Leaked Capcom Games


Knights of Aegis

Broken Horizon

Lost Star

Other urls found in this thread:


They all sound like games I've seen on /htg/


Team up in 4 player co-op Mech Suit gameplay and battle the planet's hostile enviroments, human raiders and ever increasing alien threat to control the planet's life-force, T-Eng.

So, what, is this a Lost Planet reboot in everything but name?


Come back when there is anything actually tangible to discuss other than some Idea Guy's brainfarts.

I can't tell which is supposed to be singleplayer.

1 is Dishonored, 3 is Mass Effect.


The logo for Lost Star looks like an outline of Sonic the Hedgehog's head.

That's a watermark of the site's logo you baka

I don't visit sites that watermark images because I'm not a casualfaggot. Thank you for explaining this to me with you knowledge of stuff only a casualfaggot would know as I wouldn't have known otherwise.

Or I clicked the archive link and saw the logo in the top left.

Yes, I don't visit websites that watermark their images because I'm not a casualfaggot. You do, thus you are able to inform me. Thank you again.

Time of the month user?

stop feeding trolls/retards


Oy vey how anti-semitic

Yeah, you sure corrected me user.

Maybe it's better this way

Isn't this the same Capcom that was talking about how close they were to bankruptcy not even a whole year ago? This shit is all going to outsourced and unfinished.

Don't worry user, you'll live long enough to see it ruined in new and interesting ways all in the name of the almighty shekel.

N-no please. I just wanted video games.

Seems like it

two of those seems like lost planet spin-offs/reboots
i wouldn't mind them, but we all know Capcom knack for fucking shit up, so i don't have any hope on them being even remotely decent.

Didn't that happen already with "Fuck You" Dante?

You're acting like there's a ceiling for how bad a thing you loved can get raped

Okay, Capcom, you've pinged my radar, don't fuck it up. Still not pre-ordering shit, though.

Didn't they just announce they'll be focusing on fucking VR games?

But you left out Dragon's Domga 2.

I hope it gets the blue gender feel or at least have more 2-seat mechs

Never Ever

Nothing will ever get the Blue Gender feeling.

I didn't play Lost Planet/2, did it have mechs? T-Eng sounds a lot like Thermal Energy.

"Thermal Energy, TH-EN or T-Eng is a powerful new source of energy that is found…"

That sounds a lot like Lost Planet 4 under a disguised name.

They already got confirmed as fakes

every Capcom leak ever

It could even be just a code name, and will be a Lost Planet game once officially announced.