Webm Thread

Because you faggots seem to keep forgetting THE RULES, these threads keep getting bumplocked or deleted and OPs get shitcanned. Let's review:


Not page 10, not page 12, not 300 posts. Get your shit together. Maybe even make some original content once in a while.

Other urls found in this thread:








/r/ing the neil cicierega webms from last thread.
















there was some shit i wanted to save you inconsiderate faggot

Poor Lama
Not some huge limp-wristed faggot, but I think cold methodical killing of animals for their meat only to get wasted is fucked up. I see what Hitler was talking about



hahahaha oh man, mother fucking pot of greed.

Please no.

I'm doing my best. I try to post some OC every thread.



Would you have preferred a little boy, you massive homo?


Anyone got the Kirby Dansu, No Female Characters, Alex Jones Circulation, and the old cartoon one with Betty Boop and jazz music at 60fps?

I had to restart my browser and when I came back the thread was deleted but I wanted to save those.

Gotcha covered, fam.







Is that poison ivy or something?

I'm not into SC, what are the win conditions here? I thought normally you had to destroy all buildings.

Even though I never Watched Betty Boop this little scene of her in Rodger Rabbit was always my favorite part of the movie.

Stinging nettles, lad. they have poison pricks similar to a jellyfish but less potent.

They have tiny silica fibres that get stuck in to your skin like microscopic hypodermic needles. Once they're in your skin brushing the area will cause them to twist in the wound, as it were, and re-irritate the area. There's actually a version of the plant in Australia called the Gympie Gympie that's so painful people have reportedly killed themselves after touching it because the pain just. Would. Not. Stop.




It's the only toon in that movie he still treats with respect and admiration.

Really makes you think.

I don't play the game either, but that's also my understanding. What commonly happens though is that the player who understands that they've lost the game taps out long before their opponent could spend the time clearing everything out.


Anyone got a better name for this one.


thread is still up , just go and be gay over there then


i get that reference but what's with the shitty everything in that mp4?


>a washed up "actress" selling cigarretes and giving back alley blow-jobs to waifufags in the equivallent of a 1910's-1930's american strip club
i'd buy that for 100¢

Thank you

I watch these live every now and then and it is they know its over so they just quit

>>>Holla Forums



this is absolutely every vidya webm I have

I feel ashamed.



you're good kid , you're good ; but with my help you can be better than good , you can be great
and then you have to go around and say something like this
fuck that shit you're a disappointment ,you let this board down ,you let your waifu down ,you let Mark down , you let yourself down ; i bet you even watch english dubbed anime unironically .Sudoku is the only path left open to you

You can't put "/" in a file name

i know this is not Holla Forumsidya webms, but w/e.

i just did ; so go ahead call the führer , i don't give a shit

I'm looking for a Trump remixed video where he Says "uhh maybe Trump yeah, yeah, Trump" any help Holla Forums? vidya webm to stay slightly on topic





thanks so much

that man is good

My first webm. File size is bigger than I wanted but fuck it

Does anyone take Alex jones seriously?
He could've just said "it's the jews"

Joke's on you when we become the singularity of pedophile vampires, kike

For over 4 mins that's pretty good.

I remember seeing that as a kid and being pissed off because Tom didn't like my favorite game. Looking back the review's pretty apt, really.

Reminder that Alex was drunk and high during that rant.


Fuck yeah he was. One of the best goddamn podcasts Rogan has ever done


it's only been 1-2 weeks and it's already the most viewed one

call me crazy but I think the constant retards making webm threads without "remembering" the rules might just be people who hate webm threads trying to get them banned entirely.


No worries.


No, it's because mark is a newfag from 2011 who still hasn't gotten around how imageboards work and the hotpockets are retarded faggots.


Yeah I miss 4chan rules, where as soon as a thread lost its bump ability you could just make a new one

Holla Forums it's "Ok thread is no longer bumpable, make sure it's page 13 or over 700 posts before a new one"

This would be fine if it took maybe an hour or so, but right now it's like 18-30 hours before that happens, and a thread that can't be bumped is always a dead thread

No you retarded fuck, always get to the file size limit when you can. Nobody cares if something is 1 or 30MB, even fucking cubans who live in a communist dictatorship.



can't argue with those trips but you probably are crazy


Whenever someone refers to dimensions as alternate realities, just assume they're bullshitting you. Alex jones doesn't know what he's on about in that video.




feels incoming



anyone have the one with the german dude pissing off his frog?

Man, video games could've been great but instead they just aren't.




it's from a movie "Hardcore Henry"

been thinking about buying a cast iron. saved.

I think having a board that has a loose sense of rules to begin with is what caused this downward spiral into 'who honestly gives a fuck?'

That being said, LOL threads were all about gaming webcomics, including at least one that turned into an attempt at serious drama by way of a miscarriage, and that eventually turned into posting any old comic and laughing at it. It's all just progression of an idea that eventually becomes the [B O A R D C U L T U R E] that Mark supposedly wants to keep up and running.

Also, you know, for someone who's bitching about non-vidya webms in the webm thread, you sure aren't posting any V I D E O G A M E S.

Bitch, just throw it in the fire and anything you don't want in your food will be dead after fire kills it. Any extra effort from getting stuck food out of the pan and cleaning it is the same thing as maintaining that retarded seasoning. Even when they try to make something simple women make shit needlessly complex.

where did I say I was bitching about non video game webms friend?

An user requested a webm of this last thread. Figure you guys would also really appreciate it. I know I did.



You don't even own a fucking cast iron pan do you? If you consider this complex you must find using an imageboard some kind of fucking olympian task.


Jesus fucking Christ, is there anything in Australia that ISN'T trying to kill you?

he's probably a fat NEET who's never cooked a meal from scratch in his life.

I was originally going to post this but can't remember the name. It's comedy gold and I miss that type of humor from the 90s.


Thanks lad, been needing something like this.


Fun fact. The original voice actor of Betty Boop from the 1930's actually reprised her role for that scene in the movie.

She was in her late 70's at that time, and she would star in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation as the senile old lady who's hard of hearing.


Boop was the "Gentleman's" cartoon of the era, basically branching out from "Cute" to "More adult oriented" entertainment

She also serves as the segway into the reveal of Jessica Rabbit

Fun fact

Don't overcomplicate stuff user, it was a cartoon children couldn't spot the lewd on and it got daddy hard just like many others.

When she says to use a mild dish soap she really fuckin' means it. As she described, the pan is porous and will absorb flavors. If you use a strong soap guess what your steak is going to taste like? I would actually argue it'd be safer to do a first time cleaning with some watered down vinegar instead.

You only need to oil it up again if you plan on storing it. If it's something you use almost everyday then it only needs to be reseasoned every few months or more.
I have a flat one on my stove for shit like quesodillas or grilled cheese. When I'm done I just wipe any excess grease and crumbs off with a paper towel and it's good to go.

what in the fuck is a quesodilla. Is that some bastardized quesadilla or something.


I guess I can add hiking in Australian rain forests to the list of shit I'm never going to do.

a proud tradition


She only scrubs with soap and water for the initial cleaning, after that she just uses salt and water





I saw the thumbnail and thought "oh cool MST3K" but then I got a barrage of autism and I clicked off in the first 10 seconds

Anyways, it would be pretty rad to see the MST3K guys sit through really shitty animated films and cartoons, just saying

I made this dual audio, I'm interested to see the results when played online. I know for certain you can choose the audio track in a normal media player though.

It didn't work, said the webm was invalid, and I just uploaded a single track one and forgot to change the post.






This is why I come to Belgian underwater welding forums: to see people argue about cast-iron skillet cleaning techniques.




Holla Forums only accepts WEBMs with a single audio track and a single video track, and out of those it only accepts the ones where the video track comes before the audio track.

Really makes you think, maybe if moot did shut down 4chan instead of letting his Jew out and selling it things would've turned out different. Maybe Holla Forums would've turned out different. Maybe imageboards in general wouldn't be fucking dead.

I did describe it as first time cleaning didn't I?
I did. But don't fret user because:

I saw I made that typo, figured I'd go back and fix it when I was done, and forgot about it.

There's some talented actors here damn

I just wanted to see how far I could push VP9 compression with 6min of 720p footage

Very impressed

Yeah, it's very impressive.
Specially considering a single 720p 24 bit frame is already 2.7MB

Enjoy getting charcoal on everything, Abdul.
I do that with my camping shit, but for a kitchen, 1 it's cleaner, 2 I don't have a fireplace in my kitchen, 3 it's much smoother and doesn't get into the fire and 4 this isn't difficult.

The full version is better, how the guy starts his LP all smug yet slowly makes the loss much more sudden and funnier.


Not vidya, but then again nothing in these thread is. You anons wanna see the rest of it?



Just imagine, that plant evolved because the only way it would survive is by having the predators that would eat it's leaves get tortured for years.
Whatever is the animal that eats it's leaves and lives in australia is the one herbivorous i fear, and a lot.



Great stuff, please watch this similar tutorial on a different subject

This is really good shit, my tipped fedora to the maker,



What's the source of that MyGloriousDay.webm?




Is there any reason to get cast iron skillet vs carbon steel? Carbon steel takes on a seasoning much much faster and is far lighter.


Why does she wear the mask?

That's fucking dark
love it



Anyone know this song? Sounds a lot like Sega Genesis because the Sega Genesis soundchip produced very similar music.


this has lady and trish.
but Dante isn't acting like Uncle Dante…..
SOmething just clicked. If DmC 3 was a prequel to the series, where the fuck did Lady go in DMC1 and 2?

Never mind, some anons said it in another thread, it's Desert Strike.





what game is the "let me show you a trick" from?

It really was a great movie.


Cast iron's pretty great. Avoid non-metal handles, and if you have an oven, maybe find one that fits there as well. Some have detachable handles, those are breddy gud.
A lof of modern pans have a rough finish to them, but that doesn't seem to have any real effect as far as sticking goes, but smooth's probably a bit better. If you're going for smooth, get one of those spatulas with a completely flat end. Makes it easy to scrape things off the bottom and flatten out whatever additional seasoning builds up.
Also, might be a good idea to cook fatty things until you get the hang of things. It'll help further season the pan as well.

And, uh, if things do stick a bit, and to some extent they will, don't fuck with them. Chances are they'll let go when they're done. Otherwise you'll just leave all the tasty stuff stuck to the pan to burn.


I need the link to this "full version" of which you speak. I've tried to find it but I never can.






Meanwhile my cat opens doors.


Are all arabs really such low IQ simpletons?

Been looking for this


Don't type it like that DMC is the original series DmC is the reboot that is the best way of distinguishing between the two.

But anyway The anime takes place after DMC1 but before DMC4. The whole time line to the series is 3, 1, Anime, 4, 2. The anime is mostly about what Dante's Day job at Devil May Cry is like. he acts depressed allot of the time when he's not on a job cus of boredom that part is funny to me.

Lady doesn't work for Dante so her not being in DMC1 makes sense she just didn't visit him that day. as for DMC2 that game is just a mess. Capcom is never going to acknowledge it so thinking too much about it is just wasted effort.





it's sugar glass, isn't it?

I'd believe it still hurts.

I don't know to be honest



In the beginning of the video he talks about how glass is actually about as safe to eat as sand as long as you chew it properly. It's the shit that's normally inside most lightbulbs that's toxic that you have to worry about. Take that as you will.



She needs some cake on her face.


someday I will go to Mongolia, fuck I yearn to


I remember that "Bullshit" Penn & Teller episode where they tech people how to use mind over matter and stuff with walking over hot coals and broken glass. A physicist showed how he could do the same thing because it wasn't really dangerous at all… as long as you do it properly.
But this is a whole 'nother level because you still have to swallow the glass bits. I sort of buy into the whole "glass chewing" shtick, but swallowing? Nah. Bullshit.
I work with all sorts of lightbulbs at the workshop and that shit cuts easily. Getting glass dust in your respiratory system is a shit way to die too. I've also heard it's similar to one of the most expensive ways to kill someone: diamond dust:
If you inhale/swallow diamond dust it will get lodged in your throat and pretty much everywhere between your nose/mouth and your stomach. From that point on, every time you swallow or inhale, those tiny bits of diamond dust are pushed a bit further into their wounds, making it impossible to get them out and keeping you perpetually bleeding internally and [eternally].
Glass shards are pretty much the same way, only this asshole is supposedly swallowing glass shards even bigger than dust particles. And remember kids: Glass is a solid material and does not melt in water, blood or saliva!

I'm not making an argument for or against the guy, I was just pointing out what was missing in the original webm.

I understand, I'm just explaining why I think the guy in that WEBM is full of shit. Thanks for the info.


Ha I like that filename.
THat's pretty great.




what settings/codec/etc do you guys use for ffmpeg encoding? heres one i made using VP9 and libvorbis

Fucking morons, congrats on letting something with the intelligence of a toddler die for nothing.



Here is a hint:

If you enjoy a country of nomads in a wide open nation of nothingness with one dirty city, go for it. Maybe you can nab a qt mongolian gf who will throat warble ur dik.

Does Vergil show up in that anime?


No he is not. How do you explain him being in DMC4?

That's Nero, ya doofis.


Also should I add a :^) or am I obvious enough

What song is that in the video? I recognize it from somewhere else.


I follow this guide. Here's an example of something I've made lately.

ffmpeg -y -i "Danny Trejo - How to Make a Great Movie-MRBYSqCSnr4.mp4" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 1024k -vf scale=-1:540 -g 9999 -pix_fmt yuv420p -colorspace bt709 -speed 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 6 -quality good -sn -c:a libopus -b:a 64k -ac 2 -metadata title="Danny Trejo - How to Make a Great Movie-MRBYSqCSnr4" -f webm -threads 4 -pass 1 -an NUL

ffmpeg -y -i "Danny Trejo - How to Make a Great Movie-MRBYSqCSnr4.mp4" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 1024k -vf scale=-1:540 -g 9999 -pix_fmt yuv420p -colorspace bt709 -speed 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 6 -quality good -sn -c:a libopus -b:a 64k -ac 2 -metadata title="Danny Trejo - How to Make a Great Movie-MRBYSqCSnr4" -f webm -threads 4 -pass 2 output1.webm

ffmpeg -y -i "MegaMan X - Corrupted - X Armor Combos-T6WB2V7qqek.mkv" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 430k -vf crop=960:720 -g 9999 -pix_fmt yuv420p -colorspace bt709 -speed 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 6 -quality good -sn -c:a libopus -b:a 58.5k -ac 2 -metadata title="MegaMan X- Corrupted - X Armor Combos" -f webm -threads 4 -pass 1 -an NUL

ffmpeg -y -i "MegaMan X - Corrupted - X Armor Combos-T6WB2V7qqek.mkv" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 430k -vf crop=960:720 -g 9999 -pix_fmt yuv420p -colorspace bt709 -speed 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 6 -quality good -sn -c:a libopus -b:a 58.5k -ac 2 -metadata title="MegaMan X- Corrupted - X Armor Combos" -f webm -threads 4 -pass 2 output1.webm

I usually start with 64k or 96k audio depending on what I'm working with and then adjust later. I have an excel file that I use to help me choose the initial video bitrate.

Only in your shitty operating system, fuckface.


ffmpeg -y -i "WEAL Busdersord-S1pqBfYU5Lk.mp4" -i "rules.mp3" -map 0:v -map 1:a -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 1024k -g 9999 -pix_fmt yuv420p -colorspace bt709 -speed 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 6 -quality good -sn -c:a libopus -b:a 64k -ac 2 -metadata title="" -shortest -f webm -threads 4 -pass 1 -an NUL

ffmpeg -y -i "WEAL Busdersord-S1pqBfYU5Lk.mp4" -i "rules.mp3" -map 0:v -map 1:a -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 1024k -g 9999 -pix_fmt yuv420p -colorspace bt709 -speed 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 6 -quality good -sn -c:a libopus -b:a 64k -ac 2 -metadata title="" -shortest -f webm -threads 4 -pass 2 output1.webm

What about copper? Is copper easier to maintain?

it's easier to melt


The fuck was she trying to accomplish with that?
No witnesses?

What was this bitch's problem?

Uh huh.



It's fucking canada, shouldn't they have learned a long time ago?


Good Eats did it better.

Maybe the standards changed between now and then, but I got taught how to slip on approach during private pilot training, show's hamming it up a bit.


You could make artificial diamonds and create diamond dust that way, right? It's probably not that expensive.


I hate that animation.


On the contrary. The method is still cheaper than normal mining, but the quality of the diamonds will be decreased too. There is a reason cutting blades use industrial diamonds, because it does not matter if the shine beautifully or not. The main cost is the enormous amount of heat and pressure required, and the costs to maintain those conditions until the diamond particles form.

The most expensive way would probably giving someone the lethal injection with 41K-Cl. That shit is around 70 million dollars per kg.

Eh. I enjoy the song for some reason. There was another song that got floated around, was far shittier.

Ofcourse they are arabs. Not even an attempt to help just let it bleed there. Fucking subhuman garbage.

I don't understand it either. You'd think that living in an area known for its snow, everyone would know how to cope and overcome.

Cast iron is cheaper and warps less, carbon steel is prone to warping if rapidly heated/cooled like you would do on an element

just a test

Sengoku Rance. It´s a VN about a retired mercenary called Rance, who is taking care of an orphaned wizard called Sil. They go on silly adventures and have lots of fun together.

It's probably Vancouver.

huh, might use them one day


is that shoe0nhead?


Is any other Boxxy lookalike cringy enough to do this?

What the fuck did I just listen to? It feels like my brain has been touched inappropriately.

The animation is perfect, but the source audio is trash. It's such a shame

shoot for 12mb next time

Probably being a woman, and she overreacted.

You're right about eating glass. I'm pretty sure I've seen at least one movie where the niggers in prison put crushed glass in one of the other niggers salt shaker to kill him.

At what temperature? The windows in my home are so old you can see that over 30+ years the glass has obviously been melting.

This is why guns are legal. Bitch needed to die right there for endangering children.

Glass isn't melting. Way back then people just made the bottom of the glass panes thicker for stability. See video, about 2 minutes in.

fucking shit 0/10 I don't watch anything unless it has individually animated titties

That pilot probably got taught how to do a slip approach as well during his private pilot training, but some things that are applicable in smaller, lighter craft are not useable in jetliners. It's a car vs a bus

Very funny




I remember the gook in the first webm, but what happened to the bus? Did the road it was on collapse?



Why feminism figures are always connected one way or another with actual pedophiles?






Its Toronto. Everyone there is an immigrant, including the cops. They've seen snow before, but the concept of being prepared for it requires an IQ of 80 or so, which excludes 99% of the city.

What's the name of this song again?

My heart will go on from TITANIC


we wuz jesus an shet



Yeah I can believe that.


the eurobeat calls. and we answer


The fact that he reminds me of Mac from It's Always Sunny makes this even funnier.




Anyone have any of the Aqua Teen webms? I never saved any of them.



Haven't played SC in years but you can tap out at any time, when you are in a position you know you cant win its considered to be good manners to acknowledge this and leave rather than dragging out the game. However you rarely have a 0% chance of winning and on the off chance you stay in and turn the game around it makes the win all the more satisfying and soul crushing for your opponent.



Kansei Drifto?