The Jewish Question

i don't really know anything about politics but it keeps coming up on other boards. is there any substance to the JQ or not? pol is a bit scary

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You need to go back

In the end it doesn't matter since the goal is the liquidation of the ruling classes whether they be Jewish or not. Holla Forums doesn't care so long as it's not *insert their boogeyman here* because they're bootlickers.

than they're the ruling classes

Goy who grew up in a petit-porky Jewish neighborhood here. There is no secret to "Jewish success". The only reason why Jews seem to do so well is because 1. they have tighter family structures, 2. their communities are much closer-knit than others', and 3. they put a ton of emphasis on education. My first gf was Jewish (Reform) and she would freak out if she got a B+ on her calculus test because she knew her mom and dad (both lawyers) wouldn't have the end of it.

Screenshot this shit

White Heterosexual Male who grew up in a suburb here. There is no secret to "W.A.S.P. success". The only reason why W.A.S.P.s seem to do so well is because 1. they have tighter family structures, 2. their communities are much closer-knit than others', and 3. they put a ton of emphasis on education. My first gf was White (kek) and she would freak out if she got a B+ on her calculus test because she knew her mom and dad (both lawyers) wouldn't have the end of it.


Very few people are actually WASPs user. Most white people in America are a random combination of German and Irish (and more recently, hispanic lol.)

I like how they used the word "homeland" instead of ethnostate, which is what it really is. Fucking huffpo.

White guy who grew up in a baboon neighborhood here. There is material analysis for "oppression of poc". The only reason why PoC seem to do so badly is because 1. they have smaller brains and are more impulsive, 2. their communities are non existent because they're incapable of organizing beyond the level of minor street gangs, and 3. they put a ton of emphasis on muh dick and air Jordans. My first gf was baboon (Ghana) and she would freak out if she got a B+ on her slicing people's faces test because she knew her og and old lady (both baboon gang members) wouldn't have the end of it.


Jews are the best capitalists

what's funny is that Israel is a 2nd rate country that without an outside enemy to divert its concerns to would likely have a much more serious societal divide.

Probably if they didn't have Palestinians to curb stomp, or the Syrians to spitball at over golan heights

nah it's mostly racist bs

Anybody seen Comrade Pierre Tru-Dank's video on Philo-Semitism? It's got the neocon new atheist ZiOnist shills on YouTube like Nightmare Fuel and Billy Bong in a perpetual fit of neurosis.

No matter what you shouldn't kill an entire ethnic group based on the actions of a few people in said ethnic group. That's fucking lunacy.

It's stupid, and PTD needs to stop being so obsessed with Jews, as if he thinks he can civilize them or whatever.

I just don't get why it is that white leftists want to be Palestinian moreso than actual Palestinians. It's almost as if western activists are so defeated at home they think the only means of maintaining their leftist cred is to appropriate the struggles of someone else.


"The Jew" is a fascist pathology. It's a figure they project their own vile nature on to. Everything the fascists claim "the jew" has done was done worse by the nazis.
"The jew" is what the fascist wants to be,

T. Mister Goldberg


All gangs are anti-communist, for a good comrade doesn't put his own tribe ahead of the human tribe. The Jews are just another gang really, but they are an especially cunning gang and have been very effective in subtly taking over the means of production in the various cultures they have entered into, and now have a very strong position in the global economy.

No, but I do find it funny that JQ'ers don't find the other common points in rich people.

Same with White Guys. Hell just look at Peter Thiel and Donald Drumpf.

We need to gas white people for sure

Why isn't this thread pruned

Identity, Identity, Identity

t. salty

why are you still here?

"White guys" aren't very organized or clever tho, at least not as a group.

"Gangs" can be pro-communist in the context of national liberation.


If you want proof that Jews don't secretly control the world - visit Israel. You will understand within a week or two.

Jews just happen to have a higher incidence of being regressive leftist SJWs due to their collective victim complex left over from WWII. That's why you see retarded 'muh duvursuhtay' articles often being written by Jews. It's not some grand conspiracy like Holla Forums claims, but rather a natural result of Jews sheltered lifestyle.