What is the vidya equivalent of "Boyhood Took 12 Years to Make"? By this, I mean, one fact about a really mediocre video game that nobody will shut up about. I nominate "Fire Emblem Awakening saved the series".
Boyhood Took 12 Years To Make
Nier Automata
Bioshock's twist or bioshock infinite's 2deep4u story.
"See that mountain? You can climb it"
Skyrim or Fallout 3.
Boyhood is below mediocre though
THe Last Guardian.
I still don't understand the hype for Skyrim. It convinced me to buy it, but I just found it extraordinarily boring. I enjoyed Fallout 3 though.
the last guardian is almost literally this. turned out to be shit and a huge waste of time. ff7 remake will be the same.
I think a better title/question would be "A game known only for this fact", if you're trying to compare it to BoyHood.
Maybe something like "Halo Reach's multiplayer!!!".
They don't count, as people remember them for being Bethesda open-worlds. We're looking for games that people only remember for one feature.
These are good for the "Took ages and was shit", just like BoyHood.
isn't being open world one feature?
The Witness took a gorillion dollars and two gorillion years to make and it's the same artsy fartsy shit as Boyhood.
Also INSIDE, while not entirely shit, took a ridiculous 6 years to make despite being short and simple as all fucks and it's overrated too.
Well, combine that with yours, and that's 2 :^)
Also people harp on about the mods and graphics, shit like that.
Owlboy, FFXV, Duke Nukem Forever, The Last Guardian can all fight pretty well for the title of "The Boyhood of video games"
I wonder how much longer will we have to wait for HL3.
Took ages to make, ended up a mediocre product, lauded by pretentious journalists, but only during the game/movie's short lived relevancy. Claims to try something new even though you can get what it offers just about anywhere else.
the pain, i can still feel it
How come Japs are allowed to have real waifus but we're not?
I think this game holds the world record for most analogies and anecdotes used as to why it hasn't been released yet.
I agree with The Witness. Most of the other examples are just games that were in development hell or got scrapped a bunch of times.
therere was even a part in game where she was choked unconcious/drowned and was about to get raped you can hear they guy unzip his pants but then >>>/joosten/ uses her magic waifu powers to kill the guy… that scene was so stupid
Too Human
Rapeman removed her clothes and submerged her in water, when the entire reason they were even able to keep her restrained was because she could't breathe through her prisoner clothes or absorb water, which was weakening her a lot. Rapeman was too dumb to live.
pretty much.
This is the point where the thread should have ended
"Well Zombies is fun"
Final Fantasy XV
As in, mostly unremarkable but the fact that it took so long and didn't end up being a complete disaster is somehow making people think it's somehow better than it actually is
not defending the game but…… bruh, all video games are a waste of time
Half Life 3
muh 18 quintillion planets
CnC Generals 2.
Underrated post
Over a decade to make, both are mediocre and already forgotten.
Frankly, if Boyhood didn't have that "12 years to make" gimmick bullshit, no one would've liked it. There's no equivalent to this in videogames, mainly because Boyhood's gimmick was "you can see the actors age on camera!" which is irrelevant in videogames, since taking more than a decade to make a game only guarantees that it won't be good.
You want to know something interesting. If you look at the people who open their mouths as too look elated in photographs they are cucks. They are people dead inside who try to hand good deeds on themselves to seem like a good person.
This came out I thought it was cancelled like right after it was announced because everyone hated Bioware.
Final Fantasy XV. Took over a decade and an assload of money to make.
Objects in Space. Who would've thought that lowering your T levels would also lower your productivity…
Would be even easier to say "game that without this gimmick nobody would give a fuck".
So going by that
I'd be tempted to say TF2 is comparable because it took 9 years to make but it was a good game.
As for an in depth examination of boyhood. I argue there are 2 lenses to view it's praise in.
1. Oscars increase revenue.
From this perspective No Man's Sky is certainly a "Boyhood" of video games
In the opposite direction:
2. Artists and their facination with the labor theory of value.
As for this perspective maybe Gone Homo?
Put in that fucking game in which you drive a tank using an entire dashboard, Steel Batallion.
Oh yeah Nioh was originally a PS3 game wasn't it but I don't think it took 10 years.
Never mind your right here is a trailer from E3 2005 how in the fuck is that game as great as it is.
The trailers were honestly better than the game.
Well than the story in the game yeah the game still played pretty great and was fun to actually play. Just plot didn't live up anywhere near what the trailers promised and what fans speculated.
Entertainment and fun is a waste of time user if you are not making money or producing offspring you are wasting your time.
All activities are a waste of time because the universe will inevitably and unstoppably become inhospitable to life. Nothing we do can stop that and nothing we can do will truly matter in the grand scheme.
This man would like to have a word with you.
Steel Battalion is badass, though. One of the things I look forwards to every time I go to PAX.
In all fairness, NMS was never supposed to be as big as it was hyped up to be.
It was supposed to be a sandbox game for people who wanna fly around and look at cool stuff, but the media turned it into the second coming of Gabe Newell.
No Man's Sky has their "90 gorillian" or whatever the number is.
l.a. noire's amazing facial motion capture
what's the video game equivalent of OP being a memeslinging jew?
I'm really surprised no one has made this edit of that pic yet.
That pic was taken a long time ago. That cat is fat as fuck now and looks smug in every pic you find him in.
hes not wrong fam