Alright niggers, just over halfway through February now, the fuck have you been up to since the last thread?
What are you
You are keeping your stuff tidy and organized as well, right user?
Alright niggers, just over halfway through February now, the fuck have you been up to since the last thread?
What are you
You are keeping your stuff tidy and organized as well, right user?
I mean I'm guessing they're either dirt cheap or free but why tho?
Nice way to try to slide the board by posting literal shit. There should be a filter for this. Complete template no effort shitpost. But let's try to play it as it looks like:
Trying to fit in with some seriously bad taste and racism.
So in your post, what is the question or topic we should be discussing? Old consoles by the who has or has not an old console? Of those people outside of that demographic, who would like to buy one? Who are collectors? Are you one? Do you have a collection?
But you have not given anything, anything, to spark any conversation on the topic. So go away, please. You racist fuck.
Got a chuckle, thanks user.
Nice template thread, nigger.
I've recently purchased a cotton boomerang advertisement poster, unfortunately the seller listed the wrong measurements for the size so I ended up with a gorgeous poster but a frame too small for it. So I'm going to measure it again and purchase a beautiful frame for it.
It's tremendous, and I can't wait to get a frame for it. I also discovered my Ikegami HTM-2050R has a 480p dipswitch on the remote so I no longer feel the need for a PVM20L5 - I'd still like to get one however.
stop accusing people of what you're doing, shill.
Trying to convince my uncle to sell me his Amiga CD32
Amiga and Commodore PCs.
Nothing! I'm an autist commodore faggot.
That looks great user. How much did it set you back?
Collecting for the Amiga is on par with SNES game prices. The good accelerators alone cost as much as a car.
like 60 bucks after shipping? Was coming from france. The frame will probably be like $20, but with my new position my income has been great. Really no financial concerns for this stuff - I barely even need to plan it out. Its more like "OK, I bought enough broadcast monitors and odd collectibles from my favorites this month."
Speaking of, I also have two new monitors - a faulty sony PVM 1351Q which I plan on repairing myself, and a working Panasoninc 13" RGB monitor.
oh and i got a white saturn mouse. rebinding some of the panzer dragoon zwei controls has made the game amazing to play. I'm getting like 98.5% hit ratios now.
Looking for these:
Recommend me some ZX games to get for the console
Cuckllectors have always been cancer.
You're not "preserving history" by owning a hunk of plastic older than you, specially with emulators being a thing. You're just a hipster fueling the jewish scalper machine.
Wow, you sure showed everyone in this thread user, keep posting~
underages leave
He's right, you're all autistic cuckold scalpers.
Advance to GTFO and collect one shekel.
With the exception of a few games, the majority of my video game and computer collection was salvaging unwanted stuff from yard sales and thrift stores.
what is it with emulatorfags not staying in their own threads? worse than pcfags tbqh
Just ordered the Gravity Rush 2 OST. 4 disks was too much; they got me.
wrong pic
I've been buying wii u games like crazy as of late, shit like W101 for 15, Giana sisters for 7, Amiibo festival plus a shit ton of those fucking figurines for 25 bucks, places like walmart are marking down the games like crazy so get them while you can.
I'm convinced it's just redditors trying to downvote the thread, Holla Forums has suffered alot ever since the cripplekike was caught shilling on reddit, not to mention the multiple times Null fucked the site.