Fromsoft General

Old BB thread died, wanted to make a new one because I impulse bought PS4, last guardian, and BB. I'll stop feeding the jew one of these days.
I started up a Stroheim character, which means I have to go full ubermensch and put points into arcane, so I wanted to ask what my best bet for arcane is. I could possibly also put points into bloodtinge, since German Science involves strong guns and tapping into the greater powers of the world. I know the nazis were very christian but in Jojo world they were heavy into occultism, so I wanted to have fun with that.

Rifle spear.

how about I don't

It used to be overpowered

For bloodtinge use the spear rifle as a main weapon and as a side arm use Evelyn

For arcane the only good weapons are in the DLC to be honest

Oh so it got nerfed did it? Not surprised it will hilariously broken in pvp and pve.

I just don't like it aesthetically. It's not a good hunter weapon for me.

Good luck maining arcane, it's easily the hardest stat to optimize for and the best arcane weapons are in the DLC

Not really, they just fixed a bug that applied the damage for the whole shot to every single pellet in the shot

Speaking of this
arcane may be underpowered, but the scaling already seems to make the things it scales with absurdly strong whereas other builds would see it as obtuse and weak. Purge blower is also pretty good, but quicksilver bullets are a finite resource, which is fine I guess because the torch is free damage with no bullets and the flame sprayer does clean up with beasts.

minor update, just soloed Amelia with 12 blood vials, a hunter torch, and a flame sprayer, did not visceral even when she was able to be, 20 arcane, level 29. I feel like I'm going to do very well low level this entire game.

Pretty fucking sad.

Yeah, just wait, BB will be out on PC around the same time DeS is, hell, we'll have a working ps3 emulator by that time too.

Small sage for double post, wanted to update; with +4 hunter torch and 24 arcane I can kill the sack man on the first encounter where you're supposed to die. Arcane is overpowered as shit apparently, at least right now. I assume it's because everything is beast right now, and when I get to kin I'll need something lightning-y, and I don't know if tonitrus is arcane buffed.

How could they ever go back to Souls?
Team Ninja kinda just stabbed them in the gut.

Since this has basically devolved into, "how do I arcane build" I wanted to ask which chalice dungeons to seek so I can become super arcane strong.
Also I saw a guy using a thing that summoned a giant black fish, I want that shit.

That's not how it works nigger. Also fromsoft will continue to poorly produce souls games

Has anyone figured out 100% reliable Cleric Beast parry timing? I was recently playing BB. I know you can trivialize the fight with molotov cocktails and oil. But I was recently replaying the game and realized that I never could figure out the timing for bullet parrying the beast. It just seems to be random shots to the head. I decided to do a web search and nobody has any definitive answers to this. Its not really a big deal in terms of challenge (I've gotten to Rom, the Vacuous Spider at SL1 deprived and platinumed the game). I just can't for the life of me figure out the parry window.

because I am not paying full price for that game and waiting for a sale or to buy a used copy and when I played the first alpha demo I hated it.

There is none. Damaging the head to any degree will stagger and allow for viscerals, and the way I found out that any damage at all does it is I accidentally stunned it several times with the cane whip vertical that only comes out with a transform attack.

ah thanks, I know you can temporally cripple him by focusing on a leg. I guess you could use that to get some head-shots with melee for the visceral attack. It's been along time sense I've played bloodborne and its only huge flaw (from a single player perspective) it the difficulty curve. It's crazy how much easier the game gets once you have upgraded your weapons.

Yeah, beasts are weak to fire. Shouldn't apply to the sack men, though.

Arcane's only different in that it's scaling is inverted. Most stats soft cap at 25 and hardcap at 50, arcane doesn't really scale well until 40.

Also keep in mind that the head can't be crippled again for a critical until the Cleric Beast heals itself, same goes for any boss with a body part that can be crippled. It will take bonus damage to the head while it's crippled, though

well I was kicking the shit out of everything as a bold german man with a torch and a flame thrower, so there's no stopping my imagination with these things.
Speaking of damage types, I put fire blood gem on my tonitrus, it's not doing any fire damage on the stat screen, but enemies ignite on hit. Am I now just doing physical and bolt with added fire effect or is all my bolt damage turning into fire? I imagine what it's doing is telling my weapon that the bolt damage is doubling as fire without adding any damage numbers, meaning I'm hitting two weaknesses at once without splitting my damage types between the two. Or I'm a fucking retard, who knows.

I guess? The stat screen isn't always perfectly indicative of how much damage the weapon is doing, I remember both Logarius' Wheel and the Kos Parasite don't totally reflect full damage output with all of the arcane modifiers and all that. Maybe the most direct way would be to fight a beast-type boss with and without the gem on and see if there's a significant difference between the damage numbers

Oh that is what it is doing when it gets the aura. Interesting, it's one of the only fights I've never mastered because I always just relied on fire to easily conquer it.

quick afterthought: I'm actually better at Amygdala and Ebrietas etc just because you are forced to learn the fight.

Tested on dark beast parrl and it actually turns all bolt damage into fire damage, and my only way of knowing this is bolt alone deals more damage than the fire gem allows. I wish the game would let me see the numbers, but I guess it's all variable since there are so many enemies in the game and different types.


We're talking about GAMEEEEEPLAY here.
an overall forumla.
a zeitgeist if you will.

shadow tower and shadow tower abyss are their best games

miyazaki's shit is overrated tbh

So is amygdala supposed to be easy? He felt like the easiest boss in the late game so far, and while rom took less tries with this run, I may be biased on rom because I had played the game once before a while back and killed only the required bosses on accident.
Arcane is at 35, using the amygdalan arm, 21 for vit and end, 17 strength, sitting at BloodLevel (can't rightly call it soul level) 59

Is this where we talk about dark souls?

I think Velka is the furtive pygmy, and the first sin was pulling a prometheus and giving humanity the gift of fire (ie the soul)

and then gwyn punished her to burn for all eternity and shrouded her soul in darkness so humans couldn't be his equal.

the white corona of humanity and the dark sun is the true way of white of the human soul, peeking out through the darkness

thank you

So does anyone know what the palebloods are? They're obviously the baseline man, before the blood god blood, and their blood is actually pale and silvery, but I mean like, the paleblood sky was purple with a red moon, which is the opposite of the normal, being a white moon and blue sky with red blood flowing in our veins. So are pale bloods upsidedown people?

Yarnians or some shit

Yarnhamites aren't palebloods, they are specifically red blooded, which is why they all call you an outsider.

This,although my personal favorite would have to be Metal Wolf Chaos.

Yeah, their mech games are great too. Played a shit ton of Frame Gride.

I meant to say the pthumerians