Austlian MSM attacking GTA MODS

Will mods censorship become the next payed mods?

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Nobody cares about shitty prison islands.

Up yours cunt!


I fucking hate this place.
I'm just going to move to NZ at this rate, at least the Māoris never set fire to all their forests just to kill some lizards.


I mean guys walk upside down, what do you expect?


Literally a meme island

How typical, let me know when a country of value starts doing this then I'll care. Shitty country has vidya censorship regulations worse than germany.

Ay cunt, we're a fucking continent, not an island.

Well I'd value lizard lives above those of abos tbh

Hope you enjoy getting your privacy violated.

This woulda never happened if tha pale devil didnt steal our land!

Australia is part of 5 eyes that directly share info with the NSA. You probably have better privacy in NZ than AU.

Holy fuck! The Orkz are real!

Thank you

Wait, I forgot NZ is also part of 5 eyes so fuck NZ.

Austfag here, looks like I'm reinstalling GTA to play a mod I would have never heard of if the media didn't tell me about it.

I have been thinking about it too, proper guns and cheap cars sounds good to me.


should we start a weeb party?

What the fuck has happened to you, Australia? How does a penal colony built on the gateway to hell become a country of ponces?

at least we haven't legalized gay marriage yet

I just think it's in their DNA. Look at how they shitpost everywhere.

Won't take long for a nation of prison poofters. You're even being overtaken by leaves on the shitposting field
Take out your rake already lad.

Most of the people are fine but our media is full kike.

News do it all the time, they don't get the shit and this will lead to nothing as mods are free and distributed on forums and such instead of being a product in need of distribution.

Te only morale of this story is that Aussies are stupid even outside imageboards.

Canadians were never and never will be as effective as the australian.

We all know that feel, Australia.

Fuck off, once we retake Australia we'll come for the colonies as well!

I almost feel bad for aussies

Orkz are way more intelligent.

At least we didnt get our asses paddled and lost a war to emus. Thats even worse than losing to blacks.

Someone should capture an abbo in the wild and display it on the zoo.

You're even worse than ausfailians because you're not funny, just retarded.

We make up for it by having a joke of a prime minister.

The emus were being led by the Cassowarys, we had no chance.

That's more sad than funny.

average australian doesn't care about anything so the vocal minority of soft cunts ruin it for everyone else

Why not start treating crimes in games as real crimes?

look at how shitty anglos are : Australia, canada, Britcucks all shitposters and failed, cucked countries. World would be better without them, and this thread is one proof among many.

Jesus christ, tactical assault emus? How horrifying.

The user laughs so that he wont cry.


Australia continues to be a godforsaken shithole.

nah we're an island as well. and a peninsula.

Germany really has only two regulations:
Everything else is more or less publisher self-censorship (Squeenix, I'm looking at you!)
I heard, Australia doesn't even have a concept of "adults playing video games". I also see AO-rated video games in America being a rare exception, that's why they completely flipped out about that completely harmless GTA Hot Coffee mod.


In Australia fapping to pettanko can get you in jail. It's a shithole country where everything is trying to kill you, all the white population is leftist cuckolds that would put England to shame and they also have the most bestial breed of nigger on the planet on top of all that.

Even Australians don't care what they have to say.

Is that why you cucks can only play job simulators and fucking Trackmania?

Fuck Germany. Is there something left in the West you haven't shat up?

That shit is still going?


so that is what generations of huffing petrol can do to you

Yeah, that's the self-censorship I was talking about. They clearly did that for the lulz (and to sell the result to children afterwards).
Just a reminder:
It was American PC developers trying to sell edgy decapitations to children which started age regulations on video games becoming a thing in Germany in the first place. Also Valve selling Counter Strike to the same demography fucked up physical games and movies. (!)
Without that PC garbage this would have never happened. Nobody ever saw the need to censor Japanese video games.

And by that you mean a bunch of Yid Democrats getting upset the gentiles had found a creative way to make money.

For a Kraut you really lack understanding on who is to blame for all that is wrong in the world.

♫Shilling your kosher vids in the world today takes everything you've got. ♫
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot. ♫

♫Wouldn't you like to get away?

Sometimes you want to go ♫

♫Where nobody knows your name,
and they're never glad you came. ♫
You wanna be where you can see,
our troubles are all the same
You wanna be at neo/v/♫

Butthurt Jerry spotted

You're both shit.


I often ask myself why all this bad immigrant related pozzitivity in austrailia keeps habbening, then I remember, they banned violent video games and still want to.

Orangutans look more human than they do

Are you even suppose to hold the barrel like that?

Those noses are big even for Jews standards.

fucking why? using a cartoony avatar that makes ebin raegfaces is asking for an audience of adderall-kids.

fukken dropped xD

Stop shilling ur channel, cunt.

Yeah, does anybody actually have a video of the (((news report)))? I don't want to spend 10 minutes watching this faggot interrupt the traitors' inane rambling with his own inane rambling of shit I already know.


please god ;_;

Australia independents was a mistake

For that? Now GTA mods has the ability to trigger some Australian police faggot?

Talking about some thin skins man.

holy shit it's it's the black relatives of Baba Yaga


Here is the original video that triggered Australia.
Honestly the mod looks kinda fun****

Use cuckchan inside regular spoilers for layered spoilers, newfriend

He's just RPing as a cop? Why the fuck would the media care? yes I know the answer is the jews

Did GTA online became Garry's mod 2.0?

In that autistic 12 years olds are the primary playerbase? yes..

I don't think you understand the length and depth and bredth of our ruling class' love for micromanagement. The media will shit their pants at anything and attempt to have it strictly regulated.

the long running tradition of cunts chucking a wobbly over gta is still alive and well.

THICC sailor moon

Sailor Goon

Is she crying?