What are you doing?
Whatever the last template was before the thread 404'd, just keep posting that.
Also post your failures.
What's the point?
Maybe talk about the worst enemy in the game?
Maybe realize Team Ninja made something worse than the wheel skeletons.
they made the best mimic
if you bow to it courteously it bows to you and disappears leaving a bunch of loot
The first one I encountered I bowed to.
It got mad at me.
you beefed it
Different ones want different kinds of gestures. They either want a blue one, a yellow one or a red one. You get two tries.
On what I would assume is the last or next-to-last level. Don't know if I'll go straight into NG+ or give it a rest for a little since I've played nothing but this for a week now
If they had more of a windup animation before rolling into you multiple times and setting you on fire I'd be fine with it, as it is I feel like I cheese them most of the time by exhausting their stamina and stunlocking them to death with Water Sword
Jesus Christ this game is satisfying my autism In ways I never thought would be possible. I can already see myself playing through this 10 times.
By the way I can confirm you can see real players' bloody graves even without PS+, you just can't duel or co-op. It's nice since real players generally have rarer equipment than the preset ones, although I'd like it better if everyone in the world wasn't wearing the Red Oni armor set
I'm glad TN decided to do this since Miyazaki came out and said he wasn't interested in making any more souls games.
Hopefully they do a sequel or spiritual sequel in the way dark souls was to demon's souls.
There's no reason for the souls gameplay formula to just go away.
Especially when other devs have shown themselves to be capable of carrying it on.
If there was a Bloodborne 2 on the way or a Dark Souls 4, I'd say TN might have killed Fromsoft with a game like this.
I don't see them matching it.
Depends on exactly what you see as the appeal of the Souls games, I wouldn't say I ever found them very appealing as action games. But no, now that Nioh's set this standard I don't see From matching it, the complexity of the combat system blows any competitor out of the water. If there were another Nioh I think I'd like to see some slightly more exotic locations and better bosses, personally.
So there really are no female skins at all?
whats up with the sprinting failing when going left or right?
This game wasn't that much of a hit was it? I expected Dork Souls III levels of discussion.
You expected wrong
Not sure what you mean.
If anything, we're witnessing a new DeS like phenomenon on the board.
It'll grow.
A shitload of people are probably playing the game rather than shitposting here. I'm just taking a break from getting my shit slapped by oni.
you'll stutter a bit if you're running left or right
Casuals didn't get the bullshit instant death difficulty of Dark Souls. They just got a hard, can run at 60 frames per second game with mechanics that function when you want them to. They're not used to a hard game that actually plays fair.
I was getting that vibe, yeah, especially since so little is currently known about the game on a deep level and most people are learning new things through discussion instead of wikis
I said relatively niche, and it is relatively niche compared to DaS3
Maybe you jammed your thumbstick in.
I noticed some shit like that but it was because of something I did to my controller.
It was subtle though and only affected this game.
It was during the alpha.
i coulda swore you get the skin of the girl who has raikiri
Nope no female skins because William is a virgin (no I'm not kidding that's the actual reason)
he truly is devoted to his waifu
I think I collected 6 full sets of that red demon shit just doing a single mission.
also, birdniggers deserve a holocaust.
some one in old thread posted
holy shit that's great, as if having a fashion system wasn't pleasing enough
Seriously why the fuck do so many people use the red demon armor, it's not that good.
Reposting this reply in this new thread just in case:
The game won't tell you a number for the damage increase. I recently got the same bonus on my 2kat and my Agility is B rank (bottom left of character screen).
I smacked some enemies with it to see the damage it did, then smacked the same enemies with another 2kat that had higher base damage but no Agility bonus, and the Agility bonus 2kat did more.
No, I also feel your pain.
Digital distribution is available, if you are desperate.
actually i just tested it by throwing on some heavy armor and the total damage went down in the menu
That's a funny way to spell "Warrior of the West" armor. Seriously every fucking Revenant is wearing that shit. I get it, it looks cool and has neat bonuses, but hell you can at least refashion it to break out of the box a little.
I'm wearing Genius Strategist set but with the Ronin Armor hat thing because the correct head piece didn't drop for me yet. Looks pretty neat and I don't think I've seen anyone else wearing it, at least not the whole set.
Oh that's interesting, I guess my damage result differences must have come from some other bonus calculation?
Wooow, thanks Kojima.
Most have probably forgotten that's an option.
That was me. People have been begging for that option in Dark Souls for years and it never happens. TN not afraid to give people what they want it seems.
maybe, there is a lot of shite to factor in which can get a little annoyin'
what a charming fellow
that's on you
You can drop items for people? I thought it was restricted. The other night my inventory filled while helping someone, so I dumped like 60 pieces of white armor all over the floor. Wonder if he could see it afterall.
there are a lot of little things that impress me, like being able to open up my equipment menu and check stuff while at the blacksmith
You kidding me? on NG+ almost everyone is using fucking Suzaku and red demon armor. I've seen 1 yatagarasu revenant and that poor soul died to 3 ninjas.
i shoulda clarified it was an NPC
What, you don't want to have some FUN? :^)
Fuck that sub-mission where you have to fight two of them at once and then Onryoki right afterwards, that was tough
I personally like that the beastiary lets you look at the models for every enemy in full 3D, seems like it wouldn't have taken much effort to put in the game but it's still something I enjoyed and appreciated
Best weapon class and why is it 1kat?
theres a beastiary? how do you access it? i hope it includes some trivia on the japanese folklores the monsters are based on
you can't go wrong with 1kat, but i like to keep the kusarigama in pocket as well cuz its fun and you can really ruin human-type enemies with its grabs
I think it was under the Amrita Memories tab in the pause menu, but only when you're on the map screen. I'd cancel out of the mission I'm on and confirm it but I don't really want to stop in the middle of the boss rush
That's pretty impressive, never really used ninjutsu for anything besides kunai and shuriken
I actually haven't been on the board since the game came out. I can't remember the last time this happened.
still trying to find the fucking game since everywhere within 200 miles of me is out of stock
With the amount of times Playstation's been hacked I think I'll wait.
Guess you should have preordered on Amazon for $48 like the rest of us. [Insert smug shitposting face here.]
is it worth 60 dollars?
I don't preorder because I'm not a cuckold. I decide to try to get Nioh on an impulse, I hadn't planned to getting it at all, so I'll be able to wait a week if I still want it by the end of then.
Yes, it is. I've lost track of time and I even stopped coming here because I can't put the controller down.
Should have played the Alpha/Beta/Demo bro. The Beta had me convinced it was worth getting. For 48 dollarydoos even.
Give the people time to complete multiple play throughs, and then ask again. Once it is no longer fresh little problems will be more apparent. I have not played the game as I don't have a PS4, but what I have seen looks pretty promising. Just wait and see.
I think that alone means it's worth getting, user. A shit game would get one play through at most.
im pissed that every game is 60$. Some game have way less production cost, but regardless of that they all cost 60 everytime.
not sure how they got away with bumping all games from 50 to 60 dollars
PS1 games were $40, PS2 games were $50, PS3 games were $60. All because of inflation. PS4 games should actually be $70-80 and that's why you see seasons pass schemes everywhere, including with this game.
You could have preordered for a 20% discount. Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose.
Fug that bold bit was supposed to be a spoiler but I used the wrong hotkey.
90% of the time the season pass content gets released to everyone eventually.
You mean in a "GOTY" package deal? That's true, but you'll wait a while for that.
no, just invididual downloads 6 months or more down the road that go from 5-9 bucks each.
koei loves the dlc game.
so does TN.
You could always get it secondhand after the casuals trade it in
Is there anything to the season pass yet? I wasn't even aware they had announced any DLC or expansion or anything yet, just DLC armor sets
The less armored you look, the more skilled of a samurai you are.
Anime rules apply here.
Started playing a little bit earlier today. It's alright but I feel slightly burnt out on the combat from the last three demos. I'm hoping I can push through to some new locales because holy fuck generic Japanese fishing village is boring.
The lack of armour makes you look like a piss-poor Ronin, and if Ronin had skill they wouldn't be masterless.
It was a bit rough getting through the demo content for the 3rd or 4th time.
The demo should have been somewhere near the middle of the game.
You can buy the Season Pass, or a Deluxe Edition that includes it, but the content itself won't be out for a while.
There's actually a stat bonus in the game that lets you do more damage based on wearing fewer pieces of armor. Kind of a catch-22, you need armor to wear the bonus, but you need to not wear armor for the bonus to be good.
2kat LMAO
man the dlc on this better deliver, granted i'll avoid a pass since i have no way of telling what single purchases will be for this, or if they're worth it
It's probably in there for people who want to LARP as edo era Samurai
like me
Essentially it would be a glass canon build. Get pants and boots that both have high rank bonus to Agility and lack of armor (these are two separate things) and you'd effectively be trading in half your armor for a massive gain in damage. You wear nothing on chest, hands, and head.
Well yeah, unless everybody else is unarmored as well, and in a more urban environment where fucking ninja could be creeping around in the alleys.
Like a sequel or something.
My point is you want to wait for the hype to die down before you consider listening to what people say about it.
Hino-enma has been pushing my shit in for nearly an hour now, am I too casual for Nioh?
No, that bitch sucks.
Doesn't hurt to use the buddy system.
Shoot her when she's in the air.
Equip anti-paralytic needles and/or paralysis defense items.
Don't get grabbed.
If you want me to help you quick, set a password and I'll join you.
Is this the first game in history that was basically vaporware and ended up becoming something great?
Kunai her while she's in the air to get her vulnerable
Don't be greedy and don't try to match blows with her, punish when she finishes a combo
Keep some anti-paralytics on you if you can't dodge her shockwave thing
Really? I thought she was one of the better bosses
I take it demon walls are a thing in Japanese folklore? There were the blockheads in Okami and there's these demon wall things here.
Not even played the game but really?
alternatively run underneath here while in air, then dodge back when she tries to drop on top of you, at that point if you hit her it puts her on her ass
Mother 3?
The launch version of TF2?
That too, and I noticed that they shortened the amount of time where she's vulnerable to getting knocked over versus the Beta. Much harder to do now.
when was it vaporware??
Or Trump used his time machine to put them there.
I wasnt talking about her quality as a boss, just the experience of getting ass stomped by her when pleb tier.
Nigger, it started being developed in 2004.
trump isn't the first one who came with the idea of a huge wall. the chinese were, and look at how well that worked for them.
It was announced at E3 in 2005.
No, but it's funny to think about trump making deals with onmyo mages to build walls that block a random gaijin's path on his way to retrieving his sprite waifu.
What kind of game was that even going to be?
Wew, that would have been a flop.
Just think about it: this game took longer to develop than Persona 5 and The Last Guardian.
And it's good.
although i forgot to turn my network on awhile ago and went through like 5 levels without any player graves, i need to start dropping more fuckers for sweet glory
Depends how long ago it was when TN came in and worked on it.
Don't remind me
Whenever the Tecmo merger was, I heard eight or nine years ago
Wikipedia seems to say TN developed it the past four years?
yep. mudshits, mexicans, and mongols will just enter by sea and air.
holy shit that was 12 years ago
its the boyhood of videogames
Just beat her myself, got the game a week ago lol and been taking my time.
But yeah, kunai her in the air to get her stam to drop (this is key), and when she's out and on the ground, don't get too aggressive or else she'll grab you undo all the good. Second time her stam drops just Living Weapon the hell out of her.
Man, Nobunaga was pretty tough. That fight and the whole level up until this point is a great way to finish off the game, I don't know how they're going to top it with the obvious upcoming fight with Kelley
is it a duel or a fight you can actually get help with? a friend wants to know
It's a stage boss; you can summon. That has to be my favorite mission. I really liked the climb up. and it felt kind of like a boss rush mode considering that there are 7 main bosses at the end..
I would assume you can summon if you can summon for other boss fights, can't say for certain but I don't see why not
He combines techniques from Muneshige, Yuki-Onna, Tadakatsu, Mitsunari and practically every humanoid boss fight in the game and his guardian constantly changes elements, so it's a pretty harsh skill check that's difficult to cheese
what weapon are you using?
Why is it so hard to get the headband in the Genius Strategist's set? I've been beating this guy to a pulp for ages and it just won't drop.
thanks for that memory, user.
Not sure what feels I'm even supposed to be having
What memory exactly? I have no idea where the gif is from, but I've had it saved for years.
On topic:
I am beginning to suspect people are breaking this game a little too hard. Spoilers in WebM related.
I want that kubuto.
I was wearing yamabushi + tengu for a while but it was so low level that I kept dying and soul match is so expensive. If I ever get a crafting unlock I may go back to it. Or alternately tengu + Genus Strategist/Kaido armor.
My nigger.
Samurai did have some pretty neat hats.
Speaking of which, what do you get from the Shit Samurai if you give him enough?
Well, that's interesting.
Well i took a short break after that post, then went back and beat her on the second attempt. Two biggest things that were hindering me beforehand: in some fights she would just constantly spam the twirling attack (always caught me out) and every time i knocked her out of the air, once she got her ki back she retaliated with a grab attack that seems to go right through living weapon. Beat Nuc without too much trouble as well, something about the small and agile bosses really throws me off.
What? no it's super easy to cheese, because he stands still for so long after a guardian spirit change, you can pop him in the head and then do a final attack and literally 2-3 shot the poor guy. Especially easy if you're specced into 1kat and can do 15k+ on a final attack.
it's doodoo
I think you missed my point that I was saying it's just a good boss to close out the game, not that it's impossible to cheese. Sure hope you had fun taking the easiest possible way out
It lets you skip the fight with Tadakatsu
He's easier than basically every other human boss to cheese because of how often he stands still. That's my point.
Mitsunari stands still long enough at the beginning of his fight that I can take 2/3rds of his lifebar off with a single Water Sword combo, trying to do the same to Nobunaga will stop working after maybe one second. I can get a stopwatch and quantify this for you, you are just wrong, you happened to be lucky to choose 1kat for the fight
Works with any weapon there buddy. He stands still way more often than other bosses way more frequently and is weak to headshot knockdowns. He's piss easy to cheese.
I could repeat my point about Mitsunari, you could reread it, or we could agree to disagree, since I really don't care how skilled you are at cheesing a game
Sounds to me like you're just being purposefully bad at the game hombre.
also for that note
I want to point out how stupid you are.
Guess you can't cheese reading. Do you really think you're "good" at the game? I beat him on the second try, no need to rely on final attacks or any pussy shit
Wow so you really are bad at the game then. Seems to me like you are really insecure about it.
I think Australia could do a little better than 200kb/s, that's third world tier
"First world countries" don't know just how bad they're getting fucked really.
Free wireless internet in an apt. building in Trump's America, so yeah, precisely third world tier.
I'm actually about to drive a two-hour round trip to get this game. Figured "why not", it's not like I'm expecting a social call.
Second world countries seem to have the best internet to be fair. I guess because they got to experience the early stages of capitalism where competition between lots of companies means they have to put effort into providing a good service, but before a handful of companies corner the market and Jew the customers.
Dude, I literally can't be killed by an enemy while in living weapon . I have stacked critical effects such as:
Close combat attack (critical)
Close combat ki reduction (critical)
Received damage (critical)
Special effects (critical) [this buffs all special effects that trigger at critical)
Add all of these to the A+ tenacity of Paired Raiden and I can literally trade swings with bosses. I also have +85 luck while in living weapon and +27% equipment drop rate while in living weapon.
I'll be waiting here two+ hours from now to hear that they were out of stock too. When I went out to get it on release day the store said they were only shipped four copies and three had been reserved, I got the last one
Do you just keep reforging over and over until you get something good? I've tried that but I think I only saw a good rare weapon effect one time
you get something later in NG+ that lets you spend special fragments for better RNG. But yeah basically you just have to reforge over and over again and hope for the best.
I know where and what to look for.
1. Purples with inheritance traits are a no no.
2. Special swords with set traits are good as well. Theres a sword that comes with close combat kind reduction on it no matter what. This doesn't take up the 4 slots purple gives so you get a 5th trait.
3. There are certain areas and enemies in the game that garuantee certain kinds of drops.
Ex: Muneshige is capable of dropping 1 sword, 1 bow, 1 piece of armor of each type and 1 item. With high enough luck (100+ I presume) all of those will be purple. I literally got the whole set and the bow in one go with about 130 luck
4. Critical effects are the second most potent type of special effects there are(second to shit like "enemy paralysed") and they are much more common than you think. The real hard part is finding the "Special effects (critical)" or "+85 luck (during living weapon)". I could share with you where to farm those items, but then I'd have to kill you.
How do you get high luck?
Here's my current sword. Regretfully it has that shitty +6 water but it's worth it for the +14% Close combat damage of the whole warrior of the west gear. When the familiarity goes up so will all of those percentages. The critical attack and ki usage will also skyrocket because my charm has "Special effect (critical)". The skill ki damage and final blow damage are for duels. I can easily break guards using ki pulse and the kick then follow up with iai draws and final blows.
Using this.
BTW sorry for phone photos. My Internet is down and I'm posting from mobile
I'm going to have to start reforging stuff.
Why is that?
'Level 30' my ass.
Nioh is one of the few games that should have actually been preordered.
You got money off, and now people can't find it anywhere because shit turned out to be brilliant.
I doubt this would have ever happened again, but here we are.
This is me after seeing her the first time.
The infrastructure is likely more recent as well
Since I've progressed further into the game, I've noticed I'm no longer getting substantial amounts of purples. Around halfway through the second region, despite having 150+ luck I started getting mostly blues. It would seem that the luck needed to get rare drops consistently increases the farther you get
Reforging is good, but I wouldn't bother reforming anything that doesn't meet the following conditions:
1. is purple with no inheritance traits (the inheritance traits take up a slot of special effects. Get a purple with 4 clean special effects on it
2. Already has 1 or more traits you desire. You will find one that does even if it's low level.
3. Not needed but reccomended, I always go for weapons that have 1-2 predetermined traits. Raikiri is good for this as both are damage oriented. A good purple Raikiri will have the 2 traits predetermined, 4 special effects, and 1 inherited trait making it havery every slot filled.
Once you get these down you can make epic weapons that are worth shilling out millions of yen to reformed and soul match continuously
Divine are futureproof and won't be replaced no matter what provided they're the right base weapon
I haven't gotten to divine yet. I've been playing the first 4 regions of the game over and over trying to learn everything I can. It's why I can play a permanent living weapon build, because I can run through knowing exactly where the enemies are
A new breed of stealth.
So there are many NPC revenants in the 3rd region wearing a certain set of heavy armor. I'm pretty sure that if you have enough luck they drop the Tatenashi set instead of the Genji set. I just got the Tatenashi Hiyazori off of one. The tatenashi set was the best in the beta.
What does Unlimited Elixir do?
It has a chance of not wasting an Elixir when you use it, I believe. Same for the Unlimited Onmyo/Ninjutsu/Ammo variants.
It's a % chance not to consume an elixer when used. There's also unlimited ninjutsu and unlimited onmyo.
Is there a list of where the best place to farm different armors yet?
As far as I know, there is not.
Within the first 3 regions I can tell you. What are you looking for?
So far, my ninja build has been doing astonishingly good. I arrived at Iga and globally i've died less than 40 times. So far, about the ninjutsu:
-Shurikens and Kunais are pretty shit. Just take those for the quick throw upgrade.
-Poison and fire shurikens are your bread and butter. Same goes for the poison dust (That i discovered it blocks the Yuki Onna proyectiles. Same goes for Fire Shuriken and Kayaku Dama explosions)
-Tiger Running scroll is amazing. Going full Sanic is better than dodging.
-Makibishi are damn amazing against bosses.
Also, i've tested some elements against elemental based enemies. The easiest way to check if the element is good against is to see how quickly the buildup of the special effect goes. If it goes fast, it's good against it. The results are:
-Fire beats water.
-Water beats lightning
-Lightning beats earth
I still need to test wind against earth and fire based enemies.
Right now I'm looking for the Hero set and Genji set. The onmyo mage set would be nice too, the first one I mean.
I was wondering if Nioh used a variation on this element system?
So far i've only tried one element against every single elemental enemy, so let's not rule out that possibility
Hero set can be dropped by anything in the second region but it's pretty rare. The genji set can be farmed off of the revenants named after historical figures in the 3rd region.
I was shocked to find out that electricity counters wind.
I've also found out that Lightning is good against Earth, so what said might not be wrong. I will need to do more testing
It's elemental system is quite varied with fire, lightning, water, wind, earth, paralysis and poison. Wood and metal seem to be solely smithing materials.
Also does anyone know if you can fuse elements to any weapon as it appears only certain weapons can have them?
Weapons can only have 1 type of elemental damage at a time. Even if you apply a buff it won't stack both effects and damages, the one the weapon has built in will dissapear.
Reforming a special effect has a chance of giving you a special damage type and strength. Ex: water +6 or poison +9
Fire is great against water as I found out with those slimes (not only that but the slime boss has those torches to use against it).
Well that sucks that they don't stack.
That's obvious when you fight against the Umibozu. When i saw the slimes i attacked them with lightning and it did between 0 and 3 damage.
Also, the Hyottoko mask pretty much allows you to beat the Umibozu without lighting the torches. The mask fire breath kills the slimes in a single hit
I tried to do it with my dual katanas that have built in fire (Best weapon to proc status effects). It's a pity, because my build relies mostly on setting enemies on fire and poisoning them
So many people own ps4 on Holla Forums. Pathetic.
Thou shall not envy, brother
That's why I sad a variation on it. Replace Metal and Wood with Wind and Lightning.
Those are status effects. You get those from ninjutsu. Although every element has a bonus status effect associated with it.
Lightning = Paralysis
Wind = Poison
Fire = Burning
Earth = Slow
Water = Lowered Armor (I think)
You almost got it. Wind lowers break resistance (Meaning that your poise and defense will be easily broken) and you'll be easier to parry, Earth just increases the Ki cost of all your actions (Running, attacking, dodging…) and water aside from lowering your defense also lowers your elemental resistances, meaning that it will be easier to set you on fire, paralyze you, etc…
There's always blister beetle powder and poison shuriken. Or you can carry around both fire swords and poison swords.
Speaking of which, it's important to remember that Spiderbro constantly overwrites any elemental or status effect of your weapons as long as you have him equipped. You have to use a jutsu or talisman if you need to temporarily cause something other than paralysis on hit.
reddit flooded the place and brought along their plebian taste, thats why you see all these thread about these shit games, next up horizon zero dawn
That's the bulk of it I'm sure, but there are plenty of other things it could be composed of, hence a sludge.
That's what i do. Plus, the poison buildup from the broth is just too low to be worth it. You need to hit the enemies so many times in order to poison them.
user, the PS4 has a screenshot function you know.
Also unlimited ammo.
You must be fighting a lot of Yokai with all that salt you have equipped. :^)
How will I move them if I cannot connect the Ps4 to the internet? Can I move them over bluetooth?
Don't you have any kind of flash drive?
I do but am I to use a flash drive on my phone?
get one of pleasing a wall and mimicking a mimic
Moviefags will defend this.
But how did they copy Dark Souls then?
Back then it was a different game altogether, I think it started as a musou, then it became a hack n' slash, and finally a souls. Other than the setting and the characters, there is nothing of the Nioh being developed on 2005 on the Nioh we actually got on 2017.
Has anyone else gotten the qt.314 blacksmith girl to change outfits?
I wonder if the PS4 would recognize your phone storage as a USB device when you plug it in.
Yep, she actually look female now instead of an androgynous boy.
You mean you're not in to androgynous traps? Well then Holla Forums isn't for you. This is a queer board and if you don't like it make your own.
Constant reddit and cuckchan floods, you should have seen the last E3, probably the biggest amount of cancer I've seen on this board.
It was nearly as bad as the Switch reveal.
We have faggots defending and recommending digital only console games and the fucking Pro, thats how bad its gotten.
And I'm not even going to mention the Nintentoddlers, else Mark might ban me.
Where did everybody go user?
/svidya/, you would know if you weren't from reddit yourself
but muh nioh and bloodborne
I don't own one yet though. I think it has really become time to get one.
I wish they would renove the box in the lower left corner of PS4 recordings branding the footage. It was fine for beta but release should not have it.
Shouldn't you be shilling Injustice 2 instead of your dead board Boone?
Speaking of armor, I'm surprised the refashion function lets heavy armor look like light armor and vice versa. You'll think they would at least restrict it to the same weight class.
It's feces. look at the crinkles.
I guess yokai need more fiber in their diet.
I was right about the tatwnashi set being on a special revenant. He drops a unique helmet too
Some attacks really do have shockwaves, though, like dust that flies out and has a hitbox. The basic yoki do it and I think the Frog boss does too
Lingering hitboxes do suck, I haven't encountered it myself yet though I don't think.
damn, has anyone found that?
There are lots of masks, but I'm guessing it was the Nue mask. Killing him a few times should drop it.
But are the masks THIS cool?
I dunno user, you tell me.
i just beat big kek, fun fight but he shoulda been a little harder
I just beat him too. Is it just me, or was his level a little short?
you mean it's fucking category-based? wow, and i thought i was so clever for using the ninja pose to make the one in the ninja mansion disappear.
There is a special title you can get for going through a mission killing no enemies except the boss. It's designed to be obtained by ninjas that way. I am also full ninja and I like to use the caltrops and exploding trap. The exploding trap knocks human enemies flat on their back, and caltrops work much like the sloth talisman, but you throw five of them and they have to be stepped on. The paralysis gas bombs are also pretty cool, especially when you follow them up with a paralysis shuriken.
That's a neat idea but couldn't you just as easily get it by running past all of the enemies? They have pretty short aggro distance and weak AI. Seems like there should be a qualification that you have to get through without being noticed by enemies, if you're a ninja.
i think they may have underestimated players abilities to navigate it making it shorter
I think it's called "Power of Life and Death." I remember that it is adjacent to the 3 titles you get for backstabbing enemies, so I figured it had to be stealth-related, but maybe they just put it there by coincidence. The name suggests the title of an assassin to me.
what does the """deluxe""" version have that costs 20 more dollars?
probably includes goy-pass
i'm really surprised how well some of these worked out, they even use tools and stuff the player woulda been carrying
Just gotten through the mines level
I just checked the Bestiary and they are listed as "Mudmen" and are made of "filthy mud" so I'd say "sludge" was a good word choice afterall.
I think they try to copy people's play style too. Some dual swords Revenants will play it slow with heavy attacks and others will just go berserk on you with low stance fast attacks.
I'm telling you people, it works wonders.
Why even live?
I'd actually forgotten about using salt against most enemies because i was doing alright just 1v1ing them. Still, I'll keep it mind for next time, thanks.
Also, holy shit, those things are tanukis. First few times i found them i thought they were meant to be mushrooms.
Japan saves video games again
Glad the bestiary is there because otherwise I would never see those autistic details
So I recently played Mount Ibuki and I have to say this is the best level so far. Level design is quite special compared to ones before it and the boss is a satisfying fight that doesn't have tons of bullshit.
Also I recently brought the revenant transformation. Looks sick as fuck I'm just not keen on the arrows sticking out of his body.
You could tell by his accent.
$20 says the texture is based on a photo of one of the dev's balls.
Also I just did the Of Withered Grass and Yokai mission that was in the beta, and I'm hugely disappointed that they removed so many enemies from it. It was pitiful. I bet that survey did this.
Which one was that again? The one with Mitsunari?
There are harder pure-combat sub-missions than that, I wouldn't say I was bothered by that particular one. On the whole I would say I was bothered that those kinds of missions didn't make you fight every wave of enemies if you used a continue and just let you pick up where you left off, that cheapens the whole thing
i lived in ireland for awhile and have almost entirely irish family but i found his accent to be a weird mix of irish/english/scottish
but he doesn't talk a lot either so maybe i'm just not quick to pick up
what did he mean by this
The way he explained it to me sounded like it's casual garbage, there's some sort of stamina regain when you finish a combo? I couldn't say though, maybe he's just a faggot. Anyway, I just came in to shit on you guys, get a better fan base and get some better aesthetic other than samurai, I inwardly cringe when I hear the word katana and whenever this faggot starts talking about it I think of vattividya
Don't let your shit game become another dark souls, we don't need another one of those fanbases.
Rygar is a video game created by Tecmo in 1986 and originally released for arcades in Japan as Warrior of Argus (アルゴスの戦士 Arugosu no Senshi?).[2] It is a sidescrolling platform game where the player assumes the role as the "Legendary Warrior", battling through a hostile landscape. The main feature of gameplay is using a weapon called the "Diskarmor", a shield with a long chain attached to it.
Cool story bro.
did you suck your friends dick afterwards?
yeah i believe you
i know what rygar is, you think they'll actually reboot it?
Doubtful but at least you know one dev is thinking about it.
i'm starting to have some faith that the team will start making more interesting stuff using the shekels they accumulated from DOA dlc, ninja gaiden razors edge and nioh are proof enough there's some talent floating around in there
Yeah that's the one.
Oh wait, are you guys actually faggots too?
You sound like a fucking middle schooler, kill yourself.
Yeah that was a pretty good level. Can't really speak to the layout definitively but it seems like there are maybe three separate branching paths leading to the end, or at least I almost made it to the end three times before doubling back to explore and didn't realize my mistake until way later
Still not totally sold on Mitsunari as a boss, his main gimmick can more or less be totally negated just with elemental-damage-resisting consumables
Even if your post didn't read like Holla Forums tier greentext storytime, it makes you sound like a high school normalfag
well that's pretty disturbing
ogress level felt a lot easier than it did in the beta, but i have pretty good gear so maybe that's a factor. kusarigama against the ogress is stunlock city
They removed a few enemies I noticed.
Also the network connection for this game keeps dropping out on me a few times a night. Hope they smooth this out soon.
The level design and atmosphere in DeS, DaS1 and bloodborne are vastly superior to nioh imo, dark souls 2 & 3 are shit though.
You know it's dookie
Are we talking actual level design and not aesthetics here because Nioh has really good level design especially the way TN has crafted the flat areas. They are also more grounded in reality which is quite the feat to do when you have those looping shortcuts that are so heavily featured in the Souls games. The only problem I have with the level design is that they feel too similar to one another which gets tiresome to play. The standout so far for me is Mount Ibuki. That would be an incredible level to see in a Souls game.
I actually really enjoyed the water temple area. With all the interconnected boats and ruined platforms.
That area's probably one of the best looking areas I've seen in a video game.
Design wise the constant holes in the floor are annoying, but the enemy placement and shit is solid.
That's the one with the smashed ship in a building that you can use to climb up onto the roof? If so yeah I really enjoyed that one. Another one I really like is the spider level as it has excellent level design and bags of atmosphere.
yeah that's the one. Really the only bad area I'd say is the second half of the temple. The first half of that area before the nue is fantastic.
I can't make my mind up if the underground temple after Nue is bad level design or just boring. I never felt the desire to visit it again so that says to me I found it uninteresting.
Bat lady level is boring and the level with those statues that spit fire and poison is boring. What I find funny about these two is that they remind me a lot of two levels in Dark Souls 2, Black Glutch and Doors of Pharros, both of which I'm not a fan of.
The level design felt kind of odd at first because the shortcuts didn't seem all that useful, but now I realize that the design works well for the way they change up the spawns on the side missions that take place in the same map. Souls levels are largely about linear progression that goes in a loop so you can open a shortcut, but this game is all about progressing in a variety of different directions based on where you started.
That and the mine are probably my two least favorite areas. Every other area are very memorable to me, but those two are just "eh they're there" levels.
It's so weird because the part before Nue is "shit's great"
i need lewds NAO
I know, it's looks and feels like it belongs in a horror film.
Also I just remembered I really don't like the bath house level where you get the old man blacksmith. It could have been good but ultimately underwhelming.
Really? I liked that area, I thought it needed to be a little less "find the 3 keys" but the level itself I enjoyed
So do I just have to keep reforging weapons?
Also are Rifle/Range builds viable?
It's underwhelming, would have been better if there was say an outside section to it with you then having to climb the bath house only for you to descend to the bottom when inside it. Potential was there for it to be risky platform level.
It's a random scaling line on most weapons, I think 1kat has the best chance of it.
also yes but you need yatagarasu, his armor set, and shadowround talismans, and even then you only have a ~90% unlimited ammo so you need 2 good unlimited ammo accessories, but it's a very viable build
I use matchlock and hand cannon casually and I honestly think they are OP as fuck. You can snipe anything in the head from any distance for 12000 damage without even trying to build for it. The only thing that holds it back is ammo count but even then I can clear out a lot of stuff with only a couple upgrades.
God, I can't put the controller down.
When's the last time I felt this? I can't even remember anymore.
Oh cool, was thinking of starting a new character (to use all those Ninja perks Only have 5 Dex on this one) but I have been levelling Skill/Magic/Spirit almost exclusively.
But I'm only level 53 so I can tweak it down the line.
Shame about the weapons.
The way I see it, any build you want is possible, you just need the resources and patience to gamble for it. And a shitload of gold to soul match your gear to maintain your successful gamble.
Yeah it's actually really simple to do because of the set bonus and the spirit. Especially with shadowround talismans you can pretty much keep a 70-80% unlimited ammo no matter what the rolls on your gear is
I think the final boss yamata-no-orochi drops a guaranteed divine sword that has A+ after leveling addon for spirit scaling. However, I found that the bonus is a little bit misleading. I assumed that "change to spirit" meant that it changed all scaling to spirit, but that's not the case. It only adds some scaling. Additionally, the letter grade is misleading too; I checked and I was still getting more damage from my B- heart scaling than I was from the "A+" spirit scaling. Your best bet is to find a sword that changes the scaling on an attribute that already affects damage. I've got one of those katanas from the set that increases parry time, and it has +skill scaling as an addon. I actually get more damage per point now out of skill than heart.
You have to be 18 to post here user.
I'm going to have to go back there because it seems that I missed one Kojima.
Mujina specifically. They're badger tanuki rather than raccoon-dog tanuki.
I'm from Northern Ireland, and William sounds like someone from here with a slight southern twang. His voice actor comes from Belfast, I believe.
What's a good point to stop leveling? My main build is mostly Heart/Skill and I'm already satisfied at lvl 100. But the second build I made is a tank, and I find myself constantly in need of increasing Stamina because it's so easy going over 70% max weight with heavy armor. Should I just accept that I have to move slow and focus on other stats instead?
There is no PVP on this game, not yet at least, you don't need to stop leveling at any point.
I don't want to become too OP and break the game, though. That's my main concern. Hell, even if I have no intentions of playing PvP in a Souls game I still limit every character I make so that they're all balanced in their own unique ways. I wish there was a level cap in these games.
Then just stop leveling whenever you feel the challenge is "fair" to you. If it becomes to hard, level up a bit.
I personally love to make huge level characters that desintegrate anything on sight, while I keep my "balanced" characters for pvp.
I wish someone would make a soulslike game but without the RPG elements. No leveling at all. Where gameplay comes down to pure skill, equipment, and items.
So a hack n' slash?
What the fuck is that shit?
Works well with the limited amount of ninja power you have at any one time. What I want to know is if onmyo has something comparable to make up for it's similar limits?
Ninja stuff. Basically he stacked Suppa scroll (invisible), Catwalking scroll (Silent walking) and Tiger running (Extra running speed). It's the most viable way to do the "Kill only the boss and no one else in the stage" challenge.
So far, onmyo doesn't have something similar to that. It has a lot of niche stuff like extra amrita gain, extra money and so on, but nothing to be stealthy.
Actually scratch that. I was playing around just now with my main build in NG+ and realized I'm dying way too fast, and don't meet the stat requirements to even wear a fucking Kodama Bowl. Back to the drawing board, I guess.
So how's this game? It's obviously going to draw comparisons from Dark Souls, but please try to refrain from using that game as a basis for your explanations of things. How is the combat? Is it open world? Can you play as more than one character? How many different weapons can you use? Do the stances actually change how you play the game? Can you upgrade weapons? Is there magic? Is there pivot targeting? Is there a multiplayer component? Can you dodge and parry? Will people inevitably ruin this game with shitty memes and garbage content?
Very smooth and fluent. The use of stances makes it really goood to customize your playstyle and how you deal with enemies.
No. You do a level and after that you go to a hub where you can choose your next mission or go to the blacksmith, the storage, etc…
No, you only play as William. But you can trade Honor points to play with a different skin (Hattori Hanzo, Tachibana Muneshigue, Sakata Kintoki…)
In the weapon department the game is quite scarce. You have Katanas, Dual katanas, Axes, Spears and Kusarigamas. Each weapon has it's stregths and weaknesses and depending on yoru stance the moveset and teh effects of the weapon vary. Also, you have Handcannons, Bows and Muskets as ranged ordinance.
Yes, definetly. Low stance allows you to attack and move faster, but your attacks are weaker and you won't have much in the way of breaking the enemy (AKA, breaking his poise); Mid stance is the regular way to do things and it allows you to block incoming attacks faster, while High stances makes you move slower but hit much harder in terms of damage and breaking potential. Also, the Ki consumption (Stamina) changes with each stance.
You can't upgrade weapons. Your gear levels up and basically you will have to ditch inferior level gear for better gear from time to time. You can change the effects of the gear you have by reforging and also increase the level of your guear and add some special effects by matching souls, but aside from that, there is no upgrading system. If you're afraid about being unfashionable, you can change the appearance of your weapons and armor to whatever you like without changing its properties.
There is magic and ninja arts in the game and you have Ninjutsu and magic capacity for each so you have a limited amount of spells/ninja tools you can use. Ninja arts focus mainly in stealth, mobility and inflicting ailments (Poison, slow, paralisys, fire…) while Onmyo magic focuses on buffs and debuffs of all kinds, as well asn elemental projectile spells. Both are viable and extremely useful.
What is that?
You can coop with other players via Toori gate. There isn't an official PVP yet, but you can fight Revenants (Players that died) and get some of the gear they were wearing if you defeat them.
Yes, all weapons have parry skills (that you have to learn investing samurai points) and you can dodge. There is also an equip burden system that will affect your dodge in a simple manner: The lighter you are, the more invincibility frames you will have and you will travel a larger distance as well as using up less Ki to swing your weapons. But also, the heavier you are it will be harder to interrupt your attacks, it will be harder to break your defense when you block and it will take more Ki to swing your weapons.
Probably yes. Let's enjoy while we can
I just mean lock on targeting like in other games of this type in which you can lock on and pivot around a target. Lock-on targeting, pivot targeting, same thing.
Oh, then yes, you can do that.
Play Severance, then, the "leveling" is totally linear and practically a non-element
>the final boss yamata-no-orochi
That's not really the final boss, though
I'm looking to switch from the Warrior of the West set to Genius Strategist's. What's the best way to do this? Do I grind for the smithing text in the dojo training, or do I look elsewhere for individual armor pieces? Has to be Divine, and I'm already on NG+.
Imagine your body boiling then turning into vapor.
Please do. If I see one more revanant with WotW or Red Demon armor I'm going to start punching people. Actually that's kind of relevant to you're question. The majority of people seem to be wearing only one or two special armors. Revanant hunting for anything else is going to be especially frustrating. May that would be different for red name revenants., I don't know.
That's an option? Does that work for Onmyo mage gear too? If it does then I know what I'm going to be doing.
Anyone wanna share builds?
I mostly invested mostly Body and Heart while balancing between Onmya and Ninjitsu.
I'm doing a pure ninja build, focusing mainly in dex and heart.
Next one will be a basara build focusing in body and onmyo
Are we going to set up a co-op password?
you can get the smithing text for the iga set by doing the adept ninja training mission, so I would guess you could get the mage set too if it's random chance or a reward for doing the training a certain number of times, I can't say
Well I know what I'm going to be doing today.
Just throw up a room and password when you want to and people will probably show up
Good fucking lord the Fanatic Set and Suzaku are OP as hell
Well, that, and I've realized two things:
1. Skill Damage bonus matters. It even affects grapple and final blow damage. Stacking a 20% damage increase from Kato at level 30 with the Genius Strategist set should work even better.
2. I've picked up an accessory (Yasakani Magatama) which reduces a set's bonus requirement by one, which means I don't have to be stuck with the Genius Strategist's wooden sword to get that sweet Skill Damage bonus (I know you can refashion stuff, but the sound of the wooden sword stayed, which bothered the hell out of me).
I've gotten two divine armor pieces from that sub-mission you fight Onryoki alongside a NPC companion, so I'm thinking of farming from there instead. I've heard getting smithing texts to drop takes forever.
I didn't got the smithing text for the Iga set after the adept mission
You have to farm for it. I was extremely lucky to get those armor pieces from the NG+ sub-mission I mentioned earlier, because now I'm noticing that Onryoki drops a shit ton more stuff that isn't in any way related to the set I want, not to mention most of it is not even Divine, no matter how much Luck I stack.
On the other hand, Way of Warrior: Veteran actually drops the gear that I want and it's Divine, problem is it's under-leveled, meaning that I have to pay several million gold just to Soul Match each piece I get from the trainer. This is fucking insanity, no wonder most people have the same one or two sets.
Divine is super cheap to soul match though, unless you're trying to get it from like level 20 to 150+1
Holy shit… Well, i know what to do now. SO far i have 4 pieces of the Iga set (body, leggings, head and katana) and i could have saved the bracers and boots, but i needed like 250k gold to match each.
And the legendary Onryoki that appears in the Kintaro mission drops divine stuff? Well, i know where i'll be going soon. That fight was astonishingly fun even if i died in 1 hit
But that's the problem I'm having.
The dojo mission does give me the divine gear that I want, but it's very low level, so I have to pay a shit ton of money to soul match each piece to at least level 150, while the stuff I got from Onryoki IS level 150 divine (the head piece which is said to be a very rare drop, and feet, all from the same fight), but the problem is that he drops a lot of other different items and equipment.
In conclusion, either I continue to grind from the dojo mission for a much higher chance of the gear that I want, and then farm for gold to bring said gear to at least level 150, OR I go fight Onryoki some more (a fight which lasts longer and you die more quickly, even when inflicting Discord) and hope he drops more from the same set.
you know there are dojo missions in NG+ right?
I hope that's true. I'm pretty sure I've beat the mission required to unlock Way of the Warrior Novice and it still isn't there, although admittedly I haven't made much progress in NG+.
the requirements are different, you have to complete all of a region's missions to unlock one.
well fuck
I still can't get that fucker to drop his headband.
yeah, no clue what you unlock for 100%ing the last area in NG+ though. But the rest unlock the dojo missions
God wheelmonks are awful.
The fuckers can read controller input if you attack their sides. I've not quite figured out how to deal with them close combat without getting hit or set on fire but the only weakness I kinda exploit is when they breathe fire I go behind and use low stance square to knock them off balance but this isn't always successful.
Try Daion-jin's Sake or firestop talismans.
Shit I probably missed muh loot.
what do you think she smells like?
Does killing the target(s) of a mission before clearing out everything else despawn all yokai and make all humans just sit still and cower? Can I kill these humans for free amrita, money, and stuff?
Also, on kappa. Does killing them with the shell intact as much as possible reward more amrita, or do you get more by chopping up the shell before killing one?
That second webm happened to me too
They will either have no Ki left or be one kick shy of no Ki left.
Mission complete means everything gets locked out, even Revenants.
It's interesting how she bounces off the mine in the second webm. Those one-eyed imps also get launched if you hit them with certain attacks while they're jumping. Once someone figures out exactly how that works and is able to replicate it consistently, the combat might get even more fun.
Anyone know how a revenant's clan/team affects the glory you get for beating one?
Is there any point to wasting ammo on crows? Do they drop anything other than stones?
I think they drop other stuff but more of a rarity?
Well, damn.
What in the hell does the inhabited kodama bowl do?
Does anyone understand exactly how the Ninjutsu Damage Bonus (A Rating) works on the 7 piece Iga Jonin set bonus? I'm trying to figure out whether I should ditch some pieces of this set for other equipment at certain points. From what I can find online, Agility and Familiarity damage bonuses at A+ and max familiarity give 15% more damage. But how exactly does ninjutsu scale with your damage on this rating?
Any word on how good the rewards are for contributing a large amount of glory? I'm in the top 10 (total) for contribution and will post what I get after it's over if you guys want, but it'd be nice to know what I'm in for in the meantime.
Also, holy shit, if I get summoned for Itsukushima again I'll scream. I'm level seventy fucking seven over here. Why am I getting summoned for this shit? Get good at the fucking game already, plebs.
more glory, some rare items, and a discount on shop itemss
Last theory I heard was that it activates Kodama sense so you can find them on radar but I haven't tested it myself since I have plenty of items with kodama sense that I use.
My team won the last round and I'm in Uesugi, landed like 20-40k Glory from it, I don't remember exactly but it was a sizeable chunk.
That is why you can select specific levels to help people with, and just manually rotate through them. Or you can suck it up and help people with that arguably bullshit boss. Speaking of which, for the first time today I saw someone survive getting hit by the water blast, just barely. He must have had a shitload of water resistance.
OK, I just did a basic test on this. Against a giant skeleton axe samurai, first quick low attack did 361 damage with 7 piece set bonus. Then I took off the hat, attacked again – 346 damage. Seriously? 15 damage out of over 300? And I have 394 ninjutsu power…
How much Dex?
I'm guessing you would get more benefit from higher Dex? Give it a try.
Is there any downside to having elemental damage on your weapon at all? Best I can tell it's a free bonus and if the enemy is immune then no big deal you're still doing all your physical damage anyway.
Leveling up your Ninjutsu barely gives you any benefit past level 30 since you don't get more ninjutsu capacity, your ninjutsu power increases at 5 per level and you only get 2 ninja points per level
What I need is a way to get all three types of locks.
Are re-fashioned appearances lost when being summoned as a revenant?
I'm wearing Legendary Strategist as long as I haven't done all missions, but I'm re-fashioning it to either Red Demon or Yagyu for style purposes.
I imagine a lot of other people do that, too.
A kodama comes and picks it up, if there's at least one left in the mission, I imagine.
I used it in the bath house mission where you find Muramasa.
Didn't keep track of my count; I know I found at least one, but ended up with two, so the latter part is pure stipulation.
The downside is that you could have had another good ability in that slot when you're fighting enemies that are immune to that element, or weaker to something else.
You're all retarded. Wheel Monks are easy. Just keep dodging until it faces you and it's about to breath fire. Before it does, attack its face enough and it'll goes flying and be stunned. Wail on it a little, then step away before it has a small AoE attack/recovery. Rinse and repeat two or three more times at most.
You can also just you know, easily block the rolling attack for the first tick or so and dodge it once you know you're getting rolled on. Just be wary of the Sanic-style spin dash.
How the fuck do you reach this kodama?
from the other side
I'm really hate accidentally completing levels early. How was I supposed to know picking up "old charm" would end the level? I figured the real treasure was deep underground and now I'm done with only a third of the level cleared.
Is there any reason not to use all the hair locks you get immediately?
Just burn them.
anyone figure out the soft/hard caps for stat levels? i'm level 75 right now and my heart and dexterity are both at 30 and i don't seem to be getting diminishing returns quite yet
it's beyond 70 that's for sure