Was the Brotherhood of Nod an anarchist organization?

Was the Brotherhood of Nod an anarchist organization?

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Nod are ultra-reactionary theocrats.


maybe there were anarchists in the lower ranks, but as an organisation, they're closer to a theocracy

How about Posadists?

That actually makes sense. Kane's ultimate goal was to bring the Scrin to earth. For what reason was never made really clear.

Anyways I was thinking about Nod a few days ago and their organization structure. I used play the hell out of C&C3 and would read the little intel things. Was thinking back to this one

"Nod believes that it is the agent of change for a world in the throes of transition to a New Order, the representative of the poor and the oppressed, and a foil to the previously unchecked power of GDI.

Nod has the people, resources, organisation, and raw military power necessary to stand against GDI and wage war on a global scale. Yet the Brotherhood of Nod isn't a country: it's a strange new hybrid organisation that has the combined characteristics of a religious movement, a multinational corporation, and a nation-state. Given the awesome demands of modern warfare, with its terrible cost and vast scale, Nod's ability to go toe-to-toe with GDI is astonishing."

"Nod is able to recruit thousands of new members every month from the desperate populations of the borderlands. Their political, military, and logistical operations are decentralised and buried deep inside the crumbling cities, towns, and outposts in the decaying Yellow Zones. A vast and sophisticated infrastructure is disguised from GDI, and Nod has perfected the art of moving military assets and forces quickly over long distances without detection, even by satellite or drone aircraft with the latest generation sensors.

Nod's core organisation is very sophisticated and high-tech but they also have a large guerilla force composed of hastily trained and minimally equipped recruits from the Yellow Zones. Nod's field forces are an interesting mix of low tech "militia" troops and similar numbers of highly trained, elite soldiers equipped with state of the art communications gear and the most advanced weapon systems available."


They way they operate is very interesting. Not sure what to call their economic system. I was going to say that Tiberium do to it's game changing way on energy technology with also it massive environmental damage and constant war they would have radically different ideas about economic ideologies. But then again in C&C3 when Nod attacks the eastern seaboard in the news clip you can see stock tickers.


Not the right clip but they have a news section in it at the 1:56 mark where you can see the stock tickers. What are they trading? The game doesn't get much into the economies of the two rival powers to much. The wiki says this about GDI.

"The Global Defense Initiative began as a secret military alliance of advanced nations under the United Nations umbrella. GDI's mission: To contain Tiberium, reverse its spread, and fight the sinister Brotherhood of Nod.

Over time, power and sovereignty have been gradually ceded to GDI and the national identities of the participating countries have faded. In 2047, that process has reached its final stages: while there are still technically individual Member Nations, the reality is that GDI has become a unified political and military super-state."

So sounds sorta like something that would be ripe for a starship troopers type of society but they seem to still be capitalistic in some nature. The game talks about credits.

Firmly grasp posadist anarcho-fascism and resolutely support chairman Kane in his resistance against GDI imperialist aggression in the blue zones, 2047.


I'm guessing the writers are trying to combine Nazis and Chinese Commies.

Was colonel LeMonde a posadist?

I think all the weird ideology is the result of C&C being developed by over a long period of time and changing developers.

The original by westwood before they got acquired by sierra was basically a half ass allegory for the cold war with a Sc-Fi theme and warcraft gameplay. A very interesting Sc-Fi theme granted and solid gameplay for the time. Then Sierra bought them out and changed up some devs and the cold war was over and the late 90's/early 2000's were all about how awesome computers were. C&C2 opted to go the with the dystopia feel. Uncontrollable A.I in a world undergoing drastic environmental change. Sierra is absorbed by E.A and they build upon the C&C2 and now Tiberium becomes an allegory for climate change, NOD is global terrorism(were nearing the end of the G.W era) and at the same time an allegory for the disaffected lower classes cut off from blue zones. The game came in early 2007 and Americans were feeling the squeeze the stock market just hadn't caught up. Not to mention the failure after failure of G.W. Nod was more sympathetic in C&C3 compared to past games. Also the game play was the tightest it had ever been, the forgotten mod completely changed up the game as well.

Then C&C4 came along and shitted the bed for the whole series. Gameplay sucked, the story sucked and the resolution was dumb. Though I don't blame them to much. The story went off the rails from the get-go. C&C was just supposed to be some fun spin off of the Red alert series but had such an interesting universe but to tied down to the "But who is Kane?" aspect. Nod, GDI, Tiberium are all interesting without the cult of personality. Again not entirely their fault, Joseph D. Kucan played the fuck out of Kane. Honestly C&C is my most frustrating game series. It really should have gone on much longer but was smothered by EA's insistence to kill the project in order to move the talent into shitting out more sims and sports games. They did the same to Maxis and turned it into a hallow money DLCs money making machine for the sims.

Fuck E.A

C&C/Dune predates Warcraft you fucking retard.

WarCraft came out a year earlier.

"Warcraft: Orcs & Humans is a real-time strategy game (RTS), developed by Blizzard Entertainment and published by Blizzard and Interplay Productions. The MS-DOS version was released on 23 November 1994"


But Dune wasn't and was released in 1992 so you got me there. But honestly your whole post might as well be "lol grammar mistake". You didn't build upon or even refute anything I said. You just picked some minor detail I messed up and one that you messed up on and made that your counter-argument? I guess, not sure what the point of your post was. Do you have anything of substance to say? Or can you only cum when you've "won" an internet argument? If so you better stop stroking because you don't deserve it yet. Come up with a real refute of my post and I'll humbly let give you satisfactions. Don't treat me like a cheap whore.

We should support the Brotherhood of Nod's anti-imperialist struggle against the GDI.

Also. Kane did nothing wrong.

I used to love C&C: Renegade.


the cutscenes in those two games were so slick

Was it a leftygame?

Was this bell pepper an anarchist organization?




You know what, come to think of it, I think you're right. Now that you mention it, I vividly remember there was a mission in Renegade where the the MC, Havok, has to liberate some prisoners from a detention facility. Nod put up this docuentary on a giant screen showing a GDI flame tank burning down civilians. Originally I thought it was propaganda but it might've been true!


The Last Jedi had practically the same line but it sounds ridiculous coming from Star Wars characters, whereas Kane uses overheated rhetoric all the time.

oh and red alert is spin-off from c&c not the other way around. fucking revisionist.

Did you just have that video already? Or did you make it just for this shit thread?

I'm not sure which answer is worse.

Just started playing C&C 3 Tiberium Wars. Kilian Qatar calls GDI a "Fascist political consortium of wealthy nations".
