
What are some fangames that aren't absolute shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

Pokemon Prism is better than the Gen 6 and Gen 7 pokemon games


Oh shit, this looks really fucking good actually.


Rockman 4 Minus Infinity

Got a link?

It is

the share thread probably has it, or ask in the 3DS hacking thread

After finishing OFF, I found out about HOME from one of the anons here, alongside I found some other fangames and I played through a few of them.

At first seems to be made in similar fashion to the original game, but there is just something horribly off about the writing. It feels like it tries to pander to you and completely misses the point of the original game.

It's like if you turned OFF into an anime, which is an absolutely horrible fucking idea. And I like anime It has tumblr written all over it, and at first I thought that it has a loli which would be a slightly redeeming quality but alas it is a boy.

It was a prequel to Continue Stop Rise, a Yumme Nikki-esque game with a pretty cool atmosphere to it, but fairly short.

Incredibly different from OFF, actually throws away the uncertain nature of the first game's story and expands upon the world and character in a completely new direction. It would be shit if it wasn't also well written at least to a point where I got, because I never finished the game, it's a really fucking good fan game. It basically takes the idea that Batter actually has personality besides what was shown in OFF and tries to build on that.

Never in my life have I seen a better example of tumblr completely missing the point.

The creator completely misses the point of what an Elsen actually should be, the moment you give them distinct personalities and characteristics you dun goofed.

Closest to OFF in atmosphere, and actually feels like it could be an actual sequel. Kind off does the same thing that RISE did, but in this case it actually works.

I played OFF for a bit and didn't get the appeal. It feels like a cheap RPG maker game trying a bit hard to be strange. Nothing exceptional in any area.

you should finish it, its not long

Resident Evil by Rod Lima

It's a pretty well written story, when you actually think about it in full. The message becomes evident at the end of the game. Actual spoilers below

It seems like a typical game which tries to make you feel bad for playing it, with the "You are actually the villain twist" but the thing is, that the conflict is not as black and white as it might seem at the first glance. You play as a character who tries to purify the world, and soon enough you would find out, that by "purify" he means "destroy". The catch? The world is a unbearable shithole, where everyone is insane and are ruled by even more insane and despotic rulers, so the destruction of the world actually seems like a mercy kill.

The game basically asks the question of who was truly right, the Judge, the character who tried to save a dying and almost destroyed world, or the Batter, who wanted to kill it because it seemed imperfect.

Do Romhacks count?

Hyper Metroid
Super Mario RPG: Armageddon

Yes they do, although I think of them as kind of mods for roms to be honest.

The problem with Home's writing is that it wanted to make The Judge into a hero, when he is nothing of the sort. The most important part of his characterization in the source material is that he's the top cat in a kingdom of literal nothing, and he gets knocked down a few pegs when he realizes he was powerless to save his brother, and even more powerless to stop The Batter without your help. He was a smug-ass cunt that got put in his place and shaped up as a result. It doesn't help that it turns into a trash mandatory-grind-to-advance RPG maker game halfway through.

(Though granted, the translation made him seem more smug than he actually was. Some native french have described his original dialogue to be a bit more chill, where the translation makes him sound like a know-it-all.)

Yo someone should host a server!

A few 2hu fangames are alright

Frenchfag here, can confirm. I don't remember him being overly smug.

Yeah, in OFF he definitely went through some character development, in HOME that is thrown out the window completely.

I realized that something is very wrong with it's writing the moment you were able to save Valerie.

I made it to the first town and was pretty turned off by the part where you play as Bad "Haha I'm a dick and I love to kill and eat people and eat people and kill people and all I really care about it killing people and eating people" Batter.
Then about five minutes into Ghost "Fuck shit fuck I fucking shit hate fucking hate shit fucking people fucking shit bastard fuck you fuck I hate fucking shit people fucking hate fuck shit I fucking have fucking shit tourettes fucking or fuck some fucking shit fucking because shit fucker fucking fuck I fucking can't shitting fuck speak" Batter and dropped it.

Does it actually get better or do people just like it because it's a more cartoony story?

Fuck I still need to beat off. The gameplay is kinda a grind though as with all rpg maker games.

You don't need to be so open about it, user.
Gelbooru is only a few clicks away.

I personally think it gets better, the characters are slightly cartoony but at the same time they get deeper and more interesting as time goes on.

Took me a sec you cheeky cunt.

I'm playing pokemon prism right now. It's really good. What's your team? Mine is
But I don't know who I should have as my last team member. Any suggestions?

I pretty much have the same team except Manectric instead of Ampharos and I've got a Machoke on my team as my sixth.
You can pretty much go with anything and be fine.

It's leagues better than Mario Maker and the new update added Lua scripting.

Don't forget about Zelda Classic

kill me



Why is Tumblr obsessed with this game like they are with Yume Nikki?

I wish there is more discussion about SMBX here, especially with LunaLua and PGE allowing SMBX to have much more tools and features such as video related. The SMBX forums barely has any projects involving LunaLua as most of the threads there are kids asking for help on how to use Lua. Also, the majority of SMBX videos on jewtube are from the Chinese copy of SMBX. Rarely could you find anything related to SMBX 1.3.1, LunaLua, or PGE.

Serious Sam Double D XXL

Dont be a conformist

I don't like the new characters 2.0 added. They feel too gimmicky.

I like Mega Man aside from his bugs. Wario is also a pretty cool character, wish they based him off of Wario Land though.!ogEhWLiR!-coDlITWSkNi840sOW42vnSPKk7z2SoQ3jna4XXqdAQ!ggEFzA6L!EVwCTJZG1E3bwIDv1e21Fg5vWTfpXIr7GW-LaYcnZ9E
Use that second link for 3DS VC. No idea if it's the one with the Sylveon accessible or not.

Mother FUCKER, you beat me to it.

I think it worked especially well on Tumblr because of the social interaction they could extract from it: the art style is low-res and yet characters have enough recognizable traits that even the shittiest fan art could be identified. The storytelling is so nebulous that people can also easily construct fan stories and theories, which also attracted many creative people. On top of that, the story contains some tear-jerking moments, and I suspect tears and self-loathing to be the cement holding Tumblr together.
Other people also said that Off appeared right when Homestuck was put on pause. Since Tumblr had nothing else to do, a part of the Homestuck fandom redirected itself to Off? I don't know how similar Off and Homestuck are.


You're a cheeky bastard aren't you?

Doom 2D.

A lot of the new characters feel very half-assed and very situational. Some characters like Bowser and Snake make most levels virtually unbeatable due to their gameplay. The only characters that feel polished in my opinion are Klonoa (aside from coins from coin blocks having no gravity) and the cyclops swordsman.

Mega Man still needs more work done. His normal buster can oneshot most enemies, and you have to fully charge his buster to get anything out of it. Releasing it mid charge doesn't let you shoot a mid-powered shot. Also, his weapons use alot of SMBX assets instead of acting like how they are supposed to be in the original Mega Man games.
Wario plays like a less mobile Mario with a shop system. What Wario needs is a ground pound and his shoulder bash as a separate attack instead of the result of running alot. Make his power ups reflect his power ups in the first Wario Land game. Give him a Warrior Land throw system where you don't have to hold the button to hold an enemy/item, but you can press a button to throw the item, and you can hold down the button to angle the throw and increase the power of the throw. Keep the running attack, but make it based on the one in Wario Land 4 instead of a shoulder bash.

new 0.93 patch came out
get it faggots

Isn't that the one that added 5 fucking types?

Mama mia, did someone say-a FAN GAMES!?


Reminder this engine will be released in the summer…

That dragon looking thing is cute. I want to snuggle it.

I just finished the Naljo part of Prism today, but I've been playing through 3DS homebrew. Can I get the update without having to delete my save?



Tried playing OFF due to this thread. Got an hour in until I started to figuratively fall asleep. Saw the rest of the story on youtube in like 20 minutes. Honestly? Not impressed. Just generic 2DEEP4U indie garbage.



you're a real jerkOFF buddy

Homestuck was in one of a great many hiatuses as Hussie realized he simply fucking hated his own story + continued milking it for every last cent it was worth, and OFF came out around that time. Cue people who read Homestuck getting into it, and the jackals that didn't read Homestuck but attached themselves to it for instant e-fame promptly attaching themselves to OFF as a result.

OFF and Homestuck aren't similar at all, OFF just happened to come into play at a good (or bad) time. Dangan Ronpa also popped up around this time, I recall "OFFdanganstuck" coming from cancerous jackals that tried to combine all three of their not-actual-interests into one megainterest and it was immediately laughed at so horribly that it remains a running joke against e-famous faggots on that website.

>there will never be a proper SBURB game where you get to choose or randomly be assigned a class and aspect

i dunno about that m8 but off is a pretty good game, considering its rpgmaker stuff

maybe you should care less about e-celebs and more about your own entertainment

How fun is OFF? Can I play it on the 3DS/Vita/Wii U via the porting program? It's RPGMaker right? Game maker doesn't work IIRC. Shame as well.

You guys hear of Pokemon Reborn?

I've played it myself just fine, it's an interesting game that utilizes a moral gray-area very nicely. Setting is very unique (there's that library book that describes the world of OFF as "islets of life" floating in the afterlife) and all the zone guardians were very memorable, and there's still places that argue over whether or not the Batter campaigning to throw the switch on the world was a mission of carnage or a mercy-killing.

I'm amazed at how playable it is despite the sheer amount of tumblr in it.

I thought it was made by a French cuck though, released around 2004 BUT translated in 2011.

Not sure if he's referring to Pokemon Reborn or not considering I'm not familiar with the game and OFF certainly doesn't have a single trace of Tumblr in it.

Reborn I hope. It plays like a Gen3/4 game! The story is edgy as fuck, but the aesthetics are beautiful. I don't want to sit on a PC and play it though. I'm waiting until it gets ported to something portable.

I meant reborn. From a fe fi fo fum fake gender fairy gym leader to someone with literal headmates to the insufferable faggotry of Cain.

It sounds like they're making fun of it. Knowing fairy is a slur for homosexuals as well, but then you tell me the rest and it makes me not really want to play it.
What's a headmate
How gay is Cain?

Trust me, it's not done in a mocking fashion. It's played completely straight.

Headmates are the bastard child of split personalities and special snowflakes. In the case of reborn, one person has literally had two other people's minds shunted into their own.

"The kind of guy who says 'hey there cutie~' to kind of guys" gay.

I meant to number those, but then didn't. And now it looks like I was using reddit spacing.

Made me sigh.
Fucking dropped. Shame too.
Libshitdictionary gave me a good laugh though.

The gameplay is actually fairly decent. They keep shit difficult while still being balanced. The headmate person is actually evil and you actually cure them/kill off 2/3 of their personalities. Cain also eventually stops being the annoying type of faggot after he meets someone worse than he is and has a moment of "…. I'm not like that, right? Please tell me I'm not like that. Oh god I'm like that."

I'll play it when it is not longer on PC then. Until then, fuck everything. I'll wait on sage or work at gamefreak and direct my own fucking ideas

The core things it adds are actually pretty neat: Fields matter, and not in the "Grassy Terrain" type way. Use earthquake or magnitude too much in a cave? Bam, cave in, all active pokemon faint. Use a sound move in the cave, it echoes off walls, gets a boost. Use a wind generating move? Bad airflow, potency hit. Try to use earthquake on the water? You're on the fucking water, nigger. Doesn't work. But you can use Blizzard on the water, it freezes the water, becomes icy terrain. You can earthquake now. But then it becomes water again. Gym leaders situate gyms on a terrain that's to their advantage, but you can do shit to break them to your advantage. Makes things more tactical than "Use super effective moves"

It also forces the level cap on you. You can't get past shit just by overleveling. Your pokemon will disobey once they break cap regardless.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that it has a metric fuckload of flaws, but it's worth a play regardless.

New Super Marisa Land and Koumajou Densetsu 2 are more than alright.

Go help your uncle Jack off a horse.

I playing and enjoying Prism but I think calling it better then gen 6 and 7 is being a little contrarian. It's much more of a challenge, to be sure, and that's welcomed, but I think people take a lot of the quality of life stuff nad polish the gen 6 games have for granted along with a lot of the little stuff. There;s also obviously much better visuals, and while it's true graphics aren;t that important, a gap as massive as from gen 2 to 6 is worth something. There's certainly aspects of it that are better, but better overall I think would be pushing it.

Sneasel, Victreebell, Feraligatr, Haunter, Golbat, Quilava. I intend on replacing Golbat with Scyther and Quilava with Magmar/magmortar when I can, and potentially feraligatr with something else as well.I love feraligatr but not having any physical water moves beyond aqua jet till like level 50 or whatever sucks shit.

The game it's a squel to did, Prism itself only adds Gas and sound.

Do you have a link to the spreadsheet with all the info and patches? I lost it.>>11950394

I'm glad you are looking foward to us user but You gotta keep in mind it's still gonna be years before the final thing is out. Anyways here's some new move animations and a new revision for the 4th gym city

Also for those who missed them last thread

The Dark Mod.
Shit thread.

jesus christ you retards just like to shoehorn your tumbr persecution complex in everything don't you? see

tumblr didn't even exist when the game released

Update, I got the 0.93 update working on 3DS, but for some reason all the gen 3 and 4 pokemons' cries sound distorted. Is there a way to fix it?

There's no "tumblr" on it, you amazing autist. The game predates tumblr by a while.

Holla Forums, what in the everloving fuck is wrong with you?
Is LISA the Pointless seriously THAT obscure of a project?
It's one of the best fangames every made already and it's not even finished yet.
Dingaling said it's fucking canon, straight up (ok he said EVERY fan project is canon, but what he meant to say is that the community decides what's canon and what isn't based on quality, effort, and coherence with the main game's plot, wich is a smart move because that's what most communities do anyway).

-Better spritework than the base game, without butchering the artstyle, rather enriching it
-Great characters
-Great villains
-Great atmosphere
-Soundtrack made by Taitoki, the definitive musician for LISA fan projects, she 100% understands the original musical vibe, adds to it with her own ideas, and is a pretty talented musician on her own right
-Gameplay that's hard as balls compared to LISA, but also fun, fair and interesting, more status effects, more everything
-More focused, tight design in general
-Less party members, but more interesting party members as a trade off
-Interesting locations, you get to see just how shit, miserable and violent the world really is and how LISA only gave you a taste of the outskirts of what remains of society

And it's decently long, too.

Jesus christ Holla Forums stop sucking OFF dick for just a second and try this shit out.

Go check out the devs twitter for a few seconds if you wanna know why nobody is discussing the game. Lisa is probably good but even before the dev went full white apologist and I couldn't play the game for more than 5 hours anyway. I got bored a few hours in and it never changed.

Who the fuck cares jesus christ.
Everything is about poltics in this shithole, all the time.

Pirate the original game and the fangame is fucking free.
There, you aren't giving any money to le spoopy bad ppl.
It's like i'm talking to the goddamn MAGA borg collective sometimes.

While that is true, the reasons for many of the post-Cascade hiatuses were

Basically, life took a gigantic shit on him, partially because he trusted jews.

This is why I haven't played it yet. I'll play it when it's complete. I'll be getting an incomplete experience and I won't be interested in returning to it once it is complete if I play it while it's still being developed. My few experiences with early access titles have taught me this.

Both OFF and Lisa are great, though, let's not fight.

I don't really care about politics either but you really need to check it out if you're going to play the I don't care card. It's some crazy shit that shouldn't be ignored. It's a meh game either way if you ask me. I prefer OFF much more but if you're so hellbent on showcasing the game without understanding current context be my guest.

It's not unfinished in the sense that it's buggy, it's unfinished in the sense that just the first chapter is out.
The first chapter is polished and works as intended, it's basically just like playing LISA.
But yeah, i can definitely respect waiting for all the parts to be finished in two billion years

You got that right. This track is amazing.

To go on a tangent: I need to know about more weird music like this. The only stuff I know of that's like Lisa's OST is Fatboy Slim and Bjork, however.

He wasn't like that when the game came out. He even had an interview here at one point.
He had a breakdown when his dad passed away, and somehow he fell into the social justice camp from it. Nothing in the LISA games has anything to do with his current opinions, and games don't retroactively get ruined because the creator had a change of heart afterwards. Until he releases an update to "fix" the games, his Twitter posts aren't relevant.

DoomRL is actually pretty good.
It only needs more artifacts.

This is the way I have to look at it. "Death of the Author", and all that. Austin may have gone insane, but that doesn't change the fact that Olathe is a great setting and the OST is balls amazing.

Or this (this one hasn't been added to her bandcamp collection yet, it will in the future).
Bitch listens to a lot of Atticus Ross and Trent Reznor movie soundtracks, and it shows.

Back when Dingaling took questions here, i asked him how he built his music and what were his main influences.
Unsurprisingly, he said that it was almost all mainstream hip hop and pop, focusing on hooks, and beats.
The core of some of the tracks in LISA is just changing the instruments to weird shit and fucking with the tempo, but focusing on having a catchy main hook that remains in your mind.

Obviously the biggest example of this "experimental deviation with strong hooks" is Death Grips.
Flatlander pretty much "builds music" like that.
Even if you don't like DG, you can check out their remix of Bjork "sacrifice", you'll probably like it.
If you instead want to go back and understand the building blocks of all this shit and the basis of this type of ecletronic experimentation then you can check out Aphex Twin and Squarepusher.

Then there's other directions one can proceed into from that point but this is getting too /mu/ as it is.

I'm not saying the base game was effected by his political stance. I'm saying his political stance went from decent to batshit insane in less then a few days and is worth being known in case he puts out any future projects. The game itself I found boring. Feel free to disagree.

Lisa is garbage and just because its the only game that will run on your Macbook doesn't mean "we" have to like it. Yes we know about the game you shit up ever thread talking about your homeless undertales clone. Now fuck off!

Wow that's a fucking shame. So you're telling me just just did nigger music and switched an instrument to slow it down and it became the LISA soundtrack? That's really upsetting.

The Aesthetic Meme

What a hack

Is that some kind of portmanteau of eclectic and electronic?

If romhacks count I submit SMW randomizer:

What are the actual titles for those games?
Specifically the fourth one, fifth one and last one.
The last one I can guess, still would be nice to know who made it and whatnot, make my search easier.

Fuck off Homeshit.

Anthony Burch stops himself from pulling the trigger because he remembers that he's not Andrew Hussie.

Honestly, I'd say they're about equal levels of cucked. At least Hussie has people who like him. I don't think anyone likes Burch, not even fans of Borderlands.

good taste

Open Hexagon

I actually know Justin, and Undertale wasn't really an inspiration for LISA.

Jesus I just combined his first and last name together, I meant Austin.

How Undertale can be an inspiration for LISA when that game wasn't even released yet, unless there was a demo version at that time?

There was a demo of Undertale since 2013, and like I said, it wasn't an inspiration.

Castlevania Spectral Interlude is quite nice

The story actually gives them reasoning to act as they do, Bad Batter is driven to be the best Monster he can since either he or his brother had to die so the other could become a monster, as was forced upon them, and his brother commited suicide for him to live. and Ghost Batter constant swearing is because he is awlays feeling excruciating agonizing pain from his death after he saved his brother by dying first.