#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Deja Vu Edition



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pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated November 29th, 2016)
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4. Defend Free Speech! Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation:
5. Dig for info regarding the ESA, (also ECA, IARC)
6. OP ESRBusted! Expose the ESRB for being against developers and consumers.


> ESA Michael Gallagher GfC15 transcript of video youtube.com/watch?v=mQhOqFH8cR0
- pastebin.com/rb7uyF89
- reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/5qva0e/deepfreeze_deepfreeze_291_update_five_new_entries/
- imgur.com/gallery/X2w49


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
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Other urls found in this thread:



Your hero Milo has fallen!


DEAD !!!



archive of previous bread


Also an example of it being rooted in reality is the fact that the NSF in Deus Ex is very obviously based on existing seccessionist movements in the US.

Here, you dropped this:
6. OP ESRBusted! Expose the ESRB for being against developers and consumers.

Damn the whole Milo and pewdiepie and to a lessor extent jontron thing has gotten out of control

They need victories to boost their morale.

I guess they got tired of us winning
But they don't realize its shit like this that caused GG in the first place and all we've seen from Trump to Brexit has been because they wanted a enemy to fight and virtue signal against

What are they doing with JonTron now?

Why, what happened now?



Here's some buffs for the thread.

Do we really need to call these threads GamerGate anymore?

I like these things, it splits people away from the left generally towards a more middle ground ideology and it will just continue to radicalize the left which is just funny to watch.

OP, I'm not going to bust your balls over this because it appears to be an honest mistake.
But as mentioned. You forgot something in the OP text template.
6. OP ESRBusted! Expose the ESRB for being against developers and consumers.

Not a yuge deal right now though since that ops is iirc combined into the ESA dig and sift.

Bill Muhar is claiming that he was the one who took down milo
Sargon uploaded a new video and of course those who are against milo are shilling in the comment section saying "How dare you put milo and pewdiepie in the same category"

Can't wait for the next stream course its probably gonna be about pewdiepie and milo
Though I wonder who is gonna come on next time

They have ben banging their heads against a wall for so long now, you seriously can't expect them to give up now. The wall will fall apart any moment now.

Are we being raided???

Oh yeah, "sunlight is the best disinfectant," as if them having a somewhat civil conversation magically made the out-of-context-and-chopped-up-like-the-Rock-Bottom-segment-from-Homer-Badman thing Salon tried pushing magically appear.

Yeah my bad, I had to remake the bread and that Slipped, If mark is here he would edit that, I hope he is here.

So just any thoughts on the whole milo and pewdiepie thing
Its obvious they failed hard with pewdiepie but with milo he's made too many enemies

Some of those post aren't thread but with #Pewdiegate taking off I think we might get shills back

Can't imagine how hilarious it would be from their perspective. They are so used to getting their way that simply not getting their way is enough to cause immense butthurt, Trump slaughtering every single sacred cow they have sounds like incredibly funny shit.

I mean shills

Please physically remove yourself, I don't want to give a blowjob in your midst.

So, should we get out the garlic and the crucifixes, or are we holding off on those for now?


Not a yuge deal, since really OP ESRBusted like I said, iirc is now combined int ESA dig and sifting ops. Sheeit, the #6 link on the template might be safely removed from there soon-ish anyway.

Just some popcorn
Legacy media is really at its last legs

never EVER read books in bed
its super gay

Also don't read and swim

Speaking of Sargon, his latest video on the smear campaigns of Milo and Felix was breddy gud.

He even covered that CIA controlled opposition cuckservative Evan McMuffin, his affiliated organizations and more are playing both political sides against Trump or anyone related to Breitbart.


Funny thing about that.

Its like people can't smell bullshit staring in front of their face

I don't agree with milo on everything but even I can see this was a coordinated attack much like pewdiepie

Gas the media. Infowar now

Yeah I saw that being spread around twitter
While MSM is on its last legs I wonder if hollywood celebrities are also on their way out

You know what we need more of? Harry potter analogies.


Also participate in a survey about Representation of Diversity in Games: archive.is/hmhw6

Also not archived because of the pics and shit: twitter.com/neontaster/status/834056715272351744

Assorted imbecility: twitter.com/TheSafestSpace/status/829900507527380992


Probably. I think people will begin to worship Instagram stars or something.

You have been visited by


Good luck on love, Good Luck on Surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic, faster Japanese learning and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”

Remember to always be a big guy


I wonder who are the next e-celebs to be attacked

Previous thread recap.
At this point, digging into the ESA's easy, but sifting out the connections will be a challenge. So I'm gonna focus my efforts on trying to put the pieces together & hopefully spark some ideas on OCs to make. At the moment, I've made a very simplified timeline of the ESA.




ohhhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiii

Are we still gonna email WSJ advertisers?


They gonna jump on Markiplier and Jack Septiceye next for kinda defending and being friends with Pewdiepie.


Hes one of the most redpilled motherfuckers on the internet

Oh boy I can't wait

Him and Jontron
Redpilling Gen X one like at a time


Pewdiepie's attack was much less organised though. For Milo they managed to get one of the most lucrative deals imaginable both in short-term and long-term profit which they themselves were aware was being hyped through controversy and negative press, after which they just dropped him at the first sight of danger.

It's a fucking crime there's literally no sex in this.


I can't find that Harry and Trump comparison image anywhere.

Too inconvenient for muh "narrative"?

Look what you've become, gamer gaters…

I've already watched it. Nothing but shitty cockteasing.

False flag.

I still seriously don't get how it's possible for anyone other than women or fuccbois to be gay when tits exist.

I'm such a shitlord, aren't I?


IIRC, in one of Milo's articles over on Breitbart, he did say that a factor that turned him away from women is just how bitchy they can get.

I love how redpilled Gen Z is
Guess the millennials fucked up so bad that they look crazy to the other generations

yeah but they backed off from that pretty fast. AC2 and ACR very rather pro turkish. Idk if anyone here played it, but turkish people were displayed as neutral good.

What's the cutoff for Gen Z? I'd say it'd be '99 for the latest.


isn't gen z just milenials? I'm gen y which came after gen x and before the turn of the century


So, when does the constitution of right's statement on freedom of press get changed by a statement on freedom of people?

Just keep fighting the good fight faggots we'll lay the ground work for Gen Z

Yeah here it is:


Millennials are 99.99% of SJWs while Gen Z are supposedly the most conservative generation in ages.


Millennials are just another name for Gen Y.
Gen Z starts at the late 90s.

I was born in 94 so what does that make me?

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

You've been really late these last few threads

gen y. I think it's from 88 onwards.


Is what that guy say right? I don't know to be honest, at least here in Germany the youth is very fucked. Most of them are as libtard as possible and the other people don't dare speak up against them. Our current politicians are cancer and the way I see it the upcoming ones are fucked up too.

About the game he plays, it looks pretty decent but I wish they had more paths without walls that allow you to fall out and lose like f-zero did back then.

You're a filthy millennial.

I've been busy with work and the like. But more importantly I've been playing Yakuza 0. It's pretty Fun

I think he's talking about American's and maybe Canada

Eh oh well least I grew up in Texas where its one of the few states not to adopt common core

It really depends on your major cultural influences since you were born in the grey zone between official generations.
Some would argue that Gen Z start in the mid 90s, so maybe you wouldn't be a Millennial.

Z begins ~96

I remember when German young SJWs were bitching about "refugees" in Poland in German language. Nobody understood what the fuck were they saying. It was 2015.
Also new F-zero never happening

Weren't these guys shilling that rainbow hair SJW who tried to blackmail some shitty dev for offending her?

They had that tranny on but I don't know if they shilled him./

le atack attk ack

So, I was born at the header of the Z Gen.

I'm from 97.
Gen Z I suppose, but there's no specific dates.
Been browsing imageboards for 5 or 6 years.

I wonder if he will keep jumping accounts now that he has a patreon for it. I wonder if he did that due to something bad happening with his work. Either way, I bet he wishes he kept the IA account with its 200k+ subscribers now.

Wait, Millennials start in 88?
Holy shit, guess that means I'm officially not a part of the most cancerous generation ever.

Not a cute and shy 2D lesbian, so I don't have to be concerned.

Gimme that handle.

Jade probably divorced him and is begging for alimony checks

But in all seriousness I wish Jim the best of luck
Nice to know it took a crazy actor to get him out of retirement

You were born in 87?

Millenial start date varies depending on what source you're going by. Plenty of other places have it at the early eighties.

We at least know they were in the early 90's but not the mid 90's
Shit I was born one/two years too late
Well least I still have memories of my n64 and pokemons

No… no… I'm not a millenial… I'm not. Please!


Breads were really off-track after Milo drama. I know we talked about that Alayna person's survey, but did you talk about this? Really makes you think.


Internet "sell-outs like mundaneshill only in it for the money, I'm above that" Aristocrat

>tfw born in 98

Dubs prove you're not
You are a child of kek

1982 are still millenials by some accounts. There's not really a hard and fast date.

why are Gen Y, Z, and millennials so close together if they're supposed to be generations? Aren't generations supposed to be a fairly lengthy period of time?

I was born in 1995. Got any memes for that?

I think
Though if anything the end of Gen X is the one who fucked up Gen Y (millennials)

It doesn't mean you're automatically a shit person, but 90% of your generation is.

All we have are
and Pokemon memes so theres that?

Hey, you made it. Thanks!

I think it's supposed to be based on culture and they pull dates out of their ass.

I know the feeling.

With how long I've been on imageboards, I'm practically an ancientfag.

Well fuck them. I'm not a part of this cancerous generation.

Millennials and Gen Y are the same thing user.

teen pregnancy?

y-you too?

Nothing about how much a partyer, and how "awesome" of a guy, Bill was?

NOPE. Not ideologically motivated at ALL. NOPE!

Y'all better be fapping to hentai and anime tiddies
Anime tiddies are all we got

I have many doubts on this Jam…

You got Toy Story.


being gen y is okay. You can be a shitlord and people just assume your generation is progressive. It's like having your slate wiped clean.

>tfw 91
Fuck i feel old, shoo, shoo

That generation shit changes ~20 years.

Sometimes I forget that indie vidya is complete shit or full of spineless devs


I grew up loving Pokemon, Digimon and Yugioh as well as all the great cartoons out there that still leave people with a sense of loss after Cartoon Network died.

Pokemon I can't stop feeling unsatisfied with as far as games worth buying ever since experiencing the one time joys of the Pokeathalon that were amazing as extra content crammed into the game and Yugioh I now have to rally as many fans as possible together to preserve our precious older format from Extra Monster Zone retardation. Only Digimon ironically seems to be my top favorite franchise with all its charming worlds and powerful, impressive favorites you can raise and it thankfully only cares about marketing to its older, longtime fanbase who now loves tits and ass and waifus.

I loved Digimon, but I never thought things would become like this. That all I truly feel assured in favoring it, Kirby and Monster Hunter as franchises.

fug :DDD

I've been away for a week. What happened with Milo?

And monsterbros.

Anime tiddies and monsterbros are the key to the future of personal fulfillment.

Discarding the politically-motivated usual suspects sponsoring the event, if they're going to go for themes, then they should explore the topic of a Third Party that plays both extreme sides & manipulates said sides into fighting each other over pointless drivel to keep them from looking into who the real antagonist is. Not only is a concept that I don't see get used often, but I like it when the sides put aside their differences & work together to defeat a common enemy.
Call it something like "Infiltration Game Jam" or something like that.

I think that's unfair, its more that the indie devs that are promoted are the ones that practice rightthink, while the ones like D'aww go ignored.

How many indie "documentaries" have come out recently?
I think the only one I remember was that one with Zoe quinn and it was panned by normalfags left and right


>>>Holla Forums9335891

this is one of the organisers
apparently he wrote the lore for starbound

Yeah man
And coming home from school watching toonami to catch the latest episode of DBZ or Yu Yu hakasho was just a good time

Everyone's accusing him of being a pedophile because he defended hebe or something. Either that or it was because he was molested by a priest and said it was a learning experience.

fuggin checked

quads confirm. You're all going to have to learn to love horse pussy

You know that Simpsons episode Homer Badman? Yeah, apparently some #NeverTrump establishment shitheads took a part of Joe Rogan's podcast he was on and chopped it up in a similar manner to the Rock Bottom segment.

I'm a wizard in a few months. You are not old yet.

Monster girl anime tiddie thread


did you know /monster/ thinks harems and yuri are unironically pure degeneracy
but they love the horsepussy
what happened to that fucking place

For such an "inconsequential" web site, Holla Forums sure does get a lot of people trying to disrupt discussion of inconvenient truths.

Why do those things remind me of those weird dick monsters from silent hill 3?



I'm not even a monsterfag and I know this shit.

It's because we aren't a kosher website.

Yep, you're a degenerate.

Can't deny the anime tits.

They won't leave gaming alone. They are going to ramp up on their attempts.

Every time

2D harems are absolutely nothing. They exist with idealized characters who don't give a fuck what society says about being in bed with a single man who only increase Japan's births on a much larger and reliable scale.

That's not even getting into the fact only retarded moralfaggots would bitch about ones solely consisting of aliens or even supernatural lifeforms like demons.

Pretty much this, which leaves it open as a target for professionals to try & infiltrate or change people's perceptions by acting like an extreme strawman. I don't want to believe Holla Forums's been compromised…

Well that's kinda fucked

Milo ate a Gummy Milo??!!!


And to ensure future generation has waifus and dankmemes

You'd think /monster/fags would know not to shit on others taste considering many lump them in with fucking furries.

Only if done well.

I don't know and at this point I am too scared to check.

I was just ranting.

Shills and commiepol maybe ?

I personally don't have a stake in it, but you have to remember these are autists that are so out of it that they pretend they're married to the character rather than the idealized form.

You just have to hold out and hope things get better. The moderation already has been compromised based on how much imkamfy shits on everything.

The interesting thing is that I wanted to have my hair dyed in middle school because, basically, I thought it looked cool. Within 5 minutes of walking in the door, I was forced to wash it all out because of it being "distracting". Here, over a decade later, it is not only socially acceptable, it is encouraged.

the vols are deleting posts unrelated to the sagebombing in a thread that was relatively coherent

it's dead jim

Waifus are inherently soulmates. A man can just inconsequentially make a traditional harem of 2D in another world after plot shit happens without choosing a queen.

Same as yuri can happen equally as inconsequentially to humanity in any way exclusively with aliens or magical settings, which I prefer.

Well, at least he admits it.

I found Milo's wiafu.

I want the agender meme to die.

Not black enough.


That's a shame.

>tfw January of 99

Remember to dismiss.

gook have you been shitting in front your boyfriend like we've been telling you to

ass > tids

Perhaps you should have listened when people told you that it was instead of just writing that off as D&C.

Trying too hard, faggot.

I born in 92 but yet again in a town where I didn't have electricity until I was 10 and have to hide under the bed every weekend because of the gun fights…

What does that make me?

the generational classifications pretty much don't work outside of the US.

You forgot the worst part.

a hell of a lot younger than me

Lucky to be alive.

Eastern Europe?

An average Detroit resident.

kill yourself faggot


At least it isn't Brazil.

That's disgusting, but at the same time, I would so do this, for a guy or girl, just so long as someone would love me for once.

I'm not the one living in an ecological and political nightmate like Australia, bitch.


Likely traumatized.

repostan from last bread

Sheeeit forgot to add. ESA and glasslab is also something I should sift further. And at the risk of oversimplifying it or stating the obvious. But hey sometimes I need a reminder, this ride can sometimes get confusing.

-Non profit ivory tower type 'high falootin interactive media study and research group' academics. Maybe some of them are sincere that they want to study vidya. Some are not, some might be corrupted. Point is alone IMO they'd be powerless.

-A union like or guild of devs, studios and publishers. They may have started out with very good intentions, treating vidya as a legit medium. Having post mortems, discussions and debates. When they say they want to elevate the medium, they meant that in the best way possible at least in their mind. Maybe not knowing it could one day sour into "vidya needs to grow up", uttered by a rainbow haired eargauge multigendered "activist". But they have\had actual devs at one point at least. This guild type org may or may not one day start a conference.

-A clique of vidya journalism sites and or publications. They can act as a bridge between various orgs, citing that their readership and size of audience (real or hyped) is their ticket in. Basically they claim they represent the vidya audience and customers. So they should have a seat at any table because of that (please hold your laughters until later)

-A trade group for vidya publishers. The publishers of course wants and needs customers and would not spurn them (again, please hold your tittering and guffaws for now) so vidya journalism might be offered some seats at the table during a conference or events. And the guild of devs are no stranger to this trade group, after all many of the devs worked for the publisher. And they seem to be on friendly terms with those ivory tower group. An ivory tower group that claims they represent something big like an education market. Well that sounds mighty intere$ting. Say fellah, I heard you might be interested in gamification. Let's talk a bit.

Just a broad sketch. I could be wrong. Sheeit, for all I know it could be the other way around too, with education asking for gamification to help them out because kids are glued to vidya and they want that for education, and vidya industry more than happy to provide that for them. Whether or not that is actually effective or beneficial, that's the question that I think should be asked.

My moon rune deciphering skill is at 0%, sorry, I don't have that skill.

I'm assuming this is the simplified stuff that's been found during the ESA digs.
That's my take on it. Ignoring that academia and the likes are filled to the brim with ideology-motivated control freaks, I fear the Gamification stuff if not questioned or put into the wrong hands (Leave it to the likes of Pedowood to decide what to shit out in class) that it will be like the 90s with the whole "You're special, you can get anything you want out of life by throwing tantrums, it's never your fault, etc." poison that some thought would be OK in the short run, but now in the long run, people are seeing the consequences of it.

Alright fellas, since #ResistJam is now a thing, here's an idea for an OC/infographic for you:

List down EVERY game studio or association that expressed their partisanship regarding Donald Trump's EO's, what have you. Everyone, as in EVERYONE.

Guy, the world already has a heavy influence of gamification built into it, it's just that we don't call it that, nor does anyone bother to look at it from that perspective.

Perspective of the long run of gamification or what?

Right now just my own very rough sifting and trying to assess the terrain and overall pattern. I did not say specific names, but for clarity sake I guess I should say gamasutra - gdc is one example of the guild like org for devs. And I akshually did remember a time where it wasn't a yugely cancerous place in terms of regressive libtard ideology. It was probably the usual left leaning types, but it wasn't cancerously so, not yet at that time at least.

Yep. If nothing else, something as simple as asking why the fixation for it, I mean it was discussed in past breads that low effort low crafted 'game and app' has large $$$ potential if sold to a large client base like gov't and institutions, large enterprises etc. That part is at least understandable.

It's the 'making the world a better place through vidya, social change bla bla bla' fixation. There is a practical limit on what vidya and gamification can do, imo. There is the question of not only effectiveness, but practicality, whether if it's even the right fit for some situations.

Not if the Japanese branch of the Megalians get their way.

How much MGS shitposting would there be if David Hayter and Kazuhira Miller English VA came out in support of GG while calling Kojima a snake?

No chance in hell of that retardation spreading.


You mean morality?

Well the name works wonders. But how would the ESA work? Some companies like X-Seed haven't said anything about the EO, yet they're members of the ESA. By itself like using the President?

So Heisei Era?

Didn't David Hayter join the #PerformaceMatters boycott? Not sure about Cam Clarke (who also voiced Liquid Snake) or Robin Atkin Downes though.

I'm sick of this shitty buzzword. It contradicts itself and is just an insult to the eccentric culture that everyone loves.

I will find a way to get a proper backlash and condemnation from the nips that BTFOs any delusional retards like that permanently.


Jason Schreier has a book coming out that has behind the scenes info on DA:I, Pillars of Eternity, Uncharted 4 among others. What're the odds we turn up in it?

Also, Sam "Bring Back Bullying" Biddle shows up out of nowhere on reddit to help shill it.

I wanna fuck that dragon. But I like the loli one with the fat thighs better.

I want to bring the real deal back with the masses just to deal with this filth once and for all.

We could begin with this list:

The first ones to jump out are Indiegogo, Kickstarter, Microsoft, Patreon, and Zynga. Though, I think I missed a few.

Just the way everything is designed. In school, we're taught lessons, given homework, study, and finish it off with a test. In game's we're given context to how the game works, what can and cannot be done with the mechanics, are given ways to test out our abilities and learn the best approach, and finish things off with a boss fight before we begin the next level.

If you want to get more extensive, such as how life is outside of school, I recommend you read a number of books such How to Win Friends & Influence People, You Are The Message: Getting What You Want By Being Who You Are, The Compound Affect, The One Thing, the 8 Attributes of Great Achievers" series, and How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success In Selling''. The first book (Published back in 1936) pretty much outlines how much of a game society is, the second book builds upon the previously by outlining some outdated methods, and the rest detail how you can live your life by, literally, playing the system (And, not in a con-like/cheating way).


Of course that fucking loser shows up.
I swear to god, if he shills Depression Quest or Rev 60 for no reason after telling everyone "the full list," he's not going to know what hit him.

The retards never do anything but double down.


Kanna is a twitter meme at this point.

I love how Lucoa makes bluehaired-child uncomfortable.

I haven't watched it so I don't know what that's all about. I just know it from here and want to fuck the one with the fat thighs.

lucoa goes full ara ara on a kid named shouta

he's become so irrelevant he has to shill his articles on twitter.
also, some bonus reeeing at the near tomato butthole



On the topic of #ResistJam, besides the ESA itself, there's this list.

"how did a Muslim Brotherhood spokesman imprisoned in Egypt manage to place an oped in @nytimes?"

New York Food Blogger Busted for Cheating in Fort Lauderdale Half Marathon

The Daily Mail attacks its own campaign over Guantanamo Bay story
please use archive.is.com (use archive.is)/politics/media/2017/02/daily-mail-attacks-its-own-campaign-over-guantanamo-bay-story

The Independent cites @SuperNerdCow

updated political chart


How is he going to revise this important landmark of video game industry history?

Nigh on three [CURRENT YEAR]s ago, the greatest horror the galaxy had ever seen was unleashed upon the unsuspecting people of the Imperium of Gaems.

One of the favored sons of the Emperor, Grayson, who had served at his father's side for many years and risen to the rank of Newsmaster, had fallen to Social Justice. This event would become immortalized in legend as The Kotaku Heresy.

Leading a fleet through the Web towards holy Terra, the Traitor Journos laid siege to the Imperial Palace. With great effort they were repelled, and in the event chronicled as The Great Nodding, they were driven out of the galaxy, into a hellish shit-storm of the web called the Eye of Gawker. With the Emperor Kek seated upon his golden throne, the Traitor Journos now occasionally send great armies into the web in Shill Crusades, intent on overthrowing him and ruling the Imperium in the name of Social Justice Undivided, and purging every "Frog Worshipper" from the face of the galaxy.

Japan says otherwise. Maybe you'll be correct had you used tumblr instead.

I'd imagine he's just going to gloss over the single time he was ever involved in something that positively affected video games.


I was thinking more on the barebones practical aspect for now. The way the vidya industry is treating gamification is more tech oriented, or at least an increase on the electronic, tech and gadget etc side of it. I was thinking something as practical as, has it been questioned if the funds used for that could be better served if say hiring a better teacher(s). Or having more basic supplies, which some schools may have problems even obtaining.

On the concept side. If one of the big selling point of gamification is to take the boring out of learning, or put the fun in learning. Well even that one I find some flaws in. Not everything is fun, speaking for myself even learning something that I'm hyped and enthused about, eventually I will run into a point where it's not always fun, but hopefully by that point enough of a discipline has been developed that you do it anyway. Similar to athletes practicing, or musicians and such. It's not always fun and games, learning and practicing something to get to a high degree is hard work. I think that's something that gamification can not, and should not gloss over.

IIRC this was mentioned and discussed in past breads too. The concept of gamification is not limited to apps or tech and gadget, obviously with the vidya industry that part will be emphasized. What mentioned can fall under the concept. Again imo the actual concept itself, is not the problem. It's the application or misapplication of it.

That honestly doesn't prove much since some of the accounts that are above Maidragon were made 1-2 years ago. Kemono Friends, konoSuba, Youjo Seki, Kuzu no Honkai and Maid Dragon are the most popular shows of the season based on how frequently they trend and # of tweets, Google Trends, 2ch posts, pixiv art, etc. If I remember correctly only Kanna as a character has trended on her own this season, she is very popular. Obviously Kemono Friends popularity has eclipsed every single anime this season, it's as popular as shit like Boatsluts or Tohou at the moment.

This image is more fitting since it only tracks followers gained this season alone. BanG dream is almost certainly using bots.

I had to double check to make sure I wasn't on /a/
stop it

Who are these semen demons?

i don't want to tell you and I'm going to bed.

I hope you sleep tight. Really tight.

Gook user can you fucking stop korea making shitty boyband music

for fuck sake I'm so fucking sick of seeing these SJW fucks flocking over kpop
it doesnt even fucking make snese because the next second they are complaining about fucking culuturualaioalslsdoo aporpproeopritiaitons

Lucoa is a miracle of the universe.

Makes sense. Anyways, gonna brainstorm ideas for ResistJam. Wonder if I should use the ESA as a spark to fire up the discussions of them…for instance, the "No discrimination" hypocrisy

I don't get remotely bothered by people getting accused of "cultural appropriation".

I just want that to mean "Shut the fuck up about Japanese putting cute girls with tits in their media if that's what they fucking want".

Off topic
Reviews say they butchered the already bad story and added an annoying female character/changed a character to be annoying as hell. But the CG is still fucking amazing.
Shill over

What's even more upsetting for those following gamification who haven't drank the kool-aid is that this wasn't what gamification was about. The whole "fun in learning" is the same garbage as forcing the whole "educational games" or "educational entertainment" dogmas to be the accepted status quo.

That's not what it means, though. What it really means (read: not what SJWs say it means) is that SJWs want an exhaustive list of anything created by a non-white culture so that they can steer 9 trillion light years away from those things. Cultural appropriation is just another PC term for racism.

Imagine still bitching about Trump 3-4 months into elections, do these people do anything else with their lives?

As a more on topic aside, the film was played at the Venice Film Festival last year. I could only find two critics for it, one I believe was Italian and I couldn't find the review. The other however was in English. It was an obvious SJW Feminazi who blasted the film for having sexy jiggly women in spandex/whatever the hell those suits are. That was it. The entire review was about how it sexist it was. There was a comment section underneath full of nothing but people calling her out, as I imagine anyone who actually managed to find the review buried under a rock months ago was probably someone actually interested in the movie and not an SJW.


Just realized something.

Don't forget them pushing IARC as the new and improved rating system (Despite its questionable promise of answering questions & getting certain ratings along with it not only being the same as the ESRB in North America, but vastly inferior to the likes of Steam's user-made tags)

His complaint was people specifically latching onto GG solely to make money. I recall Sargon arguing for the capitalistic approach regardless. Jim doesn't even talk about GG anymore so painting this as hypocrisy given what the actual complaint was about is woefully dishonest.

IA please go


Hey jim

Yeah, there was an user in past bread that mentioned something about that. How there was a couple of mathematicians on some common core council or such, that actually understood the non koolaid version of gamification. But since they did not have teaching degrees they were either ignored or told to gtfo.

Unfortunately that's what the industry and many others are trying to push as the definition of gamification is. Sheeit, anyone remember Jane Mcgonigal? There was quite a lot of articles and she was peddling the edutaining type of gamification hard. Granted not every article was buying the premise whole, but it still got a lot of exposure.

archive.is can't seem to capture it properly.

Tip: If you get your political views from comedians do not be surprised if your political views are a joke. Political comedians are disingenuous shills, but unfortunately laughter is so disarming it can take a while to realize it's being used to brainwash.

>"IA please go"
Naw. Revisionism is a tool of the enemy. Do refrain from using it.

You'll have to do the Wayback Machine + Achive.is combo

ya gonna have a cry in the youtube comments and on twitter to jimbo again faggot?

Damn it, QuQu.

It's definitely in the WIP list of core questions for the redpill construction.

Holy sheeeit that thing, where to even begin.

Yeah, violent tantrums by soros goons, leftard anarchist black blocks, MSM and establishment trying to fuel and ignite violence against anyone who isn't lockstep with Listen&Believe&OBEY.
Man, is there anything gamification can not do. :^)
There's a game right there already. Buzzword Bingo. March, movement, resist the oppressive hegemonic authoritarianism, modern society.

It's hard to believe that when the first words of the answers are a coy 'not specifically'.

Indiecade, IGDA, Global Game Jam. Cancer aids ebola. Oh forgot about Devolver. Hmm, norvalk virus maybe?


remove revolt

There's a difference between comedians weighting on politics and comedians going into rants and losing their shits in the middle of shows.

Comedy shows like anything else are a form of entertainment, most people seek out entertainment to get away from things, moreso now with how heavily politicized everything is.

I paid to see you to laugh, not to see you throw a tantrum cause you didn't get your way.

Oh shut up already, IA came and went, its done its over, some of you fags are way to hung up on someone that has fuck all to do with us anymore.


Good to know, thanks fam, that combo move will be useful to have.


Waste of quad dubs. You're embarrassing yourself, faggot.

Found the review
There's more, but I'm tired and I'm done memetexting for the night.

Good. Making sure.
The whole thing looks like it's going to fall apart.


So, what is this ResistJam, I've been hearing so much about?

If it's a joke it's well done, but his recent videos were just copy pasting opinions from chans and neutering them for reddit normalfags so who knows.

Also if it's not a joke account he will get doxxed super fast.

Its like any other game jam with a theme. Nothing will come out of it except several shitty games done in a day and lots of pats on their back.

Also playing Brandish: The Dark Revenant on the PSP emulator and I just nostalgiad super hard after I remembered about Death Jr. 1 and 2.

Remember this?

Fun fact, Makoto Shinkai used to work at Falcom.

I fucking love yuri rape.


what did he mean by this?

fuck when did my rooter reset to switch my IP

How does human society exist as it always has? Because life is unfair. We've honestly made huge strides on that score, to be honest.

He's a socialist. I don't understand what's confusing about this.

which house did he tweet that from?

Gee, Burnie, one must wonder.

He always said that he did these videos for fun and didn't want to cash in. He used to make fun of constant youtubers for selling out, ads, and asking for shekels. He always used to hold up having a sense of pride of not taking money or opening a Patreon for what he did, because he didn't want to become what he railed against. His facebook groupie followers, too, would often circlejerk this rhetoric to detractors as well. I believe he said something to that effect on a livestream.

Now he has to ask for shekels because he's desperate, and waited so long to put up the Patreon because he knew he would eat ton of crow and finally swallowed his pride because obviously his situation called for the desperation. Why do you think he waited so long to do so despite the fact he's about to get fucked?

So my post I think perfectly makes fun of the entire scenario. Jim used to make fun of other jewtubers for their hunt of shekels yet at the end of the day he's another youtuber who has a patreon account, with already people donating to total thousands (because obviously he needs the money). It's hilariously ironic to his past few years of rhetoric and of course I'm going to make fun of it, not just in the context of gg.

How can one person have so little historical context? I'm pretty fucking liberal, but holy shit, we have equality now like never before. People think our "super rich 1%" is bad, but these people say it like it's the worst economic inequality that's ever existed. Have they ever had a fucking history course? Have they ever heard of Louis XIV? Do they know anything about Russian Serfdom?
They think we have some horrible economic inequality, and conveniently ignore that a few hundred years ago (which is not a horribly long time), there were countries where over 90% was continually on the brink of starvation while the top echelons sat on a golden throne in a golden house built on the literal bones of their subjects, and could go out into the open and order one of their serfs to be literally fucking flayed alive for looking at them wrong

I get his point, and I can agree with it to some degree (particularly "preventible diseases", thanks to fucking retarded anti-vaxxers), but maybe sit back and think about the fact that we do in fact live in one of the most economically equal countries in existance, where most of the people under poverty line still eat enough to become overweight. That's right, even our fucking poor eat enough to be able to get fat.


Feast your eyes on a husk of a man who cannot stop contradicting himself, who dreams but cannot realize, who can picture the ideal but not the pragmatic. I wonder if he gives himself jet fuel enemas with whatever spare gas that was probably bought and shipped from Saudi Arabia through your average petrodollar exchange.

I guess fucking not.

This been posted yet?


He's getting fucked up by a lot of people right now on both sides, he's a fucking snake and a hypocrite.

eh, the best slaves are the most content ones.
most of those serfs in history were willing, i mean they farmed, raised cattle, made tools, clothes and supplied the elite with everything they wanted in a world where you could wander off into the wilderness and never be found again.

there isn't much difference between the serfs of the past and the slaves of today except you no longer have the freedom to wander off into the wild lands, instead your tracked every second of every minute of every hour of every day whilst consuming brain killing food, thought controlling media and individual destroying social pressure and even then your raised in a strict propaganda system from a young age called school rather than by loving parents.

how many people even have survival skills these days? probably less than 99.99% of a population. how much of the world is left for the taking?


I'm more concerned by the "narrative designer".




I did, always knew something was gonna happen during that bullshit with Maher show, it's not the first time that asshole has buried someone under the bus, he's also being evasive over his defense on George Takei and David Bowie.

I was more talking about the picture. I already knew he was a snake because he's always been a fucking snake. I didn't know he was a jew snake though.

Nothing's different everything is still poz I fucking hate devs fuck them a day will come when I kill every one of them for supporting them my whole life that day cant come soon enough

Well, Holla Forums is overall kinda retarded with their stormfaggotry right now, but they are always fucking right.

Can I make a game that resist Islam ?


They really need to put this in VR



Would you be kind and delete this?


Post that exact shit and see how much guaranteed retard asshurt results.

Boom, here's your game to fit the #ResistJam theme.
Seriously, the tag could be hijacked for some serious salt-mining

You can't fight trips

have some steam codes

Guacamelee Gold

System Shock Pack

? as in 8ch?n, what we're on now

Resist retarded feminazis and mudslimes?

Sadly, it's just niggers. This one however is Muslims! Pic related is sadly made by a goon.

I redeemed Guacamelee

Still the perfect opportunity to spread asshurt over the only real authoritarian retarded pieces of shit and shed some light for normalfags.

I got the other one

Goodnight, Gamergays. Dream of your waifu or wondrous anime tiddies.

I will simply enjoy general sleep.

Well I've got a week to prepare for that & making OC. Heck it doesn't even have to be games like what I posted, could do some wordplaying like Postal 2 letting you resist protestors.

Cool so we just need GG Round 2 or something similar, he'll let the opportunity to latch onto that sail by. I mean obviously something being a movement or a revolt rids the members of all agency and ability to handle money responsibly.
Look goyim it's just different, this man is consistent because technicality. Only others can be accused of attention-whoring, pursuit of power or con-artistry in particular if they do anything on the side other than GG.

Leftypol go and stay go


Good evening, faggots!

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguards vagina bones
☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Told God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster
☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn
☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE
☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker
☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain
☑ Called a jew a nazi
☑ Bullied Reddit's abandoned daughter
☑ Memed life into Liru
☑ Refusing to ban Liru
☑ Uses celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic
☑ Leg dropped gawker into bankruptcy
☑ Filled up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting
☑ Made Mighty Number 9 fail
☑ Attempted to kidnap someone at E3
☑ Hired 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone
☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers
☑ Gave a toddler meningitis
☑ Made it rain in London
☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU
☑ Casted the original ghostbusters as all men
☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up
☑ Refused to play with Stephen Tortilla
☑ Playing Pokemon without fear of repercussion
☑ Not watching Grillbusters
☑ Talking to girls who play Pokémon Go
☑ Waging war against Ghostbusters and Leslie Jones
☑ Got Milo bampersanded from Twitter. Again.
☑ Leveled up on the DNC
☑ Barbecued worst Korea
☑ Chasing topkek from kotaku
☑ Appropriated and augmented a group of racists
☑ De-funded paranormal investigators by linking them to a suicide group
☑ Channeled the powers of love and death into misogynistic flowers
☑ Komm Süßer Troll'd
☑ Surviving for 2 years
☑ Ejected a fascist nicktator and toppled his dishonest empire
☑ More effective than New York Media, Silicon Valley and Hollywood
☑ Being Gawker's biggest enemy
☑ Celebrating their daughter's birthday
☑ Continuing to be the #1 hate group online
☑ Forced aGGros to spend christmas and new years whinging alone
☑ Owned some bitch
☑ Caught the Arby's killer
☑ Became a verb
☑ Made Pepe great again
☑ Inspired Trump's campaign
☑ Seduced the Occulus Rift founder
☑ Hacked the DNC
☑ Forced Pepe into the American school curriculum
☑ Bought 4chan
☑ Defended Devin Faraci
☑ Forced the UN to gather 800 gigabytes of white supremacy frogs
☑ Marketing of Nintendo Switch
☑ Infiltrating the emoji selection committee
☑ Hiding millions of anti-Semitic tweets
☑ Virtually raping a woman under the name BigBro442
☑ Unintentionally prepared all of us for the 2016 election
☑ Made halfchan go bankrupt
☑ Bullying a comic writer off twitter
☑ Turning S.Korea into a chinese girl cartoon
☑ Using free speech to undermine the freedom of the press
☑ Triggering Blizzcon
☑ is actually the FBI
☑ Making alternate earth great forever
☑ Creating fake news
☑ Ordering pizza without pineapple
☑ Genesis of the alt-right
☑ Outliving Castro
☑ Corrupting communist mascots with glorious capitalism
☑ Laid the groundwork for online harassment and conspiracy
☑ Glorious Winged Faggot Extraordinaires
☑ Funded the most diverse game in history, eliminating racism, sexism, and the game/animation/whatever itself from existence
☑ Being associated with white supremacist groups
☑ Spent Christmas with Liru
☑ Actually had fun for Christmas
☑ Destroyed the alt-right
☑ Became meme warriors
☑ Toxic gamer culture
☑ Weaponized nostalgia
☑ Shutting down every woman who tried to even have a forum
☑ Causing Battleborn to flop
☑ Carrying meme associations with the presidential inaugural speech
☑ Made Antifa shoot itself in self defense
☑ Set a limo on fire
☑ Taught the right wing to collectively target sponsors
☑ Sent the head mod of Holla Forums to attack Chia The Beef
☑ Revealed their leader to be grand nazi Jonathan ARYAN Jafari
☑ Shitposted an ethnic minority into existence
☑ Propelled a gay immigrant to international fame and fortune
☑ Won the Superb Owl 2017 for the white supremacist team
☑ Won't stop pretending it was about video games
☑ Turned Pewdiepie into a nazi
☑ Tested their methods to hurt people on video games journalists
☑ Cucking games journalists out of their own safe space
☑ Trying to seduce user's anime mom
☑ Surprisingly made gaming darkly politicized
☑ Helped Pewdiepie darkly politicize gaming via time travel
☑ Basically runs the country now
☑ Forced Salon to change their stance on pedophiles with their archives



Fuco off

e-celeb shit

Sargon got suspended from twitter again. At this rate he'll be the next banned from twitter

And he just did another gamergate video for the first time in a long time. I don't think the two are related, and they have probably wanted to get rid of him for a long time.

fucking disgusting
it's like a goddamn daycare center over here

I'm Awaiting the day Bernie opens his wallet and puts his money where his mouth is.

Any day now…

His response to the suspension

Why is it that idiots believe we want a "direct" translation, and not "accurate" translations?


I'm fine with changing the words, or adding things, or turning things into references we can understand, as long as it conveys the tone and subject matter of the original properly.

It's a strawman so they don't have to accept that they're shitty writers.

Yeah… honestly I prefer the direct translation rather than the "fancied up" version of it. At least it's readable and doesn't give me a headache.

When complaining about the localization, detractors will often equate all the complaints under the "censorship" umbrella even if the complaints clearly outline not calling the changed dialogue censorship. This is also another strawman to look out for.

So a SJWeeb Leaf, good job Canuckistan on breeding these type of people.

Here is the thing, Hobbes' Leviathan is entirely possible. You can get a ruling class that has absolute power over the serfs, and the serfs will be fine as long as long as the other end of the contract is held up, which is keeping them safe and happy. All this bullshit with the 1984/brave new world state is unnecessary, the majority of people will bend at the knee if they are kept comfortable and safe.

The people pushing for all this shit, though, are the kind of people that he warned against. The people that would outright destroy a society that allows them to exist. Going through all the jew cock sucking with this book is irritating, given that.

Given that the localization is complete shit, yeah, I would take direct translation. Stop trying to be Shakespeare, you fucks, you can't compare.

Fuck me this thread is a shitshow started by a self-described post-capitalist marxist.

I really don't get these retarded snowflake labels. One of the main premises of Marxism is that there is a linear progression of society from feudalism to capitalism to Marxism, making "post-capitalist marxist" an extremely redundant description.

Is this basically the ITS NEVER BEEN TRIED BEFOTE type that claims socialism comes after capitalism has built up a society dor them to reap the rewards and gets free iPhones?

So, essentially a societal parasite?

Don't forget to support vidya journos and developers that you like.

And here is a video for all you faggots that are mad at what happened in the past days.

Eh. I'm too numb to be mad. Mainstream media is basically a tumbling empire right now. They'll do anything out of desperation.

Care to webm that? Or provide it from another source?

Anyone feels like digging into MSM audio?

Well, everything is falling part everywhere, wonder where that user who prayed for the Memeteor is right now.


If I could ever stop this whole degenerate k-pop shit I'd sell my soul to demons.
You have no idea how much I hate this k-pop shit. They are the most despicable, lowest cultural junk mankind ever made. They makes Japanese moeblobs otaku culture to noble compared to them.
They forever raped the Korean music industry and culture and now there is no single musician or artists that is no naked dancing idol or negro gangsta wannabe rappers. Ad they are the blatant puppets of western Illuminati and their melody, lyrics, and music videos are filled with subliminal satanic messages.
And in here, anyone who are against this filth garbage culture considered to be traitor of this nation and race.
Not big surprise. The infamous Megalian movement itself is rooted from Korean k-pop culture fanbase. The whole k-pop shit is direct product of Illuminati/Luciferian culture indoctrination project. Korean k-pop industry is the only industry in the world that is more illuminati influenced than the hollywood and Disney.
The Korean k-pop companies are behind of direct payment from Rothschild family.
The k-pop is like a virus. A psycholilosical, spiritual virus that is made of satanic messages and subliminal codes. What k-pop do to people is provoking our most basic instinct and the reptilliam brain, and making us into beasts and animals. Worthless, feeble minded people use to be get attracted by this cultural filth because they have lower spiritual vibration compared to other strong, matured people. You should immediately feel uncomfortable when you exposed to the degenerate k-poo's uncanny melodies or videos. A direct, staright vibes from your brain telling you "This shit is dangerous". That is proof that your soul is vigilant and fully aware.
And unfortunatelly many people has unhealty souls and their insights are cursed so they let this filthy cultural junk infiltrate into their brain, ultimatelly degrade their minds and souls.
Say no to k-pop. It is Luciferian's cultural junk made to degrade us. It is literally the false idolization that bible warned us.

They are doubling down not only in narrative but also in their willingness to spread blatant lies that are incredibly easy to verify

Before everything went pure crazy, but is still worth looking into I gues.

So, are there still manufactured K-Pop groups/Idols doing Spartan training for years by some shady company there Gook?

If liking k-pop means your soul is weak, what does liking Drakengard music mean, gook-user?

Harmful made a video concerning Milo and Pewdiepie, with some dissing of Sargon thrown in there.

Blame toronto, and to an extent quebec and the maritimes. And every major city. Pretty much any non rural area in canada.

What's the point in these threads any more?

Genuine question. I'm fine if there's actually some purpose to it, but it seems like it's just a few people who don't know how to move on.

His summer cuckshed.

aside from there being genuine diggers in these threads, like the recent digging into ESA?

Ok, watched the milo part, he sounds like hes saying that he wanted milo to suffer, but he never actually states it and phrases the situation as an observer. That said, even hes buying the narritive that milo is a pedo and only shows part of the story that frames him as such. I thought harmful was better than this. Someone want to get him to clarify his shit, or do we have to say hes become no better than the people whom he decrys?

It's getting worse and now they literally serves as sex slave for higher up politicians, businessmen, media group owners and police, military officers.
This fucking despicable 'culture' incident busted for every years while no one ever do anything about it and scandal covered up quickly whenever it busted.
Everyone knows about it but no one able to even say a word about it. Numerous female actors and singers killed themselves because they worked as sex slaves, and any journos or whistleblowers said anything about it went jail.
If you say anything about this issue on people you know, every response you get is "Well then what you gonna do about it, you little Communist revolutionary? It is not perfect system but the best system we got. You can't just punish them for what they've done! Do you know how much our economy rely on them?", with despise looking eyes on you.
I've seen countless journos, and family members of suicided female actors and singers went jail for defamation & libel while seen no single fuckers who banged them went jail.
Do you know openly or closely saying truth is considered as serious violation of defamation and and can be crimonal offence, jail for over 5 years in Korea?
Even the first whistleblower ever known on Choi's 8 Goddess cabal went jail years for defamation and later fleed somewhere in southeast asia because they tried to kill him.



Can someone post the whole part that everyone's referring to so I can know what everyong's refering two when they say SJW's editied it to make it look worse?

That means your soul was hardcore war veteran Asura who killed countless enemies in battlegrounds in your former life, and you have dank taste.

They took clips from 3 shows and framed it as he was the one who abused kids sexually, while editing out the stuf that he was the one who was abused.

What do you want him to do? Just give away all his wealth?

I'm not angry at Nigel Farage and other anti-EU MEPs for pocketing their MEP paychecks. Wouldn't you agree the two situations are comparable? Don't get me wrong, Bernie is a fucking wanker, but wanting him to throw away all his wealth is just unrealistic. also nice gamergate discussion

Ask him if it's gonna have the real history behind how he got Shawn McGrath to stop talking to the press and thus save Fish's thieving ass.

I don't care for faggotpanels, but he is spot on here.

What a retard. How do SJWeebs exist?

I believe I've heard similar accusations about the Japanese Idol industry, so I wouldn't be surprised if it is same shit, different country. Probably similar shit going on in the US as well, though a lot of the big name female stars are decidedly average.

That was the guy who did the majority of the work on Fez, correct?

Got to expand on the first panel about budhists, they share those beliefs, but fo not eforce them onto others, and whenever they recived alms that were meat or anything else that conflicts with their beliefs, they did not waste them. sage for odd trivia

I know that but do people have the 3 clips they used to edit the shit.
Besides I think Harmful was indirectly accusing him of implying that it is okay to fuck underaged kids. Which was fucking made up by SJW's if the information in these threads are something to go by. But the clips Harmful used seem to be from the same interview. So I figured I would ask someone to at least reference the original clips that were edited to smear him.

You have no idea how weird it is to read rants like this coming from a non-western point of view. Even more so that there is a grain of truth innthem

harmful is a bit of a character. He's been in the trenches fighting the Candid forces for too long and might be losing the big picture, risking falling into the 'everyone's dumb except me' trap

This is honestly my favourite Drakengard track.

I do not have the clips, and I agree that harmful is essentially being Holla Forums teir retarded here. Milo making black humor about being abused =/= he advocates abuse. If you do get the clips, send them to harmful and ask why hes buying the medias shit when its about someone he does not like, preferably over twitter where everyone can see him avoid answering if he is full of shit.

Someone contact him about these things, king turd is rubbing off on him. Hes becoming the abyss.

What I got from it is HO thinks that Milo made it very clear that it was referring to pedo shit based on the wording when referring to OTHER people and not himself, and then Milo stated that "young" doesn't really mean what it seems even though his words were reaffirming that it really meant what it looked like. And so what HO was addressing is that Milo apologised and that he apologised with shit that you can see is contradicted by the statements he was trying to dismiss. Although he doesn't at any point mention Milo not being a pedo, he doesn't claim that he is one either, he is addressing the contradiction in his apology.

I have never played Drakengard but I've seen the boss fight.
The music makes me feel very uncomfortable. I don't know if it's the nature of the fight or just the song that is weird.

Then hes not being very clear himself on his video.

No wonder it had a shit translation filled with memes. What a faggot. Don't know why capcom keeps hiring people and buying into bullshit that makes them lose money. Look at how SFV flopped. They lost so many pre-orders from the censorship that they tried to tell people on steam that you can't refund pre-orders.

Yeah, he is not wrong about how apologies are rarely ever genuine, and are mostly pr. He is also in the right to blast Sargon, with the "Skeptic Community" shit he pulled. But I think he is setting himself up for an eventual fall. It is only a matter before he fucks up in some way, and when he does some faggot is gonna fuck with him hard

I would dig for the clips, but I have college and I'm a sperg who has massive issues focusing his time.

which monarch are we referring to here

That is probably because you are expecting people criticising Milo to be criticising him for being a pedo and nothing else.

I thought SFV flopped because of the online not working and it's lack of features.

I can get why Sargon pulled back from the feminist shirt video. Initially making fun of a person because they fit the stereotype is fine, but when you find out that they were forced to wear it then it is kind of fucked up and people should know that a company is doing this.

He was right in calling out the "skeptic community" shit that Sargon was peddling though.

King turd jr. of the northern land of cucknada


Not really. The world's 8 richest people have as much wealth as the poorest 50% of mankind.

This has got to be one of the worst and most common fallacies I keep seeing. It's downright absurd that people think that the man who preaches nothing and practices no good deeds is somehow morally superior to the man who preaches good things and practices only some good deeds.

To be fair, I don't think it's yet known quite how much Fish stole. We do know Fish stole ideas and code and assets, but not the extent of either.

no first for benis therefore sage

are you namifag?

So Brain on Fire is pissed at people apologizing and giving their enemies credibility, he's certainly ironically laughing at this terrible situation.

He linked to the same video clip by Reagan Battalion, didn't bother to dig on who they were, because he's a "factual intellectual" and basically just did a general statement on the situation, man he fucked up big time here playing "You guys fucked up and you should blame yourselves, but you shouldn't have apologize!" Gobshite idiotic thing he keeps on doing with the countless drama,And this just shows to me that D&C is working on the people, seeing it everywhere, with retards in plebbit and stormfags in pol, plus e-celebs and burnouts in twatter.

Goddamn, that's terrible, too bad the Megalians are too busy protecting their goddess to actually give a fuck like the useful idiots they are.

Forgot the time stamps, but here.

youtube.com/watch?v=azC1nm85btY - Milo Yiannopoulos - PaulsEgo - TheAmazingAtheist - and More! DPP #193

youtube.com/watch?v=dGL5eRw7rXU - Joe Rogan Experience #702 - Milo Yiannopoulos

youtube.com/watch?v=LnH67G7vAu4 - Joe Rogan Experience #820 - Milo Yiannopoulos

Your two posts is gonna make you called a shill, contribute to the topics and actions next week for the GDC then if you want a GG discussion.

He talks about the situation on general, only goes to some depth with the Sargon situation, he needs to explain things some more, because he sounds either tired, or just plain blaming the victims of the press smears.

Its like the wiiu: tons of tiny mistakes added up into a carastrophe. And not to mention kof xiv kicking its ass.

This guy is awesome. Very late, though. AFAIK Anita's been super quiet about games lately, hasn't shee?

A Game Developer's Open Letter to Anita Sarkeesian

It's probably both. And if you were disturbed that was probably what it was going for.

The Wii U did have a ton of mistakes, but the reason it failed is because Nintendo believed that third parties would willingly come to the platform after the first year.

Jewtube video by Joe and Gavin

Calls out the inconsistent and contradiction of the media attacks and retardation by the media, antifa, and those people up high who sold him out, on the 10-15 mins, rest of discussion goes retarded.

It reeks of hypocrisy and self-interest. Especially when absolutely zero commies actually choose to live in communes.

you lateness is inexcusable, your punishment is lifetime of benis

Its a good track.

True. I guess since we never got the details any accusations are groundless. Fish already has enough stuff going on to put him into infamy even without that. Like everything with the award contests.

Shit is that what happened? I thought she was expressing her own opinon with that shirt

Wanna link him the videos on twatter? And yeah, thats what we have when people think themselves as "intellectuals" rather than simply be smart. We get idiots who claim to be smart.

I don't bother too much on arrogant intellectual e-celebs, he's still on his candid crusade, and he likes to piss people off with his intellectual editing. If you want to do it, go ahead.

Google Releases an AI Tool For Publishers To Spot and Weed Out Toxic Comments

I am referring to the exact clip he used and his reaction to it. In the clip Milo states that there is something taboo going on in Hollywood and that he would get into serious shit for stating anyone involved, which he describes as being grotesque. And so when Milo says that "young" doesn't mean underage then that begs the question as to why he would get into trouble for it and why he would find it to be grotesque that a twink is fucking someone older than them. And then after that HO states that Milo should never have apologised by saying that "young" doesn't mean underage and that he shouldn't have apologised in general. While the media talks about the clips being proof of Milo being a pedo, it should be noted that he spoke about more than just the guy that molested him. And so the confusion is understandable, since the video referrences something completely unrelated to the discussion at hand, but you should still try to pay attention to the point being made.

That isn't new, they are simply being open about it now.

I don't think the comparative between Milo and Felix doesn't stand that much because Felix didn't really apologized to the wsj

Compared to when 95% of most developed countries were living on bare sustenance, yes, our equality now is far better than the past. You want to talk about nobility vs peasantry, the world before the middle class, and serfdom in eastern Europe? Or the development of an abuse and horribly mistreated working class in the industrial revolution? We live in an egalitarian dream compared to that. The US has had it better, historically, but most of Europe was a fucking shitshow for the peasantry from nearly the start of their monarchies all the way up to the nineteenth century.
Our rich are far richer then before, comparatively, but our destitute poor are way better off than some of the better-off Russian serfs were during the eighteenth century. Hell, even the French peasantry had it worse than our poverty-stricken. Many countries had almost the entire peasantry on the verge of starving to death. We live in a place where even our poorest almost never starve. Death by starvation is rare even for the homeless in most developed countries.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's perfect now and nothing needs to be improved. Far from it, especially in underdeveloped countries (or undeveloped countries). I'm just saying that it's nonsense to be flabbergasted at modern inequality like all of human existence hasn't been horrendous inequality, or to pretend that modern inequality is the worse it's ever been. The middle fucking class didn't even exist until the eighteenth century. You had royalty, nobility, clergy, and peasantry. Peasantry was barely eating enough to survive, and that was the vast majority of every single country.
Like I said, historical context.

How could you miss all the ESA digging in the past few weeks?

Usually, when given evidence, you gotta check the whole thing and context, the videos are here fire brain just went on a rant that people should not have apologize, which I can agree, but they are burdened, the nazi and pedophilia charge worked on a lot of people, harsh truth, but they had to de-escalate it, which is bullshit, Pewdiepie by the big wigs at Disney, and Milo by Breitbart and if rumors are true, his bosses and those other writers who threw him under the bus.

So more tools for those who do it for free?

Not sure if this will add any substance to this, but there is also the 80/20 rule that the world follows. The rule is that 80% of the worlds population own 20% of the wealth while 20% of the worlds population owns 80% of the wealth.

Now, while that may sound like a "No shit" statement, here's the kicker to it. They've done studies about what would happen if we hypothetically collected the entire worlds wealth and divided it equally between every single person in the world. The estimated that it would take 5 years before the 80/20 standard would be back into effect.

I can't wait for this to backfire hilariously.

pretty sure Holla Forums is digging into it already

Images didn't upload, but he's really taking into the piss here, he does that a lot of times when he went on several people, so he's full of shit when it came to the Milo situation or he never bothered to check, listen and believed he did.

CNNLeaks got released, however the server is under extremely heavy load so it'll take a while before the shit will work.

Morality is something laudable, but moral consistency in and of itself is not. A third world tinpot dictator or a mafia don are morally consistent, yet they're monsters. Or to stay in my example, the would-be hypocrite still does more for the world than the "upright" man.

And past attempts to establish communes – actual communes, not that hippie crap – has not been met kindly by the powers that be. I'm afraid it'll have to be an all-or-nothing deal.

I think I see your point. On the whole, things tend to improve, I reckon. Still, I can't shake the feeling that this positive trend isn't inevitable, and there might be some breaking point.

Polite sage.

If he really is listening and beliving, hes better off being booted to the curb here for being no better than anita.



For the love of gods, here's a damned "open letter".

"Shut the fuck up, you delusional insufferable shit. I don't care about your worthless pretentious presumptions."

I'm sorry user-kun, please forgib

Ok, heres a chain that clarifies shit I thank yhe user who talked to him on twatter. but while I admire the scepticism on wether milo was molested or not, it still smells like harful is being distrustful for the sake of being distrustful.

They will most likely start when the site comes back online because I couldn't connect to O'Keefe's site for the CNN leaks after repeated attempts over the course of 30 minutes, meaning that it is probably being DDoSed

Reddit is Being Manipulated By Big Financial Services Companies

There is no slowpoke image in existance I could use for this

Its all over now bros the heretics are going to win :_;

Is this supposed to be a challenge?

These witches have no idea of what powers they are up against

They are playing with fire here.

Witches are just superstitious nonsense where as Trump is backed up by KEK who is 100% real, very powerful and deadly fucking serious.

cropped version

Niggas don't know how to properly occult.

He does this to any e-celeb he doesn't like while claiming he was only joking like the countless candid shills and skeptics he hates, listen to the video, he's trying to be more a "skeptic" than the "youtube skeptics" while not digging any deeper, he shitposts with those who hate Milo, knows that this is bullshit, but accepts it out of spite, while blaming Milo and his fans who did not take him to the task when he said this, on those two podcasts where he obviously omits the full context, and lastly he says he wants conflict, another drama-whore like Keemstar.

He does this shit, never mind that he never mentions that some Cuckservative media did the edit, a no-name Never Trump blog that is connected to Egg McMuffin, the Stop Trump Super PAC, he's just an e-celeb that has something against people he deems hypocrites, doesn't even call bullshit on the hitpieces.

Quick my brothers! the Fellowship of Kek must retrieve the Kekronomicon and teach these Wiccan cosplaying Larpers that Kek and his Meme magic is not to be trifled with!

Wealth redistribution typically fails horribly. The US government tried to impose a salary limit on bank CEOs after the recession, and a couple banks could not find useful CEOs who would work the corporation at the given salary. The CEOs that they did hire at the new low salaries actually couldn't manage the workload and were gone soon. The salary limit lasted less than a year because it failed so badly. People with no economic understanding frequently get pissed that management makes so much money, but the fact is that when you don't offer that much money, skilled people at that level don't apply. The salary structure isn't perfect, but it's not something you can just subvert and expect to go well, like many people think you can.

Oh yeah, I'm not saying that improvement is inevitable or guaranteed. I'm just saying that "there are very rich people" and "the difference between the richest and poorest is much greater than ever before" isn't the same thing as "standards of living have dropped on average". On a whole, the standards of living for almost every person in developed countries have been steadily improving (disregarding temporary situations like wars and recessions). The trend has been upward.
We've moved from the average person toiling in fields trying to make enough food to not starve, as well as paying duties to nobles and taxes to the government, to the average person toiling in factories for enough money to survive, but generally living better than before, and making enough money to send to family at home, to better working conditions, steadily improving to today, where people below our poverty line have smart phones, television sets, cable TV, internet, often their own cars. I know a family who had no savings and hadn't had steady work for a year and still bought a PS4. Being poor sucks, and it's not glamorous, but we've moved from the well-off average person simply being somebody who is eating enough to be comfortable, to the poorest employed people having the same means of entertainment as those with quadruple their income.

People like to focus on inequality like large inequality immediately means low standards of living, but that's not true. Even with inequality, an upward trend is an upward trend.


its crashing boys

little they know Ivanka was a Wiccan when she was a teenager and garnered all their knowledge, witches have no chance


Oh man, this is as shitty as an idea may be but not for the reasons you may think. There are a lot of people that pay attention to the occult and take shit like rituals and curses very seriously in their daily lives, and the best way to alienate them it to force them to either side with Trump or people that wish evil onto others like this. I actually know a fair number of people that do take it very seriously and I can already tell what their reaction to this would be.

Alright that's enough. Its time to cast Instant Karma on these bitches. Or just Reflect will work too.

Which recession was it?

This makes about as much sense as everything else they've tried.

Funny how the EU is paying Afghanistan to take back their own people.
Shit's fucked.


Because Afghanistan only has multiple tribal warlords and Islamic terror groups, not a brutal dictator like Assad!

The recent one. The "great recession", 2007 to 2009. Not a lot of people know this, but the US Government is one of the largest shareholders of several banks, including Citigroup. They were the largest of JPMorgan for a while. These weren't legally enforced salary limits, this was the government acting as a shareholder.

Also it is bound to alienate a lot of people that dig into the cult aspects of the elite, including those that were against both Hillary AND Trump, because it shows them that the cultists see him as a threat.

Neat. Just waiting to see eventual retardation over Nier: Automata and Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash. Any shifted stance on GamerGate or still retards?

Wew Nacht, at least try to post in this thread about a dead movement that you denounced a year ago other than doing another cry-cry about people you disagree about in twitter, and yes, Harmful is a retard who went to war with something as dead as Candid, we all were with him, go back to cuckchan and whine there or stay in your twitter soapbox.

Hes more of a hypocrite than milo in that case.

Kinda like what you wanted to do with glascow nackt?

Honestly, this might be their biggest weapon yet, considering mememagic's astounding success.

But would you say such improvement is really sustainable? I mean, our improving standards still rely on very, very miserable conditions for third world farmers and factory workers. If their conditions improve too much, wouldn't it throw a wrench on the economic dynamics and start decreasing our standards? That's what I mean by a breaking point. It seems to me that it's not viable for everyone to live decently, and the system demands that some people live in misery so their cheap labor can be exploited.


also retard, show us where anyone wants to "boot him to curb", we're talking about how his shallow fucking analysis of the situation is helping no one and comes across as low-effort shit stirring

I really like harmful btw, but this vid is not his best work

Oh yeah, I'm probably slowpoking as fuck, but here's a Syrian girl shitting on Western media's coverage of Assad and Russia, and she happens to support GG as well.


Heard this literally since I first read the newspaper as a kid. What the fuck does it mean?

He's just another e-celeb with a patreon account.

But user, we all pushed Nackt out of GG! he's a poor victim who tried in both plebbit and twatter to warn about the "Acid Man's Holla Forums clique" that is losing our original goal! while declaring countless times he's done with GG and always comes to spy on the Flipland Public Image Board on how far gone we are!

And good to hear.

Is GG generally acknowledged as anti-feminazi retard?

here you go user

since I dont think she's part of a militia I'd go with the first definition

Nackt was smart but became pissed because he felt personally attacked by glascow and wanted Holla Forums to be his army in attacking glascow. And I still find it funny since while I do not trust glascow either, I would not ask Holla Forums to go after him. All I want is some clarification on harmfuls stance on this shit istead of hearing him basically straddle the "hurrdurr everyone is dumb but me" fence.

It means abiding by your own political 'team' even if it means abandoning your principles, morals or end goals.

Basically, fuck the other party(ies) because they are the other. Nothing they say/do can be a good idea because they are not our party.

Friendly /k/ommando, Gunmancer reporting.

Wiccans are fucking retarded. This hollywood bullshit is nowhere near how "actual" magic has ever worked or been used in any society, whether asian, european or shamanic. If you compare them, fucking meme-magic is closer in form and function than this stupidity.

And bipartisan?

Also, thanks for the human insight.

I don't have a big enough slowpoke.jpg to tell you how slow you are, yes she sided with GG and calls out the press for enjoying how good they feel that Obama is bombing the shit out of Syria and arming "moderate" rebels after promising not to repeat Iraq, then Libya, then he fucking lied continually and the Western presstitutes and his supporters didn't remember how they shit on Bush with Iraq.

Nobody likes fucking drama-faggotry with namefags, and love his cries of impotent rage "I'm smarter than you all!" and the constant generalizations of us all, maybe if we all namefag, he wouldn't generalize us and instead just attacks each one us! while continuing to cry in twitter.

Mememagic works by cannot be revealing its secrets now

It's a type of polearm with protrusions on the sides.

That is one of the definitions of it, not the only one. It also means a militant/resistance group with a specific political endgoal independent of political parties.

Bipartisan means "both parties" but it is generally used to mean "everyone agrees with this, come on guise"

Pretty much the opposite. It's when two parties find a common ground and move something through the governmental process without much opposition or fighting.


Nackt was not even a namefag, but an avatar fag. You can hate marche all you want, or acid, but marche just shitposts and deals damage to sjw weebs and acid trys to talk as an equal.

The problem with you're think is that you believe that majority of the world's population are capable of something better. Honestly, that is completely untrue. Just look at what I said about the 80/20 rule here:

Majority of people may say they want things to improve, but they're very much like the dog who sits on a nail and refuses to move because the pain isn't bad enough yet. Heck, even the colonists who fought for Revolutionary War consisted of only a third of the colonies' people. Another third of the people were all for the British, and the remaining third could give less of a damn about everything.

So, to put it simply, there really will never be any short supply of people who will be locked into working a job instead of aspiring to something better. And, even then, people who do achieve great statuses still work. One famous incident of this is when Sam Walton took over one of the cash registers on the opening day of one of his Walmart stores just because of how packed things became. Another example of this is how Philo Farnsworth was just rolling in money because of the success of TV, but he still worked very hard on making other inventions.

So, take that for what you will.

"sustainable" as a whole, yes, but it depends heavily on population levels. Technology that lets you supply to greater numbers of people don't actually ensure that people are more likely to get something (food, in this case) if population is increasing at that same rate.

And for the most part, it could be done. Note that the people in these countries are frequently inefficiently employed (producing things by hand that can be done at hundreds of times the rate by machines, inefficient agricultural techniques without GMOs to increase yield, and inefficient ways of redistributing and transporting resources so that workers can process them into goods). If everybody in the world could be usefully and efficiently employed, means of production increase likewise. Two of the biggest barriers to this have always been education and transportation. Low literacy rate means slow development and low speed of growth. Note that the industrial revolution in Europe followed the Enlightenment and dozens of social revolutions. It was coupled with a tripling rate of literacy and a doubling of the length of iron rails. It's not viable for everybody to live decently, but it is viable for everybody to live better than they are; such is the nature of technological advancement. The biggest things that need to happen is people need to be willing to work and able to work (ie. have the knowledge, and have the access to the resources needed to work).

Note that I'm not proposing a solution here. It's easier to see a problem and point out what it is than to educate the uneducated masses of the world and fix the transportation problem.

He's a burnout faggot, like QuQu and the rest, he was right on a lot of things, but he went full retard about how the ship was sailing, he should just stop pretending to be a "hurr durr neutral" and just be honest about how he hates us.

Suffer not the witch to live.

That is not part of the definition, you are just tacking shit on because it fits the politics you have in mind. Bipartisan means both sides agree on it, it certainly doesn't mean a lack of opposition or fighting. For example in Eastern Europe, many people voluntarily joined different sides of the conflicts during WW1 and WW2. The goal of defending their country from an invading force, which was the bipartisan issue everyone could agree on, but they joined opposite sides because they disagreed on who will fuck them in the ass less.

But user, everyone loves a neutral :^]

Well, Time to put my Contrarian Mememagic to use once again.

If Reanon is here, he might as well help with his Concept Killing Mememagic

I'm sure he'll call us out on our apparent witch hunt on Harmful's opinion on Milo with our multiple media hit pieces! like a good neutral, he calls out the side that is corrupt, colluded and abused their position to attack a man, and deceptively edit his video and opinion to make him out to be wrong! :^)

Yep, he surely called out both sides like a good neutral :^]

Even when trying to attack someone they place themselves first.

It doesn't really matter though, very few people read past the headline and even fewer read past the first paragraph. In fact, it is the whole reason why the media puts the updates at the very bottom of the article after it has been up for a while already, because they know nobody will read it.


Styx really and I mean really hates Milo if he Listened and Believed 100% and was for all of the deplatforming that is happening to him. First time I've disagreed so severely with him.

I literally can't imagine giving up on what GG represents at its core.

Ridding the industry of this retarded crybaby propagandizing shit by pointing out what nonsensical BS it is only perpetuated by corrupt tumblrtards and bloggers constantly spewing retarded anti-consumer shit as well.


In his latest video on Milo he has chilled out a bit on his position.

Though he still went off on an autistic rant because he listened and believed the narrative

The worst part was appealing to cuckchan Holla Forums authority like that matters to anyone.

Its less they gave up and more they were ither unprepared for a long game or wanted to become famous for "fighting back against evil". And when that fame was turning to infamy they panicked hard and scorched the earth.

Why can't burnt out diggers just become crazy rightwingers like Jasperge107, instead of doing this
virtue signal attention whoring.

Natural News claims that Google has de-indexed them

not-really-confirmed by googling one of their headlines and seeing only copycat sites in the first page of results.

"but they suck and I don't like them" – that's not the point. Google is supposed to be an Internet search engine.

speaking of google;

Yeah, I gotta say I strongly disagree with his stance on Milo.

I'll get enough satisfaction from simply crushing this worthless shit.

That's just it, this was bigger than a bunch of retarded SJW journalists fucking each other and shilling their friends, it escalated because of them, I only wanted to just play video games, but they escalated, there was some spaghetti drops, a new boogeyman, and according to them we've been a menace since the early 2000s, and we helped elected Trump, it's a clusterfuck but they keep escalating this shit because ideology, pride, ego, and maliciousness they keep masquerading as virtue, self-righteousness to the point of being a tyrant, and so-called charity and giving help all in the name of PR money.

I don't know why he snapped, but I was on that thread when he went "Smell ya later nerds!" and like all burnouts, he'll claim we're the ones wrong, of calling people out for their hitpieces, corruption, lies and bullshit, and that we should just give up, it's like a RPG where you didn't get 100% trust or ass-kissing to your party member and he just went and joined the other team or just go full dick on you.

I think most people just went quiet for the most part without giant sperg outs or going full blown anti, we just don't hear from them anymore, like the way it should be as opposed to fags whose only existence is online and will probably wither away when twatter suspends them indefinitely for wrongthink

but niggers gonna nig, enjoy your efame

Well yeah, for as much as he is involved with occult shit, he is kind of a normalfag who still believes that 4chan hasn't gone full censorship and is still the big bad internet hate machine.

It all comes down to being pussies who can't handle taking on retards.

The second I can build enough of a reputation making good games and being someone who actually listens to fans I'm stepping out into the light swinging hard, fast and relentless except for showing my face so no one can make gay porn. Give praise and appreciation to anyone who deserves it for the littlest details and nothing but "Fuck off" to retards that just want to bitch about any titties I animate. Even if I'm just a single faggot, I have to personally set an example I want to see more of.

What you think is simply self-righteousness is blatantly being pretentious pieces of shit as well as shit excuses of moral authoritarians spewing delusions that pathetically gets anyone speaking out against called presumptuous bullshit as well.

Man, calling people a pedo really is the next step after calling racist/sexist/Islamophobic/transphobic didn't work

still summoning it every night, we need to go back to the stardust

this will affect victims of true Paedos in the future but yet again, Liberals doesn't thing in long time consequenses, they want results and they want it now, damn the consequenses

They really gave the right a lot of power by going after Milo.

If your a gay liberal then expect to be dealing with pol non stop for the next few years.

Remember the latter 2 are purely retarded tumblr buzzwords.

Oh I know, I was just trying to think of other wordsalads they shit out

All 4 are fairly hollow

besides Startpage what other good alternative search engines are there?
i know DuckDuckGo had some "issues"

I know from my posting style I can sound repetitive, but I constantly use the frequent terms I do that's all it ever fucking is.

I can't see this going well with the average person.

That was actually funny, though.

seriously? come on

its the label generation after all, everything needs labels you like, and labels to attack

Especially with George Takei thing, but hey, Holla Forums got their wish of purging degenerates, after the Milo shit, the libtards and cuckservative useful idiots went after Maher and Takei.

there are a lot of parallels between the nazi/pedo stuff and what happened to a professor/intellectual in Canuckistan about five years ago

he wrote a book (Persona Non Grata: The Death of Free Speech in the Internet Age) about how left-wing abbo agitants (think Dindu Lives Matter except for indians) planted an audience member in a lecture, asked a question about consent and child pornography, and then edited the clip to free it from context and spread it everywhere. Flanagan was on a plane at the time and by the time he landed he had become a pariah and basically everyone threw him under the bus because the marxists hated the fact that he was conservative and routinely called out all the bullshit surrounding natives, and the rest of the conservative establishment didn't want to touch anything remotely close to pedo shit

Sound familiar? It's been happening for years, it's just more visible now.

There was discussion on this, we've had multiple examples of this shit being played, think some anons wanted to list examples of these type of witch hunts to silence people, but next week is GDC, should focus on that some more


I get the feeling that Milo is going to be using that book advance money to dig up every skeleton that the media has as retribution.

Maybe I should pick up Drakengard.
Sounds intriguing Or maybe it's Nier:automata hype talking.
I should pick up Nier as well now that I think about it.

But I'm thinking more about the normalfags response when the counterargument to them is "ur a pedo".


Same that tried to say the "objective reviews" we want are just "This is an action game. It stars a girl."

Get Drakengard then nier then Drakengard 3 and finally automata

How about you simply try to Google their domain?

searx and qwant, faggot

Also when you restrict the search results to only give links coming from naturalnews.com, you get no results at all. At least it was nice of Google to not try to obfuscate their censorship like they did with 8ch by pretending that it has been removed over some legal bullshit or by letting you see it when you restrict the search for results on the site itself.

Decided to add links to them in case of the rare event of Google trying to deny it


Oh boy this gun b gud

my god.
its like GG all over again.

Deja Vu title for the bread is starting to make more and more sense

What's health ranger supposed to be exactly, and how "truthful" is it ?

Mike Adams' nickname
He's basically William Cooper 2.0
Alex Jones is joke compare to him
I ain't saying Alex Jones is bad


He's cute. Would grab his Hands

Alex Jones IS bad, unless you enjoy the craziness he represents and laugh about it
So, in short, he's not "that" truthful, but he "says it like it be" ?


Isn't that the retard who said there was a homeopathy cure for Ebola?

Stop drinking that fluoride water its turning you even more gay

Just looked it up. He himself didn't say it but rather one of the contributors to the site did and it was taken down afterwards. And it was the last article he ever did for them, which he posted in 2014, meaning that he most likely got kicked for it.

Well by taken down, I mean the headline stayed but the article itself was replaced by a note.

But I'm already a frog !

Val's beyond saving, he's so gay that the Kaname trap doujin is inspired by his daily life.

But are you a gay frog?

Sadly I only like vagunoos and gul legs

That's signs of faggotry, you can't deny that anymore.

Friendly neighbourhood opponent of age of consent laws popping in to remind you that the pedo label is too retardedly powerful and that you're complicit in it, so no sympathy from me. Progressives could easily wipe the floor with everyone using simple pedo accusations if they didn't insist on getting sex with kids legalized within their lifetime.

This issue may be the best test of character I've ever seen. It reveals every label to be a sham: individualist, freedom/responsibility-lover, rationalist/skeptic, anti-moral authoritarian, anti-bullying/witch-hunt….None of them mean shit all of a sudden.
Harmful Opinions probably just revelling in the opportunity to treat someone like garbage without repercussions, like any ordinary person would.

Are these french words for some gay fetish?


"Gul leg" is a corruption of gulag which was something employed by the soviets to lock up and exploit prisoners and dissenters. Therefore it means he's into gay financial domination and bondage based slavery.
source: me

Only gay men would use gay retard names for "vagina", so he is, and not just a little. He might believe Lords of the Locker Room is kino at this point.

I forgot the "r" in "gurl"
Legs are god-tier anyway

Val confirmed gay commie

You are almost correct. Gul = truck. Leg = to run (where we get legging it or running). Have you heard of the running of the bulls. Val is talking about the running of the trucks. :^)

You honestly tried to say "Vagina" and "Girl Legs"? in 'fun' ways?


Then hatch a plan to fix gaming?


Well at least they took it down.

Even though my primary background is psychology, still have some general medical experience and what I know of this guy, he helps push ridiculous shit about "natural" cancer treatments and fear-mongering about GMOs/vaccines among other crazy things.

The cancer shit really burns me, my uncle tried literally everything after he got diagnosed including all the goofy homeopathy shit and nothing worked in the end.

There are some legitimate criticisms of GMOs but they stem from the way Monsanto runs their fucking business.
The shit they pull with farmers across the world with their jewing, its basically a criminal organization.

And even if vaccines did cause autism, they are one of the main reasons why life expectancy is so long now in the western world.
Some new and promising research that has found a good link between low levels of vitamin D in women and autism. Also has been known for a long while that older women have a much higher chance of autistic children.

In all seriousness though, Nice and 11/13 is the reason why we need more guns and less EU in France, and with all the scandals I keep hearing about from the government (like François Fillion giving fake jobs to his family with a huge salary), the already high distrust we have for our government will be intensifying to the point that we can barely contain it.
t. an other frog

I've always disliked people like Alex Jones but now he seems sensible compared to the assholes out there.

Viva le Revolusion I think that is haw it would be spelt.

No, actually, it's "vive la révolution".
But somehow, I believe we could have some changes in the governing system. Really, the question is not if we will have a VIth french republic in the next 10-15 years, it's when and who will do it.
As for an actual revolution, you'll need something as big as South Korea. Don't expect it to be peaceful though if that happens.

Isn't it funny that more people are talking to and paying attention to localization?

Or is this article saying that "hey guys localization is totally okay, stop being mad"

thing about Jones is that he's kinda funny and that goes a long way. Gavin McInnes says that water filter man is hilarious in person and I can sorta get that every now and then when you see him doing something so ridiculous that you have to wonder how much of this is theatre or not.

He's also pretty crazy too


He might look angry, but he doesn't bite, compared to all the "journalists" who intend to destroy lives for clicks.

So now that "video games are art" fell flat on its face, they're now trying to say butchering the script is "an artform?" Come the fuck on.

Who was that faggot who said the good thing about localization is that you can think "This is terrible but I can fix it" or something to that degree?

Who the fuck someone can say something so illogical? They call ellipses and "Rawr XD" on FE:Fates "fixing"?

how the fuck*


I know exactly what you're talking about, but the name escapes me. I remember it pissing me off because it wasn't "the script is terrible, I can fix this," but rather "this is problematic, I can fix this."

wait a minute, the old guilty gears? the ones on steam and gog?

What should take priority, learn Japanese or relearn French?



Good afternoon. GDC is coming up & with the Resist Jam event coming soon, there's a potential of salt to mine.

Pic related.

These "Witches" are low-energy casters, they may as well cast Guac Shower on Jeb Bush''.


Arabic sounds easier to learn over Japanese,since learn nip is impossible

If learning nip is impossible, then why do the Japanese speak it?

Ahh yes, NISA bricking PS3s is definitely an artform, not even your regular Japanese company has black magic this powerful! And if one were to think about unfucking their work, their satanic magic would prevent you from doing that!

If English is easy, why do the native speakers screw it up all the time?


That's true… unfortunately, on the good side this might give trump another 4 years

They have 4 or 8 years to learn that what they are doing is most harmful for them than for us, but of course, their own circle will never claim they are in the wrong?


But how could they be wrong? Pedophiles are bad

Yes they are, but turning the "everyone who disagrees with me is a Pedophile" into their new calling card will bring consequences to true victims of Pedophilia by turning this issue in a nonsense just to shut up the people who disagree with them.

However, if they do do that, who will become the next boogeyman once pedophiles are seen as "softcore"?

I know, I was just simulating the SJW thought process. "People tell me im wrong. No, I cant be"


Guess who's back from the dead.


Cancer publisher, cancer staff, cancer subject. Jesus Christ how horrifying. I thought the e-sports fad was past its peak.

That's going to end really quick. Either people will call BS and it will end right there, or the Rapture will happen and we'll be in a better place.

Fuuuuuuck, I thought we were rid of them.


Fucking Saban.



u guys are jelly as fuck like always lol

So magic is real after all?

Can I do something to make the world more anime like?


Meanwhile, among the people who actually create.



>Can't even enjoy my shitty niche historical figure romance VN without some beta cocksucker localizing it
Will this fucking nightmare ever end?

So when 9 hours 9 persons 9 doors comes to steam, it would have been butchered?

Was interested in playing that.

That reminds me that Jim did something right for once today.

Long story, there is an Spanish Youtuber, I will not give the name, the point is that the guy took the rights of a game from a failed kickstarter and turn it into his own.

The game is on steam with the same result that SJW games, they are bad, full of bugs, sexual jokes being PG3 and stuff, not only that the game has assets from Banjoo Kazooie and other games and it hasn't been taken from steam, instead of that like all SJW he has erased evidence that he do wrong, has ordered the taken down of videos and news related to the plagiarism and DMCA.

Spanish community has been angry because he does nothing but hide the truth, they tried to ask for help so this thing could be punished and surprise, Sterling answered, he has a 39 minutes video explaining how shit is the game and the other problems.

Now let's see if the spanish guy can take down something from Jim, I might disagree with that idiot but I cannot deny that he did something good for once.


because he's probably that spanish youtuber

At all, the name is Dalas, I just through that with all the stuff we are going around now, we don't need to distract with someone like this guy

but why? is he a big deal in Spain or something?


Let's say that yes, many spanish sites take down their notices that wrong him and disagree, he use their fans to flood and critize people who doesn't agree with him, the typical SJW and he believes that he is superior to everyone else because he made a game and other don't.

Siding with the "bad guy" was the best ending.

I just wish I could have actually PLAYED that side and not have it just be kind of a joke ending. I totally would have fucked up the other two commie factions while working for Deng.

Pagan Min, I mean.

Man, my mind went to Alpha Protocol for some reason,

I would have forgiven Ubi for a lot of things if they had made a DLC where we can side with him and help him against the other Two.

Boy I sure love endings I have to buy

Yeah, Kind of bullshit anyways.

And we are reaching the 12000000 in no time as well

>No one remembers XIII's cliffhanger ending

Are you winning son?
You've been winning for so long, basking in the smug, as well you should and deserve.

But now your enemies have found a new strength. These attacks against PewDiePie and Milo are evidence enough of that.

I fear there may be to much watching and waiting for the consequences you simply expect, whilst there have been proposals, I've yet to see concerted efforts against their actions.

If they see weakness they will try to destroy you absolutely, have no doubt they are coming at you with all they have.

Do not let victory defeat you.

Looks like he's not even self publishing it on Amazon

What is this

I remember user


Mark being a tafiole, nothing new.

What is our stance on Milo now, do we disavow like KiA?

The boat, the fireworks, the discussion in the cabin, the sudden hit behind the neck… Yeah. I remember too.

I think he said in his press confrence thingy that he has a number of other publishing begging for his big thick book

Do what you believe is right


Title: Release Edition

Also Fixing the mistake of the previous baker.

I can't believe nobody checked these fucking digits

Speaking of which, 12M get soon

Very soon.


Man, that would have been perfect material for GG if we had heard of it before. And to be honest, I think Jumbo only took on him because it was easy pickings.

That turned out to be a dud.

I like it user, keep going.


Looks good.
It's a shame you actually have to use that watermark because of the fart wannabes, but that one ought to work a lot better than the older one.

Easy picking or not I want to see that "I am always right" guy trying to take down a video of "I am always right" biggest guy

archive please


Why is it I suck at drawing, and I am still able to draw better than most of the Leftist pricks?


How are you guys doing on this fine friday early morning?

It would be so easy to do an aggro edit of that, jesus fuck the hypocrisy

They're allergic to the concept of applying themselves.

We need one

Playing QIX, watching the world burn, drinking beer, downloading CNN leaks. A nice, gentle morning. How are you?

Well shit, a little over 400 posts until the Holocaust GET X2.

Who wants to crash this jam…
With no resistance?

Requesting something along the lines of

Holy shit, I have missed this, anything fruity?

I'm simply wasting the night away, 3 AM and can't sleep. I should have brought more vidya with me. I might try QIX, looks fun.

O'Keefe pretty much said that there is too much footage for them to be able to look through it themselves and so people should help look through it.

Nothing juicy yet, its over 100 hours of audio and Holla Forums is still sifting through it >>>Holla Forums9342648

I think you're going to get some retarded asshurt results.

Maybe that's want they want us to do, give legitimacy to what is basically nothing but a Twitter soapbox.

Don't know, it seem to be MP3s (??). I'm still downloading; it's a pretty big archive come on, I'm begging for it
>>>Holla Forums9345056

How the fuck did one of the arrows disappear


Desperately hoping I can finally get a few days to myself so I can get shit done.

I still read it without the (you) user :3

I'm on VPN so downloading speed is shit, I'll watch the pol thread.

Bors isn't exactly the brightest cartoonist out there. I'm honestly surprised there aren't more edits of his shitty little strawmen floating around.

Pointing out something like that by exploiting the fact it is meant to be against all the retarded shaming bullshit.




So, what's stopping people like Holla Forums from taking advantage of using what happened to Milo to redpill many on the link between homosexuality and pedophilia? I think even Milo himself brought it up when he was on Real Time.

Ok faggots. Im back from work, have two hours to make some OC for GDC.

if you hit me with info, ill make it into some bullshit faggots!

Primarily their inability to communicate meaningfully with anyone who isn't already a Holla Forumsack.
Really, these people have lost touch with the rest of humanity.

Can you make lewds of ara vivian?


Too busy getting shilled with D&C. I saw a cuckchan bait thread in Holla Forums earlier so I think whoever is behind it is starting to move around.

Reminder that Sarsour means cockroach in Sand Scratch

More ara is always good

Can this guy do anything besides strawmanning and lying?

He's a leftist so probably not.


Consume resources.



What is the Edition?


Well, here it is. Ready for the site to crash on me. Will we see a visit from /sp/?


My browser is already at 6gn of RAM used and I'm on shitty wifi with VPN from halfway across the world. My body is ready.

shitpost faggots til bread ready


Political cartoons are the lowest form of communication.

I consider tweets lower.

Good thing the threads won't be slow enough to shitpost in after this weekend.

no better get, then a shitpost

oh shit it's that close

What is going on this week-end?

Trying my luck

Just let it be Anons







I was so fucking close to getting one of them, it hurts

shitpost would have been better, admit it faggots


Now that the GET's out of my system, let's resume thread


I'm shitposting #ResistJam.

and its working/


holy shit hes so terrible

Dragons crown is a great game.

Fuck that GET, it sucked.


He can draw better than me because I lost 2 fingers on my right hand on a jigsaw

I love her tits.

Shitposting time, right?!

Posting Antifas would cause some nice salt.

I guess…

Can we make Bors the new Garrison?

May as well, so close to new bread.

Tried to shitpost music, and it didn't work. Why doesn't Holla Forums allow for MP3s?

Too advanced for mp3s!

Ben Garrison's cartoons had truth to them though, Bors on the other hand is just cancer.

Copyright reasons

Try converting them into mp4s and webms.


What does that make Sarah Anderson? She got the ben treatment.

No sarah got the Kate leth treatment



Doubt that, we can still post webms

And once more.







stop roleplaying

Roleplay better. The stripper club shit is just obnoxious.


Double trips confirm

Busybodies telling other people what to do at the end of a dead bread.
Let me think that over. Should I obey your deeb goncerns.
Nah. :^)

If you have further goncerns you can bring it to


why the fuck do you do this at the end of every thread

Peep longer.

are you the faggot who shills scalies

Nope. Are you the faggot that posts the no benis, therefore sage oekaki, while the bread is still active, then tells other people what they should do with their time, at the end of a dead bread?
Why do you do that at the end of threads.


But you do seem very pre-occupied with what other people do with their own time, in a dead bread. When everyone else has moved. Or are you now going to say I should contribute to the new bread. Ignoring that I can have multiple tabs, or doing some GG related stuff in the background. No u, why do you do this at the end of breads. Humor me, or else I might bring out that DJ again.

have fun by yourself

If you want to get bullied by me, all you need to do is be honest and ask me.

Pretty please?
Pretty hard?

I'm very selective with who I bully. Nothing personnell. I really strive for a quality bullying, over quantity alone. Do you have any references, have I ever seen examples of you getting bullied somewhere before. How did you hear of my bullying work. Standard boilerplate bully to bullied stuff, you understand.

I, I don't have those. I was ignored every thread and forced into voyeurdom. Please don't ignore

Having no references is fine. Being honest is more important to me. This isn't a humble brag when I ask this. It's more of a way to determine the level of compatibility between the bully to bullied, in a bullying session. Again, boilerplate stuff you understand.
You mentioned voyeurdom, forced voyeurdom. So was that in other dead breads elsewhere, or is it here specifically. Is that where you first heard of some of my bullying work.

I've been here since scalies started.

I see. And you were forced into voyeurdom as you mentioned. You can take off your skirt by the way. Just your skirt, keep standing there. Do you have any medical conditions or severe to fatal allergies I should know about. Your skirt. Take it. Off. Are you going to just stare at me or did you think this was an English 101 class for messicans.

O-okay. I'm allergic to am-amoxicillin.

I see. I will make a note of that. This is not an unfamiliar situation for you I am guessing. Being told to take off your skirt, and having someone examining you. You were a sickly thing when you were very young, weren't you.

Yes, I was often out of school.
Doctors are d-different.

That is a nice camera you have. Was that the only companion and outlet you have when you were being examined, probed, and pricked, during your many days in the hospitals and doctors offices. Go ahead and unbotton your blouse now. Don't take it off, just unbutton it.

It was a gift from my mom. It was the only companion I've had since I was little.

I want to see your camera. Give it to me.

It's sturdy but, b-be careful please.
[please don't drop it please don't drop it please don't drop it please don't drop it please don't drop it please don't drop it please don't drop it]

That would be quite the painful experience for you, wouldn't it. Look at you, your eyes are getting moist already. Don't worry. I don't have a surgeon's hand, or a doctors. My hands have been called meathooks, or an ugly pair of hammers. My hands are not delicate or sensitive, but they can grip fine. And I have your camera nice and secure here.

It is quite the nice camera, even by today's standards it still holds up quite well. That must have been quite the sacrifice to buy it, alongside the many hospital and doctor visits. Or are you from one of those affluent families that do not want to openly flaunt your riches. But traces of it still shows once you are examined closer, and deeper. So which is it. Did your parents sacrifice a painful amount for you during your sick and fragile younger days. Or can they easily afford to have their little porcelain doll sent away to a private room, on an opulent, and quite the isolated hospital wing somewhere.

Be honest, tell me the truth. Which is it, don't lie, because I will find out sooner or later whether you were lying or being honest with me.

We used to be. That was when mom got me the camera. But she died in an accident and dad started gambling not long after. I told him I lost it, or else he'd sell it.

This camera that I am holding is quite precious to you. You might be telling the truth after all. For now, at least. Do remember that I am holding something very precious to you, in case you start to have second thoughts of not being honest with me.

All those many lonely days of you being examined and probed. To find out what is wrong with you. And they never really did find out did they. All those medical expenses that took quite a dent on your family coffers. But at least you were finally out of the hospital. And can be with your family and friends again. Except your mom is dead, your dad is a gambler, and you don't have many friends. Hard to make friendships when you were a sickly, fragile little porcelain figurine in some hospital wing somewhere. Isn't that right.

Do you have trouble with your hearing, answer my question.

Y-yes. It's hard to make friends. But as long I stayed quiet, nobody would bully me, and I had my camera. I had a knack for going unnoticed. And being forgotten.

I doubt you were forgotten, not by the people that cared about you, and for you. You are smiling a little now. Do you think I'm complimenting you or trying to make you feel better when I say that. Perhaps you were remembering a kind doctor or nurse during your hospital days.

There were many "kind" nurses. They acted nice, but you could always tell they didn't really care. There was this one doctor though, Dr. Kurosawa. I don't see her much anymore though, now that my hospital visits are getting rarer.

You are quite the perceptive one aren't you. That is a statement of fact, not a compliment by the way. Though I can see from your reaction you are feeling a bit flattered. Even just standing in your panties and opened up blouse. Well let's clarify some things right away, since you are a perceptive one. I was telling you the truth when I said you were not forgotten, by the people who cared about you and cared for you. Would you like to know why you were not forgotten by them.

When no one pays attention, you end up watching people, learning about them, taking pictures of them.

It's because despite, or because you were a delicate, fragile sick little porcelain figurine you were in fact a
fucking millstone around their neck
You are a millstone around the neck of every nurses who had to take your temperature, and had to wipe your ass, and read your charts for the doctors and they still never found out what the fuck is medically wrong with you, they even chattered among themselves when you weren't looking to say maybe you are a liar, or what really ailed you is what the medical community calls
a fucking liar who wants attention by pretending to be sick

Your mom never forgot you either. Because how the fuck can you forget
You are quite the perceptive one. Haven't you ever wondered if the gossips are true. Did your mom really die in an accident. Or did she decide to end it all because she could not forget you.

Why the fuck do you think your father gambles. To win money? That might be true. On a very superficial level. But let's not waste too much time pussyfooting around, you are getting colder standing here with just your panties and opened blouse on, yes. We both know what he's really after, if I probe you deeper. He wants to forget you too, even if just for a couple of hours but he can not. Because you are a burden. A heavy, porcelain burden.

You nerds are STILL at it?

I, I, I just try to stay out of the way. Dad, dad just wants to forget mom. I'm not lying. I'm not. Kurosawa believes me. I can't be a b-burden. I can't. I have to go sleep.
Good night Gamergays.

Remember I have your camera. Do not spill your spaghetti while a bread is still active. You god damn burden.

RPing is for fags