Is your waifu an aryan kung-fu eskimo?

They have been doing it for years now. They took over toonami in 2012, which originally was for cartoon network from 1997-2008. So now adult swim does anime on saturdays. Don't know why you would watch anime after midnight with commercials when you can get subbed anime on the internet sooner and with no interruptions.

I hear your prayers my son

Can the real Eltonel please draw his waifu being chaste and innocent?

I don't know either man. We've never even had Toonami or AS on TV here. The only place where you could watch an anime (Hellsing) was VIVA, a german version of Mtv.

Get that heresy outta here.

I suck, but no one else took the request, so I thought I'd take a crack at it.

Not too bad user. The only thing I would suggest is working his hands to make it less like salad fingers.

Yeah, and an actual round shape for the head would have been nice too. :/

I'll do some hand studies though, thanks.


That's one seriously eggheaded Holla Forums. I like it.

you other draw fags better flood this thread with guzma too


I just hope you dont either user.

Sorry for your loss. Shit must be rough.

Magnificent, sign it so that I can forever remember your name

good mario

Every time.

what the fuck

sent ;)

Read the manual next time? lol

How long did it take you? It took me around 2 years.

rate me plz dont bully im sucidial

Cutting edge memes, friend. Do you even remember why that was posted?

Why is that guy playing KerPlunk with his dick?

Holy Christ it's true.

4 years

look at this braniac

i had to tell someone because all my friends who draw already knew and got mad at me for not knowing
i dont fucking check these things okay

hoping this can turn into a the world thread, also post some more requests faggots this thread is dying!

Requestan beard burger master as gordon ramsay.


this is fucking raw, just add text tonyiue liking pls

Can someone please draw Liquid Snake all beat up and giving you a thumbs up like in pic 3?

Can someone draw Masuji Taka No Nada but I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.Spoiler
I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Kyuseishu Futarime no Rikudo Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushodo, Shurado, Tendo, Ningendo, Jigokudo, Gakido, Gedo, Bansho Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sozo) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using Katon, Futon, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yoton and even Onmyoton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujo because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudodama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudo Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kotan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu.
I’m definitely NOT Talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after Alucard, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu and having eaten Popeye’s spinach. I’m talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with his Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Alucard as well as a God Hand, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit, with Kryptonian DNA implanted in him and having eaten Popeye’s spinach while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered Hokuto Shinken.
tank u!!

I got a printer recently.
So my girlfriend drew me Printer-chan.
Its cute. Can anyone draw a more fleshed out version?
inb4 not vidya

Lewds of printer chan fucking when
Does anyone else hear the bells, they won't fucking stop ringing

Lewds when?

/r/equesting the drawfags to draw themselves as a monster

I don't believe you have a girlfriend. Enjoy your hand.


Oh my fucking god

thanks user, quality shit

Ed Atlin's tutorial helped me on this Ms. Pacman.

Hey, aren't you that guy from /xen/?


Huh, it's just that you draw nipples the same way he does.

I like blue.

sorry for the wait, business called, anyway here you go, I really need to get a wacom so I can make these faster and color them

The head looks a bit too big but aside from that, its great! Thanks, user.

it was even bigger at first, the habit of drawing enlogated faces creeps up on me sometimes if I don't pay proper attention

Still, you did a good job.

you are in luck, the german meme will end soon altogether, once eurabia is established

I'm sorry…. also how do I spoiler on the phone?


Just feed her handbooks on human anatomy.


Fun thing: on my last job, I did some research on printers and it turned out that there are literally ZERO good printers on the market today. Like, every printer is shoddy piece of shit, and cartridges are so overpriced it's not even funny. We had so many printers in active use, I don't understand how we were supposed to legitimately buy cartridges for them without going broke in five minutes. We were paying some company to refill our cartridges, then we ran out of money anyway and had to learn how to fill them ourselves (and crack DRM on them because printer makers don't want you to buy toner, they want you to pay through the nose for their cartridges), and then we ran out of money again and I got downsized. Seriously, fuck printers. And not in this way.

Sorry, printers trigger me.


If I remember correctly: per pound, printer ink is worth more than gold.
Fuck printer companies, there needs to be fucking laws against this shit. Chicken companies used to do this shit a long time ago and then the government threw the book at them.

So, I needed a new printer and I wanted one that accepted regenerated ink cartridges
Do they even exist?

>>>Holla Forums

on side note, since the printer and snake are done,you guys should go ahead and make some more requests


When I was playing Counterfeit heist in Payday 2 with some guys, I always joked that we should drop the fake money and just grab as much printer ink as possible instead.

I second this

Fellow user of impeccable taste!

It took me three days and I thought that I was slow. What the fuck is wrong with you?

I can't remember when I found that out, but yeah it sucks. It's like the pen's equivalent of needing to be sharpened. So I gotta make sure I never lose my bag of nibs.

I tire of this, might finish tomorrow

an attempt was made

I love you

What a pleb.

christina leave

I'll probably only finish it tomorrow, but just wanted to get your thoughts on this (shes not gonna be naked)

You may either wanna move where her hand is or add more detail to that gun, because currently it looks like >she has a penis.

gonna add details and make it bigger, I'm trying to pass the idea of a penis being there because you could imagine that gun was your dick…

good stuff



God bless you user.
Not sure how to feel about getting cucked by user tho.

Can someone make an edit of the first image by replacing Leon with William the main guy from Ni-oh and Ashley with okatsu the girl who thirst for William's white penis but gets ignored while William chases after his spirit waifu.

I-It's not like I'm enjoying this!!! I'm just doing it to improve my skills….

Improving your skills feels pretty good, doesn't it? ~

If you take a clear, still picture of this when it's done, I should be able to clean up all the background static and make it look like it's been scanned if you want.
It'll be smaller resolution than the photo, though, because the camera you're using is doing some weird artifacting shit that'll be hard to get rid of otherwise.

Is that even possible to do?

His picture is really grainy, so it's hard to work with.


finally done, drawing this was hell, didn't want to get caught drawing lewds

Is this alright?

seems good!!! now we just have to wait for some kind and humble user to color it!

Draw my captcha and your favorite videogame character.

more requests pls

Well, maybe you could draw Shinobu riding the Schpeltiger?

You asked for this.



I need a colonial elf for a D&d game

It's like you didn't grow up with games that had 100+ page manuals.

Save for a few years between 2010 and 2014, Adult Swim always aired anime on Saturdays. Why do you think people even know about Inuyasha and Bleach to begin with?

Toonami did it regularly around ~4pm - 6pm every day until it got pushed back to weekends only, and then it eventually got terminated, only to be picked up by [AS] in recent years.


Doesn't this mean Holla Forums has next to no taste?


No lewds for you.

Don't feel sad man, no wonder she died with all the cock she took the AIDS was just a matter of time.
Oh, and could you draw a guy with a backpack walking in a valley?

hey, I'm not that familiar with colonial attires, is the the picture the correct attire (my google search shows different hats) also do you want it to look like the guy in the photo(pose wise)?

just as is in the picture please

Requesting King from Final Fantasy Type-0 in the Revolver Ocelot finger-guns pose

the punishment for man's sins

Hey, while you're drawing random stuff, can I request something simple?
Chibi-robo pulling itself into a wall socket, while having loveheart eyes

Trich master race, reporting in.

Goddamn it, someone has already done a better version in the time it took me to shit this one out. Oh well, cheers mate.

I'm sorry user… things got a bit out of hand… you want the first one, don't see the second one

Change the eyes to his normal button eyes and I'll be okay with this

D O N O T S E X U A L I Z E C H I B I - R O B O



5 years later I figured it out

I really like the angle you chose and he different weights of the lines really bring it to life!!

Requesting Hilder merchant.

fug it, I'll do it myself. I'm shit at actually editing drawings, though

it is too late

Last drawthread I asked for Reaper from Overwatch doing the overtime face, I got it delivered but wasn't on my home computer and couldn't save it, is the artist here to repost it?

Thanks, guy! The FROGS army grows.

A Silent Hill twist to this meme.

So what are you guys working on?

damn dude nice artwork

Update, still need to fix a few details


The hands and feet seem too small.

yeah the hands are a bit small and im probably gonna rework one of the arms and hands completely but i cant be bothered right now so here is a older pic in the meantime

Anyone into straight shota?

Requesting Kat from Gravity Rush and Spike from Ape Escape having sex.

Not a request anyone made, but I would like some feedback on it, please.

Is that supposed to be water reflection?
Because i see the sky but not the characters in it.

Suppose to be


So, other than the character's reflections missing from the water, how did I do and what can I improve?

I don't know, i'm just not good at being an art critic, i only mentioned the reflection because it was the best i could do.

The thread seems silent right now.

sorry taking a break with vidya, anyway I'd say your shading is good, however you need to get a bit better at organic anatomy, I know it's a pain in the ass but drawing first guidelines with blank models, just to get the measures right helps a lot…
of course we also have to take into account your own style, but even so arms lengths, specially on the woman in the lake, and sizes and I'd advise to improve also on making the faces less "flat" it should improve a lot, however minus that your background skills seem well and your coloring/shading pretty good!

Thank you.

Also, the person at the lake is suppose to be a guy.

Took a stab at madotsuki

looks cool

Good job.

You should draw her hair a bit denser around the scalp, seeing that much skin makes her look bald. Perhaps even just darkening the skin would do the trick.

Ahh I can see what you mean now, thanks for this.

im sorry the result turned out way worse than I expected, hope youre not too disappointed

Requesting this scenario:

Rock/Mega Man and Roll are helping Dr Right/Light clean his house (Rock is vacuuming and Roll is dusting), when Roll (who happens to be behind Rock right then and there) trips over the cord of Rock’s vacuum cleaner, and as she falls, she instinctively reaches for the closest thing she can find, which just so happens to be the back of Rock’s shorts. So, as you might have guessed, Rock’s shorts are pulled down, revealing his white briefs/tighty-whities (what, you thought those blue trunks that were part of his combat suit were his underwear?). Dr Light, upon seeing this, remarks, "And that's why almost no one uses a corded vacuum cleaner any more."