Now, before anyone freaks out, I want to insist that I'm not really "on the verge" of becoming a right winger, but lately, I've been around so much racism (both left and right) and BS politics that it has become impossible to not start feeling a little anti-social, like I want to withdraw from society and relationships.
I don't mean in the sense that I'm going to do something stupid or violent, but more, when you run into those people that want to racialize/politicize everything, I no longer want to debate so much as just shut them up or say something the opposite of what they want because I know it is going to piss them off. In a way, just to kind of assert my own free agency as a human being I guess, I want to fuck with them and show them I don't have to tow any line but my own.
Here's but a few examples: Conservative extended family bitches about "the blacks." I make off color joke about murdering white people just to trigger them and make them stfu.
Another one: Random black guy on bus starts bitching at me on the bus about slavery, like I'm individually culpable for the shitty life he has and I can somehow change it with a snap of my fingers. Again, just want to to tell him "get the fuck over it" and move on with my day. Or, even worse, I get the feeling like he's fishing for a racist reaction, so I give him one (call him nigger or say "slavery was good" or some other edgy shit just to fuck with him even more).
And, obviously, I didn't actually do this, because he legit seemed a bit off kilter and like he was looking for a fight.
In both situations, it's not that I actually believe what I'm saying, it's that in both cases, I'm dealing with someone who is fucking crazy and cannot be reasoned with.
And, it seems like both of these kinds of people ARE looking for a "fight" of sorts, where you somehow have to submit to their manipulation tactics, and/or warped view of history.
I know this isn't so much a political subject as it is social, but how do you guys cope with people like this?
I come into contact with people like this a lot, and race is but one example. It's religion, sex, money, as well.
There's always someone whose playing up their victim card and as I've gotten older it has gotten harder to empathize or sympathize with people when they don't seem to bring these subjects up in good faith. More than anything it's like they want you to sacrifice yourself for their bullshit ideals?
Is this a sign of me being reactionary? I want to say I don't think so. I feel very much in line with the Left and often just remind myself that the average person, even those that call themselves "left wing" really have no idea what they're talking about, no matter what Holla Forums decides to astroturf as.
Curious what your guys thoughts are on this? Do you ever have these "anti social" feelings and feel like society is egging you on?