Is it just me or has video game music, primarily nintendo, gone to complete shit? Nintendo used to make memorable games, and their music was the most memorable part of all. But now, just take a look at BOTW's music. It's the most generic shit I've seen them shit out. All their stuff seems like a cheap knockoff of their older stuff.
Is it just me or has video game music, primarily nintendo, gone to complete shit? Nintendo used to make memorable games...
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Tell me to my face that super mario's music is only good because of nostalgia, not online, see what happens faggot
tell that to my face*
wait thats what i wanted to say
super mario world had some of the best music from nintendo imo
It's not bad but not something I'd remember for years to come.
nah vidya music is great, just listen to Undertale's soundtrack, lad
despite all the autism undertale created I can't lie it had some amazing music
Video game music was never ever good tbh, save for a few like the TES series.
the covers are better than the original music
Nah nigga. This stuff is still great.
Yes. It is quite literally just you.
You are the only one who ever had this thought. You are a very special snowflake.
At least I can take comfort in the fact that someone else on this planet is as autistic as I am
Is it just me or did you make 3 nintendo bashing threads in a row?
Things were better.
Why do all good doujins have to be tainted in some way
Soule's music especially for Morrowind is soothing and plays at the gameplay's pace. Not the best music, but I have no intention to mute it. I like Daggerfall's score better though.
That's nice.
Is there any vidya composer that's anywhere as good as Ron Grainer?
That's gay dude.
Marty O'Donnell.
Introduce that boy to the chans, stat.
new meme?
yeah, right? Mario Kart 8 is also really great, as well as 3D World
>What is Breath of the Wild, fuck you the music so far has been fucking great
That music might not even be in the game, lots of game trailers just use licensed music.
I personally agree when it comes to newer Mario games having so much obnoxious shitty sax that feels nothing like past music.
Has ninty ever done that before? They may be Jews, but they do sometimes have standards. Also that vid sounds too perfectly fitting to be licensed
sometimes != all the times
isnt that often the case?
Pokemon music has been improving constantly, specially since RSE. (Specially those Concertina and New Age Piano stuff)
Now, about Zelda BotW:
No one ever listened to the entire OST, the only sound so far heard is the Ambient Music of the Great Plateau, so, it's too soon to judge this, don't you think?
But yes, the Prime, the Golden Age, the Apex of VGM happened in the SNES era.
I really miss the old days of early redbook audio on the first CD based games, there's really nothing else quite like it today.
No. Tropical Freeze is objectively David Wise's best work and one of the best vidya OST's ever made.
Old Tellur Town is my favorite
That I havent gotten sick of the synergy burst music
you can still listen to some nice fanmade remix who are copyright free.
like this one
or this one but you get the idea.
thats some bait you got there
You are just looking at the wrong places.
Meant to say a hundred years, but fuck it.
All three of the Witcher games have good OST
A shame they didn't keep the original accordion sound, synth sux ass.
This is now a video game music thread.
Also check out this funky remix of Snake Eater
Nice, now I'm in a Metal Gear mood.
As shit as oblivion is, it had a good soundtrack.
i tend to think instrumental video game music is better if you just, well, let it in and open up to the music
maybe it'll just sound like another orchestra track, but the fight music for that game grew on me as I got further into the game
This game has really good music
oops, put it in comment instead of embed
this game has some of the better music ive heard
dont tell me this one sucks
Fuck off spic.
Top fucking taste in battle music.
Yes. Just compare pokemon music from the first 3 generations to the later ones. Like night and day. HG/SS avoided it somewhat because it's just remixes from G/S/C. But whenever they tried something new, it was a trainwreck.
Reminds me of the infinitely better collaboration album
I'll just post some music from games released in the previous year to educate your dumb ass
Oh shit, where'd it go?
That is a song from a game released in 1996
It's a remaster anyways
Nah, you're just looking in the wrong places, or not looking at all, and letting your general pessimism towards video games cloud your judgement. Nintendo may be poised to launch one of the worst-looking consoles in recent memory and checking off a list of anti-consumer bullshit, but their musicians still know what they're doing.
Wew lad!
I'll instantly believe anything someone with double trips says
well i think what youre noticing is how AAA games tend to use hollywood style "EPIC" soundtracks these days. theyre kind of boring and samey.