So when is EA finally going to put a bullet through it's brains Holla Forums?
So when is EA finally going to put a bullet through it's brains Holla Forums?
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Never, they're in fact renaming completely unrelated studios bioware. If one fails, they can just pretend it wasn't the real one and go on.
That is correct. Also, they've recycled their host almost completely. Bioware is only Bioware in name at this point.
Once you faggots stop buying their shit.
Nobody is actually buying their trash though. EA never released the sale numbers for Inquisition and it's obvious ME4 is being made on a shoestring budget by interns and tumblr.
In a way, they've given Bioware a fate worse than death. It will be kept on permanent life support for years to come, completely braindead but still able to feel the pain as EA cuts away what little talent or potential they actually had.
The real former Bioware employees don't care and the current cadre of dumblr drones thinks they're doing good work.
As soon as they lose the sports licence. Its literally what keeps them afloat.
"bioware" is a just the RPG division of EA the name means nothing anymore
Who gives a fuck? BioWare never made a good game in their entire time as a developer.
Mass Defect Androgynous is up next month, either fucking normalfags learn and Cancerware dies off by Papa EA or they'll be afloat for making Dice games DLC.
If Andromeda flops they'll probably get ride of them
When it stops being productive EA will disband the studio and move everyone to other studios. Not that any of the original staff is still around.
It's already (long) dead.
Don't mistake a moving corpse with the hand of a puppet-master up it's butthole for something alive. Bioware is the brand name of """"""rpg""""" for EA. There is no one from the original crew in it save maybe in exec or PR (people who don't make vidya), hasn't been for quite sometime (2008 I think? Even the historic exec left after the TORtanic in 2012).
All you have is SJW writters and poo coders.
When it happens, I will be there at the front seat with a bucket of salted and buttered popcorn.
Watch this board have a ME4 General shoved down its throat by shills, redditors and the kike mods.
We already have hotpockets protecting fo4 generals.
As other anons pointed out, current year Bioware is a scum with a mask of a corpse…
bioware isn't going anywhere considering their games are still critically acclaimed, control a large portion of the RPG market, and sell a fucking ton of copies despite the actual quality of their games.
Holla Forums would be wise to pay attention to the markets and how segments of customers are served and sections controlled.
And somehow EA never talks about how many copies of Cisquision they sold.
Never. They realized the power the name of a studio has when it's behind a game, especially after the failings of their other franchises that had their studios liquidated. However, with how many staff leaves, reassingments, and cuts done to Bioware, it as well be an entirely different company at this point.
>*it may as well be an entirely different company
who do you think is buying those millions of copies?
I doubt it sold poorly. Few companies even announce how many games sell in general.
That's nice but without actual numbers it's just fantasy.
I think the sales were just fine. if it did the overmarketed tumor that THE LAST EFFECT.
What makes you think it sold poorly? The quality of the game?
They also were very silent about the DLCs the game got. Frankly I'm surprised it got 16+ patches and 3 or so DLCs at all.
That and absolutely no buzz about it even on normalfag sites.
As we saw with DA2, this can mean jack shit for overall sales. Then again, AAA publishers only seem to explicitly care about their launch numbers with how fervently they push for pre-order sales.
because launch numbers matter the most. After that the used market kicks in, the discount market kicks in, etc.
The quality of games doesn't matter for sales most of the time. I think it probably had 2.5M-3.5M sales tops, not amazing, but not enough to consider killing a studio.
…but you don't know that. The game was put in the EA Vault last year.
2 other games (Mirror's Edge Catalyst and Unravel) went into the Vault the same year they were released. I don't think it's a good sign.
The only thing significantly affecting sales in this time is word of mouth (both positive and negative). If sales are dropping off so much and so quickly after the release of your game, before you have a chance to blame used sales and discounts stealing it, is that not a massive indictment against your games? Is it also not a massive indictment that even the used market didn't want your game over a month after its release?
Once it stops producing (sufficiently) profitable games. If the new ME flops hard enough that might be enough but I suspect they'll try at least once more before killing it off. Also it's means it is user, its is ownership.
EA will desecrate Bioware's corpse by continuing to milk their creations long after they're dead.
CD Projekt Red is bigger than Bioware now. They haven't lost consumer trust like Bioware has and they're the parent company for GOG which gives them plenty of pull for focusing on games instead of milking out shit that EA tells them to like Bioware does.
That, and CD Projekt Red right now holds a really good track record for their recent games, Bioware doesn't. And they've had good, positive DLC practices while Bioware under EA's control have made some really bad choices in that regard.