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Activism #24
How many years will it be before we can openly criticize black Herbert Hoover for bailing out the banks...
Are you crypto-fasc?
Alt-Right erupts after crying Nazi Christopher Cantwell admits he’s a federal informant
Flag thread
This is amazing
So how do y'all account for the fact that people don't want to work...
Are modern ☭TANKIE☭ parties in the Western World now just glorified re-enactment groups...
Why does every gommie state eventually liberalize its economy?
Daily News Thread 3/28
I need a girlfriend? How can I find one
There is literally no reason why these should be allowed...
What political stance are/were your parents or guardian?
Was the Frankfurt School a porky psyop? I've been reading excerpts from Adorno, Horkheimer, and Marcuse for uni...
Daily News Thread 3/27
Communist's counterargument to this?
Newfag to leftypol, not-so-newfag to pol. I'm sure this gets answered ad nauseam...
I'm about to become a content creator(tm) and start making videos on socialist theory and history for youtube. Any tips...
What are some good leftist arguments against gun control?
I feel like my depression is turning me into a fascist or something like that, I need fucking help comrades
Physical copies of Socialist books
The actual end goal of Socialism
Is there a way to debunk pic related?
Anti-Semitism: the refuge of the brainlet
In your opinion, whats the easiest anti-communist argument to counter? Is it the human nature argument...
Daily News Thread 3/26
Plz don't bully Otto
The truth about Cambridge Analytica-SCL: Psy-ops by UK-US deep state actors
Trouble #11: Destroying Domination
Why did space exploration just die? What's keeping everyone from restarting?
Give me a detailed rundown of why Capitalism is bad, and why Communism is better
John Carpenter and /leftykino/
Which has more Sectarianism? Anarchist or Tankies?
Is Cheating Part Of Chinese Culture?
Does anyone want to talk?
Whats your fucking plan?
We need to talk more about the importance of discipline and self-discipline on the Left
There are persons who leave thier own Western...
Hungarian Elections
Disillusioned and stuff
Now that the dust has settled, what do we think of him...
The alternative hypothesis
The United States is fucking retarded
Disavow antifa?
This divides the /eftypol/
What did he mean by this
Killer Mike appears in NRA video to defend black gun ownership
Clocks are Bourgeois
Why are leftists so weak?
Cigarettes - how do they work in a communist society? "From each according to his craving", or what?
ITT: We admit our reactionary confessions
Communist content
Germany’s 28-Hour Workweek
March For Our Lives
Cultural Communism
Why don't you join ISIS? They are a radical Communist group, with actual military success...
Gun Control
How did North Korea end up having Kim Il Sung as its leader...
Pharmaceutical Companies
Holla Forums on suicide watch
Survey: 1 in 4 South African men admit to committing rape
I need a girlfriend? How can I find one
The two worst posters on this board read Posadas
Daily News Thread 3/23
Muh lumpen darkies
Defining Capitalism
The CIA takeover of the Democratic Party
Toxic masculinity
France thread
Why isn't every workers a socialist...
What does Holla Forums think of worker owned companies?
Labor Vouchers
How do you expect communism to fix the problem of capitalist parasite or whatever...
Daily News Thread 3/22
Soldier Apologia (?)
How can anyone admire the Soviet Union (especially as a communist) when it utterly failed? For example...
Bayer's takeover of Monsanto
Nordic Utopias
The case of Singapore
Use & Exchange
Daily News Thread 3/21
Is the science of genetics today accurate and truthful, or is genetics just a bourgeois pseudoscience?
LATE CAPITALISM THREAD 2: petty bourgeois edition
GOP to Run Former Nazi Party Leader Into Chicago's Mid Terms
Business owner
Ripping Apart Jordan Peterson's Faux Intellectualism
Humanity achieve fully automated capitalism
If the US goes communist won't there be 100 years of endless war with capitalist powers?
Neoliberal butthole "The Netherlands" legalizes assisted euthanasia
How do you cope with fact that we'll most likely never witness a major communist revolution in our lifetime?
How to Recruit and Indoctrinate People
Accurate Animal Farm
40 years ago Kurdish nationalists were trained by the PFLP and had good relations with anti-US countries like Syria and...
Daily News Thread 3/20
Former French President Sarkozy arrested for working with Gaddafi
Get a job
Xi tells China's parliament 'only socialism can save China'
Leftism Forever Destroyed
Anti-Capitalist Alliance
So apparently the Zapatista's are running a women in the Mexican elections
No free health care
The Grand Leftwing Communist Conspiracy
Cambridge Analytica Fallout
Would Edward Snowden and Julian Assange be spared during a violent communist overthrow?
Daily News Thread 3/19
Doesn't it bother anyone else that the reason we haven't made contact with intelligent life forms...
Sexual equality: life outcomes vs genetics & luck
If the age at which a woman body becomes fertile is 13yrs old...
So with the Turks completely fucking over the Kurds and taking Afrin… are we finally going to admit that the strength...
So, why do Communists think equality means more happiness, freedom, wealth, etc?
Was Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy anti imperialist because they fought USA and UK...
Are protesters the bourgeoisie?
Alright comrades, I made a piece of agitprop...
Why do nerds call Ghost in the Shell leftist again?
Roo vs. Muke
Putin won again today, to the surprise of no one. Is Putin /ourguy/...
Best images to shippost with
You need to get rid of faggotry in the left
Feminism is puppeteered by porky!
Why are you a lefty, Holla Forums?
Bread Lines
Fig 1
Sorry its not child porn but i got the next best thing for you!
Correct view on the PKK?
Political Ideology Catgirls
Most overworked and underpaid population in the world
I just finished "Hypernormalisation". What a trip...
How come women no longer wish to be impregnated...
Tfw there have been two nihilist revolutions and nobody gives a damn
Stop spamming 4chan with CP, you sick fucks, keep it to your containment board, if you're into that sort of thing
Can't we all agree that race actually means alot in order to run a great country...
Why is Ayy Que a "banned word" around here? It is quite literally the strongest...
How could individuals compensate others for non-necessary services in a planned socialist economy...
Daily News Thread 3/17
"leftist" : "Hey incels all your needs are met bro, you have oxygen, food and water, stop complaining, you're good!"
Is there a obscure/theoretical idea that is more "left" than communism?
Convince me the labor theory of value is true
How do we change marxism's image problem? the right has a monopoly on what is good and beautiful and true...
Here's the deepest most secret redpill I've ever discovered in my jouney
How come so many leftists become indistinguishable from lifelong right wingers and start spouting "pull yourself up by...
Small Business Owners
Neolibs/Radical Centrists
Why do people say things like Cultural Marxism causes fun...
Christian Socialism
Wednesday: Mathew Heimbach Destroys TWP, Thursday: Alt Right Youtuber Lures Teen, Now Bomb Threat
Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism...
Daily News Thread 3/16
Whats everyone's take on Richard Wolff...
Self-defense during protests
Why don't you redistribute your own wealth first, you hippie socialist! Don't force us to do something you won't!
Left wing Japanese politics where did they go?
The lack of revolution around the world
Prostitution, Abortion, CLASS WARFARE
ITT: Explain The 2008 Financial Crisis Using Greentext
Lal salam comreds!
2smrt4me - Fourth International Posadist (Flying saucers and talking to dolphins)
Alright, this is going to be more intense than Sargon vs. Jason. Muke and Jason disagree on so many things, on praxis...
Pan-Slavic nationalism
How to swiftly debunk the "muh price signals are necessary for civilization" argument? I mean is it even possible...
God Tier
Whats up, my man, I heard you wanted to establish communism. well I have just the solution
Capitalist Propaganda That Justify Gulags
Smashy dictionary
Daily News Thread 3/15
Stuff you might not know about Allende
Solving the hypergamy/low birth and marriage rates/Spinster problem
Michigan Senate candidate is arming the homeless
Holla Forumstard checking in
Alt right moron kills himself
Why do Anarchists do this?!
Gen Z
What can communism offer incels? And don't give me that "you're not entitled a vagina" bs...
Theocratic Nazbol is the only way. Communism can only be achieved in a homogeneous society of White Christians...
Moishe Postone Thread
Karl Marx died 135 years ago today. Press F to pay respects
Why does the "left" support teachers, universities, colleges, TAs, and professors?
Is there a certain way to talk to Trump supporters/alt righters that would get them to actually listen to you rather...
Intentionalism vs Functionalism
Daily News Thread 3/14
RIP Stephen Hawking
Leftist Gender Theory
Any thoughts on this guy's writing...
Intersectionality General. I'm sick and tired of all the nazbols, all the reactionaries...
Is there anything worse than the eternal ultra? The smuggest of assholes...
For all you anti-gun yokels
China's Communist Kindergarden
Too Many Goddamn Strasserists
Another Putin enemy found dead in Britain
Number of Genders?
Brocialism - Lolbert edition
So, fellas, there's this fb group
Capitalism without a Workplace
The future of the Austrian far left
Daily News Thread 3/13
When this capitalism>feudalism meme started?
Holla Forums has a question
Why do Berniebros love Mormons so much?
Is it possible for someone from a upper middle class/bourgeois family to be a leftist...
Is revolution a viable option in western countries? The militaries are far more advanced than they were in Vietnam
Genetic proletarians
Why are so many Asians Communist/Socialists? Is it becasue they are soulles insectoids...
Daily News Thread 3/12
Is left wing idpol the number 1 threat to true leftism? Id say they're even more dangerous than porky at this point...
FUCK capitalism
How can we force the bourgeoisie to develop the production forces with more haste...
I want to go back. I want to go back so fucking bad. It's gone and it will never come back
How can you advocate for communism when you know damn well what happend to Eastern Europe and Russia...
Treasonous Bolsheviks
How do I deal with the fact that so many of my former comrades are now having their "haha I was a communist too! So...
Media War On Russia
Putin destroys Megyn Kelly
Daily News Thread 3/11
Right-winger Martin Sellner and his gf arrested by the Brit government and put in Britbong jail for hate speech
Redpill me on Obamacare
How much of therapy is simply treating alienation that results from living under capitalism...
Jeez, fascists are so young nowadays
Leftypol Stickers
The RQ
The Cleanest Race
Hereditary succession under socialism
Preventing tax evasion, brain drain, etc
Could identity politics be mitigated if all players were more openly honest towards one another and all races...
Rand Paul 2024
The worst thing to happen in the left
A great irony of soyphobia originating on the Alt-Right is that one of their other obsessions, milk...
Daily News Thread 3/9
Make 4chan anarchistic again!
I dont know if i should study philosophy or study a major my parents want me to stay in because it has a high...
Zizek is fucked
Apologies and goodbye, kthx
How can socialism be efficient?
Fellas. Be honest...
Should trannies just be shot? Why? Why not?
Post Sargon vs Jason debate thread
Marxists are getting platformed how do you feel about it?
Womyn make 25% less then man
Why don't we just close the borders...
Daily News Thread 3/8
Where do guns fall into the process of revolution and seizing control of the means of production...
Unions in America
The end
Hey Canadian comrades, I'm considering potentually immigrating to Canada...
Steam profiles and communities
What did they mean by this?
Be leftypol
Was the USSR Really State-Capitalist?
What is nazbol and what is nazbols goal?
Modern day western imperialism in africa?
Daily News Thread 3/7
/r9k/ thread, i dont care
Post your PolitiScales! What do you think of mine, comrades?
Cat thread
Justification for not voting
ACAB Thread
What would /leftykike/ do differently to break the stigmatized failure of...
> muh pomo
Stay ouf of Holla Forums
Daily News Thread 3/6
Hey guys. I'm a communist. Ask me Anything.
BREAKING: Traps are gay
From the Left, what does economic and social equality even look like...
Cockshott General
So what exactly is wrong with liberalism, lads...
Converting a significant other to your politics
Are neets heros...
I can't stand Leninism and I don't believe the collapse of capitalism is inevitable. What flag should I post under?
Convert a Holla Forums lurker
Favorite ML?
The absolute power of antifa
Best univeristy degrees for a Marxist
Is Dialectical Materialism falsifiable...
Daily News Thread 3/5
“Not Real Socialism” vs “USSR did nothing wrong”
State sponsored doping for athletes in the GDR and USSR
Atomic take thread
How are we going to takeover?
/Liberty/ political thing V2.0
What's making eastern europeans taking these fascist, reactionary mindsets? Like look at Ukraine...
The White Nationalist is a Fantasy
Liquidating the Chinese Bourgeoisie
A 25-year old social studies teacher at Crystal River Middle School has been hosting a white nationalist podcast under...
Are you ready for the most epic debate in leftist online history? It's gonna be autistic, it's gonna be brutal...
How do we appeal to pic related?
Chinese government's popularity on the rise while Xi removes presidential limit
GegenStandpunkt / Opposing Viewpoint
The benefits of sweatshops?
I'm want to be a good ML but I am also a reactionary
Japan is tolerant as fuck?
Do you support the Communist Party of India, the Communist Party of India (Marxist)...
I'm a capitalist
They Have the Plant but We Have the Power
Trump's Big Retarded Trade War Thread: Now He Wants to Tariff Cars
I laugh at wh*Tes who think they're "communist". no faggot, you CANNOT be a communist if you're a cracker...
Another debate: DemSoc01 vs Coach Red Pill
Italian Elections
Where does leftypol stand on trans activism...
Where can I find a cute /lefty/ girlfriend?
RadFem thread
Levi Sanders, Bernie’s son, running for Congress
The Female Lefty Hypocrite problem
Was socialism in one country a revisionist mistake?
Why can't the left meme?
Why does all of leftypol worship Zizek when a good portion of us are ☭TANKIE☭s and he buys into the Stalinism meme?
Debating Marxism
This is what Somalia could have been
How do you want to die?
Daily News Thread 3/2
Stalin's Reaction to Operation Barbarossa
Why does'nt India have a communist revolution?
Mixing Marx and Nietzsche
How the fuck can a brainlet start to understand theory...
What do you think of this man, leftypol? Do you know who this is, or do you know about the books he's written?
South Africa: Expropriating White Farmers Without Compensation
Demagogues; all of you
Is it wrong for a leftist to think of right wing thinkers such as Carl Schmitt and Nick Land as true intellectuals...
The UK are supplying surveillance equipment used on Kurds in Turkey
Daily News Thread 3/1
In a fully realized communist society, will sports exist?
Running an economy
When you're a leftcom super infantile revionist but as you read more Lenin and Stalin you can slowly feel yourself...
Trump is finally going to accomplish what no black neo-conservative socialist liberal communist ZOG Occupied Government...
Jesus was a Socialist
Why do so many modern Marxists put identity politics before class issues? I swear...
Pinkpill me on Mao. Was he as terrible as liberals say? Was he a hero, a tyrant, or some shade of grey?
How can people take Bookchin seriously?
Zizek book makes dude ragequit
ITT: We lament what could have been
Daily News Thread 2/28
Why should i care about class?
How can we shift the overton window to the left so our ideas become a part of the public discussion?
How do we make the leftist version of Turning Point USA? It can be inclusive of all leftist organisations and can...
Cockshott Started a Youtube Channel
With the recent increase in popularity of internet ideological debates...
Professor Richard Wolff debates Republicans
Gramsci or Lenin ?
Daily News Thread 2/27
LGTQ Thread
Lol niggers
Friendly reminder: Karl Marx is the Alex Jones of the Victorian era
The masses of workers
RDW vs. leftcom
Used to be an early 2000s fansite for anime and video games
China shuts down golf courses, bans Communist Party members from playing
This is literally one of the board banners...
The Communist Party of Venezuela proclaims Nicolas Maduro as presidential candidate
When europeans will return back all the wealth they stole since the discovery of america?
The UK will block online porn from April. Here's what we know
So I debated some people from Holla Forums yesterday
The Second Sex
Zero Books does a video analysis claiming Zizek trumps Chomsky
Daily News Thread 2/26
Wide-spread delusion/wishful thinking on Leftypol:
I give up
Was American Psycho about capitalist alienation and how a complete psychopath can function normally in it despite...
Preserving the Right to Bear Arms
Mélenchon campaign finance scandal?
Inside American Neo Nazi "Atomwaffen" Militia, Chat Logs Exposed After a Stabbing, Murder
Why is there a /leftpol/ board?
China will scrap limit on presidential term, meaning Xi Jinping can stay on
HOLY FUCK he did it again
Holla Forums finally shutting down
For realsies: How many people did Communism unironically kill
CEO's in America are making 100-300times their average employees sallaries for doing considerably less work...
The GULAG program was... restorative justice?
Corbyn Loves Porky Cops
Cheddar Man Debunked
Intervention in US Midterm Election General, 2018
What is a thorough critique of the subjective theory of value...
New Orleans Wetlands Dying Off: Invasive Pest Populations Explode, Heading to Collapse
Google is giving nazbol shit as the top results if you just search for "bolshevik." Give it a try...
Modern Revolution
Daily News Thread 2/24
Africa hate is not racism
Hitler's Regrets
Why can't you cucks just respect the troops?
Is this socialism?
Why no Syndicalism flag? You have a Nazi flag, a Satan flag and a bunch of other retarded...
What is your agenda? What are you plotting? What do you want? What is your end goal?
CIA Director Reveals He Was Once a Communist Sympathizer
Russia Is Doomed
Jimmy "Let's Have A March To Jeff Bezos' House" Dore rants about lifestylism and conscious consumerism
How do we stop people just getting into Socialism from falling for these cryptos...
Daily News Thread 2/23
One of my supervisors at work is an infowars Libertarian...
Holla Forums recovery
Am I becoming like Holla Forums ?
Joining the Military
Has anyone in history actually successfully pulled off 12D chess...
Marxism-Leninism and revision
Why does Holla Forums exist?
The Young Turks is conducting a poll on whether assault weapons should be banned...
Was the Brotherhood of Nod an anarchist organization?
West Virginia Teachers Strike
Breaking: Bernie Sanders going full CUCKOO! Redirects all focus towards "Russian government’s attack on our democracy"
Climate Change General
Daily News Thread 2/22
The Nature of the USSR
Capitalist death squads have killed 257k in Colombia
Some rando just punched me in the face and broke my teeth on the subway...
What do you think about Antifa ?
What will prevent the Democrats from shilling hard SocDem policy 2020 and then once in power stabbing everyone in the...
Libs vs DPRK
Do you think that Occupy Wall Street was a false start...
Daily News Thread 2/21
"Contradictions of Capitalism"
Spitballing ideas
Nepal: Two biggest communist parties merge
Communism in USA
What is the point of living in this whole fakeness and conformism...
/leftpol/ vs Holla Forums rift mended!!
The Iranian left
What is the gender ratio on this board?
Why is everyone only focusing on the school shooters?
Get told university is supposed to be left-wing and full of SJWs (read: not stupid people)
Why aren't you investing to build socialism in Venezuela, Holla Forums?
If its in my best interest to not be a drug addict why cant i stop using heroin
Zero Books
It's so frustrating how now that progressive Christianity is being reborn from the ashes of the cold war it's merely an...
Considering our boy Slavoj has received lots of attention due to his recent short articles on Jordan Peterson I figured...
Why do some MLs try to shutdown any criticisms of, like, the Syrian or North Korean governments...
Daily News Thread 2/20
Government militias officially entered #Afrin
I stumbled across this in a piece on the Russian election
Fred "Mitch" Linck, Socialist for US Senate in Connecticut
Socialism in Iran
Is Venezuela socialism...
Holla Forums how does this make you feel
“Muh sources” claim
Why did Trotsky deserve to be murdered for being wrong about marxism
Right wing counter argument library
Taxes in ML states
Why do some many people think Marx was against being part of bourgeois elections...
Shit like pic related is a prime example of why horizontalism is crap...
Group chat messages show school shooter obsessed with race, violence and guns
Negation of the Negation
I'm not so versed in leftism, so sorry if I sound like a retard, but what is Corbyns manifesto likened to...
Are you an individualist or a collectivist, comrades?
Daily News Thread 2/19
The absolute state of 8ch
I now understand why we need a vanguard party
What is it with China? Is it socialist or on the way to socialism? Or a capitalist imperialist Hellhole?
School shooting occurs
This might not deserve its own thread, and the mods can remove this if its needed...
Tfw you realize Devo is literally fascist
The Jewish Question
Are ALL of us LARPing?
Left says its IMPOSSIBLE to round up the 11 million illegals, but think they can get 350 million guns.. kind of ironic
Papa Z debate
Convince to be an anarchist
Communism failed in every country imaginable
Why are Americans so illiterate and stupid?
Anglo hate thread
The family structure
Culture wars have derailed the Left
Tankies... defend this
Bruh look at this dude
How would relationships work under communism? Would mogonomy be promoted or will polygamy become more common...
Daily News Thread 2/17
Why is feminism still necessadu in the West? Women are undoubtedly given the same opportunities as men...
How does socialism address the incel problem...
Black Panther
How does Capitalism cause crime? be poetic and say it short and sweet - no ramblings please...
Centralization doesn't wo-
This is the only good virgin vs chad meme
What was the real legacy of hitler?
Does Holla Forums go to the gym or exercise? https://www.strawpoll.me/15089378
Unpopular opinions and acts. The thread
Mueller Accuses Russians of Pro-Sanders, Anti-Clinton Meddling
Capitalism is the Most Efficient System
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...