Nioh Thread #3

What honoraburu fashion choices are you making Holla Forums?
Ant which is your favorite Guardian Spirit?

Other urls found in this thread:

I got a random drop of the same sword variant I like from the set that gives better parries with heart scaling on it. In the same run I also got a sword from my side arm variant the warrior of the west's water sword with heart scaling. I got lucky as fuck. Going to need to get these +ed up and then just use the old ones as mats to transfer over some old inheritables.

Clan list for those who are interested.

think they change color every time. I'm in Date, and we're red this week.

I'm lovin the Unit Leader armor set, headpiece looks sick as fuck on William.

Phoenix spirit is my go to ATM, works like tears of denial from DS3 when fully charged.

Interesting to see Dark Souls clones popping up now.

Try quick change scrolls from ninjutsu. They make you revive in the air when you die, and if you have enough ninja hair for the scrolls + ninja skill slot passives you can get 3 of them with 6 dex.

I'm in Akechi for the Onmyo bonus but I'm thinking about switching to Furuta after the battle ends to assist in equipment farming.

Makes sense, I was about to mention that my clan is also listed as the wrong color.

Yeah, I'm thinking about getting into Murakami and getting a pirate set with +luck in every inherritable slot. Would also use the rabbit guardian's living weapon a lot for that sweet 125ish luck bonus during living weapon. I've been holding onto any helmets with +Luck inherritables, but it's slow going. With just the rabbit I can get 2-3 divines from a kappa pretty regularly, and I have to wonder how crazy it would be to have so much luck.

I feel bad for Murakami, almost no one is in that clan and I don't think I've come across a single revenant wearing Pirate. Of course 90% of revenants seem to be Unmatched or Red Demon so…

Yeah, the biggest bonus to pirate armor is that it has no set bonus. This means that if you forge a piece with no inherritable on it, and then soul match it to transfer an inherritable it will get an extra effect on it. Set bonuses are nice, but sometimes I wonder if having an extra 6 effects on my gear one per armor piece + active weapon would be more useful.



Seriously, this is some 100% bullshit.

I beat her first try user. Do you not know about the slow omnyo magic that trivializes every boss fight?

i just got to her, i only died because i was running around looking for a hidden nigga power crystal to see if you could fight her like you do honda-toyata

Replying to a post from the old thread that is gone now:

This game doesn't use caps, it's all linear.

There are some caps on utility stuff so you should shoot for those, and then dump points into whatever you want. For example: 25 spirit so you can use any guardian, 30 dex/mag so you have max slots to equip with, and I think heart gives + 2 ki per level all the way up to 30.

i haven't used omnyo on my run yet, but using caltrops against her helps too if you're using dank ninja gear

He asked about Heart scaling though, and first graph shows linear Heart scaling, no caps. Third graph is Spirit scaling, again totally linear, in terms of things that use Spirit for a damage buff.

was i on fucking drugs, why can't i get this mask

If it reset then it wasn't a dev Revenant, it was a player. Turns out there are some Japan-only helmets in this game, like pic related.

it was definitely a dev revenant with the red name "shadow warriors" or something similar

which one are you fuckers?

I hope we get this one over here too. It looks amazing.

Was it the Demon God visor?

nah i have that one, maybe i just saw it wrong because of the revenant effects though. i really hope there's a hannya mask like the one i posted though

Wasn't this one was it?

nah i got that one too from playing the betas

Well now I'm curious.

Uesugi because I like muh jolly cooperation.

Not impossible for a player to have a name that would be like that. Dev Revenants shouldn't disappear from what I've seen.

Nue mask is probably the closest

I already suggested that to him in the last thread.

Everyone here seems to be in a different one.

Considering how much glory is being gathered in the top clans, I suspect some people have found a way to farm Glory in a manner that shouldn't be possible. Top guy right now is albedo1297 with exactly 425,000 Glory.

I'm 300kish glory right now and it's totally legit. Once you get to NG+ you start getting about 3-5k for every successful mission, and once you get to a certain power level you can make pretty much every mission a successful one. I shot up about 100k glory just last night from so many people needing help on Hino in NG+ twilight.

But she's one of the fairest duel boss fights, how could she give you trouble

I've heard you can get between 1000 to 2000 glory by completing co-op missions so if you think about it if you do between 210 and 420 missions you should get something around that amount of glory.

Who /likedeverymovesettoomuchtosettleforjustonestatandisnowajackofalltrades/ here?

Ah yeah, that explains it.

I get around 1500 glory for successful co-op yeah, but 200+ boss kills it a lot.

I'm wondering if you can get Kusarigama Sensei's Amon mask and Tengu geta?

Did any of you stopped leveling at any point? Are you limiting yourselves or going for level +300 or whatever?

There's no real harm in going for max level since you can reset yourself with a book of reincarnation. Plus we'll probably be getting special high level missions or events eventually.

Well the amount of items that revenants drop is based on the level difference of you and the revenant. If you want to farm money/divine fragments then I wouldn't go much past level 100.

So how good are axes in this game? I see everyone usually using regular swords or polearms.

Axes are about as good as the other weapon classes, really. What they lack in combo potential compared to the other weapons they make up for in damage (and this one really sweet move that lets you grab humanoid enemies through their block and throw them away, potentially getting a killing strike afterwards if they landed near you).

One high stance square + triangle combo with an axe/hammer breaks the guard of most enemies too, for what it's worth, since the triangle move has like 4 hitboxes. What axes and hammers also have over the other weapons is that only their low stance square attacks cause you to flinch if you hit a blocking enemy with them, the rest can keep attacking a blocking enemy until they run out of stamina.

They are godly. Level two Mad Spinner will fuck everyone's shit right up. Axes also give you a buff command to raise defense and unlike a jutsu you can't run out. And Kaido armor is great and looks great.
The only thing is that you have to watch out for nimble enemies.
Then again I beat both Ninja Girl and Bird Man with an axe.

how is she giving you any real lasting trouble? all you have to do is sidestep her lunges

What does "better parrying" ability actually do? Increase parry frames? Do more damage with parry-based attacks?

Kobayakawa, but I'll probably switch when I change builds

Holy fucking hell, why is your damage so awful. what are you doing?

i guess twillight missions don't scale as you go, i shoulda done the early level twilight missions sooner, they seemed a lot more grueling in the demo

that was a second character and I was speedrunning my way through the story missions

Okatsu has really high defense anyway.

Some of them are just straight up easy. It's weird. "The Best and the Worst" was one of the easiest I've played by far, and it's a level 70 mission. The hardest mission I've played so far is still the level 30 (?) one where you have to run around the mountain ruins map and kill 3 tonguefaggot encounters.

Not enough to be doing that much with a kuri backhit. What did you do put all your points in body and use the level 1 spy kurigasama?

Mock me Holla Forums.

Suzaku is one of the best spirits imo, it charges itself when on low hp, auto activates if you hit 0 hp, and gives 25% more amrita when using it so you can keep it up indefinitely if you keep killing shit. Not to mention the special attack on it is pretty op.

Also ninjustu+magic is basically ez mode as you get reusable slows (sloth+makibishi+lightning talisman), sacred water (kekkai talisman), and heals(rejuvenation talisman). Groundfire traps make any human boss trivial as they get knocked down for a free stab. Poison shuriken aren't too bad either.

You can still get Automata on PC

Its ok man, I have an Xbone to cause of my normalfag friends, though I did also buy a PS4.

Just save bro, its worth it.

It might get ported elsewhere eventually, time will tell.

So it seems "running speed" is actually just your normal movement pace and "dash speed" is when you are sprinting by holding X.


Lmao, I have broken the game.
Permanente living weapon at end game with my nigga Suzaku. I don't even die, and if I did I'd go into ultra fucking rape mode because I have so much critical shit stack I lm invincible. I have a divine lvl 150 katana with B+ in heart and an A+ in heart. G fucking G

That's what's up.

It sounds stupid, but I would rather not spend money on a gayman pc. I know it performs much better than a console, but I just don't like the idea of spending money on a machine that I can only make one use of. If I made music or vidya then I think I could justify a purchase. Sounds weird I know.

I don't want to be an idort. I already own the PiiU so owning all current generation consoles feels sort of obnoxious.

You've completely lost me.

what the fuck?

Nah I'm not saying a console has multiple purposes. I'm saying I can't justify paying so much for a pc if all I'm going to do is play games with it. To me it's like buying a home gym when all I'm going to do is push-ups and curls. If I can't utilize everything, why pay for everything. That's my thought on it at least.

Is what I'm saying really so weird?


These are triggering more than the skelly wheels, fuck them.

Throw salt, they have no Ki, stunlock them to death.

This is how i can tell this game is trash without ever even watching a video of it

You can buy premade pcs from Newegg for like 500-600 dollars that play all games on at least low settings.

They have a weak point on their backs you can hit for instant ki depletion

Oh yeah good point, just like chopping the horns off the regular Yokai and Amrita Fiends. Drains all their Ki.

Where's a good place to farm gold?

Disassemble your loot and sell all the parts, then just go for high luck/purple loot. Since level doesn't matter for materials, you might want to do something easy like a dojo mission.

Does that net more cash than selling directly? Seems like it shouldn't.

At what point should I get into the forge? Seems kinda pointless early on since I keep finding more powerful versions of my weapons and armor.

all your gear except for rare inheritables on swords are made worthless at the end of your first playthrough because you unlock green tier rarity. Forging mats really aren't the bottleneck for end game progress. The only reasons to forge gear are: lower stat requirements or going for level 320 weapons. If you soul match to inherit an ability onto a piece of gear that has free stat slots and no trait marked as inheritable, then you can get an extra stat on your gear. You might consider going into the forge to get a purple weapon without an inheritable ability so you can put an extra stat on. That way you'll have a nice sword to carry you through your game. Just know that you won't be able to upgrade that sword to divine once you get there.

Yes, it does, from what I understand.

So badly want to play nier and Nioh, but i'm not shelling out $500 for a PS4

Isn't PS4 slim like $250?

still not paying 250 for 2 games i want to play

Depends on the level of the item. Higher level items it's better to sell them.


kikkawa master race

So this is Japan's answer to Dark Souls…

You cast that weak bait last time.

Here's my main concern for this: I want each build I make (I'm already playing with two and planning a third) to be balanced in its own unique way. I don't want more than one build playing the same way, especially with the somewhat repetitive nature of Nioh, I want to avoid that at all costs.

I think Parry in the weapon stat window just means the efficacy of your block (meaning, you don't waste as much Ki when guarding against attacks). While the description can be misleading if you hover over the ability, you should still notice the number at the bottom being affected, that one references "guarding against attacks".

I introduced the term "better parrying". I mean this set actually gives you more parry frames when you try to parry. It's great for farming revenants now that I can hit over 5 thousand from haze 2 alone.

What set is that?

Is there anyway to replay the intro mission? I want to farm European armor sets.

When you finish the last main mission in the final region, you can.

With all the technical stuff like parries, faster/slower dodges with stances, the game kinda falls back to just dodge+strike in the majority of enemies.
Sure there are those sweet spots where you can strike that take away the ki and allows you to stunlock enemies for a bit but I really wish the game would for a more Zeldaish approach to the enemies, as in, enemies that can only be attacked if you parry them or you need to break their block before you can hit them.
Start from basic shit like that but adapt them to the game mechanics. All these enemies and nothing special to kill them make it a bit of a chore to chop them down instead of feeling like a king for one-upping them.
What do you think anons?

is there anything to spend amrita on other than levelling up during mission? I keep having to pour amrita into levels making me overlevelled, blacksmith is only between missions. Buying anything would do, even if I'm not gonna use it.

Finishing the last mission unlocks the ability to level up guardian spirits with amrita to make them better.

I watched a gameplay video of this and noticed that the guy playing seemed to be finding refills on the healing items while clearing levels. Is this accurate? Doesn't this mean it's just Dark Souls 2 all over again with the infinite healing?

Don't shoot me, I haven't really looked into this yet.

There are healing items, and they are somewhat uncommon unless you get the kodama blessing. You can farm them, but you can only carry a stack of about eight natively, and you get a certain amount free from the shrine, three at the start. Its not a bad system, but like a lot of things in game, it can be exploited if you are dedicated enough.

Yeah enemies will drop elixir but usually not all the time. You start with 3 but you can get the kodama blessing for more elixir drops and for every 5 kodama you find you get one more elixir when you use the shrine for that entire region. Since a lot of enemies can kill you in a couple hits you usually go through them pretty quickly. Rejuvenation talismans are kind of like lifegems from Dark Souls 2, except they count as magic so you replenish them when you use the shrine. Also you can get elixir from offering items to the shrine.

Elixirs are basically your Estus flask but you can get extra uses between Shrines (i.e. bonfires.) as loot. Extras are sent to your storehouse. You can only carry a max of 10 at any one time and you can only retrieved your stored elixirs at a Shrine.
Also note that your max elixir stock is tied to the region. You have to find each region's Kodamas before you have access to max capacity there. And the blessing that's tied to getting looted elixirs is also tied to specific kodama.

>fights with an axe

It's Bloodborne rules for healing items except not so abundant if you don't use a specific drop rate increase effect.

Since I'm going light armor, I'm loving the Yamabushi Set, got almost the entire thing minus the feet armor. I'll rock the head armor for awhile but it also matches really well with this gold demon mask I found.
Mizuchi for Amrita/Gold bonuses, Fuse-Ushi/Kato for bosses and difficult encounters.

Good boss, though.


some people are saying that you need 20 dex and 20 magic for the dojo. is that really necessary? do you get a good item or a trophy or something? can you respec?

you unlock higher tiers of skills from doing them.
So if you want the mystics and shit, yes you need those

You can respec to get the requirements, complete the dojo missions to unlock the mystic arts, then respec again if you dont want to invest into ninjutsu or magic. Unlike Dark Souls 2 when you respec it gives you all the amrita you've used so you can go to any level you want but it is kind of annoying to do your skills all over again.

just got pat the bird bitch with the umbrella which was fun but hard as balls. so basically you get to unlock the better skills. i look at the ninjutsu and magic spells but they seem really supportish and you cant really blast people with magic so glad you can change out f that

yeah both ninjutsu and omnyo are really supporty with 1 exception, and that's the guardian spirit summons that omnyo gets

some of the dev-revs are pretty funny
in nobunagas castle i found revenants that were members of the ranmaru family that had unique death lines too

Yes but like I said earlier the slowing magic is really op and makes any fight ez. You can get shot talismans that shoot out a ball of whatever element but those are more for the status effect than pure damage, unless you use them against enemies weak to a specific element. Buffs are better but you can buy amulets instead of going into magic for the talismans as they are the same thing. Kekkai talismans make your ki replenish super fast and auto purify yokai pollution so those are pretty good too. Rejuvenation talismans really help you save up elixir since you can use them to heal over time after and during fights. Haven't used many other buffs but the bare handed damage increase one sounds really fun to use with a fist build.

Carnage talismans double your damage, they're broken as shit

you gotta experiment a bit more, having the low stance ender that puts you behind the enemy lets you style on most of the red yoki without resorting to puking

then in later game and some twilight missions they'll put enemies with different elements together so you gotta be ready to switch weapons on the fly and be appropriately equipped

poking works but this game has enough tools that you can find your own ways to tackle situations and it feels a lot more satisfying

I only ever Ki Pulse to get rid of Yokai Realm, for I am honorabu samurai. Magic is only a tool to assist me on my quest, but not the required way through tough times.

Well I could see why people hated the Yuuki-onna so much. It wasn't that she was tricky, but her attacks hit like a fucking truck. Didn't take me as many tries though I was using the slow and defense down talismans with fire enchanted 2kat.

Date Clan member reporting in.

anyone found good ways of making money in this game? i've reached a poiint where soul-matching is getting expensive but i haven't got another kusarigama with skills as good as the one i have so i keep matching it upward

Yeah, it is. You can do pretty much anything with a PC, it has so many more uses than a console.

The mission Request from Ginchiyo in the first region gives a lot of gold and can be done relatively quickly as all you do is open a specific chest for an item. The chest changes every time you do the mission but if you're lucky you can do it in like a minute if you run past the enemies and get it first try.

i might try that, right now i'm just doing twillight missions and selling every single thing i find before going to the next region (just finished the one where you fight okatsu and meet ieyasu)

It's the Yagyu set.

If you aren't in NG+ yet, it's generally not worth using the smith for soul matching or forging. Soul matching gets more expensive each time you do it to an item, so you can easily get to the point where it gets far too expensive to use. It's much easier to farm money in NG+, since all your trash drops are max level and mission rewards are significantly higher (normal region 6 missions give 30-40k, A Request from Ginchiyo gives 111k in NG+ and is piss easy).

Plus anything you get is going to be immediately replaced by divine gear in NG+ anyway, so it's not really worthwhile to spend a fortune holding on to low-level gear that's inevitably going to be replaced.

thanks for the tip, i didn't want to get rid of my kusarigama that had the iga ninja skill on it but sounds like its smarter to bite the bullet on that one

No user, having parents involved in your hobbies is not fun.

I hope you didn't expect to find anything but laughter here.

This battle was as fun as all hell.

i found a glitch where i am constantly on fire but not taking fire damage, shrines, hotsprings, and more fire have no fixed it and i don't wanna suicide

i recorded some of it i'll throw it on later its a hoot

Do enemies get a contact burn?

Same thing happened to me today, It looked cool with the set I had on.

didn't appear so, and dying reset it

>fighting saika

kunai 2 stronk

I was pretty thrilled to discover that you can juggle enemies in the air after asking specifically for that in the beta's online feedback sheet, though I haven't managed to pull it off myself yet.

The same trick works with hinoenma. And if you've heavily invested in ninjutsu…

funnily enough that doesn't work anymore at that level. You don't have the enhanced ones until much later

It's a good option for the bathhouse though.

eh, not really with how much prep you need there are easier ways. Sure it looks cool but it's slower than hell.

I just like to stunlock the bitch.

That just looks so awkward.

Any one else hope we eventually get some additional weapons? I would especially like a Mushashi bokken.

You mean more weapon classes? Honestly, I can't imagine there being a weapon like the staff without its moveset overlapping with the spear, etc. Maybe tonfas and great swords would be cool.


Axe revenants are the only one's who make me their bitch. Axes have high poise, which it's it a pain in the ass when you're just swinging a ball/chain. If it weren't for ninja/spirit shenanigans, I'd uses axes exclusively.

mid stance grab, high stance legsweep, finishing blow. you'll wreck so many human type enemies with that combo

Man, Giant Toad was fun as shit. Also, Ogress remind me of bloodborne. Lot of spanking her ass.

so, how do I make a gunner that won't suck TO hard? I'm about to go into new game +

full yatagarasu set, yatagarasu spirit.
and then stack unlimted ammo on everything that can have it.
You then need shadowround talismans.

that'll give you 100% provided you get good rolls on your RNG unlimted ammos, and then you just use guns and cannons

Grab doesn't work when you can flinch your opponent, E.G. when they are heavily armored and are swinging a big axe.

Yatagarasu armor set and maybe join a clan that gives a ranged bonus.

That's what I was thinking, I did not think you could get to 100% honestly

you can't without shadowround. and without perfect or near perfect in all slots for unlimited you'll hover at like 95 which is just enough for RNG to screw you over when you're using explosive rounds.

Also go heavy skill, all ranged guns scale well off of skill, and ninjutsu for the gun/cannon attack buffs. Bows are just too low damage to be worth it

Ninjitsu or Onmya?

and Ill be honest, I never did much forging, can any set get lucky and get the unlimtied amo skill with that "re skill item" option at the forge? or can only some sets/gear/ect get it?

Just about every build wants Onmyo buffs.

you need the yatagarasu set for the set bonus unlimited ammo.
Aside from that you want to reforge to get unlimited ammo on your gloves which isn't that bad.

The real killer is getting two 4%+ unlimited ammo Accessories as you can't reforge those

well, ya, but I was wondering if you could reforge the yatagarasu set, to make sure you get unlimited ammo stuff on everything besides just set buffs

oh yeah, you can reforge anything that's not locked on a given piece.
You have to do it in order to actually get high enough unlimited ammo

I'm doing a Ki/Spirit build and the Onmyo truly makes me a fucking beast. I think it might be the key to doing extremely high damage in this game, but I'm still not very far/don't consider myself that good.

Once you get sloth talisman unlocked, a lot of fights will start getting easier. Combine that with attack and defense down talismans and you'll be able to tackle almost anything. Just keep in mind that sloth won't last too long, so make it count.

ninjutsu gives you some fun tools and buffs, and kunai are really useful in general

There are lots of ways to get extremely powerful. WebM related.


Takeda clan loyalist



I just killed Ogress with some guy using Water Sword while he cast Sloth. GG no re.

Look for unlimited ammo % inheritable effects on gloves too once you get divine. You can put those on your other equipment and have the bonus stacked everywhere. You'll also get the % bonus per piece of equipment to increase more once you start maxing familiarity on your gear.

My love for them is for purely historical reasons

what the heck does the earth status do to enemies, i have a kusarigama with that element and with high/low stance hit rate it applies quickly especially to large enemies but i have no idea what its actually doin' other than putting a purple effect on em

also skeleton party pit was pretty fun for a gimmick boss

Earth debuff is supposed to increase the Ki cost of their attacks.

ya nigga need to stop wearing the warlord of the east set
ive gotten like 3 set of the damn thing farming ghost

what fucking planet do you live on, everyone i fight wears the red demon armor

I guess everyone is wearing them for the set bonus. Thankfully it became less common in the 3rd region (but got replaced with the red demon set…), and I'm starting to see more of a variety of armors and weapons.

80% are red demon 19% are warrior of the west. You got lucky finding armor from the other 1%

Do you mean Warrior of the West?

What other bonuses would be fun to stack

Make a video of your running speed.

Just a reminder:

Wow the secound dual with the spearsman was not even close to difficulty the fist dual with the lighting swordsman was. You really grow from that fight.


They were both about the same to me, fairly slow bosses, though Mothman did kill me once where as the Spear guy didn't.

I played the first beta so much that I can't even remember a time when Warrior of the West was a problem. Just have to make sure you don't get zapped by the dog, and it's pretty easy to just kill him from punishing poor ki management. Warrior of the East never really posed to much of a problem either. Admittedly I still don't really know his moveset, but that hardly matters when you can just stunlock him to death so easily.

Oh wait, he was talking about different fights than I was thinking of. Tachibana killed me a lot in Beta but less in Demo and even less still in Release. If by Spear Guy he meant the Red Oni then I killed him after a few tries.

Yes? What you're saying is some maximum tier bait. PC has only one use? Nigger it just might be the most multipurpose machine ever created by mankind.

SWEET SAVORY TANUKI BALLS, Mr. Bone's Wild Ride was intense. Honestly I'd probably call bullshit on the whole thing but I managed to beat it solo with only two deaths (one to the boss) so I guess I can't be too upset about it. Those reswpaning enemies though, what the fuck. I can tell I'm going to be doing a lot of co-op in that place soon.

I'm glad I had a backup dual sword that has a Ki usage reduction instead of Fire on it, I was able to Water Sword him at a completely obscene level. At the end I just finished off his last 5000 or so HP with my hand canon to his chest because I had no healing items left and didn't want to risk the next wave of attacks.

Is it recommended to play Nioh without any experience without the souls games?

Fire bird can oneshot his second form.

I've never played a souls game and I love it.

what mission are you talking about?

So the next free update will add more missions, PvP is only scheduled for April, and the first DLC will add more weapon types, guardian spirits as well as new levels.
It sounds like the DLC will have more content than I was expecting, and considering the price of the season pass is $25 and contains three DLC packs, buying each individually will be, what? $10? It seems like a better deal than what we got with Dark Souls 3 DLC.

Why are gravestones auto summoning revenants when I get close to them? Did I piss off god?

They're only doing this because soulsfags bitched about it.
Next they're gonna add invasions.
God dammit.

Look for Banjo-man.

I thought they just summon those retarded flaming skulls from DooM.

forgot tiger ninja scroll for more speed.

just bought game. got a question, what changes in online mode?

at least its historically accurate

This one I'm guessing.

As in whole new weapon classes, alongside katana and spear and all that? That's pretty big

Continental detected. Or worse: a Scot.

Player graves and clan "battles". You don't even need PS+ for those so I'd turn on online if possible.

I hope that's what they mean. If we can expect the same amount of depth and variety that was put into the current weapons in the game, I'd say the DLC is already shaping up to be a pretty good value.

So is PS+ not required to fight Revenants then? I might just let my PS+ subscription expire this year, unless Nioh's PvP is something truly special. Sony just isn't putting out "free" games that interest me like they used to.

Nope not at all. I think you only need PS+ to summon a partner or to be summoned, well right now anyway. PVP will probably require PS+ too.

i just summoned a guy without being PS+, the fuck?

he helped me all the way to the first boss, then the boss killed me in a single hit. wasted one of my choko cups, RIP ;_;

zellian30 whoever you are sorry for being such a CASUL

Is it worth getting if my reflexes have gone to shit and I now throw controllers playing Souls games?

I want to autismo, but don't want to waste funbux.

NG+ or a new file from scratch? I was going to shelve this one for a bit but I'm feeling like a replay already

Are you sure? I know even when playing offline you can see revenants with pseudo-usernames, maybe you can summon AI partners without PS+. If you can genuinely co-op without PS+ that's pretty fucking cool

Well that's why I'm skeptical, the five weapon types are already hugely varied and have a lot of depth. Even adding two more would be no small task

What do you have to do to unlock the remaining Magatama quest from the blacksmith girl? I've only had two and the last one was a while ago. I'm in the sixth region so it seems like I should have got most of them by now.

Can someone confirm this? This is major.

Why would that be relevant to Souls? Reflexes won't do you much good with all of that input buffering

It's worth getting if you like action games and having fun

That was just me covering my casual ass. I'll look into it more.

Go for something quick like dual swords.

I'm actually trying to think of more types of weapons that could be in the game at all. This isn't set in China with all the wild and weird kung-fu weapons. Weapons that are missing like naginata or nagamaki would be easy to implement under existing weapon classes. I guess sai and jitte would be something different. Expanded barehanded fighting would be nice too.
Unless William goes to Okinawa and gets a bunch of weird Okinawan weapons.

his name was Zellian30, he was fucking strong, 2 shooted Yokais with his massive axe.

but more importantly, its the way this character behaved. i didn't feel like it was an NPC. he played like an experienced player, rushing to the boss area but waiting for me where it was necessary

also the name doesn't read like a randomly generated NPC name. thats definitely a player name. all you have to do is go to an altar and select Summon Visitor, it takes a while, it will consume 1 of your Ochoko Cups, i only have one left now, i think im gonna save it.

also i have no idea about PVP, can you invade other players or is PVP entirely done through revenants?

also another question, can you learn every skill in the lists, or are you supposed to make a build around a certain limit of skill points?

I'd hope for something exotic like Japanese war fans instead of more bladed weapons

I would agree if I hadn't seen a preset revenant with the username "nioh_senpai" while playing offline. I am genuinely hoping for jolly cooperation without a PS+ subscription but that just seems way too good to be true

i cant tell, only done it once so far., gotta keep trying i guess

Maybe not every skill for all seven categories, but you could probably get enough skill points to learn every skill in two weapon types. I don't think there's a hardcap on the skill points you earn per level

what about ninjutsu and onmyo magic?

That should be easy enough.

Past level 30 you get 2 points per level, so you might not be able to get all the skills. Plus, you only have 40 ninjutsu capacity max.

You can get skill points separate from leveling with locks though.

I know, and they stay even after resetting your stats.
Plus, i was talking about Ninjutsu points. Samurai points increase with physical stats.

can you reallocate points though?

If you reset your stats using a book. It gives you back all your Samurai/Ninja/Onmyo points for you to realocate as you please.

I did that like 2 times already seeing how Kunais and shurikens fall flat in usefulness later into the game while Makibishi are extremely useful.

I am still at a loss as how to reliably get the Onmyo Mage's Suikan set at a higher level than yellow.

Dude, look at what they say about Tokugawa.
And that's the guy you're helping win the war.

You'll get a crapload of those later on. At the point i'm at i'm swimming in Onmyo mage suits

Right now Sony's doing a free PS+ week until the 23rd.

wow James Hallahan you sure understand US GAMERS huh?

you gotta be shitting me, so i can summon people only because literally everyone in the planet is technically a "PS+ subscriber" right now? thats quite a coincidence, since i spent the last month and half playing let it die non stop practically (which is all free), i decided to give it a rest and get nioh.

I still don't have a full purple set and I'm up to Samurai We Wuz. Can't find a smithing text either.

I still have to bash the living fuck out of Hanzo to get the Smithing text for the Iga set. My armor is still level 79 and i just defeated the Gasha Dokuro today.

I'm not willing to give up all my dash endurance and speed for another armor set

I don't mind grinding it out for the text or for drops if I only knew where to do it. The onmyo mage trials don't seem to drop it.

Weird. After i did the Ninja Trials i could forge the Ninja set (Shinobi) and after the Adept i could make the Chunin armor.

I guess you can't forge Onmyo stuff. Still, i get it so usually from drops i have a shitton of it

Oddly enough I can forge Onmyo Mage's Joe gear but not the Suikan set.

Yeah, I got the ability to forge some of the Suikan set after doing one of the NG+ dojos, no clue if that was just blind luck or it's an purposeful unlock from there

Is there anyway to get the smithing text for Li Naomasa's armor/weapon?

I'm getting bored of Co-oping with randoms. Anyone want to throw a room up?

Yea, beating the living fuck out of him in hopes he drops the smithing text. if you want the armor set or the weapons of any of the guys you duel or the dojo guys, just beat the crap out of them until they drop it

you can do that?

yeah, you can put a secret word, tell someone, and they can put it in. It forcefully matches you with people sharing the same secret word.
It's under online settings

too bad we can only do it this week, im not buying a shitty ps+ subscription dammit

Serious question, is Nioh actually worth picking up as someone that loves Dark Souls 1?
I've watched about up to the fight with the Onryoki, from the start, and the combat just looks like
1. Get in and slash
2. Dodge back, wait for stamina
and 3. Repeat.

I want to like the game but it just doesn't seem fun in the long run.
Am I just mistaken tbh?

if im using dual blades and sickle, what stats should i boost?

Focus on Skill, Dex and Heart. Skill boots up the damage of both of them, heart boosts slightly the damage of the dual katanas and Dex boots quite nicely the Kusarigama damage. Plus, it's always good ot have some ninjutsu tools around

It's a bit more in depth than dark souls. There's a good bit of subtlety that, if you decide to actually do it and not just play it like a souls game, makes some crazy shit happen.

The issue is that if you play it like a generic souls clone and don't play the game like you're intended to, it's pretty mediocre. Where the game really shines is the absurd weapon switch combos, the Stance swapping combos, and builds like that.

And while this isn't the best example ever, it demonstrates what I mean by weapon swapping combos.

I'm not certain if you can get Kosen's specific variant of yamabushi gear. I know he drops his special kama but I've only seen him drop standard yamabushi. I'd especially like to get his mask and geta.


WTF I hate Nioh now.

How does reforging work in this game and how does the combat system work? Any advice on what the optimal weapons would be to reforge with what qualities?

What about armor? Can you reforge that?

I also forgot to ask what each of the stats do. I was thinking of using those flail like weapons, the sickle, and maybe something else. What would I use for those? I heard magic is shit, but is that true? I wanted to use some of that too.

You select certain attributes and it replaces them with random attributes that are better.
armor and weapons.

Ok. I heard there was a limit on slots though, and that you should try to find a weapon with the ideal amount of qualities.


Moment/GS talismans can absolutely wreck everyone's shit with the right spirit equipped. And buffs/debuff, both from ninja and onmyo, are invaluable. Direct attacks from onmyo (i.e. elemental shots) seem to be a bit underwhelming, although I haven't experimented with it much. It's possible that chaining them in the right sequence might just make even the toughest enemies trivial.

That seems neat. You can actually do ninja stuff? I was thinking of doing a ninja playthrough just for shits and giggles and that makes it work better. Any advice for stats and weapons?

dark souls
dark souls 2
dark souls 3

Skill and dex.
And 25 spirt..
and enough magic for carnage talismans

The thing is Neither Omnyo or Ninjutsu are good at dealing damage. Moment talismans can force a knockdown and usually inflict a status effect, but the damage itself is more based around the followup. Shurikens and the like are more for inflicting status effects or hitting an enemy that's midair to continue a juggle.

I want Trump's wall to do this.

Honestly the elemental shots are waste of points.
Even with full magic/spirit , they're just not good. They inflict relatively little status for the preparation cost, and even then the damage is pathetic even hitting a weakness.
Like you can just use a weapon enchant for more damage and elemental than the cast time of 2-3 elemental shots.

With the right combination of ninja scrolls you can ghost run through a level.
Dual swords and kusarigama are the ideal ninja weapons. Single katana is also good. So are consumables like bombs and masks. And guns.
Also there are a few different tiers of both ninja and mage gear.
Getting the highest level of the "unlimited" enchantments on gear really help both types of magic out. Speed and ki boosts too. Luck is another good thing to have just in general. For weapons paralysis on hit works real good with a ninja build.

I was thinking about using two different shots to inflict discord on an opponent since shot seems to inflict full elemental status 100% of the time.
Hopefully magic will get a bit of a boost in one of the updates. I'd like to be able to go full shrine maiden on the youkai.

Not worth it. For the time investment and cost you can literally just use a moment with one element, and then just bop him a few with your elemental weapon and do more and be in a better position to do something off of the discord.

Onmyo really does need some oomph the way ninja has.

What are unlimited enchantments? I also wanted to ask about when to know what weapon to upgrade in terms of what slots it has. Do I wait for the right tier of weapon to reforge with the right slots for enchanting? Thanks for the help. This is honestly one fo the first games I have been excited for in a long time.

What are you talking about, ninja's damage is really pathetic too. They're both support roles

It's a percentage chance not to consume prepared magic when you cast it. Nioh uses a sort of vancian spell system.
I wouldn't bother trying to enchant anything below purple rarity.

One time I took off half of snow lady's health with a well placed mega bomb.

it doesn't scale period though. the megabomb always does about that damage, and if an enemy isn't standing perfectly still you lose most of it.

More Nioh, I guess.

can someone explain soul matching weapons to me? it seems like its completely fucking useless, most of the combinations i can make actually make the weapon weaker

There's 2 reasons to soul match:

1. In NG, if there's an item with stats you like, soul matching lets you keep using it for a while after you would normally out-level it. However, this can be really expensive if you keep matching the same item, so it's only really useful once or twice.

2. In NG+, soul matching level 150 divine equipment with other level 150 divine items will increase the level to 150 (+1). Matching two +1s gets you a +2, and so on. Matching divine items is cheaper if the items are of the same type, and extra cheap if they're of the same name.

The stats only go down because you're resetting the weapon's familiarity. Once you get the familiarity back up to max, it'll have the same stats but with higher weapon damage.

I am really liking axes and spears so far.

You were watching someone playing it like it was Dark Souls. WebM related is how you are supposed to play Nioh.

Brief summary of what the fuck is happening:
He's only wearing light weight pants/shoes to keep his stamina regeneration (Ki) very high and his Ki usage per attack very low. He uses kicks and a sort of energy burst attack to drain the boss of Ki as much as possible. When the boss has no Ki (second blue bar goes empty and turns red) he can stunlock the fuck out of the boss with any attack. He's smacking him silly with a Bokken (wood sword used for training) but then switches to and from dual katanas that do fire damage. When the boss has a huge opening he can spam them via a skill called Water Sword to massively punish him.

That's what it looks like when you are just toying with the enemy for style. If you build your character right, you can just kill things in two seconds because you are Samurai Ninja Jesus and ate the Chaos Emeralds for breakfast.

Oh, and I forgot to mention he is not only Ki bursting to refund stamina but also changing stances on the burst so that he gains back MORE Ki than he lost when he performed an attack.

That's just William showing up in a game called Musou Stars. With some other person voicing him apparently.

That looks totally fucking boring.

You're absolutely kidding yourself if you think even 10% of the playerbase plays like that on their first run. It's nice that it's even possible to be that aggressive if you know exactly what you're doing, but it's also totally overkill when the boss essentially never gets the chance to move. You flex your autism to that extent and he's just become a training dummy to practice combos on.

How does that negate that this is the way the game is supposed to be played? That's a clip of someone with a decent grip on the core mechanics, back from the beta

You are watching an incredibly skilled player complete demolish a boss with a fucking wooden sword. There is no way I hell you could match even a fraction of his perfect timing and stance/weapon switches.

You're absolutely kidding yourself if you think my post even implied 10% of the playerbase plays the game that way. In fact I acknowledged that most people play it as though it is dark souls. Attack, back off for stamina (no Ki burst), attack, repeat.

I want to play this game. I hope it comes out on PC

Koei Tecmo seems to put their Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors games on Steam so I'd say there is a decent chance of it happening.

Whoops, meant for

It would be nice to see it come to PC, but I'm not so sure if it'll ever happen. Sony published Nioh everywhere outside of Japan.

Koei Tecmo still has the rights to publish where they want I'm sure.

Did I put this game at easy by mistake? The square+triangle axe combo kills everything in 2 shots and eats enemy ki like a motherfucker. It also tanks hits when in the big twirl-jump and bosses are a fucking joke if you buff the axe with an element first.
The axe is my friend, I love the axe.
This is way too easy, though. I'm gonna finish the game with this and then go for another run with a more tactical weapon, this is no challenge at all and it saddens me since the alpha was such a fucking boulder of "git gud".

I don't give a fuck. He could be playing a timing minigame and it would just as stimulating.

Yeah sure, Ninja Gaiden and DMC are are just timing minigames too.

Get the fuck out faggot.

I've only really used low - stance kasurigama so far and I'm working on the last few missions of region 2 of WotS. The last L1+square you get for Low/mid kusarigama just demolishes everything (both ki and health damage wise) with any amount of added skill damage.

The skill cap and style potential in DMC is much higher than Nioh since it's actually designed as a spectacle action game. Nioh is designed as a tactical action game, if you're good enough you can exploit the mechanics and make it more fast paced, but you're still heavily limited in move variety

That may be so, but that doesn't mean what's happening in the WebM is by any means easy, or "unstimulating."

you had to buy a comic or some shit to get that, at geo i think

Is there any way to reliably farm skill points after reaching level 100 (which is supposedly a soft cap for farming specific items), e.g. in the form of skill items? I'd like to check out the other weapon types without respeccing after reaching their respective 50k mastery level.

Also, playing this game got my interested into TK other franchises (well, sans their newly-acquired Gust assets). The only other titles I've played are Toukiden and Hyrule Warriors, both of which I like quite a bit, as well.
If I understand correctly, their two main franchises are Romance (Records) of the Three Kingdoms and Nobunaga's Ambition, with Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors being their spin-offs respectively.
Is there anything to consider when trying to get into either of these game series? Sorry for the off-topic steering, but I didn't think this is enough to warrant a separate thread.


Anyone know how to poise your character? Some of these revenants just tank every hit I give them so I wouldn't mind knowing how to do the same.

Mid stance is the blocking position and heavy armor lets you tank to prevent guard break and ki damage, provided that you have high enough stamina to wear it.

I've heard that before. What does it mean precisely?

how the fuck do i knock down the cyclops-fist using Oni?

i get his stamina down with strong attacks.
then i try to hit him again to see if he'll fall so i can do the ground stab, but then all i can do is give him a couple more hits and he just uses the yokai garbage and recovers all of it, he just doesn't fall.

do i need to use heavy stance when his stamina is out?

raff out roud

Keep hitting them in the eyes and purify with ki pulse.

I think Nioh is a pretty cool guy. Eh fights for his waifu (pronounced: uai-FOO) and doesn't afraid of anything.

should i sell my useless gear for gold, dissassemble it, or offer it for amrita?

top kek, thats gotta be ironic. how can someone get the plot SO wrong.

We're not gonna let gamefags come up with the memes

Son, you could screw up a wet dream.

he's en england in the late 1500s, and goes to japan in the 1600, how is the ship time traveling?

That's Toughness. After stacking 200 points of it (the number turns blue), you can start tanking some hits. It's similar to how poise works in Dark Souls 3, but much more powerful as nearly every attacks gives you hyper armor.

Toughness also dictates how much Ki you lose after being hit.

Are you seriously asking that question?
It was a shitpost.
The guy even pulled some variation of the "halo is a cool guy" meme bullshit.

it doesn't even make sense as a joke im saying

also, is there any kodama porn already?

No but there is this cute picture of a Kodama and Shinmyoumaru.

FFS user the Kodama's look like toddlers.

thats the point, dummy

Are we at the point where we can discuss endgame stuff already, or is everyone still lagging behind?

I'd like to know of a good place to farm whetstones and nikawa glue to max out familiarity of divine items more quickly. Also, are smithing text drops affected by Item Drop rate and the Kodama Hunter Blessing?

Underrated post.

is Nue the final boss of mission 3? because im searching the entire area over and over again for kodama and i only found 4 out of 8

where the fuck are the rest of these little shits, goddamn

No, he's a mid boss.

nice fucking midboss, took me 4 deaths until i found an opening to abuse

Fuck the bird guy

I've seen "bird guy" represent three characters. Are you talking
Magoichi Saika?
Raven Tengu?

Fuck all the bird guys

Magoichi Saika, dude's fucking my shit up hardcore.

Hit him with literally ANYTHING that could be considered a ranged attack while he's in the air.

Jesus Christ that turned him into a joke.

the fuck am i supposed to do when one of those armadillo things pops up and transforms into a copy of me, but just stand there?

i tried doing an emote, and it made another emote (frustrated) and then attacked me.

do the emote it does at you first

it didnt do any emote at me. or at least i didnt see any.

fuck, i probably missed something good

I sell white and yellow and disassemble unwanted rares and exotics, unless I'm strapped for cash then I sell it all.

Retards who don't know what a bat is need to be cleansed from the gene pool.

They are badgers with gigantic ballsacks.

those balls are weird and must hurt like hell, hes using them as a hat

The first thing you see her doing is literally sucking the blood from a corpse. People just see FLYING WINGED BIRD LADY.

/tot/ pls contain yourself.

Half of them are above ground and the others are in the tunnels. Do you have kodama sense?

Those are "Bird Niggers".

I wonder if some of the updates will introduce daitengu? 👺

Wait until it does one.

what does it mean when a piece of armor has an Hexagon next to one of its properties? its the armor-specific property right?

Armor and weapon specific yeah. Also means it can't be reforged.

trying to make some gloves that have high % of unlimited ninjutsu but i totally fail at this soul match thing, is it even possible?

Do you mean reforging to gamble for traits? Or do you mean inheriting traits through Soul Matching?

Be careful, he might get stuck in the floor and then you have to restart the entire level.

i was trying to add up the "unlimited ninjutsu" trait of one gear to another gear, but i guess thats not how it werks

i was trying to add up the "unlimited ninjutsu" trait of one gear to another gear, but i guess thats not how it werks

i just dont want to disassemble something that later turns out was a good material, but i have too much GARBAGE in my inventory

Yeah doesn't work that way. Inherited traits either overwrite another inherited trait, or add into a previously blank slot, nothing else.

Use reforge to replace crap traits with potentially good ones. Disassemble all rares and exotics you don't want to get the Spirit Iron Chunks you need for the reforging process on the items you do want to use.

you can also shoot crows to get spirit iron.

don't ask me why fucking carrion birds drop iron.

But if you disassemble a few dozen items you get 100 chunks easy. Don't waste your time.

t. crow

He's a little easier the second fight since there's no fire. That's what kept killing me.
Ninja girl fucked my shit up hard in the training mission.

Is there a way to "go forward" without having to pick up shit the boss dropped that's in your way?

You can get it from revenants in game. I'm wearing it right now.

What stage were you finding it at?

Just sell/deconstruct the stuff.

Found a bunch of them farming 'The Inheritance' mission on NG+.

Apparently there are a bunch of rare helmets out there. We need to get a list going.

is it possible to reforge an armors property to be the same as another property in the same armor?

i have a helmet with
Break +5
lightning +2
poison +3

can i keep rerolling the poison one until it becomes another Break +x property? do they add up?

For those already on the endgame, this is important.

I just found out that soul matching divine equipment at max Familiarity is going to make for a better item in +1/2/3/4, etc. levels. In other words, before you decide to take your 150(+1) sword and upgrade it to 150(+2) and so on, make sure its Familiarity is maxed out first.

I think so. I know luck stacks. So I sure the others do to.

No, not on the same armor.

I didn't see that part. In that case no, you can only have one of each stat on a single piece of armor.

new thread?

page 13

kay then, guess i'll throw one last question out there.

can i quit the game in the middle of a mission and not have to redo all of it until the point i stopped playing at?

Do you mean leave the stage or do you mean save at a shrine and then quit the game?

i am in a shrine/altar thing. if i quit, will i spawn there tomorrow? or will the quest start all over again?

You'll respawn at the last alter you prayed at. Praying saves the game. Make sure to pray one last time before you log off.

You can close the game yeah, as long as there was an auto-save at some point (shrine or cutscene) you shouldn't lose anything.

was an example of something that can fuck your save though. That dude lost the entire level's worth of progress.

thanks, and done.

Why didn't he just use a travel amulet?

I think he tried going to the title menu and reloading to see if the defeated boss would be teleported back into the room (common workaround for these kinds of problems in Souls games) and he said he just lost all progress on the level when doing that.

It would have probably worked if ha had done it before he beat the boss. I use to escape from hino-enma that way all through the beta.

The goal wasn't to escape, it was to complete the mission, which you don't technically do until you "Go Forward."

Well then, this is an interesting little trinket.

Yeah, they're great. I recommend carrying an iga or fanatic sidearm as both 2 set bonuses are amazing.

Please stop raping my eyeballs and use the screenshot function.

What do you guys have from clan protection? I ranked pretty high in Date last week, and I went from +5 living weapon time all the way to something like +12.5.

You're going to have to elaborate. I thought you just get Glory to buy shit, there are other benefits?

The more glory you contribute (more phantoms fought) the higher you rank in your clan. The higher you rank, the better your bonuses.

New thread? Also, I just "beat" the game, just need to do England revisited now.

Oh snap I didn't realize it would further boost it. I'm in Uesugi which means my jolly cooperation bonuses are even more jolly.

Last week I had over 30k glory.

Wait for page 13, as per rules.

Yeah, let me just say that the glory payout and discount for the war is absolutely not worth it. I had hundreds of thousands of glory, and I was somewhat high up on the top 100 list, but all I got was a 14% discount and about 18k glory.

Before I got too heavily invested into one of them, I wanted to see if the bonuses were completely reset once you left your faction. I left Date for a bit, but now I am back. I've still got most of my bonus it's at 11 extra seconds on living weapon. The only stats listed next to the bonuses are previous rank within the clan, and membership duration. Membership duration has reset, but not previous rank. I wonder if I'll lose out on my previous rank bonus in a week from now when it resets.

I got a heck of a lot of glory this week and I was on the losing team. Remember that being in a larger clan means you get a smaller peice of the pie.

Yeah, it was just such small amount of glory that it feels kind of worthless. Honestly, now that I've got the emotes and characters, I'm going to probably just start banking all glory and holding out for DLC weapons being added to the game or something. The extra time on my living weapon is insane though. I can make it through the entire demon king revealed level without losing living weapon once even during the 4 bosses at the end that have a huge walk in between them.

OK we're half way through page 13.
New thread.