"Crashing indieshit gamejams with no survivors" edition
"Crashing indieshit gamejams with no survivors" edition
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Make a game about Trump deporting ahmeds and pedros.
I'm not sure which of these paragraphs I should be more upset about.
Remember to email Damon and ask him for help on hiding the fact you're an impoverished muslim trans-w*myn.
Also, make games where you resist the oppresive Left, and if they ban you, shitpost their Discord and IRC about how oppresive they are being.
I'm losing control of my life.
that's what i'm doing, mate. but you gotta present it as a "bad" thing for them to accept it.
Fug. :DDD
I can always get back to it afterwards, right?
do it for the memes m8
While it doesn't start for a while, if we're gonna shitpost it, might as well start now
Kek, this shit is practically screaming for rightwing games. Half of the protagonists will be frogs or nazis i'm calling it now.
My gosh, don't these guys know that the world has been under the yoke of communism for almost a full century, this new "right-wing" is actually the manifestation of the Aquarian Age, the universe acknowledging that something is wrong and correcting itself. These fuckers and their policies have denied me my dreams. I cry when I watch 2001: A Space Odyssey. So much opportunity lost due to progressivism.
I am a proud fascist. Fuck these guys.
Gamejams are coming off to me as cancer to the industry.
The only thing they really do is teach people that to get shit done you need to hit the ground running. However, they encourage this idea that game dev should be a hobby and steers the focus away from creating a quality product. All that time and effort spent making a game, could have been used to further the progress of a current game. The reason indie-gaming sucks so much dick right now is because there's this mentality that everyone should just use the convenient resources available and solo-dev to shit out an cheap game.
Nobody wants to start a studio with a few guys and take it on as a full time job. Nobody wants to put everything on the line to see their vision come true. They just want to spend their free time making either pixel shit or a really crappy unpolished 3d game. There is so much incentive to play it safe and just make something that's ok to play for 5 minutes and put down.
There is room for good solo devs, they just need a good dose of autism, ridiculously wide skillsets, and lots of time to finish their shit.
How about a game about human trafficking and smuggling drugs into the USA or one about fighting hate by manipulating the media in a way people are kept unaware of the ugly truth?
Should have been
I can hear someone in a room over listening to the young turks and it's ddos'ing my brain. The only thing I see game jams good for is recruiting people for a potential company.
You're always limited to the physical capabilities one person can do. And the problem is when everyone thinks they can go super autism mode on their game, then lose their drive and just rush it out. Or compromise at every corner, and it's not even a fraction of what it should have been. This is probably 99% of the indie-instustry right now. People not being realistic at all.
Even Toady dropped dwarf fortress because it was too time consuming.
It's basically nanowrimo for video games.
hello /agdg/ i am ignoring your gamejam thread theme so I can ask a mechanic question about my game. I am optimistically designing a strategy game set in spess and I am considering having the ships cost manpower as a resource. As in depending on the size of the ship, it may require anywhere from 1 to 10,000 or more *people* to crew it, and so that amount is taken away from the space station/world the ship is built at. While I was thinking about this I thought to my self, wait a second, why would a military ship be crewed by civilians. Wouldn't it only be manned by military personnel?
So now I'm not sure if the location at which the ships are built need a separate military population to take from, or to apply the rule of KISS and use a layer of abstraction the the general population also includes military population. Also general opinions on the mechanic would be cool. My intentions are to get the player more invested in each ship they built. Adding population as a resource for them means you (theoretically) play more strategic as your assets are more valueable. It's also a sort of balancing that promotes smaller and more varied ship roles rather than to only build the largest possible ship your tech allows, as well as not being able to spam large ships because you'd quickly deplete your population on planets which would turn into a decline of your economy. Theres more implications to it than that but thats just a few of them.
Well starting a studio is a tremendous risk, especially if everyone on Holla Forums would rather pirate a game. It's lower risk to shit out some crap to catch Jim Sterling or some Youtuber's attention, get fame and glory, only then use the money to build up a warchest for a proper game (which usually isn't as hyped as your first hit). Rinse and repeat.
I understand why it's the formula, but I just hate the idea that it's so widely accepted as good. When in reality it's just going to produce mediocre crap, unless it's so really good pixel shit like super meatboy or hotline maimi. For 3d though, even if the dev still updates his game after releasing it, it's still always hollow feeling. My go-to example is unity games like "Sir, you're being hunted".
Devs usually sell out by this point or the ones that do get attention only got their attention from a fluke/journalist friends and go on to make a pile of shit.
Frictional Games
>Soma was a hot pile of garbage from what I hear, I didn't even bother with it
So basically Toby Fox, but how many times does lightning strike and a one hit wonder descends on us with all the right notes ringing?
is this artistic enough for them, guys?
Soma is a rock-solid science fiction story that's trapped in a subpar horror game. Think Amnesia, but if the AI was dumber than slightly sentient boulders (except for the occasional scripted sequence), and if you could outrun everything in the end.
also you forgot about Notch canning his second Mojangles game 0x10c after a mere 1 year in development back in 2014. Sad part was that things were almost shaping up to make an engaging game.
Is Haydee supposed to be an example of shitting out low-effort crap? The devs wrote their own engine for it and I'd probably buy their game if they made a Linux port or when Wine's dx11 support is in better shape.
"There is room for good solo devs"
My point is the super autistic devs stand out, but it is perfectly understandable if everyone else goes low-effort.
writing the script to my gamejam submission.
I forgot how easy it is when autism is encouraged.
Ooh, this is a good opportunity to think about how my conversation system should work.
Gonna play this gamejam for all it's worth, but first I need to track down an artist with absolutely no self respect.
What do you want to make?
I'll do it.
I have no respect for my lack of ability to draw.
just do it yourself, mate. it's not like they'll care that it's shit.
It's just a blind-folded guy tied to a pole, and you're given no context except for a crosshair. If you shoot him, he stays dead.
It sounds completely retarded, and it is, but intellectuals eat this shit up.
Make sure you write to a hidden file on disk so they can't change their deep choices
If you kill your enemies you lose.
I'm sure there are more ways to inflict morality
No, a different one. Like the registry.
did you choose shit brown on purpose?
ahh, curious.
i've had .ini's that save variables in between rooms in GMS, and since the project runs from a temp launcher, the .ini is stored in %appdata%.
i guess it'd be in registry when the game is properly compiled.
i assumed you were talking about undertale, which was also made in GMS and used the same system.
yes. also made this version with a slightly "warmer" brown. they love that shit.
you shut your whore mouth
it's fitting that i make puns, since i'm making a game where the main character gets deported.
you'll "experience" it soon, mate.
the gamejam closes in two weeks, and i'll probably be done way before then.
What do you call a slave worker in a comedy club?
A Pun-jabi.
Well, I don't think my posts can get any lower than that. I should stop while I'm ahead.
Back to learning Unity and C#.
That joke sucked.
You're hired.
I wonder how I could make a game about resisting from overeating work.
So does that mean they're trying to distance themselves from all these "if you're a nazi I'll punch you" internet tough guys?
basically means that punching nazis is still perfectly acceptable, but that might not be the focus per se. at least that's how they worded it.
Too far behind on my own project to start a new one for this, but I have an idea if anyone is interested.
>Trump is the final fight in the game, but you have to get through all the other contenders first.
While it sounds like a funny enough concept for a game, libtards will most likely not get the joke, nor will they appreciate a game that requires any skill to play.
That just makes it all the funnier. They'll knock out Jeb! and maybe Rubot, but they'd never get past Don Rato. They'll see, at most, three people you can punch out, all Republicans, and know from your own claims that Trump is the final fight. They'll praise the fuck out of it, not realizing that you cannot actually stump Trump.
This plan is crazy enough it just might work.
What if it's like you say and you fight the other Republican nominees but in truth you were playing as Trump the whole time
Definitely a direction someone could take it, Mr. Quad Dubs.
Thanks think i'll report this to ICE
They're probably encouraging people to submit games anonymously for exactly that reason (inb4 some illegal is still stupid enough to use their real name and gets deported).
So lets say I want to make a game similar to Half-life. What engine should I use that has a decent amount of tutorials and documentation? Open source is preferred.
ioquake 3 or some Quake 1/2 engine fork
There's Xash3D which is a source port of GoldSrc
My beautiful Nora would still be here if not for that burrito from that illegal taco stand. Nora, I will send Juan Embacadillo back for you, ever in a summer's afternoon.
RPG Maker VX obviously.
And all those engineers and scientist back during the 1970's never received funding for their space technology proposal which would have helped colonizing mars, the moon or even a research flight to alpha centauri, NASA gets compared to other stuff not much funding either.
I'm conflicted. I just now realized that I might be able to make part of my gun texture procedural in a way that would let me give each gun in game a unique serial number. On one hand, it's a lot of work for the amount of payoff who in their right mind is going to be comparing the serial numbers of virtual guns?. On the other hand, I want to see if I can actually pull it off.
imagine how autistic you'll look in hindsight if you do fuck it up. You'll, at least, get featured on Kotaku.
Make sure and always produce the same "unique" serial number for guns that are found in the same location/shop/etc (i.e. two different players find the same gun at the same location (in this case, location/coordinates are the "seed" to the serial number) -> same serial number).
It will give it a sense of consistency, but will in the full sense of word; procedural.
So, pseudo random, and based on parameters which are reproducible via predictable factors, but obviously those factors depends on the type of game.
Sounds easy enough tbh.
how about don't be autistic
forget demn pics
It could also lead to collectables n such w/consistency (like: "oh what weapon did u get for this drop, oh I got the model XXX, oh same serial, but different model… humm, I prefer yours so I'm going to try for that one" etc etc).
Also, probably have a prefix for the model of the gun, so something like AFN-922341 (AFN being the model, and the numbers being the result of the "seed").
Do it but don't point it out. For years anons will be autistically checking every gun in every game for a serial number.
This was kind of what I was thinking. I just need to give each enemy a unique id and that carries over to any gun they are holding, then after that is done give the ID to guns that aren't held by an enemy. Combine that with the level ID to get the seed. Put the seed through a hashing function and to get the serial number. I could honestly just use CRC-16. 131,072 unique serial numbers is more than I would need.
Not gonna happen.
I think you're underestimating how useless this would be in practice. Guns are treated less like they are in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and more like they are in Hotline Miami or SuperHot. I like the idea of including some letters or numbers for the model, but a different model of gun would have a different texture anyway so I don't see why I would need to do that procedurally.
Don't worry, the whole idea of having it in the game is that it's an Easter egg.
my line of thinking too, a hashing function would be perfect for this.
ah gotcha, I was thinking more in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mindset. still, pretty neat, and a great touch imo.
dude don't waste time on something that 80% of the people won't notice, just put easter eggs when the whole system is done.
fuck off
I have a friend who has a job as a web coder. He went to a game jam few weeks ago, participated and got a job offer from some small studio. Pretty cool i thought. Few days ago I was talking with him and my other friend about no man's sky and the fucker defended hello games saying its publishers fault for building the hype, that they didn't intend to scam people, they just didn't have enough time to finish it and all that crap. He wasn't like that at all before taking this web dev job. Takes all my fucking will to find a real programming job.
If Steam's statistics are to be believed 80% of people won't see the end of my game either. I build the game for the 20% that care.
And this game is a learning experience more than it is a product. Adding text to a texture procedurally is something that's good to know, as is everything else that would be needed to make it work. Plus, adding in this Easter Egg is easier now as I'm working on the textures then it would be later.
I did that a year ago. The whole thing crashed and burned. Nobody gave a fuck about the game or even knew it existed, not even on fucking Holla Forums of all places. I couldn't even get (you)s from you fucks when I posted here.
Nobody wants to put everything on the line to see their vision come true because it's retarded; you're gambling everything on the miniscule chance that you will somehow make it big you won't. Meanwhile some unpolished piece of crap like Undermeme automatically gets millions of autistic fans and tens of millions of shekels from said autistic fans. Why put effort into it when crappy unpolished pixelshit will sell better than anything you could ever hope to make?
tl;dr fuck you
you'd think with all the effort they put into making a "custom game engine", as you put it, they'd put some goddamn effort into making a game that doesn't play like a bargain bin womb raider clone with braindead enemies and copypasted environments
i'm stealing that
here's a tip for you, retard: this kind of autism is known as feature creep elsewhere in the industry, and it will kill your project by turning it into an unholy bloated mess of useless bullshit chrome features that realistically speaking add nothing to your game. kys numbnuts
I like you. What game did you make? I want to send some funds to you if you even get royalties
Perhaps you forgot to make a good game
if it was shit, me and a lot of other anons would call him out on it.
i think what he made was probably just boring
I know a guy who got to play builds before it came out, apparently a lot of the stuff they promised was in earlier builds but didn't work on PS4. Better creatures, online, stuff like that. If that's true, Sony is most certainly the main culprit in the disaster that is No Man's Buy. But that doesn't absolve Hello Games from not telling Sony to fuck off and give them more time, not just keeping the working shit for the PC build, and the retarded way they handled everything post release.
Spacefags are fucking stupid and have no understanding of physics and engineering. NASA costs nothing because it's de-funded, to do even a tenth of what that pic proposes would make it cost an insane amount. Creating colonies and orbital habitats to solve today's problems is like correcting your diet to stop your ongoing heart failure, by the time we can actually build and use that kind of shit we'll either have fixed the problems already or be fucking dead. This isn't a sci-fi movie, we will not have giant spacestations up and running in a few decades.
The fact that it also states we've had tech to reach Alpha Centauri for 40 years shows whoever made this doesn't understand shit. Space does not have air resistance, a rock thrown hard enough to clear the solar system's gravities and in the right trajectory will eventually reach AC, but the damn thing is over 4 light years away, even with our fastest spacecraft it would take over 16000 years to reach (this is for our fastest spacecraft which, needless to say, is not manned).
sage for offtopic
Probably referring to the nuclear bomb ship concept.
Even then, it would be decades at the very least. Project Longshot expected 100 years to reach Alpha Centauri. Also assuming all these were discontinued purely on budget reasons is retarded, there are millions of proposals for revolutionary shit in every field of engineering every year, 99.9% are discarded, this is normal and almost always because it is not possible or feasible rather than because of budgets. Also getting to AC is kinda pointless, you may get some interesting data but that won't solve world-wide crises. Getting to AC and actually doing something that matters (e.g. founding a colony) is a thousand times harder (and it's already hard enough). You can't colonize it if you can't even get a probe there of course so you do have to do one before the other, but my point is that de-funding shit like cancer research for it or thinking that pouring money into it will solve our issues on Earth in time is retarded.
while I mostly agree with the solve-world-problems part, I believe that exploration and colonization of other celestial bodies should have continued without NASA being defunded, just for possible research developments.
Then again, it is amazing how NASA became really good at continuing its mission with the low budget and was still able to make discoveries. A lot of the 1970s budget was bloat, most likely. Doesn't mean that the budget shouldn't be increased now or that the DOD shouldn't take over
I was not aware of this.
Is it still being developed at all?
starsector does this could be relevant to look at / play it for some inspiration.
is this shit organized by itch.io? fucking hell
Honestly they are just childish, it's like when liberal think pouring all the money into africa will automatically solve the country by itself, always so naive, and always they disregard everything else.
And the problem isn't exclusive to liberal too, since the so called spacefags unfortunately are as dumb as them.
Every time you say africa is a country you prove liberals they are right on something, conservatives are iliterated retards
the countries inside that continent are irrelevant tbh
and let's not resort to passive aggressive name calling and keep it /agdg/
user it was a joke.
This is Holla Forums, everyobe is at least a little bit autistic
they claimed to have bazzylion planets and multi player. Anyone who knows anything about programming knows it's impossible. They wanted more planets that people have bytes of ram. Thats only possible if everything is randomly generated (and that's how it works in NMS) but then there's no way for multi player. It was a scam from the beggining
How about a third person manhunt style videogame where you play as an albino africa running from hunters and mercenaries who desire to get your bones for easy cash?
Oh welp, so having at the very least a colony in mars and or in the moon is not possible at all for now ? I thought this image had some credibility to it, I dunno man it could be also the Kikes for that matter that shut down a few projects because they are afraid that their kvetching and holocau$t reparation order mail wouldn't be heard of anymore and ignored in Mars. Through I agree with the Alpha Centauri part despite it is often called that is "close" to the earth with the possibility of having a Earth like planet there is not gud enough propulsion system that makes it even semi-realistic possible.
But why are you so racist goy, did you forget already your h'whyte privilege? The Egyptians were black and the white men came over there and destroyed that civilization you gotta buckle up and pay for the reparation don't forget the slavery either goyim. But seriously fuck those nigger savages a few thousand years ago there was the Roman and Greece civilization which where light years ahead and those niggers couldn't even invent their equivalent of a aqueduct or anything else for that matter.
t. woke af :^)
Actually wait I know the true space technology they were stolen from the original african kangz and now the devil whitey got 'em. Were it not for the damned evil white cave men Africa would have conquered the stars by now. European technology? Was all originally made in Africa. King Tut had advanced technologies all with the help of Yakub.
Here is the proofs :^)
Nah that's possible, though people underestimate how insane the challenge is. You have to get a lot of people there with enough materials to build and survive on a planet that is completely inhospitable to life and with no real chance of getting back to Earth alive. To make that into a self-sustaining and even expanding colony is insanely hard right now no matter the amount of money you throw at it. Moon would be easier though. The question is what we actually gain from it right now, because as hard as it is to get there, sending shit back is a hundred times harder. It's not like a videogame techtree where pouring all your research into one branch can get you endgame tech while everything else is behind, as fields other than strict space stuff improve, the above will get a lot easier.
People don't understand how big the leap from colonizing Mars to getting to Alpha Centauri (or further away) is though. It's very very possible that FTL travel is not possible in reality and we will NEVER leave our solar system.
I'll stop shitting up the thread now, I'll go make progress on my game to repent.
how do i make unity particles not fucking kill my framerate
Spawn less but more important particles. As in, smoke is made out of a few sprites blending through a flipbook rather than many tiny grey dots. In your example you have a lot of dot gradient particles, you could most likely make a similar or better effect with less but better sprites. If you take a look at most games, they almost never use massed dot gradients for effects (only case I really see it is with GPU particles like in Hawken where they are mostly velocity-stretched dot-gradients). You could also switch to a trail particle or whatever Unity uses.
Still I see absolutely no reason that would kill your framerate, even on the CPU those simple particles should not hit your framerate noticeably. Are you on a toaster? Otherwise it sounds like something is fucked in Unity.
it's a toaster laptop
i changed the size, and it's limited to 100 particles, but i still get framerate drops at random points in time
Sorry brain fart
By definition a unit vectors values will lie exactly on a unit circle/sphere; do they have to sum to 1?
And a normal is special case unit vector who is perpendicular to a surface right?
This is good I'm starting to understand not just 3d concepts but the actual math behind the processes
They don't have to sum to one, the distance of the vector (0, 0, 0) to any vector on the unit sphere (x, y, z) has to be exactly one, which means that sqrt(x²+y²+z²) = 1.
Anybody actually looking for a teammate to participate in this shitty jam and crash it with no survivors?
I got some general knowledge but not enough to do it myself probably
you must be on a toaster (we're talking archaic), or doing something really wrong.
take a pic of the settings for your particle system, and let me see it
those are actually quite prudent settings.
you must be on some ancient hardware…
I can run around 200 particle systems with dips to 60fps, but usually at sub 200fps.
yeah yeah i saw it after the fact
that is, that many particle systems with your provided settings
Unity must have some very specific issue with something in your setup causing it to act up, even if you were on ancient hardware I don't see it having that large a difference between framerate due to a single particle system.
Ask on the Unity support forums or whatever they have, doesn't seem to be an issue with what you're doing so it shouldn't be an error on your side.
Oh the sum of the squares that'swhat I was thinking of
Oh yeah, u should probably use the debugger, and figure out if it's actually the particle system.
it is, my scripting is fine
i guess this is just the result of using a shitty toaster
Alpha overdraw can kill a shitty GPU.
Try to use as much space on each particle quad as possible, and spawn as few of them as you can get away with.
is this good enough for the gamejam or should i actually put in some effort?
That walk cycle made me laugh my ass off, nice
That's all that gamejam deserves tbh, is a character in the shape of a "Women's restroom sign" hah
10/10 GOTY HD sprites
Anyone have an idiots guide to weather, seasons, and climatology? I dont want to go full simulation on my game but I want to know more so I can simulate some parts.
Its hard to do it in a static state since plants affect local conditions and ecology and that can affect climate and weather, its all related. Sim Earth 2 when
Maybe add one more shade for when the limbs go back.
no, but I know how you can fix it
made the other directions.
I've got a linux only terminal-based engine I've been working on. I wanted to make a management game out of it, but I realized that my idea was pretty shit. Maybe I could use it in the game jam.
Any ideas on what kind of game I could use this for? The engine currently supports the following:
Formatted Text
Scrolling textboxes
Progress bars
Post more.
That's a big dick.
for you
i don't know whether to continue devving my already greenlit game or get back to working on a game i've had on the back burner. but no idea if i can make anything polished enough for a greenlight vid if greenlight is getting shut down in the next month or so.
That's really bad.
Keep working on the game, polishing it until it's perfect. That way you never have to look at the code again and can just wait until an online publishing platform accepts it!
there's also links to books on the side which you might be able to get from your local library.
Put on early access and update it once a year while working on your backburner project.
the shit i put up with
Basic flowfield pathfinding is really easy to implement, but then it was time to make it tiled, implement LoS, islands, etc. Things sure got a lot more complex really quickly.
Still, thank God for Elijah Emerson not keeping his stuff under lock and key.
That's pretty good. Do you have some place to follow?
If I made the game 24 fps and added black bars at the bottom, would that give it more "artistic merit"?
Only if it doesn't have gameplay.
well, all of the gameplay in the game is literally walking and pressing space to advance text, with like four instances of interacting with something by also pressing space.
He's still developing it but really slowly. I know I read somewhere something about how it was too time consuming and they kinda put it on the backburner, but I can't find the quote again for the life of me. Everytime I try googling it I keep getting "Dwarf fortress dev says he's going to keep developing it for another 20 years turning it into the prefect simulator" or a mechanic of the game.
I'm kinda piss I kind find the quote again.
*pissed I can't find the quote again.
So, i've never really payed attention, but what stops people from submitting old games to these game jams that they spent time on and win every time?
That sounds like the attitude of a loser. Don't you want to put some accolade on your steam greenlight project and make big bux?
Not really no
How do people even manage to make a game in that short a time frame? Are there engines out there that are that much batteries included or is it copy paste from other projects?
From an outsider's perspective, I bet literally 100% of them cheat in some way. It's either buying premade assets or just copying 90% of the shit from a previous project, no one actually makes a full game in 2 days.
Re-used stuff and very simple games, and come to worst buying shit on marketplaces. Don't think any game engines come with a "make game" button but if you are ready to chuck some money at the marketplace you can almost have that (result won't be good though).
If a game looks to complex to be done in 2 days, it probably is and they cheated.
do what i do, mate.
make a shit game.
It's possible, but is what the winners do. Meanwhile you'll just have wasted two days, your health, your smile and your optimism.
To the user who was looking for a model
Where are these workshops they promised? I wouldn't mind some tutelage even if it from cucks.
Man, I'd fucking love to be tutored on coding. I get so easily distracted if I'm not talking to another person.
For some reason, I get the idea that if they were to have "coding tutors", they'd all be trannies.
Or people who are only tutoring to hit on people.
trannies trying to hit on people?
oh, that happened to me once.
decent enough friend of mine went tranny, and tried to hit on me. had a gf at the time too. fucking mentally ill piece of shit.
Maybe you non-freetards can get some use out of this shit, I'll just stick with OpenAL Soft and maybe TrueAudio Next for now.
Continuing my work on the noncancerous jam
Making a simple game isn't that hard if you're very familiar with your tools. If you know exactly how to do certain things and connect things together, all you have to do then is just do it and not start ideaguying some ambitious bullshit or designing new things you've never done before.
Sure people do. A "full game" is pretty subjective, but there's no reason you couldn't do it if you know exactly what to do and work on it nonstop without sitting on imageboards or playing vidya.
my friend sent me the thing, I'll try to implement it in the next hours.it's not tetris for now
I'm starting to lose momentum
well the particles somehow fixed themselves, i guess my toaster was just shitting itself for no reason
we're here for you, user. just force yourself to do at least something. whatever you find most enjoyable.
Did anyone else get this email?
should I join?
this gun be gud
well, Holla Forums? isn't indie dev just the nicest of places you could ever imagine?
why are you doing this to yourself user
Fuck no. I have experience with some mostly no-name indie devs outside /agdg/ and they were all egotistical circlejerking faggots who couldn't take feedback without chimping out.
Me too, I don't code for like almost 36 hours.
I've been flipflopping back and forth. I'm half-tempted to join in (I've got an idea that I'm really fond of), but at the same time I'm also wondering if it'd be better to just focus 100% on my actual game project.
I also know that even if I focus on making a fun apolitical game, it's gonna be tainted by association.
But on the other hand, that could be half the fun.
it's fucking funny as shit, mate.
alright, surely someone is gonna make a papers please clone with trump and a wall, right?
deporting/stopping mexicans is an easily exploitable setting
He's acting like his friend fucking died.
I've spend three or four days redrawing the leg stance of one sprite and am still not satisfied at all. Shoot me.
Are burgers really this retarded?
You say that like we're the worst offenders when it comes to accepting people who don't belong here.
that guy is me. that's the fucking joke, niggers. i'm bullshitting with them to get a response. why do you think i censored the name?
Crazier shit is spewed on a daily basis. I thought it was some guy who used his real name + real face or something
So your friend is cryengine?
oh shit guys!
we forgot to take into consideration the disabled community! we'll never win now!
personally I've always felt my lack of queerly repping it let me down in making game. Thank Allah for itch.io
>Making browser RTS game
>Decided to use Three.JS because it simplified a lot of things I hated in OpenGL buffers
That's some top tier faggotry, good luck user.
how do i best achieve this effect?
a scrolling texture over the ground?
and how would i particularly do this in unity (the animated part)
wanted to show off my cinematic framerate, and how badly it makes my eyes bleed, but the webm doesn't reflect that. shame. you'll have to see it for yourselves once it's done, then.
Any guides on making a navmesh implementation? Seems like simple graph traversal is it not?
oh well gave up on Archimesh, i prefer the freedom, even if it takes longer, i will still probably use some Archimesh doors and windows
Undertale took the best part of three years to make. Was over-crowfunded thanks to the reputation the lead dev already had with the homestuck fanbase. Which went towards paying a team of artists to help the lead dev who was in turn relying heavily on his skills in music composition to compensate for his own shortcomings as a pixel artist.
Anyone thinking they could just throw together some pixel art and hope to be as successful is a fucking idiot.
i was slowing down because i was putting youtube videos to play on the background, and i eventually started to lose focus, now i play shit like this instead, helps a lot.
either particles or decals on rails
it's possible user, here's a guy who made a tower defense game in 1 hour
The "gamejam" faggots remind me of "makers." They pursue their craft as a diversion like playing with Legos. There's never any intent to create something that could turn into a practical, everyday item. They make something that looks cool, or makes you laugh once when you watch a video of it in action, or capitalizes on some shitty meme. And always with the safe space mentality. You'll be hard pressed to find a "maker space" or "hacker space" that isn't neck deep in hair dye and progressive stacks.
There is nothing inherently wrong with the idea, and I do like the concept of having somewhere where the hacker mentality comes first and the polish second, but these gamejams almost never create something of worth. It's just the same gameplay archetypes but with some theme flavor. A "#ResistJam" will be a bunch of hackneyed platformers where you climb The Wall or a beat-em-'up game about beating up whites conservatives libertarians nationalists Nazis.
At best, they get people with otherwise little motivation to work on their skills (or lack thereof), and in theory, something decent could eventually come out of it (Has anything decent actually come out of it yet?)
At worst, they're used as outlets to develop obvious propaganda, and flooding the world with more shit.
I'm tempted to fuck with them, although I'm sure I'll be working that weekend.
Most game jam games are either copy paste or something you at least did before. For example, when you make a game or write something for the first time, the simplest small shit takes forever, but the next time you do it, it's very simple because you already know the solution. The first time i made a character move around took me an hour, now i write character movement in 3 minutes. Basically, game jams are just repeating and showing off what you learned so far.
This is the case in many situations. Shit like movement can be copy-pasted from project to project a lot of the time, with adjustments as needed.
Scrolling UVs, flow map.
It's no different from making water.
I'm working on making a function to merge two noise textures via octaves, but I don't know how I should handle the cases where their sizes are mismatched. Exception? Silently fail? Figure out the working area and do that?
Cut the biggest one?
Is Godot in a good enough state where I can make a 3D game out of it? Should I just settle for Unity?
That would be the working area, then.
I made a Grid class that wraps an array into having X, Y, Width, and Height as bounds, and I can take the intersect of two of them and iterate it. The problem is that it's cumbersome to do so, and there's no easy way to abstract it for each time I need to do so
Godot is in the middle of compatibility breaking overhaul that completely upgrades the 3D side of it. I wouldn't recommend using it right now.
I guess, as verions 3.0 is adding Physically Based Rendering and is revamping the 3D pipeline, so you're better off either waiting even longer for 3.0 to come out, dealing with OpenGL ES, or jumping to Unity or UE4
embed related is (allegedly) what's the most possible with what's done with OGL ES 2.0
Wait hold on, why do I need shit like frequency and amplitude when I'm doing octave noise?
more like make shareware scummy again
Game idea for the jam:
Not sure about the actual theme, story, or if I'll actually do this in a whole week, but hey.
just check the profiler
who the hell knows if it's not something different
it's the particles you dumb dumb, i checked the profiler
but it randomly happens, usually it runs fine, so it's just an issue on my side
And they claimed videogames where not used as a political tool. Such fools.
Mean while it takes me 5 fucking weeks to make a simple C# console thingy.
we all start somewhere user
Kto PL?
welcome to the wonderful world of garbage collection
there's a few of us here, not that it's very important
better comment on the game faggot
nie kurwa macz
no co kurwy
Tak kurwa!
Ładny get anonye
alright, my scroll shader works
but for some reason it doesn't work with transparent images
wat do
Shader "Custom/ScrollShader" { Properties { _MainTint("Diffuse Tint",Color)=(1,1,1,1) _MainTex("Base (RGB)",2D) = "white" {} _ScrollXSpeed("X Scroll Speed", Range(0,10))=2 _ScrollYSpeed("Y Scroll Speed", Range(0,10))=2 } SubShader { Tags { "Queue"="Transparent" "RenderType"="Transparent" } LOD 200 CGPROGRAM // Physically based Standard lighting model, and enable shadows on all light types #pragma surface surf Standard fullforwardshadows // Use shader model 3.0 target, to get nicer looking lighting #pragma target 3.0 fixed4 _MainTint; fixed _ScrollXSpeed; fixed _ScrollYSpeed; sampler2D _MainTex; struct Input { float2 uv_MainTex; }; half _Glossiness; half _Metallic; fixed4 _Color; void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) { fixed2 scrolledUV=IN.uv_MainTex; fixed xScrollValue = _ScrollXSpeed*_Time; fixed yScrollValue=_ScrollYSpeed*_Time; scrolledUV+=fixed2(xScrollValue,yScrollValue); half4 c=tex2D(_MainTex,scrolledUV); o.Albedo=c.rgb*_MainTint; o.Alpha=c.a; } ENDCG } FallBack "Diffuse"}
Baka, learn to use modifiers.
triple dubs speaks the truth, at the very least use the solidify modifier. also learn to use curves and how to use groups
nevermind, it works now
however right now i've got a duplicate model of the desert for that shader
is there any way i can combine the static texture with the moving one in one shader/material?
What do u mean by "sizes" are mismatched?
Like… outputting two textures, each of varying size (why different sizes)?
Just output two textures of the same size, and merge; prevent it from ever occurring in the first place.
frequency is how frequent the noise repeats (smaller -> more repeats, larger -> fewer repeats), and the amplitude is the size of these repeats (sml/lrg -> "waves" of noise size)
So for terrain, freq would make the terrain have more "fine" details between each protrusion of features determined via the amplitude.
You need these to make varying details, in essence.
For your fractal noise function, you should also use lacunarity, and gain.
Each of these augment their respective variable per loop so it's not so "samsey".
Lacunarity alters frequency (such as, freq*= lacunarity;), and gain alters amplitude (amp *= gain;).
However, u can alter how this occurs… and thus different variations of fractal functions arise.
So… for the variant I proposed… your fractal function should look like:
//this is a basic fractal brownian motion function//there are many like it... such as turbulence, rigid fractal noise, etc.float Fract2D (Vector2 coor, int octaves, float gain, float lacu, float seed = .34421f){ //NOTE: can alter freq/amp initially, as to make 1 octave have varying details, or, pass in changed freq/amp too. float sum = 0f, freq = 1f, amp = 1f; for (int i = 0; i < octaves; i++) { sum += noise2DFunc (new Vector2(coor.x * freq, coor.y * freq), seed) * amp; freq *= lacu; amp *= gain; } return sum;}
The best solution to sand particles… is… a particle system affected by the wind system; flowing over your mesh.
U really need a better pc user.
There's always GPU particles though (compute shader based)… but that requires DX10+ or openGL es support.
Here's one u could try out (just found this, haven't checked if it's optimized):
that's nice and all, but it will definitely fry my toaster
Well, compute shaders are pretty efficient if you code them with small thread groups; so there's not much overhead if you utilize them right (each cuda core can do 32 threads in a warp for nvidia cards, ati has different semantics).
As long as you have at least 200+ cuda cores in your GPU you can do a whole lot with compute shaders; even my 5 yr old mid-tier laptop has around 400 cuda cores.
So… what GPU do u have in your toaster?
the penis legs, im dying, change nothing
it's perfect game jam material, fit right in
Why is Monodevelop is so fucking atrocious? I can't even copy paste from outside source it's maddening, not to mention the crashes, jesus
it's a shitty built in intel one
use visual studio 2013, and if you wanna be really cool use notepad++
ffs user, it's a simple question. Give a specific answer (model name/number, etc).
You seem like you don't want help anyways, fuck it.
Monodevelop, so I assume Unity right?
Use VS, and get the unity plugin for VS.
Also, VS has support for community addons which is convenient.
tried VS already, the startup is slow as a dying grandma and it felt so slow for some reason. Haven't tried notepad++ though
I used to use Sublime text cause how fast and generally better looking the interface and everything is, but for some reason it keeps getting "error talking to" for god knows why and then the whole thing crash
fuck my life
user, Intel Integrated GPUs are not GPUs. His CPU just has a small section of the die set up to mimic a few GPU functions. He does't have an actual GPU, it uses RAM as VRAM, and frankly it's a miracle he can even stand how terribly Unity must run for him in the first place.
In fact that could be (part of) the problem, if his RAM is used too much he technically runs out of VRAM and would probably get massive slowdown.
i can always run unity on lower settings :^)
I wonder how would they react if I made a game set during the fall of communism in Eastern Europe? :^)
there'd be a huge lack of interest from eastern europe, we only play ASSFAGGOTS, CSGO and wow private servers
but you'd probably be praised by gamejournos if you praise real communism
Did the doctors give you something for your brain problems, Godotanon?
well that sucks.
yeah… never really worked with intel "emulated" graphics, and I'd rather not bother looking into it; my intuition says it's a waste of time anyways.
They'd love it because the Soviet Union wasn't real communism. I'm surprised they haven't got around to calling it fascism.
RIP Godotanon, we hardly knew ye.
Here is a very fast overview of my Grid class, which I use to hold and contain my data
I'm using XNA, but I want my noise stuff to remain as independent as possible, or at the very least avoid having to rely on drawing with the graphics card. When working with texture data, I have to use SetData() which creates a copy of the data as it pushes it to the card, which involves significant overhead, I basically have to get it right before sending it over, and I don't get to take advantage of drawing functions; I'm basically making all the textures myself ahead of time.
Anyways, I don't have a "noise function" per se, my approach comes mostly from iterating said grids (it's easier to just "do it" rather than calling a function 65000 times during a tight loop). I have started doing a library of helper functions for the perlin stuff, with another class for the actual use case/implementation. So I have a bunch of methods to generate a grid, smooth functions, etc., and a Perlin2DNoiseGenerator class that will always make a 256x256 grid and take a few shortcuts I couldn't otherwise (such as having a fixed resolution of 16x16 per cell and caching some vector gradients in a lookup table).
The issue is that my helper functions are generalized and need to have some kind of sanity and bounds checking, in case they're used independently, for good design.
Right now I have 3 grids of 256x256 at 53%, 28%, and 14%, and it interpolates each pixel on a 1:1 ratio. So what you're saying is that the frequency will basically just repeat the grid values several times; this sounds like it would need another layer of interpolation (eg I toss in a freq of 0.75 and that means it would need to find some value between index 0 and 1 of the second grid to write to the first one)
Not sure how amplitude works, since everything is normalized between 0 and 1. Or do you just shit everything together and normalize it again afterwards?
just googled it
will use it for next floor, thanks
i'll take a gander after I get back from work
Not game, not /agdg/
That's why we lost the cold war.
I hope horror team and speebot will make /agdg/ great again
I just can't find a good idea to work on.
VNs aren't games and I don't think hopoo posts on 4/agdg/ anymore. The posting quality in cuckchan's dev threads has been horrible for years now, it's just bitching and discouraging people who actually want to make game. Most anons here might be engine devs but I haven't seen much shitposting in the 2 years I've frequented them. The contrary, I've only gotten support or constructive criticism when I post my art.
If people want to make a joke to fuck with liberals, let them. Jams are good practice.
Are those literally terraria's brick sprites?
8gdg is too slow to output a lot or attract more devs, and 4gdg is so full of cancer that it repels all devs sooner or later. That said, there's plenty of interesting games being developed in 4, so I don't see that slavgame as anything particularly special. It's neat that it's being promoted like that, there was a game jam/contest or something in the early days of Holla Forums /agdg/ where Hotwheels would be one of the judges and stuff, but I doubt it would happen nowadays. Not that we have the people to run something like that anyway.
I suspect that if this thread got fast, it would devolve into same kind of shittery as 4gdg, >>>/agdg/ is already suffering from it, possibly because people from 4chan go there instead of here when they hear about Holla Forums, or then it's just the inevitable fate of game dev in english imageboards.
Oh I see, lacu/gain are basically deltas
I made an easter egg.
the colors are a bit darker due to webm encoding. it's seizure enducing in the actual engine.
I'll give you not only one, but 3 ways to get an idea.
Starting with the most obvious:
1. Make your dream game:
This is a very serious matter, it's really easy to get yourself lost with jams and challenges and forget that you really started all of this just to make THAT game that you knew nobody else would make, well, what are you waiting for?
Ok, then make a GDD and confirm that, if you were just exaggerating, start asap, if it's really that complicated you have three options:
a. Simplify it, time consuming efforts are usually related to tech issues, you want to make AAA shit or wants to go full 3D without a team or not knowing shit about modelling and related. This extends to general art as well, no game needs to look like Ori or Owlboy to be good (tbh Owlboy isn't even good), prime examples like rogue, nethack and Dwarf Fortress show that games can sustain a deep level of complexity and challenge with the simplest of graphics. But hey if you are a /loomis/ailor feel free to go wild, good art generally makes everything better.
b. JUST DO IT, sacrifice your next 10 years to your game, get skills, get team, just fucking do it, you don't even care, do you? You have the patience of steel and don't mind dedicating the rest of youth to your megalomaniac project .
c. Try another dream game, everything above, but with another ideal game, maybe this time will be more possible.
d. Quit, fuck it, try another way to get a idea, you already have a GDD, when you win a lottery or something you can try your luck.
2. Fixing the industry (Making the never ever sequel or resurrecting a genre yourself)
This looks real similar to the dream game thing, lots of people dream in being able to play that dead franchise or genre, but with renewed gameplay, ideas and maybe even graphics, I put this as a separate because it doesn't necessarily need to be your dream (it would be better if it was, hence your dream game being the first option), but you can make another people's dream game come true, and if you received any good feedback in your life, you know that's an amazing feel. It's very easy to find these ideas, mainly here, since people are constantly crying about muh evil industry and corporations and they have good reasons to.
Same rules as dream game
3. Studying the history of videogames.
This one is kinda of underrated since I never saw anyone besides myself talking about this, the history of this industry is quite rich and you can get lots of ideas from there, you can read about the mechanics of ancient and forgotten games, for example, and think about what makes them fun.
Meme solutions:
- Go to any /ideaguy/ thread and steal shit
- Go to Peter Molydeux and steal shit
- Go to any game idea generator and steal shit
- Go to random article in wikipedia and make a game about that
- Make this:
Note: you can make amazing games with the meme solutions, they are just lazy and uninspired, that's all.
This, if your game is about punching nazis it'll be a-ok but if it's about punching violent antifa it's going to be banned.
That's pretty hot.
If I fucked a pixel character would her rigid vagina damage my dick or not?
It depends whether your dick is made of pixels.
I'm back with a question for you guys. Some of you may have played the demo I posted a while back before which would be helpful to know.
Anyways, I'm working on this Classicvania-style platforming game, and I'm trying to find out if this specific type of challenge is unfair or at least unfun for the player.
Pic related, part of the stage has the player traveling on a moving platform over water for a stretch of time. Falling in the water causes you to die and there are these fish enemies that you can see that jump up out of the water when they get close enough to the player.
Its a pretty hard section but I give the player an item that can be thrown down into the water to attack them. Does this sound/look unfair?
it is if he's asian.
Instant death with respawning bullshit enemies? You miss an attack you'll die. Maybe make the raft one tile wider?
is there knockback like in castlevania? because that'd be pretty bullcrap. just like fucking castlevania.
I should also mention though that I'm doing it with Dracula X style knockback. You don't get sent flying back unless you jump.
If the guy making the robot girl spectacle fighter game finishes, it's going to be everywhere.
Hard to say without seeing gameplay. I recall it being pretty hard to hit moving things with the melee attack, especially while jumping.
On the surface it sounds a little boring, since it seems like you'll be doing the same maneuver over and over. It might be cool if the fish have different attacks so you'll have to use a specific attack to counter them (normal attack, crouch attack).
I've modified the attack animations a little bit. More active frames on the attacks etc. But the boredom thing is the one thing I'm concerned with since it's a little difficult. Hard + boring sounds like a bad combination. It's not a very long section of the level, maybe 15-20 seconds or so.
I'm playing with the idea of having flying enemies at the last part before you get back to dry land, but that sounds so evil.
can i into gamedev now
better than what i'm making, mate
You should make it so you can easily avoid it if you just wait calmly, so people who panic and jump at it are likely to fall to the water.
That's sort of what the first screenshot of my first game looked like.
Yeah man just recycle the code from that game and you'll be making big games in no game.
That's sort of the philosophy I've been going with when it comes to my level design. If you're just patient and careful, you can observe and beat any of the obstacles, but if you just rush in or make bad jumps you die a lot. That's a pretty good idea, I'll probably end up doing that. Right at the end of the raft-ride to so you can see the land right as you fall into the water and die lol
anudda 1k tri try, this time the gepard smg
Postan this again for the isometricfags out there
You know what, I think I figured it out.
What it refers to amplitude, I called scale or ratio or something and used it as a scaling factor to get the 0..1 I was talking about before. Frequency is obvious. So basically it was just a case of me/you/them having different terms and being being a retard.
You know what, if you can't handle it, don't fucking do the thing.
weapon 881 tris, uv done.
are there any good ways to use substance painter for only diffuse textures?
Use a non-PBR shader. I think they ship one.
finalizing the first environment for my #resistjam project.
Not very inclusive if you ask me. I feel sorry for all the anons who got fun ideas that would inevitably be rejected under this bullshit.
Even worse is that the link points to a geekfeminism wiki page which contains a list of what "widely agreed by feminist writers and fandom blogs" warning subjects as well as a list "some sections of media fandom that there are arguments that warnings should be made for" warning subjects.
Itch.io is not saying what is actually required, and both of the lists are somewhat broad.
The first list contains "actual descriptions of war", graphic or extensive descriptions of abuse, self-harming behaviour, mental state of someone suffering from abuse of self-harming behaviour as well as any discussion about eating disordered behaviour or body shaming.
Although most games wont step on this, you can paint them way too broadly, and I can see retards getting offended at even something as silly as trying to encourage healthy (not beetus) diets.
The second list is excessively broad and almost every game steps on it. It contains depiction or discussion of violence, any consensual sexual activity as well as discriminatory attitudes or actions.
Given that violence is a core gameplay mechanic in the vast majority of games, and pretty much every form of social interaction can be considered discriminatory through micro-aggression bullshit, this pretty much allows them to throw everything they don't like out of the competition.
And here I thought itch.io was somewhat decent. Oh well.
it gets better, mate.
you should see their discord.
I wonder if one can get away by making a Bolshevism Gulag (((simulator))).
journalistic collusion and conservatives being banned from speaking at campuses are not actual issues, apparently.
what is, then, hate speech?
oh boy
stereotypical limousine liberal talk, why am I not surprised
You can only get away with it if its real socialism. If its not real socialism, then its facism, which is against the rules.
Tell them Obama created the ministry of truth right before Trump took over. that shit actually happened
Being white and opening your CIS mouth
I don't want to be a cunt but why aren't you drawing to a low res then scaling that buffer/canvas/whatever up?
That doesn't sound very indie to me.
well, guys? is your game accessible yet?
you didn't forget about the colorblind and disabled, did you?
Im no artist so dont expect me to understand a lot of that, but by rotation im guessing youre talkin about the enemies, in which case its just placeholder right now. Only reason i rotate it is to help me visualize where i want the hitboxes currently.
As for the scale thing I thought I had done a pretty good job making sure my pixel scales were good as thats what I did, drew it small all in the same scale then implemented. I must have screwed up somewhere. Is it in the UI that its all messed up? Im not very good at noticing it.
skill is a privilege, goyim.
Is that actually made from scratch? Looks like a Soldat mod.
Most of it is in the UI but they also don't match the pixel size of the rest of the game, but there are things like the player sprite not being on the pixel grid.
The easiest solution to fix all this is to work at one fixed resolution, keep sprites pixel-aligned (you can still store subpixel movement/velocity but draw on grid) and then render that buffer/canvas up to the size you want. Ideally keeping the ratio to integers for nice sharp pixels.
What board
This guy in the resistjam discord. wew
it gets better.
They are so fucking racist and don't even know it
Thanks my dude ill have to look into picel alignment, i definitely see what youre saying now.
Racism is skin deep.
what I do is have the game running internally at 640x360 and give the player the option to scale the window. widescreen, but still small enough to where the pixel art is easy.
The double-think with these faggots, holy shit.
Nevermind, the .onion site is still up
This guy can't be real. He just linked to E;R's steven universe video. Which of you is it?
I had a partner once, if you don't have money to pay your team forget about it. No one will care about your game but you, at some point people will lose interest no matter how motivated you are. Some say, "WELL GEE JUST PAY THEM". And my response is that no all people have good paying jobs, or live in first world countries, or can't use that money on a single person. You'd still need a small team if you wanna do something professionally.
So my friends, a 1MA game that won't look great but has all the sweat and blood of one man's work into it is still an incredible effort in my opinion. The thing that fucked up indie gaming now is pretentious hipster nazi cucks who censor everything and just want money at the price of any decency, and people who never grew up with games or at least had deep interests in movies or PCs. You see all these fuckers make a game that is not even half as good as games from 30 years ago, no effort at all. Their inspiration is not old successful games, or classics, or just amazing games from all time periods. Their inspiration for making game is games from new indie devs. It's like me trying to make an opera song when I really don't care at all about opera.
Remember these next time you think about selling out, kids.
At least the accessibility one has some decent advice mixed in, like not relying purely on red/green to signify if something is negative/positive since that's poor design.
i think that's moreso due to colorblindness, actually.
you give these people way too much credit, mate.
R/G colorblindness has to do with hue, not intensity. When you greyscale an image, the two colors can be exactly the same afterwards, it depends on other factors
Relying on visuals is ableist against blind people.
Relying on sound is ableist against hearing impaired people.
Relying on decision making is ableist against brain deficient people.
less than 1% of the world's population see things as black and white, the most common colorblindness is like orange/green which sucks but unless you're using a red/orange/green system for positives neutrals and negatives it won't be a problem
But that was my point user. You shouldn't rely purely on the colour to denote if something is positive or negative, which people typically associate with green and red. Like if you're doing attack buff icons, include a +/- or arrow up/down.
And excluding that 1% is problematic, shitlord :^)
I enjoy games with colorblind modes because of my orange/green colorblindness but really +'s and -'s are fucking ugly unless done properly
Just take a note from Kirby Air Ride
Sure, I just mean something nice and obvious or outright avoiding most common colour blindnesses.
The fireballs represent oppression.
Yeah, I know why this doesn't work now but damn. How can I just make a for loop wait for a button to be pressed?
A for loop executes constantly.
What you want is an if that checks every single frame
Honestly, as shitty as this is, if you subdued the floor and wall a bit, it'd look better
I was thinking about how to circumvent the censors. The game could check the system time so it only triggers the triggering content after a certain date.
i dont even know wtf the lower flag is
i was thinking the same thing, so it turns in to a gag after they judge and cant take it back
or just do what i did. make an actual game with a hidden easter egg.
the password is hidden in the credits.
it's for trannies.
How the fuck are these people real?
Berninator is obviously our guy.
it's official, guys.
white people existing is problematic.
maybe the whole jam is consisted of /agdg/eeks roleplaying
It's not. It's faggots from Twitter/Tumblr, etc.
I've been on Holla Forums long enough to know better
hah, well I'm glad u figured it out.
Quick note though, in the general approach for fractal functions you don't usually need to even the results out to the range of [-1 to 1]/[0 to 1]; that's just for the noise functions.
Although, you probably require that range, and weighting each noise func is a good approach imo.
Some of them have ancient tumblr accounts full of faggy drawings.
There are people pretending, but you should be able to spot the difference, unlike them.
Honestly though, keeping things in the range of units of 1 is more ideal to me, since it's a lot easier to manipulate. I hope to have a webm demo in the next couple of days, I've got shit figured out and just need to implement it. Thanks again
Sounds like a plan user, I look forward to it.
Happy to help, user
Berninator, if you're in here, please don't stop.
Make it pixelperfect.
The contrasting pixelart resolutions tickle my autism the wrong way.
Yo someone here know the RL location of this jam? Its not on the website I'm gonna report them to ICE.
i don't think there IS a real life location. some of them mentioned going to GDC though, but that's about it. it's just internet submissions, mate.
They couldn't tell you why they think mulatto is offensive anyway
Funny bit is that mulatto was used to be polite.
mulato(a) literally means "mixed" (but specifically white/black) in my language (portuguese). Someone should larp as a hue and tell them that saying mullato is offensive is racist and they should kill themselves.
listen to this user, no other way
This is how you handle it gracefully, outreach to a fan and work with them, not forcing a diversity quota
Hmm.. one other thing I saw about noise generation was Minecraft. Apparently it uses the world seed and the neighbouring chunk to seed a new chunk being generated
Would it actually push those chunks values into the noisemap or is it just a happy coincidence from using gradient noise?
2 hours well spent I guess. Time to abandon my project and work on something else.
I've stopped experimenting with chiptunes and making practice tracks (thanks again for all the criticism) and began working on actual soundtrack for Speebot!
Here's a song I made today that will be used in some tropical levels: my.mixtape.moe
I still wanna make a grocery store or retail sim.
I guess most of it would be logistics sim and some scheduling? Not sure how to make it fun and open ended… i work at Walmart so i know itd be easy to assign modular templates for the player to follow but i dont want it to be too restrictive
Make Walmart Simulator, add wacky ragdoll physics and make billions of retard shekesls.
Should mention itll be 2d and like DF with tiles.
Most of our shit is in 4ft sections… if i make my tiles at 24x24 i could actually have each pixel represent an inch or two.
i mean it's tolerable, but it kind of sounds like something you'd hear in a bootleg Mario game on Steam for two bucks.
Did ResistJam end or something? The thread just randomly died.
This thread? Their thread? We're at page 12, new one soon
From what I've heard from it, the .midi files could be run through some effects like reverb or saturation or compression, to make them less 'sterile', and so on.
Can I ask what DAW you used to make this?
Disregard this. Downloaded the file and made a few tweaks. Feel free to use it if you like it.
texture almost done
some stuff ripped and edited from images, namely the receiver and cover
fucking real life stuff getting in the way
why the fuck is the nearest hardware store 2 hours away the city center so i have 2 hours downtime because the fucking silicone went old
Looks great, but you'll probably get more feedback once the new thread goes up.
Not sure what they use tbh.
Though, if they're using gradient lattice noise (like perlin), and the same seed (such as, for hashing to get gradients); you would always end up with the same results.
No need to "push results" into neighboring chunks, it just needs to know the seed; use the same noise, and it'll be the same everytime for a particular chunk (in addition to each chunk continuing from the edges of the other, if doing the above).
I guess it would just depend on their noise function then, since it doesn't necessarily repeat.
Plus I guess the cool thing is that they can run a different one for different terrain values, like height, moisture, etc.
Well, there's of course variety in the end results; what I mean by " it'll be the same everytime for a particular chunk" is for the exact regeneration of the same chunk when u revisit said chunk.
There's plenty of variety in any standard perlin noise function, and that's mostly due to the use of varying input coordinates (i.e. results of posi at (0,0) will be gradually different to the result of (5,0)).
Agreed, it's pretty neat.
U can find an overview of how Notch accomplished that. In essence, utilizing a recursive diamond square algorithm.