Can you faggy cucks stay out of Holla Forums, please? Your cancerous presence is shitting up the place, and your stench is worse than the smell of the stuff I'll be gassing you with.
t. Mod
Can you faggy cucks stay out of Holla Forums, please? Your cancerous presence is shitting up the place, and your stench is worse than the smell of the stuff I'll be gassing you with.
t. Mod
It's not like you have any standards to begin with.
why would I visit Holla Forums of all the boards
Fuck off fascist scum. Communism will win.
Tell me about ethics in video game journalism
Are you twelve years old?
that's just common sense.
What? What's been going on?
Please elaborate.
How does it feel to be cucked by your Goyim Emperor Trump, dude?
He want to secure his safe space for trumpcuckoldry.
I don't give a shit about American politics, you subhuman cretin. Nice try.
like pottery
enjoy your toys
Got suggestions for good rightwing vidyagaems where I save my race from multimarxralism?
neck yourself faggot
I normally make a rule of avoiding Holla Forums in order to avoid edgy cunts like yourself. If anything we should be telling you to stay off our board right now, dumbfuck
That image has nothing to do with Warhammer. Jesus fuck, you faggots are even dumber than I thought.
no u
just stop
Pictured: OP
hm, ok
The only thing you'll be gassing us with is your farts you fat piece of shit
Can you faggy cucks stay out of Holla Forums, please? Your cancerous presence is shitting up the place, and your stench is worse than the smell of the stuff I'll be gassing you with.
t. Holla Forums
gugel tell Grog this image warwar
Grog no question gugel
The absolute state.
Fucking lel nazi larpers never cease to make me cringe.
Is this warhammer?
Holla Forumstard doesn't even recognise the militarum tempestus nocturnis special division cosplay in his own picture.
is this warhammer?
Is Warhammer an action figure series?
Does the original-poster entertain himself with toys as well?
no I think it's an anime
Let me guess, there are some people who maybe want to talk about videogames on a videogames board instead of sucking Trump's dick and acting like a boomer, so that means it has to be Holla Forums
For fuck's sake, Holla Forums shitting Holla Forums and then telling any dissenting opinion to go to Holla Forums is how Holla Forums got big to begin with.
Is this warhammer?
BASED winemom fascists
It's probably SAO
No I'm fairly positive this is actually warhammer
What's going on in that video? What kind of event are they at? Why are they so mad at the pepe dipshit?
This is absolutely warhammer
That was some sort of protest that oathkeepers showed up to and the pepe dipshit tried to ingratiate himself with them.
I think it's a Berserk reference.
And at a later date tried and failed to shoot up an entire crowd of protestors.
How you fail at doing that, I have no idea. Maybe he needs glasses or some shit
What a surprise, you faggot lefties are mentally ill.
I went to Holla Forums and the only thing I saw was people discussing fucking videogames. Why did you bother the make this shitty thread? Was it "FOR THE LULZ KEK" or was it to "TRIGGER THE LIBS KEK".
you're a sack of shit OP
If OP didn't want his autism called out he shouldn't have made this thread
nigga in the back like
Is this warhammer
yaeh we are retaded noting to se her go away and never comeback
ew man stop I'm gonna fucking throw up. I think he got the point
I'm not even clicking your images, brainlet. You're wasting your time. Now watch me trigger your faggy friends.
I've played enough dawn of war to recognize a fucking bolter rifle. The artist even uploaded it as "black templar" it's very clearly a warhammer derivative.
yes, this is a shitty white scars army with no bikes
Is this Warhammer
The eternal white bread
holy shit you're pathetic
Ok so what you're trying to tell me, is this is warhammer
slanesh cultists
That's a G36, you dumb piece of shit. There are no bolter rifles in Dawn of War. The Imperial Guard use lasguns, and there are only regular bolters for the Space Marines. Not to mention the fact that that the Black Templars are Space Marines, which the guy in the picture is clearly not. Jesus fuck, no wonder every commushit state in the entire world has collapsed on its own with geniuses like you populating the ranks.
Oh, then you watch children's movies as well.
So is this warhammer tho?
It's not me who called it a black templar man, it's the fucking artist. Take it up with Viktor Bright who watermarked the image you fucking posted.
Ultimately, at the end of the day, I think we can cross board agree that this, is in fact, Warhammer
please stop you are embarassing yourself
please stop posting itt, OP isn't "triggered" he's just passing his time. This thread has 50+ replies, why the fuck do you retards take the bait? Especially the user that loves to spam the same images and sperged on /cow/. It doesn't matter that you sage because some other dumbass will bump it.
Should have been deleted and the OP banned. dumb shit clogging the front page.
Nothing but pride for MY Imperial Guard
You haven't even read Dune
Blame the slow ass mods. It'll be another hour before this thread is deleted.
sorry dad
I miss Hoochie
Typical lefties.
Shouldn’t you be in school right now?
no you don't
Actually can you guys do us a favor and keep those of us who go there, video games are capitalist and we don't want them either.
You just made a thread about how we're destroying your safe space wtf nigga make up your got damn mind
there isnt enough cum on that pic
typical Holla Forumsyp
Why isn't this thread deleted and OP banned yet? I've already reported.
Pot calling the kettle black.
you literally made a thread aksing US to leave your shit board alone. How fucking dense are you?
Agreed, fuck these silly lefties interrupting our American torture chamber safe space
as soon as you cancerous fags stop coming here shitting up the place with "i have no gf will communism make me less of a faggot?" threads
next time cry on your own board in a sticky about it, faggot
t. your disappointed father
PS: you are a faggot
Say what you want about her, but she did her job well and actually dealt with immature trolls trying to start shit instead of jerking off for hours before actually doing something about a reported post.
OK now im actually going to Holla Forums someone make a marxist videogames thread there im leaving for gym now.
Typical communist.
10/10, you're almost as much of a dumbass dipshit as OP
Sorry I won't be able to see op sperg out even more now
Careful. People who get stronk tend towards the right wing. :^)
Holy shit you're a redditor
You stay out of Holla Forums.
I guarantee I was there first
Look at this muscle bound giant white army man
mate seriously stop you're not helping. Leave this sad faggot alone.
The thread would get replies and bumps regardless, I just wanted to get my point across and vent a bit. It's really hopeless, almost 100 fucking replies.
No, I saved a bunch of images for the specific purpose of triggering lefties like (you), and it's working.
Holla Forums is a Holla Forums puppet anyway, this is just you faggots summoning a bogeyman.
you know very well we LOVE shit bait threads like this.
I'm not even clicking your images, brainlet. You're wasting your time. Now watch me trigger your faggy friends.
you are a redditor in deed
It can be fun sometimes to watch sperging Holla Forumsyps shriek about how they're "triggering" everybody while getting repeatedly BTFO
Damn, you are one sad cuck
Holla Forums never changes
Also anons let hoochie spam in peace, she cannot help it.
The researchers performed MRI scans on the brains of 90 volunteer students who had indicated their political orientation on a five-point scale ranging from "very liberal" to "very conservative".[5][6] Students who reported more "conservative" political views tended to have larger amygdalae,[5] a structure in the temporal lobes that performs a primary role in the processing and memory of emotions. In addition, they found clusters in which gray matter volume was significantly associated with conservativism in the left insula and the right entorhinal cortex.[5] There is evidence that conservatives are more sensitive to disgust[7] and the insula is involved in the feeling of disgust.[8] On the other hand, more 'liberal' students tended to have a larger volume of grey matter in the anterior cingulate cortex,[5] a structure of the brain associated with monitoring uncertainty and handling conflicting information.[5][6]
Persons with right-wing views had greater skin conductance response, indicating greater sympathetic nervous system response, to threatening images than those with left-wing views in one study. There was no difference for positive or neutral images. Holding right-wing views was also associated with a stronger startle reflex as measured by strength of eyeblink in response to unexpected noise.[1] A study of subjects' reported level of disgust linked to various scenarios showed that people who scored highly on the "disgust sensitivity" scale held more politically conservative views.
OP is an easily frightened brainlet acting on emotions and can't handle conflicting informations and unconciously ignores them to comfort himself
T. brainlet. Try actually reading some time. No, Holla Forums and Reddit don't count.
Probably saw the implications of what he was doing so he half ass-ly went about with it and just scared them off.
sage because this thread just seems like bait.
Okay, this thread is legitimately funny.
You made me laugh OP. Now get out here little rascal, before I change my mind.
I've posted on Holla Forums three, maybe four times in my entire life. It's an awful community even by chan standards and bar none one of the worst places to discuss video games on the internet. How anyone can tolerate that place is beyond me.
If alt-rightists followed their own professed principles, references to Trump would be "triggering" them, rather.
There's no good place to discuss video games because video games are the most commercialized medium in existence. Capitalism has poisoned few things as thoroughly as the game industry. Fucking microtransactions are standard.
I can't help but think that how not to scrounge for money via season passes and microtransations is some kind of lost technology.
glad I swore off Holla Forums that place is full of brainlets
That looks like an average American oil fire during thanksgiving
Do you know how many Americans died in cooking fires? A lot, but hardly enough
It's a shame the gunman last year didn't manage to hit this fat fuck, but go on your day
what the hell is happening here? Could you explain?
Keep shooting up schools and pathetically cover for it, the public really finds it attractive when you do that Holla Forums lmao
Looks like that 2015 bombing, likely perpetrated by ISIS, targeting some Turkish worker groups. The protest was mainly regarding Turkish aggression towards the PKK. Which leads me to believe it may not have just been ISIS.
one of your shittiest raid so far Holla Forums, try harder
That guy is like 5'4 lmao
to any faggots still in this hellhole thread, please report this shit and wait for the mods to delete it. Stop bumping
Fineeeeee. I suppose it has gotten annoying now.
We can do all of this and more, much, much more than you'll ever dream
God this is satisfying to watch
Naziposter is that you?
Hoochie could have prevented this
most pathetic "raid" ever
Didn't Jordan Peterson tell white nationalists they were entitled losers taking credit for what was never there own accomplishments
+1 bump on pph :^)
keep going OP
You will never unrape the German woman who mothered Soviet children ;)
But I quit posting like an hour ago.
It's true. You have become cancer incarnate. You are a hive of redditors, boomers, and everyone else left or become deranged enough to mutilate someone or shoot up schools
nu/pol/ is just redditards at this point
thanks to raids like this the board gets more popular
worst attempt at a raid I've seen in a while, even more pathetic than when you found the wrong leftypol
Most of us are former Holla Forums posters, you're not going to convince us to come back to your reddit chamber of horror neo-Holla Forums
lmao that shit was hilarious
All the more proof that Holla Forums is just reddit and boomers too
Oh boy a quality thread on Holla Forums!
Can I join?
HEIL Holla Forums
This fucking thread.
I hope you all get tossed into a printing press.
Holla Forumsjects are a lost cause.
what's up with Holla Forums and little witch academia
Holla Forums memes are garbage holy shit
Anime is inherently leftist :^)
false flagging and gaslighting. the usual
Make me
And people say Holla Forums is not a retrded safe space bubble.
Just got banned for making a legitimate thread on class dinamics presented on videogames. Got some replies all were defensive faggots who didn't bother to read the post.
she doesnt even say it?
why take rando white girls and try to claim them man?
you're acting like niggers
is Holla Forums even white?
if he isnt white then how is that supposed to trigger anyone?
please mr.goblino
hes still at it
Someone archive this thread. This is just gold.
Why would I post on a board about toys for babies?
This is some of the worst bait I've ever seen. My dog can make a better post
t. cuck
but the shields user
why are traditionalists relishing beating up a woman