Other urls found in this thread:

but can it get dubs?

Looks like not


Ouya 2.0

It's the fucking Ouya all over again.

Is this that shit that's gone by a million different names?

but why, or how, would you resell games if they're all free?


It's the Twoya (Touya?).


Did you play college ball?

I don't know how they did this, but apparently it contains multiple infinities. Truly a miracle of technology.

should i buy one of these?

Mind if I check those dubs?


will I ever marry a harpie girl?

Bless you.

Is Kek truly the key to a better tomorrow?

Do you have strong sexual feelings for Bane?

Ciircuit, explain this shit you drew on your Tumblr right now.

I knew he was a brony at one point but I thought he grew out of the autism

user, he has ponyshit on his blog that he's posted this month.
Also he's got one or two futa image up there as well


Gross af. Fucking kys.

to be fair, futa is by far the least autistic thing he's into.

Man this blog has some INTENSE cringey autism on it, I'm surprised a DA-tier furfag found his way into Holla Forums

Will I ever get a gf?

Is kek real?

Should I buy a house with a friend of mine who is more like a Big brother to me?

Am I going to get this job?

Checking those for kek real quick.

This shit is why people should stay anonymous.

I'm trying to see what I can get away with.
I've really done dun it now, haven't I

I'm not sure people even like you anymore because you honestly seem like a complete autist from your Tumblr.

I guess it does look strange when seen all at once, yes. I can't help but be surprised –and glad– it took people that long to notice, but it was nice while the illusion lasted.

I personally don't dislike you, I actually liked your insectgirl art, but I can see why other anons might not want you here.
Please, just don't go full Deviant Art/e621 on us, it looks like you're approaching that level from your Tumblr

Bah, it's alright. I don't want to sound like I'm taking this the wrong way, because I am grateful for these concerns. Since the posts aren't exactly sorted chronologically however, I cannot say what the signs I am approaching that level are, past the obvious problem of the subject matter this obliviousness being a probable sign I am already too far gone. For instance, some might consider the aforementioned insect girls art to fall directly under DA/e621 shit.

Well, it's not cheesegrater-tier autism, so anybody that thinks that hasn't been on the internet for very long.

Would you ever go to the draw threads again, Ciircuit? You always drew funny stuff

Am I a big guy?

Will I ever become the best ever?

Are YOU a big guy?

Does it matter?


Will my life get better, Mr. CIA?

would you fug the qt Ouya-tan?

y'all niggas just bein' mad cuz we niggas made our own vide-o game console. Shieeeeeet y'all white boys be mad.


-desean murraybai

Goddamn it CIA

Oh wow, the key to a better tomorrow was in you all along.

Will I ever learn Japanese?

We have two furjuden boards. I don't know why furfags being on Holla Forums would surprise you.


Yes. I still go.




will I ever be with my love again?

Will I ever find happiness?


is baneposting dead?

Is there an incoming race war?

night night, fag.

Will i work today?

Are you me

Go to sleep user


You're a big guy, so suck it up and find someone else.

Happiness is inside of yourself.

You are you, obviously.

It's not, or my name isn't CIA!

If you want to be the big guy, you better work out.

How many times do I have to tell you fuckers: you are YOU!

are leftists humans?

Will I ever get spitroasted?

It doesn't feel anywhere near as good as you'd hope

Will I ever get over my disgust of 3DPD?
I want to fit in with my fellow shitposters who hate anime and video games.

Why do you use the power-pose?

should I /wrists?


This trainwreck again?


Will I ever get a living fucktoy, CIA?

Thank's CIA. You're a cool guy for me

Do I get to bring friends?

Will I be successful in life?

will you check this dubs?


Are you going to start crashing planes?

am i gonna make it?

you're a big guy

gimme an 8

Am I a big guy?


Should I shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?

Is the fastest way for me to lose thsi weight is to do nothing?

im going to fuck your ass

Will I win the lottery?


CIA, will I ever get married?

Will I gas kikes?


Will my brother ever get a gf?

Will I ever meet the girl of my dreams


Will the pain ever end?

Are you CIA?

All smiles.

Do girl gamers really exist? Like the real enthusiast, not the 'gamer grillz'.

Are leftists humans?

Is CIA rising this year?

will I ever end up with a woman with a weight under 100kg?

Are we all CIA?

Is my dick huge?

Come on CIA you have seen my benis, Is it huge or not?

fug :DD