I got let down by STALKER, Fallout 4, and Far Cry 2. Fallout 4 was a bullet sponge game. STALKER was dull and bullet spongey as well. Far Cry 2 was incredibly dull, like STALKER. Is there no decent sandbox shooter out there?
Open world sandbox FPS games with good gunplay mechanics and with a world design that isn't dull
Crysis? Maybe the genre isn't really for you then? What do you want out of an FPS in general?
You could try the ultimate sandbox shooter, the real life.
It's very linear and the gun handling is like CoD tier. Maybe even worse, so floaty.
I have higher standard of pursue in real life.
no chance
Choose one.
Pretty much agree with this user. The only way you will enjoy any FPS tacked on with the "Open World" gimmick is if you really like the setting it is in. You need to state what you want exactly out of the game or report the thread.
Did you play STALKER on the highest difficulty? It's really the best way to do it.
Try playing it on master difficulty both you and enemies die in a few shots
This too.
Morrowind is really far from dull, it has so much to explore and many means of traveling. Fallout, even if the world design is dumb, always has some shit you can shoot at or pick up anywhere and anytime. When you got bored, just fast travel. Other games are just dull, I don't get why.
I just want constant action and constant exploration, that's all. Nice scenery and interesting loots are bonus.
I did. Didn't make much difference from stalker difficulty.
Oh okay. Go play H1Z1 King of the Hill if you want that garbage.
Too chaotic, and I don't want MP.
I don't know kid, you sound stuck up.
I forgot that game existed. I'll give it a try.
There is nothing good with the game other than the shooting mechanics which got ruined by the bullet sponge enemies.
Git gud. My friend said the same thing while I was playing SoC with him. He went up to the military base with an assault rifle with 3 full mags, a shotgun with 30 shells, an SMG with 4 mags and a pistol. He spent 2/3rds of the ammo for everything but the pistol("you can't kill anything with it") on the way and wasn't able to kill more than 2 military guys. I played from the moment he got into the military base with almost shit for ammo for anything other than the pistol and cleared it out easily.
What do you mean by dull though? Not enough shit to explore?
Enemies were like not reacting to the damage I inflicted. No blood splatter, no impact sound, nothing, shooting without a scope feels like you're shooting at air. I also found some inconsistency in the damage system. Sometimes they died fast and sometimes they took almost a whole mag.
And it's dull because every place is absolutely empty you just walk around doing nothing most of the time when there's nothing to shoot at. Especially for CoP.
Your taste is too specific. Have you played New Vegas or just Fallout 4? If you can't find enjoyment in something like that or S.T.A.L.K.E.R, which is pretty much exactly what you're asking for, minus the fact that you find it dull, then you won't find anything else enjoyable.
I don't consider Fallout 4 to be dull, but I just dislike the gunplay. NV is a bit duller in the level design aspect. STALKER is just desolate.
Maybe for now. I hope in the future more devs will follow Bethesda's world design principle.
If it wasn't for the fact that my friend is too jew to buy and too lazy to pirate, I'd ask if you were him.
What were you shooting, how fast and were you actually hitting?
I can get enemies to stagger with three quick shots of a pistol on master. My friend tried the same, but he was shooting it slow as an RPG, and not even hitting anything, so he thought the same.
There's blood, just not too much.
Other than the loud sound of the bullet and the pain screams, both of which are in the game, a bullet doesn't do much noise when entering a human body.
If your problem is not knowing whether you hit something, like my friend, install a hit marker mod. If your problem is the actual reactions then just get better at the game, you can easily make enemies stagger if you shoot well enough.
Learn how to iron sights and use the binocular more often.
It varies with the gun you're using, where you are shooting and their armor. Unless there was a major fuck up in the engine, which I honestly wouldn't doubt because slavs can't into code, it's pretty much impossible for it to vary, considering how fixed the values are.
It gets better once you leave the garbage, but I understand what you mean.
The structures are good, but having the stashes being empty until you get their locations was a major fuck up. It leaves pretty much no reason to explore most of the non-anomaly areas.
The NPCs themselves are quite random, with areas being more lively at times and desolate at others.
Try learning into iron sights and playing with mods for better damage, more NPCs and that one mod that makes stashes lootable at all times. If you don't like it after that, then it's just not your type of game.
you mean utter shit, but with tons of random pickups to make you feel like you're doing something?
Like there's something to be said about emptiness in world design, however bethesda's approach is to just have the empty areas filled with garbage.
Well, to be responsive, every shot must trigger a stagger, blood splatter, or whatever animation. Even when they're staggering.
There are only blood decals on the walls.
Yeah, but people limp or become visibly weaker and slower when they're injured. They also might fall down or die really quickly if the shot placement is right.
And BTW, this is video game.
nope, can't find one.
You don't get me. The enemies might stand right in front of you but it still feels like shooting at air.
Well no shit it is.
I think the loots are not out of place. They're a part of the backdrop.
There's a decent amount of enemies in Fallout.
Posting an old author doesn't improve your taste, and neither does it make you smarter.
I've a distinct feeling he came straight from reddit
Come on now OP, are you really that incapable of containing your autism to toddpost in stalker threads that you have to make a thread about it?
or are you seeking asylum from your cuckshed that's been compromised?
Why has nobody mentioned RUST.
I've spend maybe 500hrs on that game in the past few years. It truly is enjoyable.
I would suggest suicide OP, your case is terminal.
Your complaints are basically the same as mine. At least with some games with bullet sponge enemies have them react to being shot. In STALKER they really do just soak up bullets like a sponge without flinching.
Get good
Here goes OP, the mighty faggot seeking a thirll, yet not playing on the highest difficulty. Suck it up and install some mods to STALKER
This game is literally one bullet headshot anihilator sci fi nuclear cementary simulator, co do kurvy