Is there any particular reason why Holla Forums refuses to talk about Don't Starve (Together)?

Is there any particular reason why Holla Forums refuses to talk about Don't Starve (Together)?

It's a good game, it still gets updated, it's fun, it has a modding API.

I don't claim to be an expert on Holla Forums culture, but I don't understand why there's nobody else willing to talk about this.

Other urls found in this thread: vs

Funny, I could swear this was a low effort rapefugee thread.

because its an unremarkable roguelike survival game.
It's not terrible. but it's not great either. theres nothing to talk about, hence why the only thing you could make a thread about is "why is nobody talking about this" instead of just creating a thread about it.
it's also boring as fuck once you've played it a few times

I think you meant to type roguelite there friend.
procedural generation and perma death does not a roguelike make.

because its art style is unappealing

what makes it roguelite as opposed to roguelike? i dont play games in this genre much and have alot of trouble understanding what exactly makes it roguelike.
or is this a genre like "RPG" that basically has no agreed upon definition.

This guy gets it. If there's one thing I despise, it's people thinking permadeath and random generation make a "rougelike". Worse still, they think that excuses shitty RNG gameplay. Not necessarily something in Don't Starve, but very popular with the genre.

Roguelikes play like Rogue. For example, there are ARPGs that have elements of Diablo without being Diablo clones, just like there are games that have elements of Rogue without playing like Rogue. Torchlight is a Diablo clone, Borderlands is an ARPG with elements of Diablo while not playing anything like it.

Borderlands : Diablo
Don't Starve :: Rogue

We have talked about it. There's not much to talk about. It's an alright game to play with friends and that's about it. Now fuck off back to 4cucks you blindingly obvious crossposting doublenigger.

you're wrong, nigger

no its not
no it doesnt
no its not
who cares

so the reason dont starve isnt "roguelike" is because survival games cant be and only diablo/style combat games can be?
what about a game like "road not taken" that advertises itself as "roguelike"

i always thought any RNG based randomly generated game with permadeath was considered roguelike. but i also dont really see roguelike as its own unique genre. im not arguing, the term is fairly new to me

No, you have a hard time with analogies I see. Why don't you try playing Rogue and then Nethack and then Don't Starve and see if you can figure out what makes it a roguelite

They ruined it with cosmetics and trading. The art style was its strong point and now they filled it with retarded TF2-tier crap that ruins the theme and community.
Also it's pretty boring. Fun at first when you're being challenged, figuring out what to make and what everything does, but ultimately you'll figure out the meta and everything will be a breeze. Waiting and walking without doing anything remotely fun is most of the gameplay, and it takes fucking forever.
From what I've seen, the "modding community" is a bunch of retards adding their OC characters and items/mechanics that make the game easier. Haven't see any good overhaul mods, which is what this game needs.
How to fix this mediocre game? I'd say add challenges like in single player DS, with specific maps and gimmicks with different challenges you need to overcome, the goal being survive for X days or collect all the teleporter pieces, something like that. Playing forever is depressingly unfun and makes me rethink my life choices.

So, Communist Game General?

its hard to get an analogy when you've never played most of the games used in it…

I don't see how.

DST: vs

The game is way more luck based than even a rogulike such as FTL. There's not much skill or decision making involved in your success, just hoping the resources close to you are actually useful for making fire then hoping for the best.

Plus it's just a shallow survival game that has a pretty interesting art style but that's about it. It's almost too easy to die and unlike something like Dungeons & Dragons things don't actually get more manageable as you build things up later. Low level D&D is notoriously hard to stay alive sometimes cus you're on the same playing field as your enemies in that, but when you finally do level up a bit getting killed by bad luck is much more difficult to come across. In games like Don't Starve it's fairly common, even Fallout New Vegas on the hardest difficulty and hardcore mode turned on wasn't as annoyingly difficult to stay alive and still offered a nice challenge (it helps that it has a traditional save game system).

You have to be shitting me, right? It sounds like you played once and gave up. It's solved and easy as fuck once you know how to play. You can survive effortlessly no matter how bad of a world you got, there is next to no randomness involved in its gameplay past the worldgen. RNG can't kill you unless you suck.

It's personal, but I think it harmed the art style and corrupted many players with traderfaggot cosmetic obsession, as is expected for any game that pulls this shit.
First mod looks interesting, but playing alone is so tedious and I doubt it changes the nature of the game to make it not a large waste of time with minimal fun returns.

Considering said games are free, tiny, and easy to run, this is on you.

i'm going to check them out. though the "rogue" game you mentioned is hard to find because of all the games that use that word… any studio or something so i can find the actual game?

No, its


Just go to Roguebasin, it's a wiki, and look up Rogue in there.

Play brogue, play nethack, play Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. Those are a good basis for the 'base' of the Roguelike genre. If you want something different, try DoomRL or Dungeons of Dredmor or perhaps Elona. This should show you the range of roguelikes, but if you're still not convinced, look up Caves of Qud, IVAN, and Cataclysm.

Soon you'll understand that saying that Don't Starve is a Roguelike is similar to saying Legend of Zelda is a series of JRPGs. It's not like the games are bad, but it's blatantly incorrect.

This should be a bannable offense.

are there any roguelike games that arent text based?
from what i was able to gather, it seems roguelike are more slower paced/strategy based games, while roguelite are more action based…. tbh, it seems like the distinction is pretty arbitrary

but i'm going to give nethack a try.

You know, while he should definitely play all those games, because they're good and worth playing, we've got the handy-dandy Berlin Interpretation for a reason.

technically none of those games are "text based" because they use tiles or ascii graphics with text as flavoring. If you mean you don't want ascii, DoomRL, Elona, ToME and Cataclysm either don't use ASCII or you can change it to graphical tiles.

The distinction isn't arbitrary so much as it is nuanced. "Roguelikes" are a niche subgenre who is defined by multiple design choices in tandem. By extension, "Roguelites" draw from the same pool of principles, but use less of them.

I gave it a fair chance. Played it about 4 or 5 times for a few hours each, two times were even multiplayer. The game just isn't good and is full of repetitive things that just aren't fun. I'd rather be able to fight back than simply scrounging to survive and avoid being killed. The hit detection for attacks is also pretty shit for the most part and you would think the guy who starts with an axe would be able to hit something with his axe when not chopping down trees.

And on top of that the crafting mechanics are just shallow and uninteresting. I'd much rather play an RPG like Underrail that has actual good crafting and difficult encounters where you actually get a chance to fight back and use abilities you chose to have. At least then when I'm just inching to survive in a battle or running low on healing items there's at least certain ways around challenges like those. Don't Starve just wasn't fun and at a certain point you have to realize sinking more time into it isn't going to change that even if you end up being really good at the game.

Add this to the list of template thread types.

It is a boring and repetitive game, but saying it's too hard is silly. The game becomes your bitch once you learn.

Yes, it does.

What list? There's no actual explanation I've found in any official format of what a template thread is, just a couple Rugga screencaps that don't offer any suitable explanation in the rules page.

A template thread is just someone posting something you might as well have filled out in Mad Libs. For example:

"Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that (INSERT INTENTIONALLY UNPOPULAR OPINION HERE) / talk about (INSERT SHIT GAME HERE)"


"Why doesn't anyone talk about (COMPLETELY UNINTERESTING X HERE)"

Or even

[reactionimage.jpeg] >(COMMON TROPE IN VIDEOGAMES)

The defining aspects of a roguelike are as follows:

Grid based gameplay
Time moves when you take an action
Singular character control (With pets being AI controlled)

Elements which appear in most roguelikes but not all of them:

Item identifications system. (Scrolls of idenfication, mystery potions etc)
Learning spells by reading tomes
Text based graphics
Hunger element

Roguelike gameplay elements which originated in roguelikes which are used in games wherein roguelike is a buzzword:

Procedurally generated maps

There's some examples I missed but thats basically the jist of it.

Uhh, okay. Most people would have probably just updated the original game, but alright, fine
The highest level of bullshit

So what's the whole deal, then? Everything I can find whenever I try to figure this shit out points to Rugga as the source of it all, but he's long gone (to my knowledge) and it seems like Holla Forums as an entity suffers without "filler" threads of that nature. Somebody told me "thread quality" once but that's kinda funny to whip out when the board's got 50 generals and shitposters at every corner, the latter of which are pandered to every so often with stupidity like the crusade against 4AM/LOL threads that eventually culminated in an attempt to remove the name field to deprive three or four people of the ability to use a tripcode.

to be fair, procgen and permadeath only turned into buzzwords because they're both essential to what makes a roguelike a roguelike.

Do something new instead of something old, I guess. It's what /r9k/ was ORIGINALLY made for, comepletely original content. But of course it turns out the only thing that is consistently original is blogposting, so…


But the basic idea is that if you're going to post a template thread, you should stop, and try to post something interesting instead.

No one talks about it because if you do you are gonna be called a shill

So I main Wendy, have ever since I unlocked her (she used to be the third character) and I'm really starting to feel the pain of her damage decrease.

I tried the Alice Margatroid mod on the workshop to wean me off of her a bit, but that mod is annoyingly unfinished and perhaps a little bit too overpowered for my taste.

Can anyone suggest a new character for me to move on to? I suppose I could try Willow since she's basically a totally different character in DST now, but I really don't trust fire.

The making of these games was quite unplanned. The original wasn't made with multiplayer in mind so they had to remake it, and even then caves were somehow a mystery to implement so they did a thing where caves are hosted in a separate server and you can't local host a game with caves, making single player not playable fully. They did give out DST for free to DS owners when it came out, but yeah, they're jews. Pretty obvious with the cosmetics and item trading system they put in.

Get out.

Random environment generation

The game world is randomly generated in a way that increases replayability. Appearance and placement of items is random. Appearance of monsters is fixed, their placement is random. Fixed content (plots or puzzles or vaults) removes randomness.


You are not expected to win the game with your first character. You start over from the first level when you die. (It is possible to save games but the savefile is deleted upon loading.) The random environment makes this enjoyable rather than punishing.


Each command corresponds to a single action/movement. The game is not sensitive to time, you can take your time to choose your action.


The world is represented by a uniform grid of tiles. Monsters (and the player) take up one tile, regardless of size.


Movement, battle and other actions take place in the same mode. Every action should be available at any point of the game. Violations to this are ADOM's overworld or Angband's and Crawl's shops.


The game has enough complexity to allow several solutions to common goals. This is obtained by providing enough item/monster and item/item interactions and is strongly connected to having just one mode.

Resource management

You have to manage your limited resources (e.g. food, healing potions) and find uses for the resources you receive.


Even though there can be much more to the game, killing lots of monsters is a very important part of a roguelike. The game is player-vs-world: there are no monster/monster relations (like enmities, or diplomacy).

Exploration and discovery

The game requires careful exploration of the dungeon levels and discovery of the usage of unidentified items. This has to be done anew every time the player starts a new game.

The turn-based is the most important thing to make something a roguelike, honestly.

never really clicked with me. no particular reason.
reminds me of those troll tribe maps in warcraft 3 though.

It's flat and boring af tbh fam.
Has all the grindan of autism games with none of the customization and creativity.

I tried it pirated it way back when it was still early access. I didn't like how the game drove you to constantly explore yet at the same time build up a settlement. I didn't find that balanced at all.

Also, running aimlessly all night got old very fast. The game just overall wasn't any fun.

What do you mean by new? There's nothing new to talk about aside from news or when comes out, everything else are variations of the same stuff re-worded so people like you don't cry template.

*or when a game comes out

How can it be both Hack'n'slash and turn based at the same time? I am really curios how that is even possible? Also is it really necessary for a game to have everything take one tile, regardless of size for it to be roguelike? It feels like an arbitrary definition of it.

Because it's depressing and not fun. The difficulty forces you to tryhard by using only meta strategies that the developer actively sabotages in new releases.
It also doesn't make any sense as a survival game.

By killing lots of monsters. "Hack'n'Slash" in no way means turn-based or real-time.

Yes, because that's how it was in Rogue. Because, you know, the word "roguelike" is used to describe a game that is like Rogue. A game can be missing one or two of these things (but not turn-based and grid-based) and still be considered a roguelike.

I do like that it is focused on being a survival game from the start, as opposed to Notch just slapping a hunger bar on to Minecraft and calling it a day. I had fun with it earlier in it's life, but never cared to get into Giants or DST. I really hate that started catering to traderfags on steam, like it's TF2 or something.

Also what in the unholy mother of fuck is this formatting?

Looks like the kind of shitty plaintext formatting you get from copying and pasting a wiki page

From your list FTL checks all of them so it should be a roguelike, but is it really turn based? Sure you could pause at any moment, and there are cooldowns, but theoretically you could play it without pausing.

Marketing. You need a big budget for your games to be recognized here. That or a pre-established following.

Anyway, my favorite character is Maxwell. I usually turn the spawns up by one and died repeatedly until I became master of the land. Not that easy seeing as you can get 1 shotted by a lot of things.

Don't starve kind of sucks outside of the toejam and earl mod, which klei broke because they're faggots and don't want to acknowledge don't starve is a toejam and earl fangame.

I'd be perfectly okay with calling FTL a roguelike. It's much much much more of a roguelike than most games that try to use the terms these days.

friends made me play it. mostly mediocre. the art and sound is obnoxious. gameplay can be tedious. maps are flat and ugly. game feels half finished.

Just because it's not made in unity doesn't mean it's not a generic survival/crafting game.

Don't starve was pretty fun. The two expansions though are honestly too hard. Not really in a fun way either. Shipwrecked just wastes way too much time between the long rainy season and the time it takes to actually find anything. I haven't actually played Rein of Giants but the heat setting fire to all your shit doesn't sound like something I want to deal with either.

They charged money for the multiplayer version of their game that wasn't even out of early access yet. Also they released 3 DLC for cash before the game was finished. Fuck Don't Starve, fucking cuck garbage.

i liked it until i figured out winter, when all that was left was caves and finishing story mode. nothing compelled me further, i guess.
most avid players, far as i noticed, were into mods and basebuilding - neither of which i'm all that into

Don't starve together was released for free for those who owned Don't Starve. I think the early access might have been paying to get it early, not sure. The DLCs weren't released until the game was officially out, and I think there's only two.

Don't starve feels like the devs didn't really know what to do with it or what made the game fun.

If you ever needed anymore proof this place is overrun with retards and baiters, here it is.

I think that's my major gripe with games in this genre. If your game involves more waiting than the DMV, I start thinking about my life and where it's going and how enriched it would be if I was browsing Wikipedia, instead.

Keeping your player involved in the game is essential.

Have you survived all four seasons of Reign of Giants and/or finished the story mode?

Because there's literally nothing to talk about after you've played it for five hours.

We could talk about this


ctrl+v formatting.

Not unless you wanna draw it.

I tried it once and dropped it because it contains two things that should never go together with a third thing:

and of course

I have no interest in learning to do A, dying, doing A again, learning to do B, dying, doing A and B again, ad infinitum.

Typical shitposter.

Typical autist.

It's a game you play with a wiki open. Surprisingly I was only having fun when shit killed me, it made it seem like there was something to look forward to.

Well, that's fine if it's your thing. I don't mean that sarcastically, more power to you. But I enjoy finding things out for myself, like, say, what kind of gear I need to have to take on some monster I'm seeing for the first time. But knowing that the penalty for trying that and failing is "goodbye all my playtime and crafting up to this point" really takes the fun out of it for me.

yeah? well… that's like, your opinion man.

DST is pretty boring once you go through the 4 seasons. The combat is shit and there's no need to be a buildfag. In fact being a buildfag makes you waste so much time hunting for materials for your base to still look like shit because
Also the devs didn't properly abstract their classes when they made the first game, which made it that much harder to add multiplayer.
DST's biggest crime is having less content than the base game. Adventure mode should have been there from day 1.

DST currently has RoG content, caves, and a whole shitload of DST-exclusive content.

Save for Shipwrecked, DST has more content than Don't Starve right now.

I don't like the edgelord theme.

You are delusional. DST exclusive content amounts to what, the revive items? DST is also missing a character, has no adventure mode and the way caves are implemented is fucking horrible. Also turning the dragonfly into an HP sponge to farm a material is not an improvement.
DS's only replayable value was adventure mode and DST lacks that. Once you go through a cycle you've done it all.

There's some dumb holiday stuff, a few new mobs, some new bosses, several new items, useless pets, a bunch of new structures and new mechanics. Also it isn't missing a character.

Did they finally add maxwell? He wasn't when I last played. And that was when they were selling early access to Shipwrecked's Alpha.

They did.

There needs to be porn of this.

And now I'm gonna hijack your thread for something much better. This is a great survival game right here. Unreal world is the utimate survival game. Its set i the iron age and you're going to have to turn around and learn how to survive.

There are a lot of viable strategies here you can build up and store, you can go hunting, you can forge. Its got quests, its got a decent enough interface and its got endless depth. You'll have to keep at it if you want to learn this one.

Its a free game. This is a game you can donate for, but its 100 percent free.

Its still in active development 20 plus years down the road. You owe it to yourself to try this one out. Its a much more in depth game than don't starve and a way better one.

It looks neat. But once you sit down and play it for awhile, it becomes boring. Doesn't matter who you use. Doesn't matter when you start or how hard you try to make it. It looses its charm very fast. Eventually you just load it up just to screw around with cheats just to make it more appealing. But nothing can help it. You load it up, live past three or four days and then you say "Yup, that's it."

Pretty much. I still hunger for custom adventure mode maps.

It really is, unless you get the luck of the draw with a particularly good world gen. It's still pretty lacking in the ability to make fun for yourself. There are a lot of survival games I've had more dumb fun with. It's like they put way more thought into the characters than the meat of the game. I haven't found myself bored enough to even play it again.

I don't know how people can get this so wrong. Don't Starve isn't a roguelike, and neither is FTL. Not even close. Anyone who's played a roguelike before could tell you that.

People seem to have this idea that permadeath and procedural generation make something a roguelike. It's simply not true.

For starters, there's ADOM, one of the most well-known roguelikes, which isn't completely procedurally generated. The overworld map stays the same every time.

And then there Elona, which is considered by most to be a roguelike (or at least close enough) and I've never seen it left out of roguelike discussion. Yet a large part of the game isn't procedurally generated, and there is no permadeath.

So what makes a roguelike if it isn't those two things? Simple. Top-down viewpoint on some sort of grid, and the enemies/npcs only move when you input an action. That's it.

Don't starve is alright.

eye'd like to fuck that.

are survival games moving away from gritty and realistic?

This. If it's not turn based than it's not a roguelike.

That last one is pretty funny.

youre a fucking faggot dude
