Good newish SP games?

I've recently replayed Max Payne 3 and AVP3.

I played through Ground Zeroes, and it was ok, but I just can't find the motivation to play Phantom Pain. Heard it's unfinished and as a fan I don't want to suffer.

Played some Hatred and kinda like it for some mindless fun.

Enjoyed nuDoom despite how much shit I'll get for it.

Starcraft 2 fucking sucks. Played a mod that remade the original into sc2 engine: it was ok.

I've tried replaying AVP2, but the graphics and archaic design are getting to me. I'm looking for some good SP action titles that are somewhat new. Any ideas? All I can think of is Blood Dragon, which ppl say is fun.

All those games you named are shit and pretty much anything along those lines, and if this is what tickles your fancy then I've found your problem.

Enjoy pretending for the rest of your gaming life.

suggest something then


in comparison to 1 and 2, yes

I'm gonna agree with the other user - them games you mentioned range from mediocre to shit. Either way, here's some sitting on my backlog -

it was PC first tho

no it wasn't. it was released at the same time.

yeah, sorry, just didn't know it was on ps4 too

I like Bayonetta. If I had to make a safe for suggestion your shit taste will allow you to play then MGS3 HD @60fps if you haven't done so already.

Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 WW: July 7, 2015 Xbox One WW: February 17, 2016 OS X, Linux WW: TBA
Half-right, I guess. Devs pledged to do a linux version? Probably gonna turn out like XCOM 2.

MGSV if you can look past the fact the last third of the game doesn't exist.


Never played any monster hunter game. will consider, thanks.

Thought that was multiplayer only

already replayed it a couple months ago

it's on PC?

Like I said don't want to invest time on it just to get my heart broken

Hopefully mods can fix that. Modders just started working on the terrain data, so you should have custom maps soon enough.

You'll only get your heart broken if you give a shit about the story. I sunk a 100 hours into the game and had a shitload of fun. MGSV is, hands down, the best MGS game in terms of gameplay, and one of the best TPS ever.


Pic related.

It's actually an RPG but it has a pretty entertaining combat system.
A Platinum game, kinda short.
A GTA-like game but you can actually beat the shit out of people with some sick kung-fu moves.
No PC port sadly. TPS where you can GO FAST or enter Bullet Mode.

Also you'll eventually have to face the fact MGS is done for to play Phantom Pain. It's pretty good.


But that's why we're here, user. Just to suffer.

Divinity: Original Sin. Story-driven turn-based RPG. Combat is shit like using oil traps with fire spells, delaying turns to sync up crowd control, stuff like that.
You can pick up items and move them around to set up Line of Sight problems for enemies, it's really good for people who think about their actions before they finish their turn.

The Enhanced Edition nerfed some builds and removed a few exploits, but added a ton of good voice acting to most NPCs.

Forgot one of the best features - no level scaling!
You don't get talent trees, but you sink points into elementals and weapon proficiency, plus leadership and charisma.
So, your tank character would take a few points into armor proficiency and leadership, and the earth element for low-cost CC and an offtank summon, and your mage would be in water element for putting out fires and healing.

Your rogue (don't play or use a rogue in Enhanced Edition, they're trash tier) might want lockpicking and pickpocketing for additional dosh since the game has really simplistic stealth/stealing mechanics.

I was recommended it by someone on this board and played it daily until I hit around 260 hours. That wasn't even on the tactician difficulty, which pigeonholes you into restrictive builds because everything the AI does is so much more efficient and they plan attacks better, against your party that has less health than in other modes.

Newish? That's a tough one, user with shit taste.
Playing through the Darksiders games now, it's like OoT read some edgy comic books from 90's and decided to take up DMC fighting classes. Kicks your ass at the start, but then becomes very very easy.
Pick up the Antibirth mod for Binding of Isaac Rebirth if you want to revitalize that game.
Shadowrun games have been getting okay-ish reception, with Dragonfall being the fan favorite so far.
Assault Android Cactus is a fun twin-stick shooter with bitching music and an "infinite mode" (we need to make another twin-stick shooter thread soon).
Hard Reset Redux may not be a new game, but it's a nice refurbished version of it (sword's useless, but the dash is invaluable).
Metro games are pretty ok, if you're willing to put up with it's glitches, fucked audio and the fact that it's not S.TA.L.K.E.R. 2.
I've been playing Risk of Rain in between my studying and somehow managed to sink in 25 hours of play into it in just 2 weeks. I must've left it open from time to time since you can't save your progress.

no, its shit in general.

Linux version is out and it is okay prone to crashes though