so if anyone one wants to play(i.e pirate) hitman there is an available cracked version of it now but with only one small problem (Linux)

So, that's a second game already, that's only cracked on linux.


So just pirate VMWare and run a VM with ubuntu or someshit and then run the game.

Alternatively get a USB 3.0 stick with decent read/write and shove linux + the game on there and boot from the USB whenever you want to play the game, and pretend it's a PS4 or XBONE or whatever.

wouldn't dual boot be better? can the VM use your graphic card btw ?

qemu exists

depends and requires specific features from a motherboard and various of gay shit.
normally you use a gpu passthrough to play games on windows on linux

Last I checked VMWare has fairly decent graphics drawing ability. Definitely nothing like pci passthrough, but it should do the trick for some games.
But yes dualboot would be endlessly better since then you can actually use 100% of your GPU, not just whatever portion VMWare can manage to wrangle from windows.

I suggested it because I know for a fact it supports at least rudimentary 3D acceleration. I have zero experience with qemu on wIndows.

warhammer is literally 12 funbux on humble bundle right now

Ok so what linux operating system would be the best for this kind of use (vidya games).

that's 12 bux too much

ubuntu / debian.
you can choose any distro however.

Mint. Reminder that ubuntu sends information to third parties, just as bad as windows 10 and has partnership with microsoft.

Ubuntu or Mint is the most "I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing but I want to vidya" friendly linux variety.
There's also supposedly SteamOS which is also Linux with Steam preinstalled and maybe some drivers included, but I don't know if it's available for download or if Valve decided to keep it locked up behind a "Buy our console bitch", I don't know anything about it, but it might be worth a look.

steamos can be installed on anything, but it's similar to debian with a different repos configured and instead if you kill steam the whole os crashes.

Which is a completely fucking useless argument if you plan on just using the OS for a single pirated game and nothing else.

You are pirating. Piracy can be reported by ubuntu staff who watches even what you masturbate to.

It's ubuntu.

Mint is ubuntu without shit.

What a time to be alive.

is there a WINE for windows ?


If that were true, I'd be in prison.

Just get Ubuntu MATE, it has all the good features of Ubuntu without all the extra bullshit plus it's fucking GNOME 2 and very light.
And I'm pretty sure that amazon telemetry bullshit was removed from Ubuntu a while ago, this doesn't make it good OS though. Mint MATE is fine too.


They've been cracking 1 game a week for more than a month, and previously it was taking 2-4 weeks each. They've got some trick up their sleeves.

you had one game cracked in a couple weeks of release and all the rest at least a month after release save for a couple actually good games that are still uncracked a year after release where you need a fedora and mouth full of toe jam to play without drm

This lack of principles is why the industry is such a mess.

I found out that pirated games have tracking files from the FBI, wouldn't recommend it anymore

No fuck you. I'm not going to tell a complete beginner at linux to go "install gentoo" because "muh freedoms" and shit.
That's the kind of arsenine autism that has ensured that linux has less mainstream marketshare than fucking PalmOS.

I can only find it on skidrow site, there was another site I used but I forgot it.