Can Holla Forums name a better RPG than Might and Magic 6?
Can Holla Forums name a better RPG than Might and Magic 6?
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Ghotic 2
Wizardry 8
Well, I'll be
That's what happens when we have this thread multiple times and also we discuss the same 10 games in general.
No, user it really doesn't. "We" somewhat managed to reclame the mountain blade threads but the RTS, Dungeon Siege-like and 40k ones are firmly in the hands of shitposters.
90% of the threads on this shitty board are in the hands of shitposters and our BO is the biggest shitposter that ever lived.
So what.
Work with what you've got.
Good work asshole, I hope you enjoy good threads being pig-piled by Bethesda drones. God how I hate them.
prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you can't :^)
New Vegas is actually good and debatably the best Fallout game.
No argument from me there, but even the slightest mention of it draws idiots out of the woodwork.
Not an RPG.
The second one added RPG elements. The first one is devoid of anything like that except for an inventory.
My brothers and I played the shit out of co-operatively, usually taking turns doing certain things while also maintaining independent saves for fuckery. Had a lot of fun. Having to raise your alignment up all the way to get a certain follower person (I should really re-play it I don't remember shit other than the ending) was kind of bull shit tbh, but it does re-enforce how hard it is to walk the straight and narrow and raise it than just going to an open town and casting armageddon for instant bad alignment.
Any of the SNES jrpgs that I like better are not qualitatively or quantitatively superior to this in really any regard other than story and suggesting them as better would be some selective ass bologna. Morrowind did a better job at letting your roleplay but combat in that series never got out of hand or made me sweat like Might and Magic VI did. I dug Nocturne and Strange Journey a lot and they had content wise they were comparatively competitive in my opinion.
If Deus Ex counts as an RPG, I'd put it above M+M6.
it might be cheating, but World of Xeen
Fallout 4
Why is there no Todd flag?
No real choice, all the dialog options are the same, your actions don't really change anything, no branching storylines, and when you play as a Minuteman General, you take orders from a lower-ranked nigger.
Fallout 4 is not an RPG. Sorry. New Vegas was an RPG.
Yes, MM7 For Blood and Honor
I know it's classified as such but to be honest, should it really? It just feels like it's own genre although the other Deus Ex clones that aped it could be considered a part of this genre too.
Should I start with a later Might&Magic title or should I just play it in the release order? I tried to play the first game and it didn't really seem that much fun but I can try it again
It feels very roleplay ish to me but then it also feels a lot like Thief.
From M&M 5 to 8.
Thank you user.
I never finished it.
It's fun but at some point I just get fucked over by everything that moves and some quests are just "go around the world until you find the solution by luck" (they're relatively rare though).
Am I supposed to grind like a retard or am I doing something wrong ?
How do I even grind in this game when enemies either give no xp or just bend me over ?
Comparing it to something like Arcanum, Baldur's Gate or any other RPG it feels incredibly different. It feels more like a stealth/action game with RPG elements. Just like Dark Messiah of Might and Magic which is mechanically fantasy Deus Ex.
But you need friends.
Might and Magic 6 is a pretty good game to be sure, but I played it more like a bullet hell shooter than a RPG. There are so many trash mobs everywhere that you'd die of old age before finishing the game in turn-based mode.
CYOA / Gamebook / playbooks
Why you posted this сука блядь here?
English please!
Might and Magic 4+5
GOAT coming through nerds.
There is a bug with the tiki god, that if you compkete the quest, you can talk to the tiki and spam complete quest to get a shitload of exp.
It is not our fault there something like 10 contenders for best RPG ever made.
You need a GM.
Try finding person who will willingly play as a computer.
Holy fuck I played through it. It was a fucking insult.
Imagine a conversation:
You have no choice to say to them you own entire map. You can't say you are minuteman general in any quest even through you literally own entire game world and one would think it is quite strong argument.
This game is considered shit on 8/v/ but I don't think anyone here really realizes how shit it really is. It really feels like Bethesda butchered attempt at making NV and Far Cry at the same time, while stealing mod ideas.
Only valid response ITT.
Best thread
I'd say start with 3. It aged really well.