Daily reminder not to support companies like this that work against your interests.
Daily reminder not to support companies like this that work against your interests
I think you got the wrong place, tell Reddit they're the ones who shower Todd and humble bundle with endless money and praise.
Thanks for letting us all know there's a new bundle.
Pickings here are disappointing though, I wouldn't pay the $30 even if they were giving the money to Trump himself.
Wasn't it just a couple years ago we were critizing the game media clique for judging games by the creator's friends and politics, not by its content? I think there was a massive scandal about it that bankrupted a media conglomerate and balkanized an anonymous message board, but I may just be remembering things wrong
Yeah I sure want that 9 years in early access game.
What if content of game is politics?
Fuck you, no one tells me one to do.
Anons have the memory of a fish. We shouldn't judge a game based on what faggot devs shitpost on Twitter.
That's not G2A we're talking about.
A developer who happens to like tits and puts them in his game does not work against our interests. Fuck off and die.
I guess I don't have the time or the autism to go through the twitter account of every dev to see if their politics line up with mine
t. schlomo
Didnt the ACLU recently get in some shit from the usual crowd since they defended the right to free speech?
That was before the scale of entryism became apparent.
that's ok , that's what regret is for
You don't need to.
Any developer that is activist will place his ideology in his game.
According to 15 seconds google search they fought for free speech for Milo.
I don't think anyone here including me need to know more to know what happened next.
When will the virtue signaling politics stop?
I just wanted to play videogames…
Every company works against my interests, they want my fucking money.
Can't you dictate what money goes to who with Humble Bundle, anyway? Just set it so they get nothing out of it, bam problem solved.
We're in the post-Gamergate age where old policies and practices are ramped up to their extremes or gone in entirely the opposite direction, genetic fallacies are okay now if somebody so much as breathes "SJW" regardless of proof. Actually checking it out is too much work.
It's a huge bundle but mostly shit: the only good games are the ones I already own.
There ARE good games in this bundle?
When's the last time a bundle was even worth it? Last bundle I got was for $5 to get Undertale (which was alright), Planetary Annihilation (horrible disappointment), and Skullgirls (I don't even like fighting games, so it did nothing for me).
World of Goo and Super Meat Boy, but those go on sale for around a dollar so frequently that there's no point in buying a $30 bundle and giving all the money to megakikes just for those two.
Fucking hell. Also Skullgirls does nothing for people who like fighting games too.
I'm surprised you even spent the $5 for Blundertale, that game's shit-easy to pirate. I miss when there was actually stuff to talk about with that game and it wasn't known for poseurs and shitposters.
Jesus, have you people learned nothing over the past decade? Companies will abandon your interests the second something more profitable appears.
So you're telling me Day of The Tentacle and Guacamelee are bad?
Oh no, what will I do now
I heard good things about Invisible Inc., but people on Holla Forums have told me they're leftist cucks so take it with a grain of salt.
Stop posting
Guacamelee isn't that good and they're offering the Day of the Tentacle Remaster, not the original
The only game that looks interesting in that bundle is Stardew Valley.
I'm waiting for the new "Make War Not Love". Last time around they gave out some pretty neat games for free.
guacamelee is fine, and day of the tentacle is a genuinely good game, but never forget that double fine is about as bad of a game company as you can expect right now (tim schafer, the infamous spacebase debacle etc)
There's not very many libre games with proprietary assets, so a proper Freedom Bundle would mostly be a pre-RAGE iD and Raven Software bundle.
Let me guess: you're going to promote your left-wing alternative that totally won't make lazy dev problems worse.
Its not that hard.
not all western games are bad, western indie games are 90% bad tho.
user… a good game is a good game
There's a couple, but I doubt it's enough to justify the $30 price tag.
And then new ones will spring up to get your money because the ones that left aren't.
We call this an economic niche, and it's why capitalism actually fucking works.
And if you pay money for it you're supporting Marxist filth.
No, but I've played those. Subnautica is still in development and it's looking to be a neat game. I just don't want to give 20 bucks for it right now, especially with a bunch of other stuff I have to play.
If you want to be that much of a buyfag, just donate all your proceeds for a bundle to the good devs that may/may not be attached. Steer clear of HB tips obviously and charities since most of the ones HB includes are identity politics based
Just give money to veteran charities. At least you know the money will go towards rewarding people that killed a bunch of mudshits.
Nigger don't speak if you don't know what are you talking about. You can choose between literally hundreds of charities, they only recommend a few of them, which obviously are pozzed. The few times I actually bought Humble shit, for example, I made sure to donate to associations for prevention and curing of testicle/prostate cancer.
Trust me Mr.trips, you don't want it.
but the statement is generally universally true.
Also what this user said, you can never go wrong with veterans either.
It's only true after 7th gen.
It's an almost universal truth from day one, faggot. The fact that there's a handful of quality games (most of which are RPG and story-driven, putting them below proper video games) to show for decades of development is clear proof.
>western indie games are 90% bad tho
In this day and age every random hack has access to a platform where they can self publish their shovelware tier garbage, and that phenomenon is hardly exclusive to the west. If you disregard those, and the lol so retro and progressive pixelshit that every pozzed media outlet shifts their attention towards you'll notice there's a lot of quality content and hidden gems out there. The vast majority of my favorite games over the past years were indie titles so I will never understand this stigma against them.
Capitalism is the entire reason this industry is the shittake it is right now. Want to know why game companies never listen to the "real fans", because they've realized that the lowest common denominator will be the most profitable and due to the cannibalistic nature of capitalism, they eat their morals and ethics alive in the name of sheer profit for survival.
If that was the case, the RTS genre would still be alive.
man that was a good bundle. Shit i've been playing nuclear throne every damn day since I got it so I think I got my 5 dollars worth.
no user Bioware and Bethesda was never good. Doom II, Blood and Civilization 2 are outliers. Command and Conquer a overrated meme game and Blizzard got lucky with Diablo.
You're askin for (you)s so here's one.
Nuclear Throne's good stuff. That goofy rap that plays in the triangle god's secret area is surprisingly well-put together.
You fucking kids love to complain about sjws but you actually act exactly like fucking commies making excuses to pirate the hard work of EVERY dev not just the psycho ones.
Y'all just hate the free market and are just a bunch of filthy leeches, admit it dammit.
But how will I pirate it and feel justified about it if I don't kick and scream about SJWs beforehand?
(nice trips)
This is true to some extent, but usually when the SJW claims investigated further the devs actually do turn out to be SJWs.
yarr harr
To late OP!
Trouble therein lies with that there's typically no investigation done in the first place because it's just somebody mouthbreathing about le SJWs, and for whatever reason nobody asks for proof in such a scenario and blindly believes they're a rainbowhair based on OP's/poster's say-so because it's fun to shitpost about it.
gun gods was a surprisingly adequate doom clone, it was funny when they included venus in nuclear throne and a bunch of people were wondering who that even was. The game wasn't even available so no one could play it for the longest time. I think they made it a free download or something.
for fucks sake man, I know vlambeer went down the shitter but they made some really great games.
fuck is that real?
Personally I hope to generate a new gaming industry crash in the hopes that whatever springs up to replace it will be as much better as that which sprang from the previous crash. The industry is stagnant and failing as is.
In the meantime I have an enormous backlog.
OH! You're autistic!
Could've said something earlier.
Wait, that can suck up gems?
All video games should be funded and supervised by the state, and developed by people who will put exactly the amount of effort necessary to reach their quota into them, and who will be indifferent to the eventual success or failure of "their" game. Also indie games should be outlawed, or at most the profit from sales should go to the state, because that's capitalism.
Yes, that would be an improvement.
what kind of videos games did communism give us? All i can think of is tetris, it's pretty much the Yugo of video games. It'll get you to your destination but it's not exactly a mindblowing experience.
Right, because having videogames made by the state would make things so much better.
Communism is a disease, you should all be gassed. For as obnoxious as Holla Forums can be you'll always, always be worse.
Wait I thought the ACLU was good, are you sure you aren't mixing it up with the ((((((((((((((((((((ADL))))))))))))))))))))?
You're strawmanning. I'm not a communist, but I don't believe that capitalism is great either. You see, with the explosion of game budgets in recent years due to the cannibalistic nature of capitalism, passion projects and AA games don't exist anymore. It's either you're an indie developer and know a friend in journalism so they shill your game or you're a AAA developer and use money to influence the public via controlled mass media and undercover shills or you're dead. Why does this happen? Because capitalism demands everything to be degraded from it's original vision to suit profit's needs. It's the main reason why so many fantastic concepts have been scrapped, it's the reason why companies don't and never will listen to you. Companies are not your friend and it's pure insanity that people think they are. They see you as a number, they don't care about your feelings so why should you care about their feelings?
Technically Tetris is perfect in design, I can't name a flaw with it.
why would he need your money you retard?
Fuck off, that's exactly what you are.
I think its from pirate curse.
I'm not a communist because communism is just as flawed, but in different ways. You're just using ad hominem because you cannot think of a proper counter argument which only shows me that you are deficient in critical thinking skills.
Not only is the price locked at 30 dollars, you MUST donate to at least 1 of the 3 charities.
Whether or not you like it, our hobby has become the next battleground in a massive culture war that has already consumed other media like movies, television and comics. You're not allowed to not pick a side anymore.
I know, I just never realize that you can use that to suck up gems.
Man, that's a shitty bundle.
Nice they got the starwars games though.
"Moderates" like him are just crypto-leftists. They were perfectly fine when the left was dragging politics into games, but the moment the right objects it's muh horseshoe and why are you dragging politics into this.
Fuck fence shitters.
This is only semi-related, but explain to me how the fuck it's "humble" if specific games are locked behind a paywall? Maybe I'm misunderstanding the whole concept, but I thought that the main idea behind humble bundle was that you could pay whatever you wanted and instantly get all the games on offer. Why are some games "awards" for spending x amount of money?
My god are you retarded.
She fucks him in the ass with a giant strap-on before that. Do you still want it?
Fapped like a king degenerate to that doujin
yes, tetris is perfect, from a utilitarian perspective. Just because a game is "perfect" doesn't mean it's an exceptional experience. A lot of people here will say they had some of their best moments in Deus Ex. Is that game perfect? Of course not. It's the small imperfections that we enjoy the most, it's what makes a video game human.
communism is dehumanizing by design, and the entertainment it creates is an extension of that. Tetris looks like the sort of game a computer would come up with, it's that sterile. The only glimmer of humanity is the music which is totally optional.
That's true, it's definitely not my favorite game. I'm not defending communism because I'm not a communist because I understand that communism is flawed, albeit in different ways compared to capitalism.
No it doesn't. Nobody is forcing developers to casualize their games apart from their own greed and, for AAA games, their publishers.
But I don't.
fuck off dumb nigger, fish have great memories
Any idiot that thinks capitalism is as bad as communism needs to go someplace like Poland and ask about it.
After they've finished beating your pretentious hipster ass bloody they can then explain to you how much worse communism and every other shitty idea the left comes up with really is.
Only interesting games are Stardew Valley and Tower of Guns. I either have the rest or am not interested.
DWB is actually a decent charity.
well considering the kosher political spectrum is generally some brand of liberal then being a Moderate means you are by default a leftist.
I'm not paying 30 shekels for Stardew Valley. And even if I were to get it for whatever, I'd have a million extra keys that nobody here would want. Hell, I already have extra keys for some of that shit.
Dude, how many retarded extreme ideologies are you on right now to suit labeling centrism as leftism.
Shit this is the same crap leftists do labeling anyone right of them neo nazis.
This was the early philosophy with GamerGate, yes. We originally wanted politics out. Now we've mostly seen the truth and now are against Marxist subversion in all forms.
Centrism isn't a political position, it's just being a beta.
that reminds me, I got a shitload of keys for garbage games like rust I can dump off.
>We are against all forms of marxist subversion
I don't know man, deciding to let a political faction make all your decisions for you sounds beta as fuck to me.
way to ruin everything for me, OP
This is why I hate it when people call themselves, "members of the X community". This is a public forum. We are not a community here. You shouldn't assume I share you belief system, and either all belief systems should be allowed to be expressed or they should all be prohibited. No one cares that you're left, right, center, authoritarian, libertarian, christian, monotheist, atheist, or whatever the fuck you want to use to describe yourself. This is why politics and any discussion of belief systems are cancer.
The thing with capitalism, as with any system, is that it requires the input of flawed human beings, which results in flaws in the system.
The thing with capitalism is that there's at least room for those flaws thanks to segmentation.
If a sociopathic dipshit comes into power in a capitalist society, the damage he does is limited by the fact that he's not actually in charge of everything, so the worst you'll end up with is shit like EA and Monsanto, where the evils can be banished with a market correction.
Compare this to Communism or other more collective societies, where if a sociopathic dipshit comes into power you end up with shit like Mao's great leap forward or Mugabe's mismanagement of farmland, shit that ruins everything and never really goes away.
How is this SJW?
If you kill your enemies, they win :^D
On the rare occasion I actually buy into a bundle, I always make sure to split the cash only to the dev whose game I want. I don't want to accidentally give some talentless shithead validation by throwing them a bone.
Gungeon is better, having played both extensively. The only fun I had in Nuclear Throne was playing the dude with 1 health who can blow corpses up.
That's true, but the problem is with the explosion of game budgets over the past decade or so it is gorging on greed to survive or the studio closes if the game bombs because of the 300+ million investment.
That's my problem with communism, the excessive government. Power and corruption go hand in hand so an excessive government like communism will inevitably crumble.
Wew lad are you always this dumb or you are you just drunk right now?
But a "centrist" is letting other people decide his political positions for him, given that a "centrist" is not the same thing in 1790, 1815, 1936 and CY+2.
Where does one draw the line between letting other people decide your opinions and forming opinions based on information you gathered on your own?
Big Boss did nothing wrong.
If you're not going 1488 by now you're a fucking imbecile. If you're a leftist not only are you stupid, but also suicidal.
What's the point of having a choice when the left has already been discredited in every conceivable way?
This shit is just virtue signaling the bundle
That's every broad political label, lad.
Nice job showing your true colors idiot. Fuck off back to your hug box.
Nah, sorry, nihilism, I mean centrism, is the gayest possible thing to do.
You're just as much of a faggot as any mspainted centrist.
Do we need a further 300 million dead gentiles, or the complete destruction of the West for you vermin to finally realize just how full of shit you are?
You're joking right?
You have no idea what that word even means do you? It's not "both sides r dum except me, so nothing matters" it's "I like bits of both sides let me choose the parts I think are good"
So letting two politcal factions make all your decisions is somehow less beta?
The left has been pretty thoroughly discredited, but 1488 GAS EVERYONE isn't the only alternative to the left.
no no no bro, you have to choose a side! you cant agree with some things only, its a game of us vs them!
I've heard Gungeon is better from people who played that first and NT is better from people who played it first, haven't given Gungeon a try myself yet.
Because I'm inherently skeptical of what constitutes as your image of the left and what exactly the plans for the future the "1488ers" have in mind to improve things.
It's pretty fucking real
Pretty simple plans actually.
I've played Gungeon first, but I liked NT better. Gungeon is very SLOW, and the weapons and enemies have less variety.
its certainly worth trying out. i think its a bit slower than nuclear throne, especially at the start. and it can be difficult finding an actually decent weapon. ammo conservation is also a bigger deal.
No you fucking nigger, Liberalism is not centrism. Liberalism is a left wing ideology. The fact that people even consider lolbertarinaism and Neoconservativism right wing is how they keep winging because it is the Left defining the terms of acceptable debate and siding with that which is politically expedient when trying to manipulate public discourse. And true centrism is just intellectual laziness born from ignorance or fallacious reasoning or promoted deliberately to officiate the agenda of the oligarchy who wield true political power.
sage for off topic
You are, that had nothing to do with the bankruptcy, though it did contribute to the ruin of 2+ imageboards while changing precisely nothing of the shitshow that is games media.
Guess I can do it too then.
It's like if Binding of Isaac was made by /k/. Chock full of retarded puns (which I love), and it's sort of a shmup lite, I guess. It's not really hard but I have a lot of fun with it. Plus one of the characters is very obviously inspired by Doomguy, which is always a plus. My main problem with it is that the Flame Hand (which is heavily based on DnD) weapon isn't named the Fire Arm.
i dont know about enemies having less variety. because of that slowness, a lot of them have to be handled differently than just "unload on it until it dies".
maybe the game changed a lot since i last played it. some pirated copy that might not even have been a release version.
Which is? Don't say "capitalism" because
1) it's not a theory
2) it works.
What does that even mean?
Fuck off you mentally ill pederast.
Didn't Al Gore say we'd all be drowning because of global warming by now? Whatever happened to that?
Oy vey. How can they be right wing when they deny the truth of race?
You act like it's unthinkable to suggest someone NOT buy a game from someone because they are unethical or hurting the industry. Yet, whenever you step into a VTMB thread, everyone always tells you "don't buy it on steam the money goes to the company that destroyed the original devs". Where are you screeching about judging the purchase of a game by its business politics then?
Just picked it up, thanks OP :^)
Been meaning to get Subnautica, Guacamelee, Starjew, and Tower of Guns, and there's a couple of others in there I think I'll enjoy too. Haven't bought a game in ~6 months so fuck it, $30 why not.
Every great game on PS1 or PS2 not made by Japan alone proves you full of shit.
I'm talking about how looking back that as many mediocre to shit shooters flooding the market there actually were some pretty good ones and sandbox games at miminum. The 360 even had its fair share of dedicated hardcore nip games like Bayonetta and DMC4 as well as Suda's offerings.
6th was definitely the golden era of quality western gaming, though. It's sad thinking about everything that was brought to the table compared to cinemtaically tryhard shit like now.
They did just put out a decent-sized patch.
Most of the new enemies aren't especially hard.
Keybullet Kin don't fight back
Confirmed's attacks can be easily avoided by just going to one side
Executioners are another shotgunner but they can try to use chains to attack you, and the bullets when they die actually aim instead of going in all directions.
Bombshees are annoying. They hang around enemy groups and blank.
Arrowkin are weak as hell because they're created by one of the new guns, and are weaker than the basic bullet kin.
Jammomancers and Jamerlengo are annoying as hell. They jam one/all enemies in the room until they're killed.
Chain Gunners aren't too bad, but they can hit through walls.
Killithid are easy as long as you get them before they split.
No, you see, that's only when it's something THEY root for and that benefits their agenda.
When it's something WE root for and benefits our agenda, it's ok.
Your forced misuse of a smug loli doesn't mean shit. Fuck off.
Taleworlds are turkroaches. Turks are muslim, the quebec shooting was at a mosque where innocent muslims got killed (innocent as in they had commited no crimes that I'm aware of) so they're extending their sympathies to their fellow muslims. What's SJW about that?
Did you miss the point where I was mocking his vague "left economic theory has been debunked"? There is no sole left or right economic theory.
You sound mighty upset at me for making fun of your vague broad stoke post there user :^)
At least have the grace to not further embarrass yourself when you realize you have nothing to argue back with.
What is supply-driven economics (trickledown/reaganomics), what is keynesian economics, what is socialism
You didn't even argue with anything
i remember assuming that was going to be dlc, but it looks like it is not.
you know, it's just a fake I made in hopes of getting someone to bite the bait, that's what I get for trying to be too subtle
Top fucking kek
Congrats user, you got it in one. Victory at any cost.
Not true communism obviously.
You implied the right was wrong to grant faggots marriage, I pointed out just why something like that is pointless considering how promiscuous and unfaithful to one another fags are.
As for science, you didn't specify what scientific theories they were wrong about so I had to pick the most obvious one, namely global warning, a thing the left has been bitching about for the past 40 years but has yet to materialize in any substantial way.
There's going to be DLC eventually, but this was free. They also added new NPCs, which I forgot about. One lets you play challenge mode but I haven't tried it yet.
And? Why should it matter that some fags are cheaters? We should deny them the right to marry because some fags cheat?
Yeah no shit because I was making fun of your vague ass post about how the "left has been proven wrong about everything for 100 years!!!". But fine, flat earthers, creationist, anti-vaxers, etc are almost always right leaning people.
Look I hate the left too. Even more so lately, but the right has a lot of issues too. I just hate you fags always trying to make it us vs them and if you're not fully with us you're with them.
What is that image even talking about?
You mean on the store front? Because I only ever see limited organizations to donate to for the regular bundle deals.
The percentage that aren't serial cheaters is the minority.
And because they never wanted marriage in the first place. This is just attention whoring on their part. Marriage was meant to encourage childbirth, not stroke the ego of mentally ill pedophiles.
But they have. I don't even have to go into particulars, their ideas of how to run the economy, gender politics and equality and "discrediting" race theory have all gone to shit.
Communism was not only proven not to work (unlike capitalism), but was such a catastrophic disaster whenever an attempt was made to implement it it resulted in the deaths of millions. In the past 50 years communism has killed more people than both world wars combined.
The left's ideas on women liberation also ended up in disaster. Women today are more neurotic, unhappy and mentally ill than at any other point in history. Then you have the "gender paradox", such as in Norway, where the more freedom is given to women the more they will default to traditional gender roles.
And finally race. Did you know that Civil Rights leaders promised the white majority that Affirmative Action was going to be a temporary policy to level the playing field? They promised them that. 50 years onward it's basically become policy. The left realized they were full of shit and niggers were never going to amount to anything, so to cover up their latest, massive fuckup they kept Affirmative Action around.
And you can see it happening in real time today. Didn't the right wing warn the bleeding heart leftycucks shit was gonna go bad when they imported a few million niggers and mudshits into Europe? And what did it happen? Exactly what the right wing said it would.
But it is us versus them. The left wants the white majority dead and gone and Western culture erased. I'm not even kidding, this isn't hyperbole, this is their one goal.
Which are irrelevant when contrasted with the existential threat the left run amok poses to all of us. We can debate the finer points of libertarianism vs fascism when the Marxists are dead and buried in mass graves.
You should start shilling them. No, seriously. Never mind the impression consumers get, do you know how demoralizing it is to an aspiring dev to see this never-ending flood of indie garbage, with people actively supporting them?
White people even ignoring the fact that white as a "race" contains several distinct types Isn't a majority by any standard globally you dumbass.
why do you keep taking the bait?
I wanna see how much they brought with them.
Yeah not even gonna argue with someone so far gone, gonna go have fun playing Ni-Oh instead. Have a good life user, good luck saving the white race.
Seeya later, leftypol, you don't really need to come back here either, you can just head back to halfchan.
There have been many civil rights people, black and jewish, that have flat out said "kill all white people" and the Left claps them on the back. This isn't hyperbole. What conclusion are we supposed to draw?
You know that fake is now gonna be repeatably posted by faggots showing "undeniable" proof said dev is subverted and shutting down any further discussion of their games. You are literally the cancer behind everything wrong with this site.
That it's just hyperbole. There's nothing to worry about goyim, not like Haiti ever happened.
Once a group has gathered large numbers, the next step is usually to either to look for more small groups to further strengthen their numbers, and/or wipe out small pockets of resistance.
When you refuse to join with the opposing force you become one of the two smaller groups. In other words, once a group decides that it's "us vs them" the choice to say "No." is foolish.
In an ironic twist of fate, they do the same about us.
we're more similar than either of us realizes
Hey, thanks for saving my oc
To be fair however, it's a pretty safe bet. You don't get to be a well-known indie developer without first being part of or swearing fealty to the clique.
I've long since realized just from observation of Tumblrites that they're just a different flavor of the same neckbeard
Safe bet or no it's not a definite until there's confirmation, and Holla Forums's not above quietly refusing to mention it if a retarded assumption turned out to be just that.
I agree, but anonymity makes our bullshit much more tolerable due to the fact that none of our insults and cynicism actually sticks around past the 700th post or the 13th page. Barring the occasional tripfag or namefag, inter-user drama appears to be contained to a thread or two.
We're also less prescriptive regarding behavior than Tumblr.
Essentially this, but we also don't get paid for it, nor do we have an actual broadcasting platform.
It's a small distinction, but an important one.
There are many distinctions, most of them quite large. Motivation is a good example. I refuse to tolerate shitty games because they take an established hobby and lower its quality, often times in completely objective ways. The SJW does what it does for the sake of destruction of a predominantly male interest or the insertion of politics where none belong.
I think the insertion of politics is the most problematic, to lift terminology right from the SJW sociologists. As you said, politics really don't belong in video games. They're meant to provide entertainment and challenge, not to push a narrative. A game can have political statements in it, but the point of the game should not be to push a stance. SMAC is a good example, as it has a shitton of political quotes from the faction leaders but leaves it up to the player to decide whether they make sense.
The issue isn't whether a game pushes politics or not, that's irrelevant, the issue is that leftists can't tolerate a product not pushing their politics.
Do you think I give a flying fuck if some pretentious San Francisco subhuman makes a Gone Homo game? Why would I give a shit? The game wasn't made with me as the audience in mind, I'm not planning to buy it and whoever wants to buy it can.
No, the fucking problem is when I want to play a localized Japanese game but find out "problematic" content has been censored and replaced with infantile humor and stale meme only mental cripples that worship at Marx's altar could find funny, the problem is when developers feel pressured to include shitty diversity and ugly women in their games and pander to tumblr for fear the perpetually offended will screech at them incessantly.
Leftists shitting out leftist content isn't the reason why they need to be purged from every medium they infest like the vermin they are, the reason is that they can't tolerate the idea that there is something out there that isn't made for them in mind regardless of the fact they're not the audience and are not expected to buy the product.
Marxists are too mentally challenged to comprehend the idea of a free market and that's why they belong in the gas chamber.
You'd give a shit if you paid attention to the fact that those games exist for the sake of driving YOU out of the hobby and replacing YOU as the audience. The entire industry as it stands props those games up, gives them more attention than they deserve, and promotes them all for the sake of removing you.
As expected, the people who "don't care" and feel that anyone who does is silly are the ones who haven't been paying attention and refuse to fight back.
Both of you appear to be agreeing that the left makes shit games about shit politics, but you each have different ideas on how to react. I find myself agreeing with , but I'm not sure what to do about it besides make a lot of triggering games about Trump winning.
no matter what approach you want to take the only real solution is to get involved in video game development.
And anything else you (anons, plural) care about.
And they used to have suck great bundles.