New screenshots from the remake.
Final Fantasy VII
Is there going to be coverbased combat now? Also why is it taking so long to come out when its going to be split up into 2 or 3 parts?
seems the game is a small side story dlc for FFXV
Don't think it's coverbased, just utilizing environmental obstacles (soft cover).
I wish Cloud didn't look like a Japanese boy band reject.
Why is there an ATB counter in the corner? So you won't be able to take an action until you've filled the bar?
So how's this gonna work? Is it turn based or is it an action RPG?
it's a stamina bar :^)
Probably like FF12 or Crisis Core
Huh. The Limit gauge is divided into 3 pieces, like the Mist Charge mechanic from 12.
Why do they have 1500 HP at the first boss of the game, who goes down in like 5 turns?
They should use Valkyrie Profile 2's battle system as a framework, and integrated the ATB aspects.
For most FFs I might agree, but VII's powerscale is so over the top they'd be better off just doing it as a Kingdom Hearts game.
It can be anything and everything because SE is definitely going to be dragging everyone along on the hyping, promoting, and dev helling train that will hopefully kill them off.
They can let VP rest in peace
Yet they still churn out Star Ocean sequels.
At a glance I'd say RTWP with hack 'n' slash elements, and a third person camera to complement. Expect an iteration of FF13-3 not necessarily a bad thing.
How was 13-3 gameplay-wise?
Sephiroth is a gud boi who always listens to his mum and dindu nuffin
Cloud got an upgrade in Tifa anyway
It was single character Valkyrie Profile.
Quite good, actually fun this time around. The doomsday clock you can just ignore while you fuck around doing quests.
Graphics look good at least
I will retain a cautious optimism, then.
To look a bit impressive and break the 9999 limit like they started doing in Final Fantasy 10 maybe.
At least they can't make the others any flatter. If they did Yuffie would look like a boy
you sure about that? Traps are all the rage user.
How bad do you think they'll fuck it up to please the Crisis Core/Advent Children plebs?
Theyll probably use her Dissidia figure.
No "Let's mosey", no buy.
episodic games are still trash though
Him having flesh tone is an instant upgrade from the standard Jap protagonist.
They'll make Tifa flat, Yuffie a trap and make it even worse than Crisis Core/Advent Children.
Hell you'll be able to save Aerith, mark my words.
I'm sure they will Aniki.
So we went from Mister T to Wesley Snipes Blade?
Pretty much.
They're already changing the combat to make it more pleb friendly. I remember one of them, Nomura or somebody said something like 'You can't just have these beautiful models standing in rows!'
Cloud will be a mopey faggot the entire game, have a total of a dozen lines (half of which are grunts during an attack) voiced by a Japanese woman, all silliness/humor will be cut (absolutely no crossdressing or baras), and there will be heavy homoerotic undertones between Cloud and Sephiroth. Barret will also reference BLM, replace "cops" with "Shinra"
Please no.
They also said that random battles would be more freeflowing and action-oriented but boss fights would retain a more traditional FF system.
I do recall that being one thing everyone asked them and they just giggled saying "yeah, THAT scene isn't going anywhere".
Speak of faggots and they will appear
Jesus, that's even worse than making Yuffie a trap.
I was wondering why you showed up.
But where's Ghastly?
They have also avoided the honey bee inn question whenever it got brought up so expect that too to be removed from the game.
And if crossdressing does make it in the gang will probably call Don a cishet white shitlord and tell him to check his heteronormative privileges.
He's dead
Yes, but where is he?
Did FFXV actually do well?
Hopefully this shit will fail and they'll finally put to rest the idea that they could be good again if they only remade FFVII
lets hope so, it was hands down the best Final Fantasy game in literally decades.
Depends on what you mean. It sold well but holy fuck it was awful. Everyone's giving it a free pass because of how bad XIII was.
That's because it took them a decade to make it.
Also, they needed 10 million units sold to break even.
VERY low bar you're setting.
Fix cloud face and other characters or fuck off. Game needs to be more animu like the old one.
I never bought the game and hate it but don't think they need 10 million to make a profit. That was something they wanted to reach to feel proud and not to make profit. I wouldn't be surprised though if they needed to since the made that westernized shitty movie and shit anime series.
I think they will do fine. I am not ironic posting. The Game is good, even without the DLC. Turn based traditionalist might get their Jimmie rustled but their is so much late game additional content that is legitimately challenging that the game is surprisingly fun when you have to start to micromanage resources and target weaknesses to survive. Those who are dissing it like are only attacking it on the most superficial levels and have ether never played it or just rushed through it on the easiest settings. Hell even the story which I don't honestly care about in a good game gets a bad rap because people are preoccupied on the aesthetics.
that is not even to mention that FF7 remake will have an option to battle turn based
I didn't mean to add that last line
This reads like bait.
My dick can't fit between those mammaries.
That's some weak bait.
And you've literally never played a good game in your life if you think XV is good.
cant wait for the remake personally. im going to pirate it so hard square enix will go broke.
at least you tried to have a some what valid retort.
Come on you neo/v/ faggots being triggered by tits and ass is one thing but you have to do a bit better then bully tactics if you are going to talk about the objective value of "fun" in video gaming.
You're not worth the effort frankly. I remember you trying really hard to defend the game but your points were all garbage because I did in fact play it.
Have you considered that you're wrong? If everyone disagrees with you it might not be because everyone else is contrarian. It's okay to like bad games, but it's not okay to pretend a bad game is good.
i want to play XV but like hell im paying 85 for it.
there's a discount right now for the bundle thing and its still ABOVE 60, fuck that. im not paying more than 40 for that thing.
also the bloodborne bundle is on flash sale right now, full game and DLC is 17,50 too bad the game is shit and the online is still paid, won't bother with it until piracy
It is a bit disappointing that they're using Advent Children type designs instead of making the original character art into models now that that's a practical option. A cel-shaded FF7 with appropriate environment art would be interesting. But no, let's go with >realism instead, so the game looks indistinguishable from every other AAA title.
You know, ff15 isn't so bad once you get rid of the terrible clothes they are wearing and you no longer look like a leather gay parade.
nice redneck clothes. but i don't see enough adidas logos.
Don't worry, once the pc version comes out in 2018 there will be Russia mods and we can play stalker.
mp4 related, Ultima Weapon RUS
you both the cancer killing this board.
same goes for (you)
I liked Final Fantasy better when they didn't rely so much on pop culture and trying to be trendy.
They waited too long to remake this shit. If they remade it around the PS2 era the graphical limitation would have forced them to make the character models more like the character art and less like these weird 'realistic' type people.
maybe they were always meant to look like that, except that they couldn't back then because lowpoly tech was all we had.
Very badly.
No nigger Barret, no buy.
Do not besmirch glory of Tiberium harvester.
I'll give you one more reply. Final Fantasy XV is a genuinely bad game. You're unable to see that therefore it's a waste of time to give you an "argument." I've seen you defending the game the same exact way before and getting thoroughly refuted, which you then ignored.
I rarely accuse people of this, but you're either a shill or truly fucking retarded. You are "the cancer killing this board." Please just kill yourself.
Attack while its tail is up!
can you explain me why its bad?
I can explain to you in detail why FFXV is the best final fantasy game in decades and all you have is a stock image from /a/? very very low energy to be competently honest.
Dude stop shitting up the thread you made it perfectly clear you are just shitposting here
and noone is going to get a decent discussion with you.
well, in the last 2 decades, all we got was X, XI, XII, the waifu trilogy of XIII, XIV and XIV:WOWified, and XV
from that list the only good non-mmo game is 12, so is it better than 12? tough one to beat, 12 was pretty fucking good.
Not a maybe, an absolute certainty. They went big into FMVs for that very reason.
No I legitimately like Final Fantasy XV and think FF7 remake looks cool.
So now you sorta agree with me. Its been all downhill after FF7 and hit rock bottom with X. 12 was an attempt to fix the broken but Vaan was a mistake.
Here is your last (you)
Why are these faggots always apologists for the shittiest games?
You mean the "aesthetics" of it actually not being fucking complete? The "aesthetics" of Ravus's plotline being fucking retarded to where he just ends up dead with no exposition of how he got there? You mean the "aethetics" of them introducing Minister Verstael in a cutscene and then having him never appear again? You mean the "aestethics" of having huge portions of a plot in an external movie? You mean the "aesthetics" having numerous plot terms be only ever explained in fucking loading screens? You mean the "aesthetics" of forgetting about the empire subplot only to have to rush through it in its entirety in chapter 13 by having Ardyn just narrate it at you?
I could go fucking on an on about the plot. The plot is bad. There is no reality in which it was well constructed and presented writing. It's rushed, and very clearly so. This weird normalizing of the shit Squeeeeeeeenix pulled is getting disgusting. They sold a fucking incomplete game and everyone is just lapping it up. Seriously, go watch all the XV trailers they released and ask yourself the question, "was this in the game?" For most of it the answer is no.
I could forgive the uninspired and often spammy combat if the story was any good. Unfortunately, it's not. It could have been, but it's just not.
After playing XV, I have no hope they won't screw up VII.
looks literally worse then the psx version.
Like real people? No.
They were designed the way they were because of technological limitations but those are the designs. They didn't have more complicated designs that they simplified down because they learned what the Playstation couldn't do
I had read that the FFVII team had at least a dozen different assets juggling around between subteams and they basically just threw on what they thought would stick and gave fuck all about consistency.
oh yes
No I mean visuals in relation to the sense of beauty. People get bent out of shape becasue of the superficial clothing and the route 66 americana art design or are trigged by the daisy dukes and nockers of Cindy.
define "retarded". Sayin "I don't like it because its stupid" is not really compelling,
but their is exposition. Didn't you read the notes?
The movie was excellent are you telling me you didn't like the movie?
You are clearly exaggeration user. The Plot was quite simple and eloquent honestly. I think you might be talking about another literary device. Plot a set of events as they relate to each other. Narrative is how the events are told. Story is the overarching chain of events.
like what?
Are you one of those faggots who cried on reddit about Metal Gear for almost two years hoping to find a secret ending? Are you one of those people who needs everything spelled out for you as and don't understand connotation?
I sounds like you just never got good at the combat and where looking to watch a movie. Maybe you ought to stick to Telltale games and walking simulators.
how long do you think "part 1" is going to be?
until the midgard exit? the whole disc one?
Final Fantasy's bar is already very low compared to other games.
FFT > FF456,15 > all others ff games
not my waifu, I just know Cindy's bodacious body triggers (you) "not at all edgy and very sophisticated" refugees.
remember Holla Forums is not /a/ you storyfags. Katawa Shoujo is not a video game
I miss White Cloud.
DBZ cloud was best Cloud
He wasn't a depressive emo neither. He was always a smartass that cracked jokes and acted smug.
It probably ends when Cloud falls down to Aeris' church.
That's really what asian people think of themselves. It's the weirdest shit.
I hope it ends after the Guard Scorpion fight and reactor escape, and every segment of that length costs $10.
You mean so nobody buys it?
I'd love that.
ok so
this could be either really good by respecting the ATB system and just making an ATB gameplay system being flashy
or it could be complete and utter shit like FFXV with dodging rolling and crouching all damage and just waiting on ATB to attack.
why is claude's triceps much bigger than his biceps
Tabata has stated now that they didn't want to make a comprehensive and balanced story
Its not even fucking exclusive like Sony wants people to believe, fucking thing has been listed on the Xbone multiple times.
So address Hojo then.
You can thank Tabatha for the shit-show that is FFXV
I am not trying to mock you user but I must ask. Are you poor?
The thread wasn't derailed until your sissy ass replied out of butthurt.
Making fun of chinos obvious.
Japs hate the chinos.
The nips hate everyone
His motivations were inconsistent. Did he hate you? Did he like you? Did he only do what he did because of Luna? If you go through a lot of the leaked content for what the plot was supposed to be, Ravus was supposed to be an antagonist to Noctis throughout the first third of the story but with the rush to get it out the door a lot of that shit was cut and what was left was a character that came off like he had multiple personalities and felt barely related to what was happening in the greater plotline.
Sure did. This ties back into my complaint about the empire subplot and chapter 13 being the WELP GOTTA RUSH IT ALL OUT. It is poorly presented and not strong writing. Its along the same line as the reveal about Prompto, which doesn't make much sense unless you know he is Vertael's son remember the guy who showed up in one cutscene to never be seen again? The best part is that this isn't said in game. I had to look at a fucking wiki to even get what the fuck was going on with that.
The movie was bad. I also shouldn't have to watch a movie to understand the plot of a videogame. The fact the first whole sequence of the game was cut to make it is just more knives in the wound. Instead of starting with the sequence of your father being killed and having to escape the city, which would have been amazing and a wonderful explosive hook to get people to push further in the game, we got a BOYS TRIP HEHE.
No I am not. The covenant wasn't explained in the game in any real capacity. The best explanation that was given happened during a loading screen. The term starscourge was barely mentioned in game. BARELY. Then the explanation for what it was appeared in a chapter 13 loading screen.
Cutting huge swaths of content which would have improved the pacing and the exposition of key plot elements, some of which is going to be sold as DLC? Are you deliberately being obtuse? Did you miss the entire end of the game just being cut (World of Ruin)?
Played MGSV, though it was shit and moved on with my life. If someone asks why it was shit I would explain it, just like I am right now with XV.
Maybe you should stick to playing the same Arkham combat rehashed in every game for the last 3 years. I don't much like pressing one button to attack, pressing another button when prompted to dodge or parry all the while watching the retarded AI party members run in and get themselves killed. That and having to wait for specific conditions to be met for a CHANCE to proc a summon is pants on head retarded. The inability to control WHEN you need to summon is a huge hit to the decision making during combat. Changing weapons to get orange numbers is not particularly deep decision making. The leviathan boss fight is like a giant encapsulation of the problems with the game. The combat breaks down, it is stripped down significantly from what they showed at games conferences years earlier.
Seriously, watch this trailer from 2013 and look at all of the cut or stripped down sequences. You can see the opening Insominia sequence, the original Leviathan fight and much more that just straight never shows up in the actual released product.
That just fuels my rage over this game. God I haven't been this genuinely pissed off about a bad videogame in almost a decade.
Thanks for replying to his retarded ad homining ass.
How does it feel to have two consoles with different hardware on the same Gen?
How does it feel paying a game sized fee yearly just to play online?
How does ot feel to own a multiplat machine where every single third party "exclusive" gets ported?
Since you guys don't want to talk to each others can (you) explain to me why it is a genuinely bad game and (you) explain to me why it is the best final fantasy game in decades?
You must have the attention span of a rabid squirrel to shit on turn based games this much.
turn based was a limitation of age. its a shit system with zero real difficulty that we put up when we were children because we imagined the cool fights in our heads. in reality a fight where you take turns to whack each other is pretty fucking stupid.
talking about Final Fantasy in a Final Fantasy 7 thread
Your father was the reason his family was murdered but he loved his sister and respected her obligations which were prophesied.
Essentially, he was still a man of honor even though he was loyal to Niflheim because he swore swore allegiance and swore revenge. He was a man of his word and not an oathbreaker to his own detriment.
no not really. You are just being presumptuous and then getting angry over a false premise.
No I saw him a the good guy villain form the gate. The only real twist is they did not explicitly show him betray the empire and you only learn about this resolution after he was assassinated.
statements are not arguments user. Statements cannot be ad hominem's because logical fallacies are faulty logic in arguments. You could have put some more effort into your response. It would have been far less cancerous.
Now these are very subjective opinions user. I saw chapter 13 coming a mile away. As I said you just seem to be a bit slow on the uptake with implications. Its funny maybe if you where less presumptuous you wouldn't be rushing to such hasty inaccurate conclusions.
now user you are being silly, the movie was fun
you don't, it was a very simple story and a even more simple plot. How you failed to understanding something so elementary is where I think the disconnect is. Don't you know anything about the duties of a King, Nationalism and Monarchy. It was about the divine right of Kings and that crown being consented and having the weight of a nation being reliant on you being virtuous. Very simple plot. Its King Arthur.
yes you are ad infinitum
once again you are pursuing an imaginary story. You are mad at a strawman. Instead of critiquing what IS, you are trying to cry about what you believe Ought to be. But their is an the Is/Ought Problem. You cant get an is from an ought and vice versa. Maybe the game did not live up to your ideals, but that is not reality. You need to deal in what is objectively true if you are going to produce a valid critique. Be constructive, not destructive.
You sound like a little kid crying about call of duty. The world doesn't need to cater to your wishes and you clearly didn't play the optional end game content that is legitimately challenging. Hate to break it too you but generally Final Fantasy where never "hard" challenging games. Dark Souls is a meme.
this is( you)
any-who at least you had the balls to put a bit of effort into your post have some Holla Forums gold my new friend.
I don't have a problem with talking. I have a problem with people trying to force false consensus with weak ineffectual memes.
I own a PC too and don't pay for online :^)
I'm hoping that it'll be like Crisis Core. That shit was great.
Can we just start a petition to SE to have Mr. T voice him?
I mean, come on.
Crisis Core and Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep both prove that Squenix CAN do an action RPG with hack and slash combat.
How they fucked up FF15 so hard is anyone's guess
Not having him voiced by Terry Crews.
They wanted to use a new engine and could barely make it work.
This isn't fucking RPG maker, kid.
But it is Square.
Outside of your arguments about Ravus you have really done nothing to refute any of my points. In fact you seem to want to engage in ad hominem dismissal while pretending that isn't exactly what you are doing.
Let's review:
Nice PCâ„¢ way of saying you think I am retarded and I just don't get the wokest of woke story telling.
So silly that I even gave a reason WHY I did not like it in that it amounted to being a replacement for content that would have been better in the game itself. I even provided a trailer showing that work on that sequence, in fact, happened. The fact that it isn't in the game means that, gasp, it was cut.
There it is again. That implication that I'm just not smart enough to understand this wonderfully constructed plot.
I provide examples and you respond with "no you."
No I am pursing a story that was in all of the promotional material and not in the final game. Unless all those trailers I watched are all a figment of my imagination now?
Here are some things that are objectively true.
-The opening insomnia sequence was cut and a movie was made instead
-Party member storylines were cut from the core game and are now relegated to DLCs. There are VERY DELIBERATE sections where they leave your party and then rejoin with very little explanation of what happened. Promptos is by far the worst offender due to his reveal that makes no sense without exposition that will likely be in his DLC
-The Altissia sequence and the Leviathan boss fight were massively stripped down from the gameplay shown at trade shows
-Verstael shows up in a cutscene near the beginning of the game and never appears again, relegated to a mention in a note in chapter 13
-You are incapable of engaging in an argument without attempting to subtlely cut the other person down. Cut the shit and just call me a dick sucking cuckold faggot like every other user.
At least you dropped the veneer of bullshit about not ad homineming.
>this is( you)
Yep, me pointing out DOCUMENTED cut content and poor writing is the same as the MGSV conspiracy theorists. You got me.
You don't seem to want to discuss in good faith, so you have a great day.
I picked it up back in December but didn't get the chance to play it yet. That sounds kind of awesome.
You would know this was a false statement if you knew anything about the history of video games. You don't even know that the Legend of Zelda released before Final Fantasy on the NES, you little shit.
I've seen that argument a lot lately. Did some eceleb spread that idiocy or something?
It predates YouTube fuckwits for as I'm aware. I remember hearing the same retarded nonsense as far back as the mid 00s.
Doesn't matter how bad the game may play. This is the ultimate nightmare.
Don't diss RPG Maker, queer. You can do pretty much anything with it if you ditch the default battle system.
you have no cogent points its all subjective nonsense and things you imagined what you wished the story would be then attacked the game based on you figment of imagination.
but I don't think you are retarded, I just think you are incredulous and not dealing with life on life on life's terms.
This is not about your intelligence. You yourself have expressed explicitly and inability to understand a very simple elementary plot. I mean, this confusion is something you particularly seemed perturbed about.
You mean you read the rough draft of a work in progress and are flipping out that the author didn't agree with your unearned sense of self entitlement. I didn't know your name was Hajime Tabata, user.
dude their where so many changes to Final Fantasy 15, that shit isn't "cut content" its literally garbage which is why the director removed it. Which is why you are just like the kids over at r/NeverBeGameOver who are crying because you don't understand simple concepts and are shadowboxing bogymen.
come on now user, you know that a appropriate analogy is not an ad hominem.
When's the tits?
We need to know when to help the Japanese completely bury already shaky shit in fury at retardation.
Ad hominem is attacking the the person instead of the argument. Using an analogy doesn't really change that it's a personal attack. You seem to be the kind of dipshit who thinks that using less crude language when insulting a person means you aren't insulting them.
It's bizarre how the fucking MMO is the only FF game this decade that actually tries to not shit all over the series
yes but a statement of option is not an argument. You literally are cranky because you got height on ten years of Hype and then found yourself disappointed when your fantisty did not match your reality. I on the other hand who haven't given a fuck about FF in years picked up XV and had boatloads of fun. It's quite simple, you see?
So far it looks like it'll be interesting at the very least, more time in Midgar is only a good thing. My only fear is that a lot of the games physical comedy worked off the visuals being so simple but at the same time it wouldn't take much to run gags. Their was a lot of shit in X2 for example that were just hilarious for the absurdity of the situations. Will they do some interesting mix up with the story or play it completely straight(say Jesse not dying or something of the like)? I'm not to worried about stuff like Honey Bee inn, they likely just don't want to go in the public eye and rant about the issues of prostitution, inter-species breeding programs, human experimentation, homosexual orgies, cross dressing, a four year old orphan running a bar and all the other fairly heavy shit the game covers. Talking about that stuff right now won't get you any PR points, that is shit you need to see in the game itself to have any real effect.
FF7 is an interesting game but their are so many small bits you can tell were cut off like the hidden relationship stat that only ends up applying to a handful of scenes. I'm frankly more interested in how they'll adapt Yuffie and Vincent to the games, during development they were going to cut them completely until staff lost their shit over it so they made them optional. I don't really mind the episodic gimmick as long as they don't stretch it out hobbit style for the sake of more dosh. Midgar alone could be a game in itself and the rest of the world could be more fleshed out fairly easily.
I see a lot of people projecting their western insecurities onto it but you need to understand Japan doesn't give a fuck about the west outside the money, Japanese fan base will always be the priority. Also neat they're releasing this stuff now as I'm currently running through the game again. End of the day their will be so much fan art drawn that it alone will be worth the remakes existence. I'm not blindly optimistic about it but at the same time I expect them to really put their heart into the project. Very few FF games are legitimately bad games not worth playing and to ignore that is just being unfair.
Yuffie still best girl outside Jesse
Don't know how to read IDs I see. Sorry, but i don't give a shit about FF15. I just wanted to poke a fag with an overly inflated ego.
Japan doesn't, but SE has a track record of cuckoldry.
i'm not sure why i felt like this webm needed duel of the fates, but i did
Sorry oldfag didn't mean to disrespect you and your walker there, please enjoy the prunes and keep your dentures clean.
Honestly i would take either of them, as long as Barret is not butchered it will be glorious.
Confirmed retard not knowing that there were ARPGs on the Nes.
keep dreaming kiddo
How about an appeal to compromise?
Turn based is something only meant for things like armies fighting or monster taming.
Both work much more naturally and easily with commands making the execution perfectly understandable while being comfy for the player to go at their own pace and contemplate strategy. My biggest gripe about Pokemon's system is how fast everything goes down to make traditional party (3 or 4) battling completely not feasible.
Never played 7 before. Which version should I play ? the original or the pc version ?
Recent steam port (on sale atm if you wanted to pay for it) is fine, if not just emulate it. No difference in content other then character boosters thing I wouldn't bother with unless you're a casual. Original PC port from the past had awful midi music you'd want to mod away with but I doubt you'd even be able to find it at this point regardless
And you really think they would give a shit in an age where looking like an androgynous piece of shit is desirable for god knows what forsaken reasons?
If you've played Möbius then you'd know what his voice actor and character will be portrayed. As in the edgelord faggots here want him to be.
This is just being picky now. You know very well other games done this with a different form of media (comics/manga, anime, prequel & sequel, novels, etc) and you're being salty for the sake of being salty instead of highlighting the key component of a game:
This is what happens when millennials try to act like 'vidya experts' unless you want to travel back in time and abort the other games using these kind of marketing schemes.
Why the fuck are my post being deleted?
The new janitor from reddit.
If that fucked up house monster isn't in the game, the game is 100% shit.
If they turn Yuffie into some tumblr tier 'quirky' uggo I'm going to firebomb those nips
Are we playing the same game or is this your headcanon?
The nips would it it themselves, don't worry.
I wonder how good trap mode Cloud will look in HD for the crossdressing portions. Honestly looking forward to seeing how that will be handled, cus if they fudge it up you can be we'll all hear about it.
which is a good thing. As shit as 13 was at least lighting was hot.
but the airship in XV wasn't fast travel.
I don't remember this
that would piss me off
Komm, süsser Tod goes with everything
sephiroth was never cool
At least her armpits was erotic.
I want to marry Lightning!
More like hot shit.
Sarah is hotter also FF13-2 is the best game out of the 3
this is true
Lightningfags begone
but I am not a Lightningfag user. I am just a healthy heterosexual who is not easily influenced by conformity and enjoyed Final Fantasy XV.
You may not conform to the standards here, but sure as hell confirm to normalfag standards.
Do you need a certificate of being braindead to play this?
Bitching about product placement in Japanese games just expose how little you know about the industry, you know that right?
Bitch about it now before it becomes just like anime.
What the fuck man I knew lightning was such a bad character she actually destroys your mind
no you are just a cancerous refugee trying to hard to fit in. Just because /a/ had a go at me and the new hotpockets deleted my post doesn't mean I am not still 200% factually objectively correct.
now of we could get nonsummerjack to cosplay as Cindy life would be perfict
dude pay attention
I found the whole thing hilarious.
There's only one explanation for how Final Fantasy, one of the greatest game series, could have gone to shit. SE is being held hostage. They tried to sneak a good game out with XV but didn't quite make it. The solution is clear. Some of us have to go to Japan and free Grorious Nippon from the glip of feminism. Only then will this remake be good.
The airship in XV also wasn't an airship and was in an open-world game. How will they pull off a coherent overworld when the data is all compartmentalized such as episodic crap is.
also lightning having a nice body doesn't make her hot, she has a terminal case of manface.
who knows, I really don't care that much. I probably will never make it past episode 2 before square starts making pachino machines.
please user that is just a lie.
in a final fantasy thread. user you know the rules by now
The same way they did on multi-disc games?
Forgive user, he forgot that only men are allowed in a ff thread
They best not rush this shit and do it right the first time. Seriously the last thing we need is "DLC for full game". If its done right, maybe Squeenix will fucking remake other games in their library they need to. Like MOTHAFUCKIN XENOGEARS
They shaft the Chrono Trigger fans and that's a series they actually remember. Your only choice is to just jump over to Xenoblade Chronicles.
it's more annoying that their MP pools are the same, or in Barret's case smaller.
People in this thread seem to understand that Yuffie is the best character in this game, beating even Tifa and her two enormous jiggly personalities. I like that.
You are so incorrect I will not check those dubs. I might be willing to grant best girl, but she is definitely not Cid and thus can not be best character.
Best is Hojo
Dude, Xenogears would have been gutted to high hell and back if it were to be released today. Even then, it still went through some gutting at it's release (localization crap occurred back then even.)
I have browsed boards for YEARS and have never seen anyone do this.
You should be ostracized, laughed at and parmabanned, you sick pedomonster.
Good, the intent was to forge new grounds. I was originally going to go with ("disrespectfully doesn't check dubs") as a shitty callback to disrespectful nodding, but I thought that might be too shitpostery. Either way, his post was so incorrect I needed to convey my disgust at him.
No bully.
Cid is good too because he mostly cares about his rockets and planes.
But I don't want to fuck Cid, so Yuffie is better.
Anyway, I always liked her because she's always goofing off and looking for materia while everyone else is being serious about muh planet.
In a game like FF7, the best character kinda has to be the one that is least involved in muh super deep and serious plot.
I would suck dick to watch Emptyhero voice him.
that's actually why I posted this
Your dubs are shit.
Seriously, does Squenix know they can't fuck with Tifa having big tits?
except whites
A quest to revive her will be a pre-order bonus.
I'll believe when I see it, companies are full of shit.
I love nips
Sure is next gen graphics.
Incorrect. But Yuffie might end up best in the remake, so don't lose hope.
This shows nothing and means nothing. Every game nowadays look the same - uncanny realistic with a lot of visual noise.
The only indicator whether it will be shit or not is Tifa's boobs, which we haven't seen yet.
final fantasy is dead
5 bucks says it's a placeholder.
You didn't hear about Valkyrie Anatomia: The Origin?