Are there any gameplay overhauls yet?
Starjew valley
What's wrong with the gameplay?
Yeah, it's called play a good game.
Wait for a better update, I guess, which probably won't happen. I can't believe not even mods can save this game. Does this game even have modding tools?
Pretty shallow. I used to defend Stardew Valley before playing Rune Factory 4. Just play Rune Factory.
Have fun with your half assed game while I enjoy the superior one in a handheld.
Citra sucks and you still need a 3DS in order to play it anyway.
What's the best on the DS or some other emulatable platform?
Rune Factory 3, the best DS emulator is Drastic for Android but Desmume will do just fine. Be sure to up the resolution if you are going to emulate it. RF1 and 2 suck tho.
Be ready to have fun with pixelated menus because emulating handhelds sucks. I can't really think of a farm game like RF or Stardew Valley that have come on consoles or PC and are good. You're just better off just buying a 3DS and CFW it, you'd also get Story of Seasons out of it.
Could I get a quick and dirty comparison to stardew valley?
That seems like an absolutely retarded line of reasoning.
Is the monstergirl mod finished?
Please, just kill yourself.
I think it have, for a long time. I can't find it anymore, though. Those forums are absolutely terrible.
I refuse to give any money to any console manufacturer for any reason on principle. It not having a "ton of good games" is besides the point.
Yes, im making it
Just wait 3 years and it will be done
Why not? Are you a retard? I bet you rather play the tons of games you don't even have. There's a reason you were planning on playing Stardew Valley, pretty much because you don't know better.
Pic related is the actual resolution of RF3, only characters have 3D models, everything else, including backgrounds, are sprites modeled for that resolution. Now imagine playing that in a 1080p resolution, but hey, you refuse to enjoy games FOR FREE because you're a moron. I bet you don't even understand why the 3DS is an "inferior" device, or that it can be overclocked.
Nothing wrong with this to me, i'm playing it with 2X res, 60 fps and on a mobike device with native stylus support, this is better than the real deal and it looks great on my Note 4 screen.
I know the picnis from RF2, only had that rom available atm.
*pic is
Keep deluding yourself. At least have some dignity and play it with higher resolution to justify the fact that you're too stupid to play in the actual hardware.
Why would i want a higher resolution on a mobile device? Why do you keep to relying to insults? How am i stupid for not wanting to buy a console?
I actually looked into my emulation folder. Turns out I already have played RF3. I just don't remember it, because it was unremarkable.
I had no problems with pixelation, not sure why you're making such a huge deal of it.
Penny is a cheating whore.
Here's another screenshot with simulated DS scanlines, both 2X and 1X respectively. Again, i see nothing wrong with this.
Because you can, and to justify the whole existence of why emulation is supposedly better than actual hardware. How old is your mobile device? Any past 2013 device can easily display 1080p.
Because you can have the actual thing cheaper than 100$ with all the games you want, bu instead you actually choose a phone.
Just kill yourself already.
She is not. She is actually the only good thing about Stardew Valley.
Holy shit, tell me you don't use those in any game you emulate.
Then you need to get your eyes checked because that's fucking terrible.
Why do you keep posting if you're saging.
Fucking kill yourself already.
Even on your first date she's letting other men pick her up and hang out in trees with her, and gets embarrassed and angry if you find out.
She was raised by an alcoholic single mother, no surprise she'd be a slut.
I don't want to bump the thread and I want to make fun of OP for being a faggot.
She was confirmed for not cheating you.
Why wouldn't you want to save her and give her the life she deserves, and even worst, call her a whore for having a friend?
I can but i don't want to
Irrelevant ad hominem
I already have both a DS and a 2DS, i choose my phone because i don't have to carry around a bulky console like a dork and emulators work just fine
Rude, you always feel the need to insult others to reinforce your opinions, don't you?
I don't, even if i did what does it matter to you?
Looks better on a phone
So you're ok with being a fag.
I guess that using a shitty phone is somehow better than an actual 3DS or 3DS.
I guess you're not only a retard, but a manlet. How is a DS bulky for any adult? The 3DS, maybe, but if you think playing on a phone is somehow more socially acceptable than doing it on a console then you need to recheck your values in life.
Yes. Is more pleasant that way. Sorry if I hurt your feelings :^) Also, it's not an opinion, is a fact.
Yeah, it bothers me that people like you exists.
Keep deluding yourself.
Yes, a friend, a childhood friend. That relationship can develop only if you're not there, fag.
Whatever, fag. Penny was being a very good "friend" to him even at 8 hearts with you.
It costed me 350 bucks when it came out and i can play PSP games full-speed on it, better than a 3DS that's for sure.
It is, everyone knows this.
Shame a 3DS can emulate games natively anyway.
So you're also a normalfag? Why am I not surprised?
Penny cheated on you with Vincent, faggot.
What about around 10 Harvest Moon games and even two different Rune Factory games that are on consoles? Hell if you're looking for gameplay, and not waifus, you could even throw Innocent Life in there.
Currently on DS and 3DS all you really have, that are good, are most of the Rune Factory series, Sunshine Islands, and A New Beginning, and Story of Seasons.
Tale of Two Towns was mediocre, Harvest Moon DS was a buggy mess, and Island of Happiness was, much like Rune Factory 1, a testing ground for the sequel.
I meant home consoles, not handhelds. Most games like that are exclusively for handhelds. Actually, the original Harvest Moon and N64 one exists, but dunno how good they are.
Those are 4 games in a genre that barely have 15 noteworthy titles.
Is Story of Seasons any good or unique compared to your typical HM game? I've been meaning to pick it up but nothing about it catches my eye.
I forgot these existed. Why isn't forced user on for me?
What the fuck?
It's not that different. It's slightly faster and in full 3D.
I never said that
Other than that, nothing else? Just typical HM stuff, I suppose.
Hope it does that at least well, yeah?
It's better than a phone
Yeah, it does. It was made by the same guys who made HM, after all, and I mean the good ones, not the shit ones. If you want more gameplay, stick to RF4, if you want a HM game, play story of seasons. I think there was going to be an upcoming DLC.
Here's a bit of Harvest Moon knowledge from a fan of the series, unless it's a direct sequel expect every new game to be two steps forward and one step back.
A New Beginning was great because it allowed you to position both your farm and town however you wanted. Then we got Story of Seasons, it kept the ability to move all farm buildings around, however they now restricted it to only that and had certain spaces in town you could decorate. The problem with that was dfferent item combos gave different bonuses, so there was an optimal way to dealing with those and it didn't let you have much fun with it. That being said, it also kept almost all the other improvements to the series A New Beginning brought and even added a new system where you needed to compete with other local farmers for the right to specific town owned plots of land, though if you're good enough you'll own them all by the first year and then it's just the hassle of renewing you ownership before someone challenges you.
In short, Story of Seasons is a good Harvest Moon game, while fans that closely follow the series have found a lot to criticize it's mainly that they lost features they liked. More casual fans probably won't ever find anything wrong.
GBA still have at least 4 of those 15 which makes 8 out of 15, consider that the console HM games like the N64, the PS1 or the SNES versions aren't hold as high as FoTM, for example. Yet, that's just 11.
how long until multiplayer so I can be a plantation owner?
The original Gameboy/Gameboy Color games were some of the only actually hard games, which is also true for the PSP game, but those are literally the least known of the entire series. Even then much like Rune Factory I wouldn't recommend playing GB1 and maybe even GB2, since GB3 is a direct sequel and has the advantages of fixes some of the issues people had with those games.
So even if I give you one FoMT, GB3 and Hero of Leaf Valley (Which is just a remake of Save the Homland), that's 3 more games to add to the 4 previously mentioned making 8 out of 15 (15 being a number you pulled out of your ass.).
That's entirely subjective. Many people believe that HM64 was the pinnacle of the series, with others still believing that Back to Nature is better than FoMT. Add to that
Here's a list you can choose to nitpick if you'd like:
1. Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (If Harvest Moon DS wasn't so buggy it would have replaced this.)
2. Harvest Moon: Animal Parade
3. Harvest Moon: Magical Melody
4. Harvest Moon 64
5. Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
6. Innocent Life
7. Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility (Originally I wasn't going to include this, but I honestly think it's about on par with Story of Seasons, specifically if you decide to use the pro-controller in place of the motion controls.)
8. Harvest Moon GB3
9. Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley
10. Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands
11. Harvest Moon: A New Beginning
12. Story of Seasons
13. Stardew Valley
14. Rune Factory 3
15. Rune Factory 4
16. Rune Factory Frontier (It's for Wii)
17. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
18. World's Dawn (It's an indie RPG Maker game, but it, much like the original HM and unlike the first Natsume HM, is an excellent first effort.)
Basically, almost all the games have something good to them that people will like. I've excluded the original HM, some games that got unquestionably better remakes, games which are just the same but you can be a girl, and games which just aren't that good.
What we end up with is, 10/18 being on console/PC and 8/18 being on handheld. Now, you might decry me for saying that I included something like Magical Melody and left off Island of Happiness, but I've seen many more people talking about Magical Melody in a good light, than I have Island of Happiness. Also, please keep in mind, the last console Harvest Moon release was Animal Parade back in 2008 (almost 10 years ago now) and they've since decided to focus more on handhelds. So there has been 10 years of exclusive handheld focus, while consoles only had exclusive focus on the original Harvest Moon, so if there ever does end up being more there has also been more years of handheld games being in production.
user, you have some severe trust issues, you might want to get that looked at.
You're a real good cuck, anyone ever told you that? I hope you get to watch next time your significant other and her boyfriend have sex. You deserve the highest reward.
user, seriusly, this isnt even funny, you cant go around life like that.
Really? Because I played Rune Factory 4 before Stardew Valley and I couldn't stand the insane amount of shallow weebshit thrown at me, and the heartless grinding in comparison to Stardew Valley. Game also cucks you from the dragon.
But they cant have a social life outside the MC!
Rune Factory 4 has the objectively better crafting, combat, and farming. Sure there's a lot of random shit that isn't needed or doesn't help, like the bathing, sleeping, and throwing skills.
Stardew Valley is good, but just like the first Harvest Moon and the first Rune Factory a lot of it's systems are poorly implemented and need more refining. When a sequel to Stardew Valley eventually comes out, then we can start to argue if it's better or not, but right now it's a first effort that you can't say is the best at anything in the genre yet.
>Getting angry over not being able to marry Venti when you can't marry Lin Fa, Illuminata, Nancy, or Porcoline.
What the fuck is this doing in a farming game?
This shit is bonkers.
It's OK user, I'm sure that your wife, her urban friend and her son are not doing anything lewd without you being present in the room.
It's got niggers and faggot marriage for starters
I want the game to have hunger mechanics, i.e. you gameover if you don't eat enough, and then have a Holla Forums multiplayer server where you try to manage a farm with a bunch of autists and not starve to death
We'll call the farm pic related
Maybe this game an user on /agdg/ is making will turn out decent
That already exists. It's called "Don't Starve Together".
Is this what you mean by monster girls?
Back to your containment board, Holla Forums-chan.
Fuck off faggot
Now I'm curious. The end game crafting grind in all the previous Rune Factories was my biggest gripe I had with the series.
I could post it on vola if you want.
It's boring, and the day system is stupid.
Let me work all night if I fucking want to. I shouldn't literally fucking collapse just because I stay up past my bedtime.
Only if you go back to yours, /lefty/-kun :3
Just kidding, kill yourself
Does he have a mailing list or something so I can get notified when it's done?
There's a mod that lets you control the speed at which time passes
It's called Everyday Life and it will probably never be finished, but you can keep track of it on /agdg/
Every item has an attribute that, when used in crafting or upgrading, is passed to the gear you added it to.
Some things are more complicated, like an item that will multiply the effects of a previous item added, stacking accessory effects, changing the spells attached to a staff, or making a weapon have the stats of a completely different weapon.
You can custom-make just about anything you want, but the crafting system takes some time to wrap your head around, especially when you bring the inheritance system in.
You don't really need to farm for perfect quality items unless you want to farm the absolute endest-game shit WITH the orders that jack enemy levels up. You get far more bonus stats just from using "rare" materials.
I prefer to play on the actual hardware but I see nothing wrong with emulators and people that use them. This console/platform fight is the most retarded waste of fucking time and energy.
you guys started me on rune factory
You don't care because you never leave your fucking house you spoiled NEET dumbshit.
I started playing Rune Factory 4, I don't like it as much as Stardew Valley. I think it's the farming aspect. In Stardew I get a ton of land to do whatever I want and in Rune Factory I get a small backyard I can put plants in. I also don't like all the random anime story bullshit.
Does it get better?
Try Frontier.
are there any NTR mods for this game?
i want to come home from a hard day's work tending my crops and animals to find my wife fucking another guy
Your shitty games suck. One neckbeard by himself made a better game than hundreds, if not thousands of people could manage over several attempts since the last good Harvest Moon game.
Maybe make your games less tedious. Put in more things to do. Have a world that's both large enough to have a lot of content but small enough that traveling isn't inconvenient.
Or, you know, keep pumping out shitty single player Korean MMOs.
Do you make a habit of missing the point?
what point would that be?
The moral wasn't "Money is bad". I don't even know where you got that from. The game makes a point to reward you for making money.
The character left his job in the cubicle to go farming because he felt he was doing something pointless and becoming disconnected from the world. In fact, when you complete the Community Center, no one's talking about how bad things are since they started making money. They're talking about how the community's been dying, as in people haven't been doing things together, they've been losing contact, etc. What's wrong with Joja Mart isn't that they're making money, it's that they don't give a fuck about the community and will siphon it dry if given the opportunity.
Of course, the message is hamfisted, but it's a video game made by one guy. Don't expect the grapes of wrath. But the message is clearly about building your own life, improving your community and leaving a mark on the world.
I guess I just don't see what Joja Mart coming to town has to do with people ceasing to use the community center
also, how does the Joja Mart siphon the community any more than Pierre?
The community was dying before Joja Mart came around. The Joja Mart made it worse not only because people stopped supporting the local economy, but because they pay miserable wages which prevent development by both preventing people from being to afford development, but also being able to afford local products.
Hell, just compare the cost of restoring the community center compared to restoring the community using Joja-Mart. The former requires about 10k gold of items. Joja Mart will demand 140k gold to do the same.
compared to what? was there some employer who paid better but shut down after Joja came in?
Many. There are more businesses than just Pierre's. And the point is that instead of starting their own farms, or other such businesses, people went to work at the Joja Mart instead. Taking the easy job at first, then realizing they're stuck in that job once it's too late.
I guess you could say the moral is "It's more fulfilling to work hard to build something lasting than take an easy dead end job."
dev here, im working on it, but i have a day job and other responsabilities, so you will have to be patient
the cooking system is done and (if the link isn't broken) is available at the /agdg/ thread, im making a few assets before i go back to coding the faerie village
Don't give up on it.
its my dream, i will leave my day job and go full indie as soon as i have a significant demo to start crowdfunding
Breeding season was a longterm patreon scam, nothing more.
Nope. There's still no endgame content or new explorable areas. And I don't believe we can expect much to happen with the game for another year. If nothing happens by then, it never will.
This was a really cute cozy game that had me completely addicted for about 2 weeks. But when it starts to get stale, it gets stale fucking fast.
There needs to be more things to work towards unlocking. Once you have a sustainable farm and all your building upgrades, really the only thing to do is grind money to buy shit for your house, and once your house is done, who cares, you'll be finished the game and never go in it again anyways.
The rewards for most of the collections have little or no effect on your gameplay as well. This game is for obsessive compulsive completionists only, I'd say. And I'm pretty completionist myself, but I just didn't get much satisfaction from meeting goals in this game.
Penny sounds like a cheating bitch. Also if you marry Leah, she cheats on you with Elliot. If you were to marry Elliot, he'd cheat on you with Leah.
"If you hear any banging from inside my hut, it's probably just me working on one of my sculptures." -Leah
Whatever, slut.
What a beta cuck you are. I'm a little distressed that you don't realize it.
So I went and checked and it looks like Elliot is banging Leah AND Penny. Leah bangs Elliot exclusively and Penny bangs Elliot AND Sam.
"Penny apparently spends a bit of time alone with Elliot and doesn't come home"
Update your game if you want it to be as good as Rune Factory. Also, even if it was only you, your pixel art sucks compared to, say, Harvest Moon.
It must suck to live with that fear.
Could you recommend any HM games for the 3DS?
Story of Seasons doesn't feel like a harvest moon game and actually kind of feels lifeless. The rest is chibi garbage.
can you reupload them?
Two days late, but maybe someone else can answer this.
Grabbed this in that bundle, and I've never actually played any harvest moon style games before. Do I need to go wiki this shit for "optimal" farm placement, or can I succeed through trial and error without having to restart?
Try on your own at first, and see what you can come up with based on what the people tell you–piece it together. Game's a lot more fun that way. After a while of gameplay, it might be worth it to look up more efficient methods, but stick to your own thoughts initially
It's OK user, her sons will eventually help you on the farm.
Rune Factory 4 is so much better, agreed
I hope the creator updates the game soon
To be fair, the mod apparently have a lot of things other than NTR. I hope the NTR is optional.
what mod is this
So like almost every HM game ever?
I just want a cute and relaxing farming game with complex mechanics and a fulfilling reward system.
Really, I've been wanting a farm game that was a little more nuanced than "put the seeds in the ground and water them." But I don't want to go full realism like Farming Simulator because that's utterly charmless and devoid of character.
A friend gave me Stardew Valley because I wanted to try out some pixel shit, I dropped it, and picked up Factorio.
draining resources from alien ground was much more fulfilling than dripping water until collapsing from exhaustion
the only good bug is a dead bug
I don't understand how anyone can find Stardew "relaxing", I always found myself rushing through the days because of how limited time you have.
Maybe if friendship didn't passively lower every day and grampa's evaluation was not automatic, then I wouldn't feel so compelled to do everything quickly. The legendary fish are especially scummy, because you can just completely miss them and have to wait for next year if you didn't figure that out in time.
What do you mean by that? I've thought about making a farming game similar to this one day, but I can't think of any way to make farming more interesting that that other than disease patches that spread unless you cut them off, and maybe some tools/machines that allow you to go big.
Unfortunately Factorio gets old very fast. I find it hard to play it anymore after having built a few complete factories, I tend to just go through the early phase and then quit when I need to start making green vials, the early scarcity phase is the most fun.
Could you imagine Farming Simulator going full fantasy, and having you to defend your farm from Orcs sent by the sexy Demonlord?
Shit would be awesome.
Yeah, it was worth the buy in my opinion but the lack of endgame content beyond rebuilding factories is painful. I do like how the devs are fairly open about progress on the game, but it's slow on account of the team size.
I mean just more accounting for factors that would affect growing crops. Disease is one thing, yeah, but there's other stuff like soil quality/consistency, weather patterns, pests, proper nutrients, irrigation, etc. I don't need a TON of complexity. I just want my farming to require a little more thought than my autistic arrangements. Same goes for ranching too but that one is harder to gauge.
A lot of Harvest Moon games will do one thing interesting with the farming then ditch it for the next game. It makes certain titles more interesting/aggravating than others.I also liked it when the games would allow you to process your crops, like in Animal Parade where you could make flour or coffee and stuff with a windmill, or grow flax and turn it into thread, things like that.
I do like that Stardew at least gave options for things like that, such as making wines or jams. I've considered replaying it with gimmick farms to pass time, like focusing on fruit orchards, or massive fields of wheat, whatever.
i don't know enough about farming to suggest improvements to farming games
OK now replace Starbound to Starjew in webm besides when he talks about planets and development because I cannot be bothered to rewrite same stuff.
It even makes characters worse. In Starjew they are just generic people that use FF villagers one liners when you talk to them.
I've just gotten to the Wizard and did some Adventure Guild stuff, and it's surprising to hear this game doesn't have more of an endgame.
As much as Stardew is mediocre, it have the excuse that it was made by a single guy. Chucklefuck is only the publisher, not the developer. Not to mention that Starbound had 5 years of development and tons of money.
The comparison is pretty off.
Endgame doesn't have anything to do with the farming.