Switch confirmed to be LESS powerful than WiiU when undocked


Nintendrones BTFO

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I mean the moment they announced the NX was a mobile device I think everyone knew it would be an underpowered waste of space.

im thinking of the nintendo switch as being an upgrade to their mobile market. im sure it out performs the current DS.

Why god

Specs don't sell hardware. If Nintendo legitimately gets that 3rd party support this thing can make it.

Now check mine

From the moment I saw the teaser, I thought that docked would outperform the WiiU and undocked would outperform the New3DS. I imagine they want this to be the all in one console as both a home console(docked), but also a portable one(undocked). The question is, if it is compatible with the 3DS games, since it has just one screen, and probably no touchscreen.


Check this

I have dubs, dubs confirm Switch is fucking garbage.

Nintendrones don't have meme magic. Get rekked faggots.

Off by one confirms OP is a faggot


I'm like, 90% sure those don't exist any more, much like sonycucks and xbros. The big 3 are doing poorly as of late, everyone worth their salt is playing on PC.


What about those dubs?

I'm liking those numbers!


You really think so?
Let's go over to fucking plebbit for five seconds and see if we can't find a Nintendrone.
…Oh. Look at that. The top post of r/nintendo.

video game fans in general have been replaced by theoryfaggots and fanartists who bandwagon on whatever the newest, most advertised game is for upboats and donations.

Exactly, therefore it can't make it because no company is willing to spend time on porting a game to a so much different system.

Obviously, a handheld is less powerful than a console. I really dont know why they went this way, playing console games on the undocked version will be impossible and I didnt need rumors to confirm it. I want to know how the full console will perform

Basically. I'm interested in the Switch only because HD Monster Hunter. And considering I have over 3,800 hours between 3U and 4U, I think buying a Switch just for Monster Hunter will be worth it. And y'know, I'm not a poorfag so if they got a good launch lineup I'm in.

Oh ew.

Mario run's only big problem is the 'always online' bullshit, it looks kind of fun besides that. I still hope it fails because I don't want fagtendo to go balls deep into mobile cancer

Jesus Christ it would have been underwhelming back in 2004. What a joke.

I guess for a handheld it's not that bad but still not too impressive.

Meant for

Let's be real though, who honestly expected the Switch to outperform the Wii U in handheld mode? Also you can't directly compare two entirely different architectures based on their clock speeds. The Switch will certainly run worse than the Wii U in handheld mode, but not by a huge margin.

What I'm more concerned about is the docked performance. Apparently there's nothing stopping developers from using the 'handheld' profile even when the console is in the dock for 'consistency' or some other bullshit reason, and even when in the dock the Tegra X1 looks like it won't even be running at full spec (of course it's going to be a custom chip they say, but I don't see it being much better than a standard X1).

so what youre telling me is i have to give her the dock

We can't really say whether they are or not until they actual do or don't support it.

liek poddry

Just you fucking watch lads as it gonna cost $350.

Most retailers have set their price at $250 USD and $300 USD. $300 SKU likely for a bundle with a pack-in game and extra controller similar to the ZombiU bundle, probably pack in their Splatoon 1.5


I'm genuinely curious and have barely kept up with the Switch.
Why do people give a shit about it when the Wii U didn't even last 4 years?

Forgot to sage lel

and its still more powerful than any gaming pc on the market today.

Nintendrones that's why
I really want a good nintendo console but after the wiiu I dont expect much. At least I didnt buy the wiiu


well they're not wrong :^)

Good luck with that. I can't wait for more ports of 8 year old games.

And that's exactly my point, only a Nintendrone would completely ignore the existence of always-online DRM and then ponder how on earth Super Mario Run could possibly be getting a 2-star rating in the app store.

Uhhh, no?
You don't even need a "gaming PC", a cheap $70 desktop will give you something with a faster CPU than the Switch or Wii U.

Add another $100 and then you have a graphics card that bests the switch's GPU (1150MHz), if you look for a similar clock speed you could probably pay less.

But most third parties want multiplats and if there is one platform under performing then they're going to drop it.


Really, someone fucking tell me. If they just made an all-round proper console without any fucking fluff gimmicks like wagglan or whatever the switch is supposed to do and just add even remotely decent specs (as decent as a console can have) then they could reach outside of their little niche of kiddies and autists who still buy mario without shoving them to the sidelines.

I feel like right now only their handheld devices are carrying them because they're so popular. Their console branch may as well have downs syndrome.

It's almost as if an undockable console isn't a good design. It's almost as if its sole purpose doesn't benefit video games in any way and only exists to make it more marketable to a demographic that doesn't exist.
I feel like I'm watching infomercials that paint normal household products as inconvenient and confusing while gimmicky garbage will revolutionize and resolve those needs nobody actually had.

And that's why the Switch is undockable.

What is the story behind the Switch-tan?

Why make a 3rd console like the ps4/xbox one with nintendo games, which'll still be inferior to the PC?

nintendo could completely dominate the market if they made a normal console with a normal controller, comparable power, with an offline single player focus.
id buy it
but instead they just make gimmick after gimmick. SNES was their last normal console. do they not realize this?
N64 had that retarded controller
Gamecube was a purple cube that couldnt take normal disks and had a weird controller (though less weird than n64)
wii had a stupid controller that focused on poor motion controls
wii u had a stupid controller that focused on touchscreen bullshit
switch is basically an Ngage that can hook to your TV.

small girl piloting an exoskeleton with removeable sides

They're going mobile, sorry guy

Loli piloting an Ara mecha

Nintendo opened the casual floodgates with the Wii and lead to Sony and MS adopt their short lived wagglin' gimmick themselves.

Nintendo began the handheld craze which has now lead to smartphone faggotry.

Nintendo has become a cancer and needs to go.

Probably because they've been getting toasted by the competition in the console market for generations now and are giving up without the admission of giving up. They don't really have the money to compete with Sony or Microsoft in the console space.

They already have the 3DS for this. Something that's trying to be two things at once will not be proficient in either, on top of trying to compete with its own products.

Competition is healthy.

Go figure. Expect NES all their systems were the last in any given gen, lagging after competition. SNES? It was created, because NES couldn't compete with newer hardware and it was still years behind competition. N64? It held to fuckin cartriges, when everyone else transitioned to CDs. Gamecube? Even Xbox got it's launch quicker (in US). Wii? Fuckin gimmcik. Nobody played that shit after Wii Sports. WiiU? Don't even get me started. Buying console for only Splatoon? Face it. Nintendo never done a good console after NES. Until Gamecube it didn't matter, because they've got third party support, but how long could they pump their games to underpowered hardware?

Especially with Unreal 4 picking up development popularity, Nintendo would be in serious third party trouble if they have issues managing Unreal 4.

Mixing a bad thing with an incompatable good thing doesn't make it redeemable, let alone another good thing.

Don't forget Amiibos, I'm sure that was a worthy investment for many. The fucking Beanie Babies of Nintendo's history.
Nintendo keeps saying they're all about video games, and fans keep reciting it for some reason. Ever since the WiiU, it's been nothing but a clear reliance on gimmicks, even in its portable division. How many people used the 3D slider? How many people bought a cheaper 2DS even though it was less portable for not having a clamshell design?
Now that Nintendo is genuinely going mobile, wouldn't it be easier to acknowledge that that's where their strength lies now? Nintendo hasn't cared to make a no-nonsense console in ages. Big shocker that the moment Nintendo ever got competition was the moment that they lost control and dominance.

are you implying that the wii wasnt a complete gimmick? does anyone else remember the chinamen from nintendo running around onstage pretending to play VR tennis with the wiimote?

Didn't really take a slide rule to figure that one out, detective.

You're pretty naive if you think that's why it's so poorly rated. Mobilefags would much rather they got raped with in-app purchases out the ass to speed up retries or some shit than pay once and play a game as much as they want.

Webm your shit, faggot

That's cute

I meant to say Wii, not sure why I typed WiiU, but in that regard, I'm willing to be generous. I'll play with Nintendo fans' devil's advocacy and say the Gamecube tried to get some good third party titles and had solid processing power. But that's putting aside it being a fucking box with tiny but manufacturer exclusive discs with one of the worst but astoundingly praised controllers. Everything about the GC controller is flawed. Grips not made for human hands, no select button, useless tiny d-pad, loud clicking triggers with comically huge finger grooves and require you to push them in instead of pressing them like a normal button, only 3 shoulder buttons, an A button dominates the face while tiny B button sits off to the side, and X and Y buttons are an afterthought, and the sticky analog sticks have these rigid octagon borders that negate the benefit of having an analog controller to begin with. Your direction funnels to up down left right or four diagonals. Try half-circling on that analog stick. Try going anywhere between completely straight and diagonal. There is no analog value to a fucking analog stick.
And I'm still willing to put that aside so that even these people can see Nintendo needs to get their shit together.
Even when people were stampeding each other to buy a WiiU and every community organization was giving them away for free, the Wii's novelty burned out fast. Old people and dumb children can only be amused by pretend-tennis for so long.

Fuck, I did it again. *Stampeding each other to buy a Wii.
Was the Wii really this forgettable to me? Seems like everyone else forgot it just as quick.

Someone link the video about PowerPC vs x86. You know the one. The one where for the same performance the PowerPC computer needs liquid cooling and still runs hotter than the x86 device.



WiiU is actually good PPC, the PS3/x360 on the other hand can barely compete with the worst x86 architecture (P4 willamette) even when it's clocked twice as low

Crossposters need to fuck off with their console war faggotry.

Holy fucking shit OP, you are a giant faggot

no you retard I mean where are the games for the switch? Who the fuck cares about specs when there aren't any fucking games.

You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. God damn, this board is tech illiterate.

This thread gets better and better.

You're a retard, leave.

no u

There's a reason why PowerPC hasn't been used by any major chip manufacturer in years. And it's because it's fucking dogshit and it's no exaggeration to say that every new architecture that's been widely adopted(x86/x99/ARM, etc) run far better than a PowerPC could ever hope.

Neither do you.

other dubsposters already pointed out your faggotry op, I'm only here to further rub it in


Friendly reminder that these are the retards getting butthurt and defending the Switch:


These are the morons you argue with Holla Forums

Nintendo consoles are for Nintendo games alone (except for handhelds).
Who would play any other game on it when even the PS4 and XONE are shit compared to the PC? If their experience is dumbed down, what you can expect of the Switch?

Gee I wonder why Nintendo is making a hybrid console.

If I keep watching the cringe will snap my spine. Thanks for the new source of autism