Is this weird?

As a white male with blue eyes and light hair I really love how Zelda values those traits and how basically all key characters share them and you have to defend their land against strangers.

I think it's very unique in this way today… Hell, they even gave Goku generic blue, unrealistic blue hair now.

Other urls found in this thread:

These two pictures show the difference between Zelda and all other games today.


You have to go back, OP.

What point are you trying to make?

every time

that you're cuckchan filth

He's telling you that you need to go back to cuckchan you retard.


Nothing wrong with reaching out to a wider audience from time to time… That's why Trump is the president now and not the founder of a support group echo chamber.

This mentally is beyond childish and illogical.

Grow up.



Not as much as spamming a video game board with nonsense about zelda's connection to white supremacy again and again and again you faggot sucking, nigger loving cuckchanner.

Which again isn't as retarded as deleting mentioned threads again and again and again when there are threads with literal porn, 20 threads for feminism propaganda shit like Overwatch and Horizon and MMORPGs which are beyond degenerate.

I'm literally making a thread for a game that still seems to value white traits and virtues. Women are weak and depending on men, there is no racemixing, there are no black women with afros beating you up, there are no lesbians or other Marxist shit, there is no "subtle" multiculturalism shit going on, every tribe has its own location.

And you call me a cuck or a nigger for hyping said game?

Either JIDF or factually and literally mentally retarded.

You and

JIDF trying to create group pressure to get people stuck here on this literal containment board or literal retards.

Jesus Christ, I still can't believe this shit.

This board is beyond Jew infested.


I lost my Mark folder a while ago, can someone make a quick dump please


We have IDs here, newfriend, go samefag someplace else

Sorry, I don't speak faggotistani, niggerstani, or cuckistani - whatever variant you're using of shitpostistani.

Do edgy kids still do this to feel mature? Thought that's out by now.

You're so obviously JIDF, Jesus Christ. Those childish CNN tier wannabe banter rhetorics, kek.

Anyway, this thread is about Aryan pride in games.

Jealous sonyggers, JIDF and retards need not apply.



Shitting on Overmeme and jews wont change the fact that you need to go back to cuckchan, you massive faggot.

The only faggot here is you. Please kill yourself posthaste.

Not before you make a good point why reaching out to a wider audience from time to time and trying to redpill normalfags instead of just sitting in your echo chamber 24/7 is a bad thing, JIDF.

I'm waiting.

People who use shitty imageboards are ten times worse than the Jews, goy.

Coincidence or was this your point?

Every character in Dauntless looks like a Battleborn reject. I hate that angular art style for faces. It looks fucking awful. Just admit that you're weebs and make cute animu girls instead of this ugly forced stylization shit.

How do you go from this…

…to the second webm in my post?

Why can't globalists into game design? And why do the games still get 10/10s?


I still cant figure out what the fuck they're doing with her hair
Its like they wanted braids but only knew how to do dreadlocks

I don't understand why progressives like Zelda, its about a blonde haired blue eyed boy whos saves a damsel in distress from a sand nigger pig.

Don't say.

He's being shitposting this garbage maymay all afternoon, each of the threads being deleted. Wish the mods would wake up and delete this one already.

Well, the point is the PS4 is too weak for hair as good looking as Witcher's or Tomb Raider's in an open world game but Sony Jew games have nothing but graphics and their propaganda, so they worked their way around "normal" hair and looking like shit in comparison.

Better than being Mr.(1) and Done.

because the first one is heavily scripted and the other one is actual gameplay?
I mean they're both shit games so i don't really care, but goddamn user, stop being such a nintendo cocksucker

Can you at least tell me what you are, exactly? A jealous Sony fag who just hates me and this thread because Zelda isn't on Playstation, a NeoGAF bluepilled who simply feels threatened by anything that isn't pro multiculturalism or actually JIDF?

Surely Holla Forums mods are infested by at least one of these types of people… And talking about a game's approach of culture and society somehow isn't related to video games… Meanwhile porn threads, 20 Overjew threads a day and "how to learn Japanese" is.

You know next to nothing about game design, huh?

Why? Because you do?
I bet you don't even know how to write a single line of code, let alone designing a game

Also you sound paranoid and probably mentally ill. Turn off your pc, go have a walk outside.

If you knew a thing about game design, you wouldn't make such a retarded post. Both are "scripted", doesn't change the fact one game has you sitting around like a retard with the enemy AI getting stuck at everything doing nothing else but shooting arrows without any actual feedback… Meanwhile the other game actually offers a light "curazy" experience with stuff like advanced dodging, parrying, verticality and actual interactivity.

And no, I'm not paranoid. It's quite obvious you're just a jealous Sony fag.

wow what another ebin post you're totally the top tier funsposter out there i'll be sure to remember you and the ebin lolz you've created yep this is totally the best and not sad and pathetic that'll be forgotten about in a few moments


I don't even remember what I said and had to reread it. Didn't know the post had such an impact for some people and actually made someone think… So much he had to make a shitpost about it totally proving he didn't care about the post. It's quite the compliment. Thanks.

Actually just want to talk about Zelda, though.

Please go away, JIDF, jealous sonyggers and retards.

user you absolute retard, the Zelda footage doesn't even have a HUD. It's clearly extremely scripted to show link killing enemies in a few hits to make it look "cooler" and "realistic".

Are you stupid or are you doing this on purpose? I have a hard time believing you're not baiting.



Cody? That's you?

I actually hope you're "baiting". Whatever you see in this webm can be seen in many random gameplay videos and it's obviously doable for everyone and even fundamental.

This is too hard for you?

Gee look at how amazing the combat looks in these really short snippets of video that were chosen to promote the game
I'm sure this means it's so much better than Zelda

I mean look at how boring Zelda is

This is how much of a faggot you sound like

Have you actually watched this video?

That's why it's shit.

And combat isn't even the focus of Zelda BotW.

Gee what is the focus of Botw?
Walking around?

You're really stupid user

Exploration, platforming, puzzle solving, side quests and villages, like every 3D Zelda?

But let me guess, there's nothing special about that, it's the same as it used to be, so you've been focusing for the whole thread on how amazing the combat is to finally admit that it's not even the point of the game


Stop making such dumb shitposts that don't even have any goal.

The combat is great for open world standards and apparently much better than Horizon's which is just "shoot robot thing with arrow and sometimes dodge with 50 iframes" or "hide in grass and one-hit-kill the dumbest AI enemy imaginable".

I just said it isn't even the focus of Zelda. Exploration is. Meanwhile Horizon's world is confirmed prodcedurally generated:

Now go shill your Jew propaganda shit game somewhere else.

Sony fags are the worst. Why are you even here? We left NeoFAG and cuckchan because of you.

Dunno man keep shilling Zelda, I don't think it's doing much.

No, this certainly doesn't fit the "sit in grass all day and shoot at shit robots in a generic Far Cry world" description. And we're far from even knowing half the items in the game.

Again, fuck off, sonygger, fuck off with your shitty Jew games. Go back to your shit forums we left because of you. Or go watch your Simpsons kike shit.

You. You left NeoFAG, because you're a fucking faggot who loves to shill jewtendo.

You still go to cuckchan:

Everything i've seen from this game…
The world looks so barren. Pretty. But completely void. These are trailers designed to look like you'll have things to do, but anything they put in it takes a few seconds to accomplish. followed by being in a big empty area again. hopefully they make moving around and traveling fun and kill any idea of fast traveling.

Don't bump.


Do you even think before you type, you braindead sonygger?

It's probably the least infested of the big ones, there is, NoA aside.

This isn't your blog, sonygger.

Bravo user. You are doing god's by sending the garbage right back where it belongs.

How much do you earn per post from Nintendo of America? Do they pay you in shekels or do they give you tendies?

nice argument.

I was going to sperg for a bit, but user came to the rescue.

God damn, what an autist.

This board is really turning into pure cancer. This is what happens when you let everyone in because muh we are discussing videogames too

Hook me up, user.

Doing gods work, user

Tingle isn't gay, he's an otaku. He's a parody of the 35 year old men still playing Zelda and pretending to be fairies and elves.

What the fuck does that woman get out of that relationship with a humanoid robot that a "motarised oscillating personal massage" device wouldn't provide?

The demo version of BotW has the towns and stuff removed leading to lots of empty space.

cute disinfo, Holla Forums
The three triangles, aka the Mitsuuroko were the kamon (family crest) of the Hojo family, active in Japanese politics in the 12th and 13th century, and remains a recognizable symbol today.

so why on earth has cuckchan come here only to try and police the board?