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Video Games #115
Video Games
Just what the fuck is Steam trying to say Holla Forums?
Stealth games
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Tell me about your new year resolutions, Holla Forums
Why are all the pilots suddenly left handed? They were right handed before
Where will you be and what will you be doing for NYE, Holla Forums?
Winter Sale final days
Vidya Music
/urg/ Underrail general
Hearts of Iron 3 multiplayer
I don't give a fuck if your game is in early fucking access or beta or alpha or what the fuck ever
New Years Shitpost Sticky
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: New Years! Leave All Behind Edition
Its 2017
What's your GOTY 2016?
ITT: What are the best fantasy cooking/crafting focussed games?
Have MMORPGs ever been good?
Happy New Year
Headache games
Shitman tm
Games you're going to play in 2017
DMC5 maybe
New Year Party Thread
Is there a better shared universe setting in vidya than Ivalice?
Overwatch Thread: Bloed Edition
ITT, characters you wouldn't fuck but still love
Has anyone ever played this game?
Rainbow Siege thread
New Year's Thread
What are some Holla Forums tier video games?
4 AM
What is wrong with Nintendo?
Death Stranding engine confirm
L O L?
Webm Thread: It never ends
Space Station 13 Stories
Stalker thread - 200 bottles edition
600 Hours
FTL13 Thread - Weaponized Autism Edition
Bravely default
Garry's Mod gmod
Vidya related autism
Super robot wars
The Last Guardian
Turok Remastered: the thread
What song sums up gaming in 2016?
Collector Editions
Good Licensed Vidya
Have You Ever Realized
Pc specs: gtx 1080, intel i7 2700k
Multiplayer games
FFFFFRIDAY NIGHT, MUTHAFUCKA! (Last Friday of 2016 Edition)
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Deus Vult Edtion
So when you decide to play a game and you find out it has a remake which do you play? The original or the remake?
How did they got away with this...
What game are you going to play on last day of 2016?
The end of the year is nearly here! Time for a rabbit rabbit thread!
Why did this fuck wait until the end to tell you you're the king? He didn't want you to destroy the entire country...
Since comiket is going on, how about a vidya cosplay thread?
Mfw I just got all 4 .Hack PS2 games for £1 each from a little old lady at a car boot sale
Let's talk about all the scummy shit this company has pulled
Is anyone else sick of anything remotely difficult...
The Elder Scrolls/TES General
Mount and weeb general
Let's talk about DoA5 mods that aren't porn
What went wrong?
Is Nintendo abandoning Dual Screen gameplay a mistake correction or a beginning of one?
4 AM
OK Holla Forums, you're so smart about translations, solve this!
Tfw buying dinner for one this New Years
Final Fantasy XIV general discussion
Pokemon Thread: Is this a JoJo Reference Edition
Will DRM ever die? I just want to buy games and let them sit on a transferable hard drive forever
Describe the feeling you get when you avoid spending any money on a shitty game
Vampire thread
3DS CFW + Homebrew General
Post Game Blues
I'm looking for something comfy and on PC to play while getting drunk on new year, think you can help out?
PS4 Dreams
Daily reminder that we will never play Fallout 3
Fighting Game General: End Of 2016 Edition
Games with Good Graphics that aren't shit thread
How would a KH musou work?
Are there any videogames Holla Forums doesn't hate that weren't made 30 years ago?
Hey Holla Forums, what's the Caesar Salad of videogames?
Comiket 91 thread
Kamiya has stated multiple times that he wants to make a 3rd game
/agdg/ + /vm/ - Amateur Game Development General
Cnc3:Kane's wrath golden era of RTS
Time dumps and grind/progression
I'm going to try this out, any tips?
Do you get autistic in online games?
Controller Thread
THPS/THUG Pro thread Skateboarding games are dead edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Mr. Bones Edition
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Krosmaga now in open beta
Doom/classic fps thread
January is on the way, as well as the new year! Let's have a rabbit rabbit thread!
FUCK multiplayer
What is Holla Forumss stance on piracy?
Dolphin (Wii and Wii U emulator) seems to work on PS4
Microsofts Halo shitshow continues, 343 studio head fired for abysmal performance of Halo 5
Fullderp: Hanukkah edition
God Eater 2 Rage Burst
Which is the definitive version Persona 3?
Webm Thread: It Keeps Going
Rimjob (Rimworld) Thread
Unique/oddball/tacked-on multiplayer
Ps3 sales
Games that shouldnt exist anymore
Gaming keyboard?
4 AM
World of Warcraft thread
Replayability Thread
Comfy tunes
Anti-Brexit jokes
Robots/Gynoids/Andriods Thread
Military Sims
Arc System Works
Games that were much better than you expected
Mfw it's now encouraged in the Holla Forums hivemind to say that the Dreamcast is a better console and has a better...
GOAT-tier "hometown" themes
What are some good Roman games?
Fan Translation Thread
/Skyrim general/
Unboxing Thread
Make smash not shit
How does it make you feel anons that these hacks will most likely not make it past 2017?
One kills angles, the other kills demons
Postal 1 goes open-source
>In a third person shooter with character drama and role playing
Games that trigger Holla Forums
Freeshop Gets a DMCA
Linux gaming thread
Holla Forums, I'm finally giving up on western vidya...
Are there any games journalists you hate that aren't part of the gawker private email lists?
Grand Strategy Games /gsg/
Good and relatively obscure PS2 games
AMD or Nvidia for gayman?
Do you play games in bed? I was wondering if the increased distance from my TV (10 feet) will affect my reaction times...
"evil empire" where everyone is ruled equally and fairly invades the "free lands" where men aren't even allowed to own...
Ewww grossssssss
Deeply flawed games that are still fun
Be honest, and no bullying other anons. Do you prefer games to be on the easier or more difficult side? Why?
What is it with animations that's so hard?
It still hurts Holla Forums
How are we not going to need a PS4 pro?
Hitman (2016)
== SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI game idea==
Forbidden love games
Games you beat in 2016
Escape from Tarkov is pretty cool
Vidya music
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Twins, Double the Fun, Double the Edition
Mfw playing the Nier Automata Demo and i see Skindentation of the subtle layer of thigh fat at the top of 2B's Thigh...
Is 2017 another dry period?
The next Elder scrolls game
Phantasy Star Online 2
Choose not to pay into game
Metal Gear Marathon
ITT: Successful Innovations
Worthwhile games released in 2016
SNES mini
I kind of missed out on the whole RPG genre because I always focused on the other games and decided to get into them...
Grim Dawn ending
Cyberpunk games
Why do japs insist on mixing high tech sci fi shit into their fantasy universes?
Magma characters in video games
Lets talk about a game thats worth the price its worth on steam right now
4 AM
ITT: Games you know are shit, but like nonetheless
Grim Fandango Remastered released
Waifu Wednesday
Post the shittiest mary sues you can think of
Can Holla Forums name a better RPG than Might and Magic 6?
No games you can play long-term
Got Oblivion in the Winter sales. What are some must-have mods?
Is this game good or fun ?
Which super hero video games are legit good and well made? What Holla Forums would recommend to me?
What the fuck is this crap?
So have either of these games been fixed and made fun to play or are they still fubar?
Crash Retold: A 2016 retrospective
Why is it selling like shit?
The great debate
Resident Evil
So, who is this guy?
Pokemon Prism
Getting into JRPG titles(?)
Why is there still no game about cute nuns with guns and power armor purging cultists and daemons?
OG Xbox thread
How pleb or patrician are your parents?
Does anyone else feel that big budget RPGs are dead...
Tfw you don't remember any reason Holla Forums Hated Portal beyond it being popular with normalfags and hipsters
Favorite Vidya Weapons
Did Heroes of the Storm flop? Why?
Buy pokemon moon today
Just got half genie hero and I really like it. Chock-full of cute waifus...
Holla Forums cures cancer: Twitch
Rouge One was red
Whatcha waiting for, Holla Forums?
Worst visual redesigns
Translate a video game quote to your native language and have others guess it
Which video games can you play when you have the japanese cold and you just want to die and you have to wake up at 6AM...
Interesting plot pitches and/or settings held back by poorly done antagonists or conflicts
Star Wars games general
Nostalrius Part 4: WSG PvP edition
Gaming podcasts
What were some of the biggest fuck ups of 2016 in your own opinion, Holla Forums?
So? how much time until we get a PS4 emulator?
Legendary beat 'em up series Double Dragon is getting a sequel by one of the masters of sprite art...
Can we have a Dark Messiah Thread?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: 4D Boxing Edition
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
4:28 AM
Its over
Games for children
Lady Comstock
Souls series thread
Democracy 3
2D Zelda Thread
FF XIV General
Have you taken the vegpill yet Holla Forums?
Do these games have an ending?
Oddball Games
Play game with small tightknit community
In order to hang out with the “cool kids” I decided to go back and replay all the mainline Zelda entries in order...
Snack Thread
Lightning Returns Thread
2017 Vidya
Killer Instinct goes full SJW
About JRPG games
Pixel-shit games that you think are good. Share links are encouraged
Games where the Villain is a far better character than the protagonist
Falcom Thread
This faggot
Non-pozzed PS4 games?
How do I attain CHIM?
Why didn't anyone tell me you could just uncheck all this shit and not have it show up anymore in Steam's store?
Nu-male dev gives character a 12" vinyl record
7.62 Hard Life
How do we make a game based on PASWG?
/ogc/ - Racing Vidya Thread - Don't fuck the Skyline edition
I ama known foru my sick wimm gwlarsess
Age of Wushu Thread - New Server Edition
Space Ebola epidemy on warframe
Can love bloom on a battlefield?
TF2 Thread
ITT: Explain a vidya plot poorly
Make 99% of the world's porn games for 3 decades
I want to leave my comfort zone
Comfy Vidya Music
Turok 2 vs Quake
4 AM
Tfw too much of a perfectionist to deal with losing
What happened to the FPS genre? Why is it all shit now and how do we fix it?
Future of mainstream vidya in 2017
Is this Holla Forums kino
Cry engine
What did Holla Forums get for christmas?
Data East
I've beaten this game twice but only with the axe. Naturally...
Super cheap Steam shit
Best Original Vocal Themes in Vidya
About the Nintendo Switch...
Steam Gifting Thread
Reminder, we lost this because of some whiny fucking faggots
Merry Xmas from CPY and CODEX
The Digital Economy Bill: Adult Games in the New Age of UK Internet Censorship
Can we talk about wh universe. I have so many questions
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Sega Santa Shiro Edition
ITT: Games with Explosions and Destruction
Sonic Thread
Emulation Thread
Recommend me an RPG to play
Fullderp: Everybody's Gone Home For The Holidays Edition
Final Fantasy XI is an old MMORPG that does not follow the holy trinity...
Why is this game so comfy?
Escape from Tarkov
Games with day and night cycles
Good Examples on Video Game Optimisation
1 GB VRAM, what can i play?
Thinking about picking up chrono trigger
What should I buy on steam on PC?
Play Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines and the crappy medieval prequel
ITT: Its the even darker timeline that never happened
Fuck christmas
Share thread Christmas Cake Edition
Why hasn't SS13 been translated to another engine, literally anything is better than BYOND
4 AM
Turn Based Tactical games with 3D movement
Qt gril creation games
What genre do you hate the fucking most, think it's overdone to death, and wish it would die already?
Titanfall 2 is 50% off
Ass Creed movie performing below expectations
High level gameplay
What's the hardest part of making a videogame?
What did you get for Christmas Holla Forums
Holiday Bad Games Stream
What went wrong?
Merry Kurisu-masu
/agdg/ + /vm/ - Amateur Game Development General
Eroge/Visual Novel Thread
Star Citizen now using Amazon Lumberyard
Why do people love these two so much?
ITT: post vidya cancer
Overwatch Thread
DualShock 2
Did DLC really "ruin" this game? The reviews make it seem like you are forced to buy all of it to continue playing...
ITT games were kiked so hard that not even normalfags wanted it
Holy Night Horror Thread
Touhou Netplay #16
When was the last time when you said "no thanks. I'm keeping my money" and felt that you did the right decision?
Kingdom Hearts general
Princess Maker 2
Telltale What-ifs
HomeStar Runner updated
Christmas gayming thread
2DS vs. other models
Tegra X1 Downclocked
I find weird how Blizzard chose to voice all of their characters in American accent with all Warcraft games
Rhythm Game General /rgg/
What was his fucking problem? Why did he crash your space ship with exactly one survivor?
Why does the Undertale fandom like to portray a young toriel as a slutty punk girl that liked to bully a virgin prince...
Never underestimate the stupidity of the consumer
Mount and Blade Mods
FPS has overpowered grenades
Fighting Game General: Merry Christmas
Roguelike Thread
Lets pretend Guild Wars 2 never happened
What games let you weld shit?
Vidya girls who totally would do anal
ITT: Games that have stopped you from suiciding
QTDDTOT (Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread)
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
The miniboss is more challenging than the actual boss
"Please adjust the brightness so that the gray bar is barely visible."
Sword and Sandal Games
Old games you prefer over the current one
For those of you that give a shit, Bamco revealed that Diamond is Unbreakable Persona clone
Quitting video game crack
4 AM
Merry Christmas everyone!
Video games became boring
Integrated graphics
So how long did it take you fags to notice Mario and Luigi are red and green because of the Italian flag?
I'm scared shitless, Holla Forums. I was playing a resource heavy game on my CFW PS3 Kamen Rider Battrider War Genesis...
The Walking Thread
Buyfag/collector thread - Christmas 2016 Edition
Planetside 2 Thread: Christmas in Auraxis Edition
Twin Stick shooters
Meanwhile in elementary school Holla Forums
3DS CFW + Homebrew General: We Should Revise The Pasta Edition
Kingdom of Hearts III
Great Games with no Fantasy Elements (that includes Scifi)
3DS Thread: Newfag Edition
Star Ocean Thread
Comfy Games™
Nobody told me that Tetsuya Nomura sounds like a mongolian throat singer or that he had become fat as fuck
I like it
WebM Thread: Two days till christmas edition
Post obscure vidya characters you like ITT
Anyone on Holla Forums own any NEO GEO games?
Do you have a cool game from your childhood that nobody seems to remember even existed?
AMD ReLive stuttering
I know this is old news but here is a torrent for Liru- Wolf Girl With You
Multiple human races in fantasy
Happy Hanukkah
FFXIV General
Controller Aiming
ITT: Your reaction to the last game you played
Say, if a faggot would want to replay kotor in the current year what mods if any would you recommend him?
Good Female characters
155 million units sold worldwide
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Interstate 76 Edition
The Great [CURRENT YEAR]ening
Paladins uses EAC
How often do you listen to videogame soundtracks?
PSP Thread
First Matt last week now Liam have left Super Best Friends due to Mental Breakdowns, is Pat's crazy contagious?
New Star Fox Zero world record set
Steam crash
It's been 2 years since this
So Tron 2.0 finally got a GoG release, so lets have a thread about the best Tron game...
Why did they stop making Sonic Adventure games? It's the most heartbreaking thing in all of gaming...
Computer build help
La Tale
Not sure if this is Holla Forums or /d/ material, but… has anyone played this?
4 AM
ITT actual examples of artificial difficulty
Can someone explain whats with Japan and Giant Enemy Crabs?
New Ebola-chan demo
Learn some small things about a game I knew nothing about (Like reading some facts about it, or listening to a song...
Paladins thread
Holy shit, this game is generic and unpolished as fuck
Are the Wii U and Xbox One dead in 2017?
Jew York Times: "New Mario Run isn't family friendly because it doesn't have enough Kikery"
PS2 on PS4
Uncle Death
Holla Forums Plays Aurora 4x
The demo is out, have you played it yet? What are your thoughts...
What's your favorite game of all time? Tell me why you love it so much and convince me to try it...
What the FUCK even is this THING?
Avgn thread
Lets play a rolling game, Holla Forums! With the last two matching post numbers and a character attached to it...
Undertale event at my public library
ITT: Games that did edgy right
Phillipine president Rodrigo Duterte orders that all online gaming be shut down within the country
According to japanese user reviewers on Yakuza / Ryu ga Gotoku 6
Is it dead?
Final Fantasy 6
Skyrim modding
Trails In The Sky
Fullderp: Big Fat Cat Strats edition
Rate this series, in your honest opinion, from best to worst
Pixel art tutorials
Be honest, which one was "better"?
Hey bro, good job getting that keycard!
Steam Winter Sale
Why are gamepads so fucking expensive in 2017?
I want Ape Escape to come back
ITT: The great moments of 2016
Pokémon BTFO Cuck of duty
Friendly reminder alphys and undyne were the closes the west got to writing subtle gay characters
Holla Forums server is up, come be an ace attorney that solves crimes with other anons...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Gaiares Edition
In hindsight, how spooky was this?
Finishing a Game
Nostalrius Part 3: Shaman is best class edition
This is a thread where you can post POZZED developers. See if you can beat this skank
Here's Xen in Black Mesa. I don't understand what's taking them so long
Hey guys! I was just over on half-chan asking about capture equipment, thought I'd ask best-chan's opinion on it
Playing this game right now...
Just started this. To any of you veterans who completed this rage game what was your comfiest and most fun build?
Drawthread:No inspiration
Anyone else played Corruption of Champions or any of the other games Fenox created?
Overwatch General: Purest Form of Love Edition
Post text, guess game
4 AM
Do you think posting on chans has ruined your enjoyment of video games at least a little bit?
Honestly I don't have any true hopes for this game but watching the trailer I noticed some thing that just bothered me...
Monster Hunter Thread /mhg/
NieR Automata Thread
Who the Robbie Rotten of video games?
How come you guys didn't blast nintendo for their Smash WIU Pay 2 Win and day 1 dlc?
Prey 2017 is "Not Half-Life 3"?
Wishlist Thread
Lobotomy Corp
WoW is back to WoD population and falling
Resident evil 7 leaks
You will never prevent mado from killing herself
How do we make a good Naruto game?
As much as the genre has worn off a decade ago, what was the last 2xtreme4u sports game you played?
CD Projekt RED gets 7,000,000 cheekibreekidoos
Fortress Forever
FFCC and friends and that one retarded cousin we don't talk about
Snow Level 2 Release Thread
Why does she have no eyebrows?
I just looked through over 100 games on Steam's discovery queue. Not a single one interested me
Nintendo kills Pokemon Prism
Star Wars Galaxies
Good games made by Square Enix
Adored smac
Watch Dogs 2 is already heavily discounted. Amazon is already selling copies for $35...
First Gay Overwatch Character Confirmed (For Real This Time)
There was one good remake this year: Rachet&Clank
Steam Early Access
Is this the only good thing Gearbox has made?
Hey guys
I for one, am glad to have gamers represented in congress
ITT: How would you fix Spaghetticraft?
Obviously Kotaku is a bunch of unfunny hacks, that don't know that girls can love girls...
Fashion Souls Thread
Last vidya game girl you fapped to?
Couldn't stay loyle to UNATCO
So now even Romhack aren't even safe from nintendo Cease and Desisting them. Merry Christmas...
Badly translate the first lines of a video game
Why does it take five minutes to get from one Diamond Dogs facility to another...
Hey Holla Forums, first time posting here
Dead or Alive 3 is objectively the best Dead or Alive game in all of known human history
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Throne of Chaos Edition
PSP official PSOne titles
Best Girl Thread
4 AM
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Games that require skill
Comedy gold. It is nice seeing garbage tanking hard
Why people love bethesda
Healsluts of Holla Forums need to calm the fug down with this shit
Games that are great to play while watching TV or listening to podcasts
Gravity Rush gets an animation airing on Christmas...
What was the actual appeal of this meant to be?
There Are No Good Games Left in Man
PC Gaming
Waifu Wednesday
Other games with decent "gray" conflicts
Lady Killer in a Bind
The Walking Dead : A New Frontier
Criminally underrated or unknown games
MMO General
It's here
Point and Click Adventures
Has there ever been a good anime based on a game?
Wii U Postmortem
Vidya Feels Thread
How do I play my game in French?
ITT Characters you want to hate fuck
Windows for Vidya
Gaymer Fuel
Mfw playing Chrono Trigger for the first time and having an absolute blast
Game mods and fanmade expansions
Serious question regarding the FF7 remake, I already have a feeling they're going to fuck it up...
Asheron's Call Is Dead
World of Warcraft: Legion thread
Fallen studios
You know what? Looking back this was a really good game. The character banter, the set pieces, the game design...
Objectively Wrong Opinions People Have Shared With You About Vidya
Do you take actual pride in being good at videogames?
Holla Forums, its been a while since there's been a whole lot of threads explaining why overwatch sucks
Revisiting What Makes a "Game" a Game
Crytek is burning to the ground
Download Kamidori Alchemy Meister
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG+#NYS]: Ranger-X Edition
Namimg Good Settings for MMOs
You are now in charge of developing Metroid 5 and making Metroid great again
What's the worst vidya website right now? whether it's community driven or journalistic
The FPS tier chart
Best video game song in existence? If you disagree then you better post proof
Favourite Level Designs
Emotional moments in games?
PSP Go worth shit?
When A Game Goes Downhill
2 Questions
What is the best 007 game out there?
Fullderp: Tree Edition
Failed attempts at innovation
Games where you can play as an hemomancer
So how about that Crash?
/agdg/ + /vm/
Phantasy Star II is a Ripoff
4 AM
CEMU 1.6.4 "Where is the Source Code?" Edition
Whats your favorite metal gear game
Dreamcast Thread
Romance thread
E3 2017
ITT: Games where you can't lose
People think this game is good
Anti-Griefer Thread
The Steamy pile of shit Awards finalists announced
Were they serious with this boss...
Was Dead Rising 3 so bad?
Excited for new game
Is sony bad at designing comfortable controllers or are they just not meant for my fat murican hands?
Where were you when niche gamer turned into shit?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG+#NYS]: Tiberian Sun Edition
ITT: Games that were far ahead of their time
Teamups that would make a lot of sense
Digimon Thread!
Every single "single player" mod that has been highly regarded by the community is shit. I mean, really shit...
So, with the impending glassing of Turkey...
Weaker than their current console
Killing Floor Thread
What games have actually gotten better with patches?
She's a canon dyke, right?
When is the first suicide going to be Holla Forums?
Switch confirmed to be LESS powerful than WiiU when undocked
Why does everyone hate this game? This is seriously one of the best games in the entire series. It has fantastic design...
Redemption Storiers
The moment you realize if the next mass effect flops
4 AM
Which one?
ITT we post awesome scifi or fantasy universes that deserve a game
Reading a thread on Holla Forums about Destiny had multiplayer comments that made me wonder...
GOTY 2016 Charts
Zelda Rip-offs
Space Thread: Space Thread edition
Jason Michael Welge/Panzer Gaming Studio CEO
How do I prevent becoming a classic arrogant indie dev cunt?
Destiny 2 comes to PC and wipes the slate clean, does anyone actually care?
Proper Resident Evil thread
Me and my little sister wanted to try live streaming some retro games with you guys...
Turn based combat was used because of technical limitations! If devs had the means to make action, they would have!
Phoenix Wright
Such wasted potential
Do anyone have a list of games they "translated"?
Star control 2
This fucking CAPCHA shit is getting annoying
Nvidia needs more shekels
Cartoon makes a better Injustice game than the developers of injustice
Tree of Savior - ToS
He still plays at 1080p/60hz or below
What's your favorite genre and what game would you recommend to someone as a good starting point for said genre?
Are these two games the gold standard for enemy aggression in action games?
The one and the only thing i will wish from santa this year is to let ISIS nuke the fucking HQ's of all Denuvo cunts to...
Dude paying for jpegs lmao
What makes a game's universe interesting?
Nostalrius Part 2: Orgrimmar Holiday Special
How come casuals aren't willing to play dark souls with a keyboard and mouse but are perfectly fine with playing...
Is there anything special about this collection or are these just straight ports of the GBA games?
What's best for PC as far as controllers? Something official like a PS3/PS4/360/Xbone controller...
Do you know who ate all the donuts?
youtubers flee to minds.com DEATH OF YOUTUBE
Objective Taste
Neptunia Thread
FFXIV:HW Christmas cake edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Space Harrier Edition
WebM Thread: The One Before The Next One
So my local game store is selling 500gb 360's for around 170 USD...
Scalebound will flop
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Bot's back thread
Guess who's back?
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...