Mélenchon campaign finance scandal?


I can't read French very well at all, but I saw this. It seems Melenchon has been accused of some unscrupulous finances during the election. Can some Frenchies fill us in on this whole affair?

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who cares, he's a socdem

he's kind of a radical socdem tho
reminder that some socdems are still basically what we call demsocs now

He made a half an hour long vid responding to those claims i'm watching it right now. youtu.be/Plu27NN57g0
You can try to watch it with the auto translated subtitles they're surprisingly accurate.

I'll take a look.
I was basically wondering what the context behind all this is. Are these claims legit or are they just bullshit like the Corbyn Czech spy thing?

he's not a demsoc. he has literally said "he ne suis pas une communiste" when questioned.

Even though he is infact just a soc-dem like you said even if he was a communist he wouldnt be able to say it as that would be political suicide

In practical terms yes, he is a socdem. But there's still a lot of interesting stuff in his platform, like an upper house formed by sortition, along with the classics like euroscepticism and nato-withdrawal.

His biggest iffiness would be his commitment to French republicanism, which has historically been coupled with weak opposition to imperialism and identification with state structures like cops. This also manifests in his strong opposition to the Corsican autonomy movement, or any regional movements (I don't really have any opinion on the Corsica thing, but it's a good example). But of course the divide in the French left over republicanism goes back more than a century.

Let him sink, give the youth and the workers Only the choice between austerity or revolt

It stills parliamentarism.

Some right-wing also advocate this.


So he wants to reform capitalism instead of abolishing it, like a right-wing populist, or a socdem.

I meant the NATO-Withdrawl and Euro-skepticism stuff

Getting the fuck out of NATO and EU is not socialism, it's capitalist protectionism.

I know but you were implying that the imperialist NATO and E.U being weakened was irrelevant because some Right-wingers support it

It's a misunderstanding, I was saying that it stills capitalism because right-wingers support it.
Of course NATO and E.U being weakened is relevant even with right-wingers support it, but I'm not sure we should support socdems for this.


we must critically support EU and NATO against capitalist protectionism

every fucking time
and it's always anarchists
why are you even pretending outrage when we call you liberals?
then again, that's the same guys calling for US military interventions, calling Israel and over a dozen US military bases in Syria "progressive democratic bastions"

Here's the french example :




open a thread about Israel and go really deep into shitting on all its policies
they will come crawling in and try to damage control with some sort of apologism
it'll only be a matter of time
sprinkle in some of their attacks against Syria and they wont be able to resist

Hitler said some stuff against war before starting one. Guess WW2 really must've been pushed on him by evil jewish bolsheviks.
The support for israel was a general tendency amongst cuckdems, but please go ahead and pretend like they'd never do that.

Your claim what MLs supposedly do is completely irrelevant. You'd have to resort to the "ML" CPUSA to "back this up".
Real life MLs, such as the syrian communists, are organized in the NPF and fight as members of the SAA.

There's a thread up right now on anti-Deutsch, does that count? Go bait them out yourself if you want to prove your point, I don't see it happening.

1. link
2. if it is directly about them of course they're not gonna blow their cover
are you dense?

Of course he's a yank. Please don't commit imperialism, and comment on my country's politics, thanks.

I think they're not blowing their cover, because they don't exist in significant numbers. The only Zionists on this board are Trumptards from Holla Forums or Reddit.

Gerhard Schröder was a real comrade
look at the stuff he said:

"i will work for the people"
what a commie! slick entryism confirmed!
of course he couldn't admit to being one of us lol ☭TANKIE☭s will never get that communism is unpopular
stop trying to agitate for a lost cause, reforms are important now, shill for social democrats : ^ )


kid, i've seen "anti war movements" enough times, also all the cuckdem scum crawling around in these circles
and you think being part of that actually means something?
you're not possibly older than 18

do you realize i named a good bunch of people and you keep crying about how corbyn cannot possibly be just another cuckdem because he supports some boycott against israel?

said the "first world" larper
are you really trying to play "le triggered roopoo" on me?
i guess we call the US air force "real revolutionaries" now
obviously the syrian communists in the SAA aren't revolutionaries because assad is literally hitler, amirite?
back to >>>/leftpol/
oh i see, we got a real experienced egghead, well read on history

Projection isn't argument, which few of the Tanks on this board seem to understand.

yes, good job, clearly you outsmarted me

You're literally acting like a toddler. If you tried, you could probably make a coherent enough point, but by god user, you're not making yourself look good.

Yeah tbf that's why Stop the War was lead by a literal Stalinist: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Murray_(trade_unionist)
Ad hominem

Je ne suis pas francais, I am not a yank nor am I greek: I know about what I know. Unlike some on this board I stick to my country because I know what the fuck is going on.
Also stop flag switching, it is fucking obnoxious,

How am I one? I do not go around holding aloft banners praising the ever lasting deeds of the Soviet Union, I read and try to use its successes and failures to better my own country. First world, sure, Larper, fuck no.
No I am pointing out that actual revolutionary M-Ls support the North Syrian Democracy System.
Honestly this is just played out lad and not relevant to the argument that actual M-Ls do not support Rоjava.
Syrian Resistance has supported Rоjava numerous times and even said they would fight in Afrin against the Turks. Oh also Corbyn gets accused of being "Pro-Assad" by British media so you can take that one home with you.

No relevant to the convo, Also literally fucking Godwin's law.

If the US would target over a dozen US military bases in Syria instead of helping them, M-Ls would totally support over a dozen US military bases in Syria.

If the US would target R0java instead of helping them, M-Ls would totally support R0java.

But user, a fucktonne of actual M-Ls do already support it:
Plus the Marxist-Leninists fighting in teh multi-tenancy Bob Crow and Henri Krasucki brigades.

Sorry, I was thinking about Holla Forums ☭TANKIE☭s, sometimes I forget about irl M-Ls.