what went so wrong?
What went so wrong?
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SJWs, as per usual.
Shitty SJW political narrative aside they hired a team who largely never played the first game nor understood why people liked it. Thanks nepotism!
it's fantasyshit
SJW's and level scaling in a fucking MMO.
Nothing says "Bad ass" when you reach level 80 and still struggle to kill lvl 10 enemies.
Different employees than the people who made GW1. We already sort of saw this transition by the time EotN was churned out.
Lots of diversity hires. No understanding of what made GW1 good and probably no competence to recreate it.
i tried to ignore it so much. now there's a tranny mesmer who runs around lions arch casting illusions on himself to look female. the lesbians MCs are the biggest cunts imaginable, the dragons are all the same villian over and over again.
they punished creative gameplay especially in their open world pvp setting by setting a maximum number of targets any projectile can hit, meaning that with enough people you could be retarded and still win running through 10 meteor showers at once.
gw1 had some shitty points like the really ham handed pop culture references all through factions but it was actually fucking good overall and quite difficult sometimes.
Everything, OP.
I seem to remember one of the devs on Twitter was bragging about the fact that they never even played GW1. Of course it was a woman-thing.
What DIDN'T go wrong?
feel when GW1 accounts were migrated and nobody told me anything, so I didn't migrate the account.
It's lost forever….
What do you mean they were migrated? I can log in just fine and I have no idea what you're talking about.
kikes bought GW1's devs, gutted the talent and replaced it with starving incompetent newly-grad hires and various other ill-suited undesirables
Nigga what? You mean you lost your password or something?
They killed the holy trinity which made fun, massive scale end game pve impossible to exist which kind of fucked things.
Tanks need healer sluts, so they can cuck the dps.
With the exception of looking pretty it did absolutely nothing right from release until now. It was an abomination that shat on the corpse of the greatest MMO in history.
The dumbest part is that GW could scarcely be said to even have the same sort of "holy trinity" dynamic that something like WoW had from the get-go. The whole idea was to correct a literal non-issue.
Factions? Guild Wars was Pop Culture References: The MMO. And not just pop culture, even comparatively obscure shit like the Ogre Slaying Knife would show up. It was a bit silly, yeah, but it was a part of the games charm.
Focusing on story on an MMO.
SJW shit on said story.
Abandoning most content to focus on developing shit single player instances on an MMO.
Taking too long to make a expansion, which meant all their dev focus was around the cash shop.
No new armor sets outside of cash shop.
Ascended gear.
Level cap being 80.
No new skills because e-sports.
Slow balance patches because e-sports.
All content being developed intentionally easy so any casual could do it.
Furfag and bisexual snowflake race.
Armor textures being stretched on anything that's not a human.
Open word being either a zergfest or a wasteland.
All drops being painfully generic.
Zero reason to actually explore shit outside of the legendary crafting part because there's zero useful/fun usable items, and whenever someone found something fun it got nerfed.
Huge watered-down world instead of a smaller one with more content diversity and density.
I probably could think more but I got bored.
Sadly, the few good ideas are now forever tainted with "but GW2 did it and look at how it ended".
Literally everything except allowing players to jump.
All we wanted in GW2 was GW1 + the ability to jump. Not even kidding.
Nobody except giant fags even wanted the ability to jump in the first place.
Thank god I didnt buy that shiet. It turned out to be horrible.
Just remember good old Prophecies as a the unique masterpiece that it is.
tbh I didn't care much, but if you look at the entire history of suggestions for GW1 in the forums I bet you'd see around 75% of them are asking for the ability to jump.
Also the jumping puzzles is the only part of GW2 that is actually fun, even with the lag and glitchy physics.
I was on Guru all the time and jumping was rarely if ever mentioned. Most people were smart enough to figure out the /jump emote.
That was part of the joke m8. Noobs would ask for the ability to jump (meaning they wanted the ability to move in 3 dimensions and cross obstacles) and vets would tell them about /jump.
Apart from a ridiculous influx of forced lesbians that one time, nothing much, OP.
Fairly silly to be honest, though, because anything small enough for a human to jump over generally had no collision (though there were exceptions especially in Prophecies) and anything that did impede your path, well, a human probably couldn't jump over it anyways. People can't actually jump high enough to really be useful moving around (vidya tends to exaggerate), except for some weird African tribes.
SJWs and making a woman head dev when she didn't even play the original GW. Like how do you fuck up that badly? Stupid gooks need to learn already.
I didn't feel compelled to keep playing. There was hardly any hook. You get your skills super early on without any hunting for Elite Skills the way you did in GW1, WvW was a mess, and the story felt watered down.
jesus this game is far more ugly then i remember
The map is one part drained lake, one part pretty caverns.
The quality and texture resolutions went up significantly after prophecies.
I jumped out before way before the expansion, so my mileage 'will definitely vary. What said plus:
Massive gang rape of the combat mechanics
dumbed down build system
Class mechanics nobody asked for
Use roleplaying skills
The few elite skills you get are a joke
Replacement of the old Character sheet with a pile of shit
removal of hexes and enchantments
invincibility as a boon.
The severity of conditions are calculated with a condition stat on tha character in a open world MMO
Skills are bound to weapons on every class
The entire economy is designed and controlled by an Economist.
Recycling loot is gone
You get garbage
There is an auction house now instead of a trade chat
1 Gorrillion currencies
Not only Gold Silver Bronze but no Platin, but also Karma, PvP points, Laurels and
1 Token currency for each Dungeon in the game instead of special materials.
There are 21 sets of prestige Armor, good luck with getting any of them, because no one wants to play the same dungeon over and over and over again!
Despite harvesting, the economy is centered around Lodestones and Ectoplasm balls.
Fractals of the Mists
Shit single player instances are part of the story. Good luck with following what the fuck is going on when you come in later.
Shit campaign that. If you were a fucking genius, you could have seen a Campaign like that coming after playing GWEN.
Guild Activities with a time limit.
World Vs World is a Zergfest.
Underwater content in the open world nobody plays, because the aquatic gameplay is no fun after the novelty is gone.
Every region has Moas, Skelks and Lizards. All Mountain regions have Jotun. All Maguuma regions have the same species of Raptors. GW 1 is as diverse as the Amazonian Jungle in comparison.
All the species just get along. Let's ignore the fact that the Charr are militaristic Pantherae, Ascalonians are at war with them, the Asura are tiny killing monsters from darkest caverns. Also everyone who is still fighting the war is evil.
muh Elder Dragons.
Also Felicia Day was voicing a major character. Which leads to…
Remember how you hung around with Mhenlo and all your other stoner friends for all of Guild Wars? You can forget that for GW2. Everyone from the first campaign dies. Here, have the Burger King Kid's Club!
GW2 is garbage in literally every possible aspect imaginable.
GW1 suffered playercount death as a result.
That's not a thing, accounts weren't "migrated" or deleted.
This. The SJW bitch is a kike too.
what city is that under the bubble?
Most of the original team left after Factions and they were entirely gone by EOTN. The lead developer for GW2 was a junior QA assistant for GW1.
Its one of the most successful MMO's out there and still maintains a healthy playerbase, the expansion is what fucked it attempting to turn it into WoW and a bunch of people left.
Just once I'd like to see critique that isn't
SJWs that left the company awhile mind you but that never stops you from guys from blaming them, like you fuckers are never informed
Like this shit, 4 fucking years ago and its still posted as the shining beacon of what went wrong.
Bullshit and the current GW2 head is one of the studio founders who worked on GW1.
You faggots don't know a fucking thing.
It was WoW-esque garbage from day one. Before that, in fact, it was trash; I played the beta and it was shit even then, so don't try to pull some "oh it only RECENTLY became garbage" bullshit here.
Yeah no shit, a sequel gets compared to the game it's following, GW1 set high standards and GW2 fails them utterly, though even if we judged GW2 on its own merits it'd fare pretty poorly.
Fuck everything.
We coulda had sick ass bird men as a race, but some SJW cunt wanted elves.
Funny thing in GW barely had a holy trinity at all - it was used only in a few very select areas like DoA where the extreme difficulty of the area meant it was worth the time to exploit AI pathing and do lengthy tanking setups.
In all other areas the meta was frontline DPS, midline support & limited DPS, and backline prot/heal. There was no tank - warriors were the main damage dealers, and the AI generally targeted the squishier midline, only focusing attacks on tough "tank" characters when pathing exploits were used to block them from approaching the rest of the party.
i will say the exploration/platforming sections were fucking awesome but jesus this sucked in every single way
So you use success as a measure for quality. Read the thread again:
Bizarro Tyria and the Lore spaxed on it are the same garbeage the SWJ who left the company have made. The design didn't change back to the GW1 formula or something better, because that woman and Mc Collin are gone. Quiete the contrary, they acted like Oracle when losing Java users. Instead of doing any meaningful changes to the game, they put yet another mechanic on top of it. Don't like the build system? Here is one Specialization for each class that apes dual classing with a certain other class. Don't like dungeons? Here are the Fractals designed around the addicts. Don't like the story campaign? Sure we fix it with yet another Burger King kids club and permanent changes to the map. Nothing we could do to introduce missions. Thats one of the most "Muh-GW" aspects I can think of outside of the combat and I have ignored that, because it is such a low hanging fruit. Nothing in the story instances actually proves, that building GW 1 missions with the tools used for these is impossible. They are the way they are out of sloth. Don't ask me were it was applied though.
I hope you don't work for Anet.
Which isn't even a thing in that game. The big goals are dominating in WvW, Fractals level 100, Legendary gear (Although gear didn't play a huge role in GW. Here's another muh GW - Argument you cookie-cutter WoW clone MMO-junkies!) and building a fat guild. They are all tailored around getting addictive faggots glued to he monitor.
The Silvari where planned from the getgo. Again: Everything that went wrong in the writing , in the lore and in the rough structure of the content was already in GWEN. There is a reason why everyone sounded like a rambling autist in Hearts of the North.
TBH while I didn't like EotN, it wasn't until years after GW2 came out that it finally hit me, that in terms of development teams and quality, the breach actually happened between NF and EotN, rather than GW1 and GW2.
Not that NF didn't have problems, but it was still pretty good.
My main gripe is the pvp, the downed system+every class having recovery options just makes it feel like a zerg and the limited mobaesque skillsets didn't help either.
Was going to write an actual reply, but
They care more about their leftist agenda and the ERPing whales than the actual game.
yes they were
Divinity's Reach, the human capital.
And all they needed to do was copy paste GW1, add an open world and tweak some shit.
Endgame that focuses on driving players towards just buying gold. The writing, and not necessarily because of low-brow diversity-pandering alone.
- Half the classes felt like liquid shit to play in all configurations since the abilities were boring as fuck and barely did anything
- The fucking living story made WoW's writing look good and whoever thought Scarlet Briar was a good idea for a villain and even worse a recurring one should be shot and his family removed from the face of the Earth.
I did the same as and preordered this shit. I had fun playing a warrior back then but fuck do i regret giving shekels to these idiots now.
I preordered too. It was the most expensive vidya I have ever bought and it healed me from listening to my friend when it comes to buying decisions and preordering.
When I ever become more than a NEET, I will have hardly any money left for other shit. So fuck getting fleeced for entertainment. Its on the dead last place of monthly expenses anyway.
As I understood it, "balance" and "innovation." They took out all the fun parts of GW1 gameplay. It was trash from the start. The idiots didn't understand the principle of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
I'm not seeing anything SJW in there though. She even has a math degree. That's legit. What is messed up is that she is running GW2 development without learning GW1, but that doesn't make her a SJW. It just makes her (and her boss) incompetent. How fucking hard is it to tell someone that they need to play the previous game and learn what people enjoy about it if they are going to work on the sequel.
Gameplay was shit because of trying to pander to WoW players instead of GW1 players.
Story/writing was shit because of SJWs and fucking furries.
Friendly reminder this was a thing too.
Hey guys wanna hear my ideas for a Guild Wars reboot :D? Excellent let me just take out my gigantic list of autistimal ideas and must do's
You start off in pre-searing and you have to fight off undeads(not the furfags) and you constantly have to power struggle between your green lush lands and the apocalyptic hellish desert and the underworld. Just like the Dynamic Events which Arenanet promised in GW2,
PvP and PvE are completely separate into two games, but linked together. (server costs and genre differences)
Hall of Heroes control and guild hall raids. become interactive. Whoever controls the hall of heroes gets to control The Mists(The Underworld, Fissure of Woe, every elite area) and they get profit from how many players finish the Underworld.
Classic and HS(hack n slash) gameplay modes. Classic is an improved tactical tab-based combat where dodging is impossible and where the AI is far more intelligent.
Hack n Slash is what everyone who played singleplayer games ever wanted out of an MMORPG. Location-based damage, dodging, jumping on your enemy, ducking, evading, using your environment, parkour. Similar to Warframe, but without the stupid gotta go fast and lack of balance.
5 main professions only (ranger and warrior share a slot), the rest like derv, paragon, assassin, ritualist are sub-professions.
True hybrid professions which allow for a viable combo of both melee and spellcaster professions into 1. Optimization of attribute points and fewer unique attributes in order to allow for easier combos. Monks and Necros, Ele and Monk, Mesmer and Necro, Ele and Mesmer, Ranger and Mesmer.
Am I spouting enough buzzwords to sound like GameInformer? God I wish I read more books at my life so I wouldn't sound like a retard.
The Catacombs in pre searing would be mysterious and fun to explore. The Catacombs would lead to the Underworld.
All 5 gods would receive their elite locations, not just Balthazar and Grenth.
Some specific areas like beyond the Northern Wall, The Catacombs, The Underworld, The Jade Sea, Kanaxai's Realm would have procedural generation for the sake of exploration and mistery, this would also allow for super rare items, bosses, specific rooms to be generated and make partying with 12 players less monotonous.
Save feature for elite missions, we really need one.
The removal of custom heroes in most areas to encourage player interactivity.
I preordered, played the beta, and got a full refund. I will never not be smug as fuck about that.
Factions campaign - The entirety of Kaineng would look like the Raisu Palace, full of red and gold. There would also be more green for wisdom, the colors representing their ancient chinese and japanese meaning.
There would be an entire sky area dedicated to the Celestial mission. The celestial area would take place in the sky full of beautiful galaxies, stars, the cosmos instead of that butt ugly newspaper block city which the GW team felt the need to copy it from real life.
25 missions in Factions with actual bonus objectives and not time limits. Shiro Tagachi is not the last boss. The player gets corrupted by him, plays his role, delves more into the story rather than stoic dumb hero.
More focus on the Jade Sea and the imperial sanctum over the echovald forest. No stupid Kurzicks vs Luxons (unless the player gets to kill the both of them, which actually adds some personality)
I wouldn't make Nightfall because I hate the desert, but I would make a campaign solely focused on celtic and irish culture.
No asurans, norn, dwarves, pixies, butt ugly monsters, snake people.
No dumb NPC dialogue that goes nowhere and is obviously written by a geek who never held a smooth conversation in his life.
Drakes are banned, wyverns get in, dragons only if you're 200 feet tall, wurms you get renamed to worms and finally behave like worms, worms do not stand up and spit acid at you.
Inspirations from Dungeon Siege 1, 2 and Everquest.
I preordered, got the 3 day headstart, played to about November before I just couldn't do it any more. Never preordered after that.
Can I get the Asuras for another IP? I want to make a game about little bite monsters who think like medieval monks and fight like Spartans. With bloodmagic and Skrotzz the Biomancer gluing together a Charr and a dozen other things into a Flesh golem and paranoid fear of the human Gods, who are fucking demons according to the latest findings about the great Alchemy.
Yeah, what a shocker, comparing a sequel to the original, fuckwit.
Revenant is way too fun to be stuck in such a middling game.
Trying so hard to be WoW, there was several human nations and cultures in the first game, was having furfags, plant, and giganticism fetish races necessary?
The 250 year shit feels like a reboot or another game entirely, of course the Gooks at NCSoft fucked over ArenaNet, then as devs left, they were slowly taken over by tumblrites who can't fix shit, so they'll just add some SJW crap to pander.
This is starting to feel like satire. How did anyone write that with a straight face
People with starbucks degrees and recruited from tumblr.
It makes me actually glad GW2 exists so it keeps noanet too busy with that to notice GW1 exists and start shitting on it with socjus crap.
A math degree, two years of industry experience, and a failed startup according to that short bio, yet she landed a job as a fucking Producer, soon making her way into the position of being head of development? I can't see the SJW shit that she might believe in from that, but she definitely is a diversity hire, which is indicative of the company's pro-SJW stance. If I were the hiring manager, I would have said she was completely unqualified to be in any sort of leadership position and never even given the bitch an interview
Jesus christ the one in the middle literally looks like those trolls dolls from the 90s.
If anything, the writing is so terrible these sjw leanings just come across as confused more than anything.
Every now and then, the writers try to push their "diversity is our strength, we are all equal" message.
But then, every charr is a grumpy edgelord, every asura a condescending nerd, every nord a happy drunk, every sylvarii an airhead hippie and every human a limp-wristed wanker.
The multicultural army gets hundreds of people killed out of sheer incompetence.
The magical lesbo duo spends so much time proclaiming they're gay, disasters after disasters happen as they ignore more pressing situations.
In some way, it's a fantastic if unintended commentary of the pitfalls of progressive policies. Tyria according to GW2 is an entire world of bumbling idiots so busy with their personal drama everything goes to shit.
Crafting is a useless goldsink
2850 Tokens for a backpiece or PvP league grinding
Built Wars = Your class/built determines how good/poor you perform in PvP
Elite specs = Pay2win advantage over core players
Legendary armor = More grinding
WvW - Ignored numbers game - your server has more people = you win
Rewards/events get removed and never ever put into the game again.
"Community/Playerbase" is nothing but drooling turbo-autistic idiots and/or wannabe trolls. It feels like you're playing with mentally ill 10 year olds. Charr players are furries and Asura players stupid little annoying pedophiles. Sylavri's are broing and all look the same.
Even after being out so long the game is still full of bugs & glitches.
Seriously, GW2 is horrible. They broke all their promises from the manifesto and the game just keeps getting worse. The game has already lost many players, despite the arenanet fanfaggots denying this. It's literally just a cash grab for the arenajews right now.
Here's some critique that isn't muh gw1 or muh sjws.
First and foremost Living Story Season 1 was a complete travesty. Angel McCoy is an absolutely horrible writer and I have no idea how she weaseled her way to being the story lead for a game as large as Guild Wars 2. Luckily for season 2 moving forward, they hired some actual writers who have done a lot to curtail the Mary Sue aspects of the Cool Kids Club but the damage done by Scarlet will never be fixed.
Dungeons left to rot, no new ones were added. They attempted to revive them with daily rewards but then they killed that. No new (permanent and actual) dungeons have been added to the game since launch. Dungeons were replaced with Fractals, but since they tied the main story to the dungeons, they can't get rid of them.
Fractals were neglected for years before the eventual re-tooling that has allowed them to flourish. Right now, they are in a good place for 5 person content and are receiving updates regularly.
HoT was a complete disaster. 4 maps on a schedule that cease to be interesting while you're finishing them the first time. More grind than ever before. Completely broken "adventures" that you'll play once then forget about. Masteries were essentially exp blocks and nothing more. Raids divided the player base, more on this later.
Legendary weapons.
When they came out with Ascended Weaponcrafting in 2013 (during SAB's Back to School event) they teased that new legendary weapons were coming in 2014. Well they didn't arrive until the relase of HoT and by they I mean 3. HoT launched with 3 legendary weapons, although legendary weapons were a selling point for the expansion.
With HoT they also added a revamped collection system so that you could make craft precursors. Each one had a special journey or storyline but in most cases they were glorified gold sinks. Most precursors cost more to craft than they do to just buy off the tp, not including time spent.
The 3 HoT legendaries also shipped with stories and so did the 4th legendary (out of 16 promised) but they have already abandoned that because it's too much work. The Mace, Shield and now Rifle are just gigantic sinks for t5 materials and gold and nothing else.
To clarify, it has taken them 4 years to release 7 legendary weapons out of the 16 that were promised. Also only 16 were promised because even Anet has given up on underwater content completely, so they aren't making a new trident, spear or speargun. Yay.
Should I go on?
I'll go on anyway.
WvW is a neglected disaster. Anet has never understood this game mode and they have never done anything to make the game mode better.
Let's talk about the current living story. Each chapter so far has come out with a new map. Chapter one had a New story, new map, new map currency, new map rewards.
Chapter two had a new map, new currency.
Chapter three has a new map and a new currency.
Chapter four has a new map and a new currency.
All of this shit is clogging our inventories and generally being useless. Also since each map is it's own thing, you better make sure you get all of that map done in the first week of it's launch because those maps are gonna be fucking dead in a month.
How about AB Multiloot. Kill a boss, get rewards, seems fair. Nope, how about kill a boss, get rewards, hop to a new copy of the map and get more rewards, hop to another new copy, get more rewards. People come up with strategies to do this as efficiently as possible, of course. This creates a huge influx of money and materials and what does Anet do? Why they leave it unchanged for more than a year. Fuck, they even participate in it. What the fuck is an economy?
Speaking of an economy, how about Leather prices for the last 2 years. Anet clearly handled that well.
How about the much acclaimed Legendary Armor. Promised with HoT, still unfinished. Oh hey, not just unfinished, but tied exclusively to Raids. If you don't raid, you can't get legendary armor. That's all there is to it.
The most surprising part is that they are still focusing energy working on a second expansion after the first one was so fucking shitty.
How about Elite Specializations. Buy HoT and get access to a powerful traitline that changes the way your class performs. Is there any class where the specialization isn't their current meta? I can't recall.
Guild halls, which were finally added with HoT, are so fucking stupid that I almost forgot they existed. They are nothing but a gold sink, Scribing was a gold sink, everything launched in HoT was meant to take gold out of the economy, but they fucking left AB Multiloot in for a fucking year!
Anet has made it clear, always, that they don't know what the fuck they are doing. The fact that nearly every "system" of the game has been redesigned twice is a testament to that.
Now my soup's cold. Fuckin' Anet.
stop reminding me
i will never let them fool me again
Hypothetical scenario here:
Let's suppose that someone who never played an MMO before or when he does, he plays it very casually, finds Guild Wars 2.
Let's say the player doesn't care that much about PvP besides having fun with it, exploring the world, seeing cool armor and weapons, beating the crap out of cool monsters and visit interesting locations.
I mean, the kind of faggot that doesn't give a fuck about currencies, meta, grinding for lategame raids or any of the sort, just play the game and see what's in it.
Wouldn't the game be perfectly okay for such person? I mean, from the little I saw, it seems to do all that quite well.
Maybe it's an oversimplification but it seems all flaws the game has can be summed up as "doesn't appeal to hardcore MMORPG players".
The game is alright for exploration, yes.
Then again, the game was supposed to offer a more relaxed endgame where PvP was more of a focus than PvE yet Anet achieved neither.
I haven't reached endgame or "supah serious PvP" yet, working towards that.
I asked a friend that tried the game for his opinion about the PvP and I got wide false generalizations like having to cap too many areas making everyone go around separated when the maps I tried only had 3 in a pretty linear way.
What's so wrong with the WvWvW? That was actually the one feature I was looking forward the most, 3-way PvP is usually pretty alright and taking forts\castles should be fun.
How did they fuck up that part of the game?
I know there's population control and they try to send people to more populated servers so you don't play alone during PvE. If they do the same for PvP to keep teams more or less equal in number and skill, it can't possibly be that bad, right?
Also, what are the 3 teams anyway? They can't be racially at all but I haven't seen anything about 3 factions fighting against each other, just everyone against the dragon.
Odds it was nepotism or cronyism
If you like the concept of WvW, ESO does it better, and Zenimax is marginally better than nuANet. Greedy lawyers are still a step above pseudo-communists.
The game is ok if you want to explore, but I hope you have a good system to run the pretty graphics and I think they made starting a new character a pain to run, something about locked abilities and shit, cant remember.
The base game is free, so the only thing you will waste is time, electricity and internet.
GW2 was always the MMO for those who hate MMOs. What you described is the target audience. What said isn't false - there's little to be found for the average MMO player used to WoW clones, but GW2 still has the same framework of a themepark and that seems to be the source of confusion and dislike some might have for it. (Muh GW1 is a different thing entirely.)
For the price of a single game you get a large and well crafted world to explore, solo or in a group, with plenty of stuff to collect, do and play dress-up. There are harder modes of play, be it raids or PvP, which require more time and effort, but it's clear the main focus is on the world itself, especially with the last updates.
WvW's main problem is server population (i.e. time zones) and managing zergs of players. They keep making changes to it (from point allocation to skill balancing) to allow smaller groups of players some impact as well in the grand scale of things. It's really fun to defend a tower with a guild group, setting up siege, standing guard, tracking your caravans, scouting for thieves and mesmers, but why would you do that when you can join a zerg and farm other players for drops? All elements for a nice game mode are there, it's just that it's not incentivised properly and there's no real solution yet.
PvP I can't say much, I don't play it, but some things were definitely long overdue, like proper seasons and rankings, but it seems to be in a good spot now. Definitely better than a few months ago.
I still have some dignity, I'm not gonna play that shit.
When people said they wanted multiplayer for Elder Scrolls, they meant local-coop, lan games, etc. A player connecting and playing as a companion or party menber but with marginnaly better AI, so you can combine abilities, team up and do roles like being a healer.
The fact that they went full retard and made it an MMO just shows they are completely disconnected from their fanbase and anyone supporting the game is just asking for more of this bullshit.
I don't play videogames to learn about the moralisms and ethical concerns of whoever made them, that's besides the point.
Someone can have their shitty opinion about diversity all they want, it's not gonna make me buy more or less of their shit, only the quality of what they make will.
There's a Mastery system where you get a few points when you level up and a few more doing some activities around the world.
You then use those points to unlock abilities you can use.
Some of the activities are pretty shit, just "go here and activate this" with some funny joke about what it actually is, but others involve some exploring and platforming which is nice.
And from what I heard, it's just gating, by the time you are mex level and did a few of those activities, you'll have unlocked everything anyway.
It's really not that bad.
That's great because I actually bought it. I tried the free trial, liked what I saw and bought it with a friend.
My experience with WoW was with a private server where I liked to roll Rogue and use stealth to explore areas for which I did not yet had level. I had a friend that questioned why I did it since it gave no loot or XP and I could grind the exploration achievements later anyway.
We aren't friends anymore.
Knowing that the game did not went the full autism that dominates most other games like this makes me happy, especially knowing that there's more to WvWvW than fighting other players. I'm sure it's what gives you more rewards and drops, but fuck that, it's more fun to do espionage and caravan guarding then joining mindless battles where your input is almost nill to the outcome.
GW2 is more like WoW than Guild War is you dipshit.
Exploration is a stupid ass fucking meme. The game world is boring and uninteresting. In Guild Wars there was all sorts of essentially optional shit like Dragon's Gullet and Majesty's Rest that had some gorgeous scenery and were completely out of the way. You could go to an outpost, form a party, and take a trek somewhere. And the most important part of that line is the party.
In WoW, or GW2, or other shit games, you wander off on your own on some boring as trek. Go take a fucking hike if that's what you're after. Guild Wars meant bringing a party, and especially prior to heroes and later updates, that meant at least having a few actual players. You planned out your trip, what skills to bring with you, and had a good time on the way. Sometimes you got unlucky and had a few wipes, and had to take a detour to get rid of death penalty or whatever else was wrong. Normal mode, hard mode, take your pick. Cartography was a title track, and you could either take it slow or go full on vanquisher at the same time.
That's not to mention how much nicer the areas themselves were. They felt natural, like you were going through the wilds of someplace. GW2 areas are almost universally boxes and rectangles with squiggles in the middle and you can feel it when you're going around. It's simply not fun to travel in.
Then you have the simple fact that gameplay is worse. And this being a video game, that is the most important aspect of all.
GW2 is literally worse in every way from its predecessor. It's a piece of shit, anybody buying it after release (and fuck us poor bastards who did) is a piece of shit, and anyone still playing it should be denied a legal right to vote in whatever country they come from.
GW2 is worse as a game than ESO is.
You say you have some dignity, but you went out and bought the absolute worst MMO on the market, made by the worst people. If you were that deadset on giving ANet money you could have at least bought the original Guild Wars. But no, you went and got a shitty grindfest with worse design in every aspect.
You are what is wrong with the video game industry.
I don't think that's what he said, mate.
His point was that GW2 was not the autism that governs WoW and WoW clones, not that it was like or had anything related to GW1 anymore or even that it was better or good.
It's absolutist statements like this that make people discard whatever opinion you post next.
If you think GW2 is the worst you ever played, you haven't played enough MMOs.
Fuck outta here with this shit, everything bad or that you don't like is the worst, how the fuck are there multiple worst things, even?
I actually bought that collectors edition that had all the expansions a few years before GW2 being announced, it's how I came to know about it. I liked what the game was but I had no one to play it with and by that time, the playerbase was already small.
Good job making assumptions, user. I'm sure if you assume everyone is a bad person you'll be right in every argument you make.
Absolutist faggots like you are what's wrong with the videogame industry.
I played GW1 and I'm playing GW2 and from I've seen, they are not the same game type at all, but fuck that because "MMO" is a genre after all.
GW1 did it's thing and did it very well, GW2 is doing it's own thing and it has it's flaws but so far they seem to be mainly 2: "It's not GW1" and "It's not WoW".
I personnaly see nothing wrong with flaw 1, you can still go play GW1 if you want and if they did the same, there would be complaints about "rehashes every year" anyway.
And I certainly don't see a problem with flaw 2 since more WoW clones are not needed at all.
I played Tera and Aion expecting something different from the usual and I was greeted with "WoW with lolis" and "WoW with wings", so fuck you for not being able to let go from either GW1 or the standard practice that has fucked up MMOs for everyone else.
Subjective. I disagree, GW2's Tyria is far more interesting than GW1's. There are hidden places and events, non-soloable locations and unique items beyond just weapon skins.
I don't, I go with my guildies, in both instances and open world. Yes, it is very possible to solo things in the open world, but that's up to you. The open world is easier than instanced content, also true. Which is why, if you want a challenge, you go to a fractal, raid, or PvP with guildies.
Never uninstalled something so fast.
So wanting games to actually be good is not being able to let go? What the fuck are you on about?
GW2 was promising to take the things Guild Wars did and improve upon the formula by addressing the things that were lacking. Except it didn't do it at all, because despite the strange bullshit you're spewing, all it did was cut out aspects from WoW and other games and splice them on. It didn't do anything innovative. It wasn't original. It was the same boring shit except it looks kind of pretty.
When someone makes a game that actually makes improvements I'll buy that shit, and I'll play it. But nobody has, and GW2 certainly wasn't. It didn't even try to make improvements - it cut out the things that the original did better than other MMOs in order to make itself more accessible. It's the ultimate definition of a casualized game, only combined with a grindfest and gear treadmill, both of which were aspects GW2 promised it wouldn't have and did despite the original having neither.
These threads come out every few months and the same issues get brought up constantly. Most players here are in the same boat - the poor assholes who pre-ordered GW2 thinking it would be a great sequel, only to get fucked in the ass by a blunder that apparently foreshadowed how the rest of the fucking decade would go.
Notably, this is why GW2 is the worst MMO. Because at least a random F2P trash game you expect to be F2P trash. GW2 actively lied to the playerbase about things, and retards still pay them money for shit that they never even received. It's an absolute mess.
This is a subjective statement, yes. But your opinion is objectively shit.
Now this shit right here? This is the exact opposite of a good thing. Especially with regards to the legendary weapons and other shit. The best thing Guild Wars ever did with weapons was make them across the board in terms of quality at max level. There would be a degree of grinding involved in getting skins, but they had no mechanical advantage. It was only a trophy to say "I have played this" that meant jack shit mechanically.
Do you also have various "toons" you prancing lala homo man?
When have I ever said otherwise, faggot? Not being able to judge a game on it's own, instead always relying on comparing it with other games, that's what "not letting go is", that's pretty much what a subjective opinion is since your aproval of a game lies entirely on how well it stacks relatively to some other game, not on it's own.
GW2 being a sucessor of GW1 kinda sets it up for the comparison of course, but it doesn't look like they were trying to go for the same type of game at all, so making the comparison is retarded.
The flaws I've seen listed about the game are pretty valid like the writing and how they've handled some balancing issues. Those are flaws you can and should talk about. But "it's different from this other game" is not and never will be a proper argument.
So you're just trolling. Or you're one of those autists with "my subjective opinion is objectively superior to yours, you should do things my way if you want my aproval".
Have fun feeling miserable forever because nothing ever lives to the hype inside your head.
I knew the living story was going to be great when she admitted she and another so-called writer hashed out the entire shitpile of a storyline over lunch one afternoon.
Pic related is where everything went to shit. stupid heroes.
Better than dealing with randos tbh.
I'm not seeing her having the connections for that. I could see her being a diversity hire.
Lowering your standards doesn't give you the higher ground.
It's comments like these that prove you're a moron. There's a concept you should get acquainted with. It's called hyperbole. It's dumb retorts like this that prove you have nothing intelligent to say.
When you focus on trifling shit like this, you're really just showcasing how desperate you are to score points.
And right after you attack someone for what you insist is bad logic, you perform a strawman fallacy.
Calm down you colossal crybaby. No one gives a shit about your precious feelings.
And using 9, 8, 7 and 0 exclusively in a 0-10 scale is moronic.
It's not about lowering your standards, it's about trying everything both the good and the bad so you can actually distinguish both and tell why something has the worth it has.
Hyperboles are just "pretending to be retarded: the non-argument". All they do is devalue everything you say. A game can't simply be bad, it must be the worse. A game can't just be good, it has to be the best or else it's badthe worst.
If you have nothing to say but highly exhagerate your opinion in a weak the weakest attempt at humour, then you're the one who has nothing intelligent to say.
You make a bad assumption that I didn't played or even bought the original Guild Wars for the sole purpose of shaming me and win an internet argument.
Who's really "desperate to score points" here? I'd say it's the guy making things up to prove his point.
I'm not trying to disprove an argument, I fully acknowledge all the flaws that are pointed at the game.
But you can indeed group them into two large categories, "it's not GW1" and "it's not WoW" and neither of those categories bother me particularly nor should they bother anyone as the game did not set out to be either of those.
Then why did you replied? :^)
That always bothered me about the game. Level scaling was kind of stupid. You would have people of all levels running around in a circle in a lvl ~10 area killing rare boss mobs as they spawned and it would give lvl appropriate gear and exp. Then you try and do a dungeon for you level and get your ass kicked unless you were being ran through by high level characters.
No healing class, each class had their own personal heal which may be good or shit depending.
I would tap that thing
Kripp exploited like a fucking moron on stream and got the Orange Bar exploit patched swifter than if he'd have fucked off and did something else.
>Still made 10 plat though. It was really boring, exploits aside.
I didn't buy GW2 because the Charr should never have been a playable race, and as a human you should be able to exterminate them, having them take over Ascalon in GW2 is a betrayal of everything in the first game.
#MightyConfessions is a reference to the arab bitch Dina Abou Karam, after people were calling her out for her unprofessionalism and her attitude on the Mighty No. 9 forums where she went ban happy. The jew was supporting Dina.
Massive step down in game mechanics from the first game, desperately trying to turn it into an e-sport
this, along with all the other lore rape.
They really had no idea what direction to steer the game into.
The charr just took back what was theirs from the human immigrants.
Good devs left, a tranny, a furry.
Execs don't give a fuck because it's not a hot genre.
Blizzard is happy their cancer stunted their competition so badly.
Thats because AB doesn't really add much gold into the system, all the rewards were mats which you sold on the TP and the TP is their main gold sink in the game.
They designed a combat system and engine around their 5 v 5 capture the point pvp mode and only balance (very poorly) around that then tried to jam a large scale open world combat mode in it, then ignored the mode for 4 years.
They link up 3 different servers every week (i think recently they changed it to 6 split into 3 teams because of population). Not only are they pretty hit and miss in creating balanced match ups the remaining guilds that still play WvW are more then happy to pay the server transfer fee to switch to the winning team and just keep zerging unopposed.
One of the many retcons to justify their furfag race. AKA lore rape
They have to know that GW2 and its story is complete dogshit. That's why they keep going back to GW1 when they need raid content because it lets them poach from the work of their betters.
People that never played the first game were hired to design its sequel. The developers/writers hamfisted real world CURRENT YEAR political horse shit into a game based around genocide and war.
Man, this post of yours is basically just a bitchfight. You're not even talking about anything useful. You're just desperate to "win."
Wrong user.
I replied because you're a faggot. I'd appreciate it if we had less fags around here.
Try being less of a faggot (or fucking off) in the future.