Please recommend me a game, Holla Forums

…that is similar to Guardian Heroes, and is not Code of Princess (which I own and have played): a side-scrolling, 2D beat-em-up with RPG elements.

Dragons Crown

Dragons Crown

Dragons Crown


Ok, l forgot to mention, also besides Dragon's Crown.


Early Tale games


Basically anything Vanillaware has made. Muramasa The Demon Blade, Odin Sphere, Dragon's Crown.


Just play Ninja Baseball Batman or any D&D arcade game

Not exactly the same thing, but very good games nonetheless.

How about Castle Crashers


Shadow Over Mystara is pretty damn good, although I don't know if it's what you mean.


Not exactly, since the RPG elements are very light. But both SoM and ToD are very good, I agree. I actually own it on the PS3 to be able to play with my brothers (never managed to properly run it 2 players on MAME).

Looks like Golden Axe

Looks nothing like Golden Axe

Looks like Golden Axe