Payday and/or Kikery General

What the hell happened?

Payday and kikery general I guess.

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Game was bought out by publisher, forces devs to make a string of bad business decisions, devs finally buy the rights to their game back and try to fix things. One of the first things they did was making crates free to open, all the ones they've put out since this summer don't require keys. They're still churning out shitty heists and overpriced DLC though.

Grab a DLC unlocker mod and play with some online friendos and it's still a fun game.

Why the fuck does Payday 2 need 31gb? It sure as fuck doesnt look that impressive.

Because those swedish fucks can't manage filesizes for shit.

i actually genuinely hate the developers of payday, the players, most of the heists, but every single fucking time i load it up i can't stop playing for a couple weeks. i have no idea what it is

The gunplay and movement are genuinely fun, heists have just enough variety to keep you interested, and the music during loud is amazingly fitting (and built around the game, different parts of the song for different stages).

These videos are great

PD2 has the best gunplay in the history of first person shooters

That's a funny way of spelling Killing Floor, user.

Nigger you what? KF1 has the worst fucking hitboxes, netcode, and shooting mechanics. PD2 is far from the best, but it's amazing compared to KF1.
KF2 has decent shooting, at least, but netplay is still pretty wonky (though better).

I always liked Killing Floor better, though both games have really detailed guns. Something about KF's balance and sound effects makes all the guns really satisfying to shoot, but with Payday it feels like you're firing airsoft guns.

How fucking big is the crew now?

When I left, it was the main four (sans Hoxton).
Now it's Hoxton, some Jap, some old biker that sounds like Ron Perlman, a PENGUIN OF DOOM CRAZY BRONY!!!1 XD chick, another chick who has a potato face, and John fucking Wick? What?

Naw, fuck this shit. I was interested, but this shit's retarded. It's like nu-TF2 at this point.

Oh, and Jacket from Hotline Miami.

I like Hotline Miami, but this crossover promo shit is why I stopped playing TF2. Is this the fucking trend for vidya now?

Don't forget Scarface and the coke-sniffing dude from Hardcore Henry.

17 heisters now, i think.
A lot.
And all good weapons are DLC.

just use the DLC unlocker nigger. it's all stored locally. you may get labeled as a cheater in the game but they won't/can't VAC ban you for it

I already use it, duh.
It's just a sad as fuck state of affairs.

I know the game's a total piece of shit, but I'm going to play it for a few hours now.

How do I stop relying on my shotgun enforcer/inspire/ICTV build? It's the only thing that lets me survive in lobbies and I'm not good at stealth missions so I'm mostly interested in blowing things up.

I have Ex-President, Gambler, and whatever the beefcake one was maxed out.

The update makes a copy of the game as backup while doing its horribly unoptimized patching.

Are you doing this on One down? There is really no room for anything other than a select few loadouts there.
You could try other perks like Anarchist, Muscle or Kingpin with the ICTV instead.

First of all, you don't. Inspire is mandatory on anything from overkill and above aka the only shit worth playing. Also get an actual good perk deck like armorer, anarchist or kingpin.
And learn to not facetank everything like a retard.

I used to play on Overkill, now I'm still on it even after the difficulty overhaul.

I don't like being two-shot by snipers and shit. I have a real rough time enjoying any game where my health drops from full to nearly nothing in less than a second.

Also, I don't like being pigeonholed into a meta build - ironically, I'm using one, but I'd like to branch out and do some fun shit like using an LMG with sentries and charges.

I just don't know. Pubs are all idiots, so I might run solo with Better Bots.


Try going fast. Hop in a suit, get sneaky bastard, inspire, some of the fugitive skills for reviving yourself, ex-president, and some high-conceal high-damage guns. So long as you keep shooting niggas and jumping around in and out of cover, you'll never die.
Snipers aren't even much of a problem any more for fast builds, it's only skulldozers that are annoying cunts who 3-shot you with a shotgun from 100m.

Here's an advice - git gud. Unironically. If you can't beat that shit with literally any gun and any build you have some really fucking serious problems.


I'll have you know there is literally nothing wrong with Sydney

my favourite build

is the dodge-stacked suit pistols build

maybe try that

if you're getting bored

there is also always

the shotgun/engineer build which is fun as fuck but very slow

How progressive!

>what is swansong


You own most of them.

why don't you just literally pirate them ?

The purpose of swan song is to spam HE rounds from The Judge

got the image from google, I actually pirated the whole thing up to Reapers Due

Actually I did for defending the house while cooking 20 bags of meth except I think it was with the basic LMG, I'm not sure I own a bipod for the buzzsaw.

Still, being unable to use iron sights without being prone using a bipod is stupid.

I did have surefire and body expertise. No swan song though.

Nerfed to shit, body expertise anything is ridiculous overpowered now that it was fixed and works on dozers

You mean to do the objective on maps with so great design that they put 5 spawnpoints within 10 meters of it.

Search for LMG Steelsights if you are willing to use mods in that fashion.



Kill me lads

There is an SVD sitting in the safehouse.

It is unusable…

Same here why does the game look so different?

I too love that shit

user…his VA is Ron Perlman.

I need some anons to coop with using mics. Last faggot on my friend list who I tried to play with using mics only lasted 1 session and then told me "nobody uses mics man. Just play with randoms."

It seems the PD2 community is largely against mic usage despite the heavy focus on coop and instead go for typing so they can become compromised, hurt or even downed.

I don't mind playing with noobs or vets as long as there's some standard of cooperation.

Only Payday: The Heist was good. While I enjoyed Diamond Heist I didn't want the whole fucking game to be like that.

The main reason for that is the in-game VOIP is absolute dogshit and causes stuttering for a lot of people whenever they hit push to talk. As a result most people who use voice comms in PD2 do so outside of the game. I'd take you up on your offer but I've grown extremely weary of the meta since the difficulty rebalance so I just shit it up on Overkill with stupid off-meta builds.

That's because the gun sound design in PD2 is absolute trash, and the guns do actually sound like literal airsoft guns. Bhodi's Sound Repair rectifies this, but it's discontinued so any new guns still sound like garbage (like the Contractor .308, jesus)

The thing is I think we used mumble at the time. Most in-game mics are shit and most players don't want to install even free shit because 'effort' even though they install a dozens of other garbage. Or because they're just windows fags who can't into package managers so downloading stuff is still shitty.

Anyway I'll take you up on your offer. add me search mr daylight. first ireland flag result w/ suit&tie avatar Can't play just now though, doing some other shit.


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Someone has a tl;dr on perk decks? There's so much of the fuckers and I can't even tell what half of those are supposed to do.

tl;dr is that a few of them are really good and the rest range from mediocre to complete garbage

Ex-Presidents is arguably the best for armor builds, since it gives you insane armor recovery speed on top of regular health recovery
Biker is a strong "survivability" deck that gives you near-constant armor and health regen
Anarchist is for becoming FUCKING INVINCIBLE and also abusing damage gates on DW+ because everything one-shots your armor anyway
Rogue and Crook are for dodge builds, with the choice being between suit (Rogue) and light armor (Crook). Both are mediocre thanks to the heavy nerfs Dodge got.
Gambler is a very strong support deck, lets you go ham with shotguns and pick up all the ammo boxes without pissing people off. Health recovery for your entire team whenever you pick up ammo boxes, on top of sharing some of said ammo (with no cost to you).
Yakuza used to be an incredibly powerful deck for maximum risk maximum reward melee builds, but after the melee nerfs it's more of the former and not much of the latter.
Anything else I failed to mention is either self-explainatory or has its own specific niche.

Sure, added you. I have the Fuze avatar.

Anyone got the latest version of pirate perfection to share here?


That's because he is.

They recently broke ties with their publisher, only to push out DLC even faster.