How the fuck can a brainlet start to understand theory...

How the fuck can a brainlet start to understand theory? Literally can't get past the first fucking pages of Society of the Spectacle, let alone the second paragraph of the preface to Phenomenology of Spirit. How does one raise one's power level to understand this shit?

Society of the Spectacle

Preface to Phenomenology of Spirit

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dude hwo cares lmao just pretend you read it, read the summary on wikipedia or sparknotes or whatever, and namedrop it everywhere you go so people think ur smart

its wat i do and no one has caught on so far

time needs to be spent doing other, more inpomrtant stuff liek watching anime

Real Marxist theory is NOT COMPLICATED, it is way easier to read than that obscurantist shit.

This. Or do what I've been doing: Collect memes until you begin to piece it all together


Forgive me, we're all supposed to just follow the ideological luminaries who know better, right?

Why do you need to start with the hard stuff, user? If you're a true brainlet, then I assume you have difficulty committing to reading/studying in the first place. First you must learn discipline. Try getting into the habit of actually reading every day first before you take on the Final Bosses of theory. Read some Platonic dialogues for awhile. They're easy and interesting and indispensable if you want to understand the foundational thinkers of modern politics and Marxism.

What the fuck is this? Is this what you become if you just resign yourself to knowing you believe in "something", but are so intellectually lazy you can't expend any effort to understand what it is? God, I really need to start reading more. I don't ever wanna become fucking *this*

Is it breezy up there, on Mt. Elitist?

Good slacker praxis

please delete your image, it's cursed

You're basically trying to learn philosophy and self-directed education at the same time, making both much harder than they need to be. Either find a teacher and focus on philosophy, or start with more basic self-ed goals and work up to more complex philosophy over time. Doing both is possible, but more likely you're just leaving yourself vulnerable to distraction and procrastination.


at least he recognizes that communism isn't against yuman neshur

it's still extremely cancerous


To be fair, the first two chapters of the SotS are pretty hard to read because of Debord's writing style, and no one understands Hegel, so don't feel too bad.

I would recommend you to keep reading the SotS though, just skim over the parts you don't understand and reread them later.
The chapters about time, the history of proletarian struggle, and the organization of space are great, and the third chapter should give you a better idea of what he means by "spectacle".
Keep in mind that you don't necessarily have to read the chapters in order. If you find one too hard or boring, move on.

If you are interested in Hegel, you should rather start with a phil 101 textbook like this one :
I would read at the very least some Plato and Kant before tackling Hegel. Also, check out Gregory Sadler's Youtube channel.

Why do you think this is theory? What does it model and what predictions does it make? Taken literally, it's a short book of pretentious nonsense. "Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation." Do you think he will give you a definition of "directly lived"? He won't. You can read it like poetry because that's what it is. Just read it one go. Of course, you could say that there is a tendency in society to move towards simulated experiences (and simulations of simulations: people watch other people play video games and pretend they are friends with them; and there is even an AI personality out there that plays and comments on video games, though that's actually a joke and there are really people scripting and voicing that stuff, and people know that it is real people and not an AI, but they love her anyway like she is a real simulation), but to have a crack at that as serious theory you would have to actually measure stuff, like the amount of time people spend watching TV. So, it's a piece about an important topic, about something that's really going on, but it's not theory.
Again: Why do you think this is theory? What does it model and what predictions does it make? In the passage you quote he tries and fails to justify why he doesn't give a brief overview, because it's le deep philosophy or something.

I love it when porky fans picture the world as this one big village where nothing but mom-and-pop businesses exist and the only economic relations can be reduced to barter.

There's no industrial capitalism with union busting and suicide nets, no predatory multinational corporations, no poverty and ecological devastation created by capitalism, no governments in bed with porky who further his interests with violence, nothing of the sort.

There's only the coconut man who exchanges his coconuts for two chickens and a goat, and gives coconuts to people so they'd work for him.

Holla Forums seems to collectively live in an anprim utopia.

thanks. That seems like good advice.

ok. good to know I'm not an absolute brainlet for not understanding Debord. Its rather short so I'll give it a go.
Thanks for the textbook. It looks really complete. Attached it as well for any other interested. I've been having a go at Gregory Sadler's Half Hour Hegel, I've learned a lot going through the preface of the Phenomenology, although it feels like cheating.

Given the advice I've received, I'll read the "basics" first, probably with the attached textbook and complement it with Gregory Sadler or any other Youtube self guided courses. After that, I'll go back to trying to parse Hegel, with the help of Gregory Sadler, no doubt.

Thanks friends.

Who's that guy?

this image is Holla Forums in a nutshell

Why the fuck are you reading weird shit like that?

Just read the short books written by marx and lenin and shit, and watch youtube videos explaining marxism and ask people to explain terms and memes.


Start limiting the amount of information you take in a day and give yourself plenty of time to decompress. Learn about the default mode network if you get a chance.

Then start to add any sort of quality, long form literature to your life. Just a little. Stop if you're skimming. The goal is to find something you're entertained and informed by, not pushing yourself to do something you don't like.

Expand into harder materials until you get to theory. If you don't understand a sentence, or it feels like grinding, put the book down. Stare out the window for a few seconds, go on a walk, or just breathe. Don't fucking look at your phone. Try again after you feel refreshed.

I was struggling with college texts until I gave myself plenty of time to read the material, decompress in general, and take lots of mini breaks when I didn't understand what I was reading. It really works. I don't know how to explain it, but it's something along the lines of the default mode network processing information you just took it. It's a refresh for your brain and willpower.

to be fair OP those are pretty tough texts. I haven't been able to make it through Phenom (Master-Slave dialectic is pretty worthwhile to read tho) and Spectacle doesn't get much easier. Don't let people ITT discourage you from comprehending them eventually.

You might as well be a brainlet. Why do you start with a book as difficult as this. Start with the breadbook or maybe a comic of "The Capital".


You don't need evidence when your truth is so starkly evident by itself

It's generally understood that Hegel is really confusing and some say that he did it intentionally. He himself, I think, said that to really take in philosophy you don't just take in the information piece-by-piece and every detail, but try to understand it from the general picture/idea that the writer is framing for you if that makes any sense.

I would start with Marx(Wage labor and capital is a great start - not at all confusing) before getting into Hegel just to get an idea for what his ideas developed into and what to take from him in regards to theory.

Is this the future of philosophy? Instead of influential philosophic works we get a dialectic through bodies of internet image macros. I hope so

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried lad. Hegel is all about the details, which is why he's hard for most people.

Start with the Greeks and work your way through the history of philosophy. The Passion of the Western Mind by Richard Tarnas is a decent introduction to everything.


Well there's your first problem.

That story would work if it was about people killing coconutman's dickhead grandson who had his riches just fall into his lap.