DualShock 2

So if my PS2 controller no longer works, is it worth it to shell out 55 fucking dollars for a real DS2, or should I just get a cheap ass generic? I see people talking so much shit about generics everywhere, but I've never used one.

I bought a generic Sixaxis clone that was indistinguishable from the real deal.


Good luck beating MGR on Revengeance with KB+M


You should fix the one you have, probably costs under $5 for analog parts or whatever's broken. Alternatively, go get a used PS2 at a local game store for $40 like I did, which will come with a DS2.

All the unnecesary effort could have been saved with a controller.

don't tell him, pc gamers are the thickest people around.

Someone's mad he's a fucking casual.

Can't find any Sixaxis ones for PS2 except one wireless one.

Ratchet & Clank doesn't work on emulators, user.

MGR is an awful game, as is everything else Platinum has made. I don't understand any of the praise people give it. It's not fast paced, it's slow as FUCK and filled with dumbass scripted bullshit that rips the controls out of your hands every 5 seconds. Genuinely a terrible game all around. I still can't believe I see people referring to this game as "challenging" instead of "snoozefest".

I have no idea how. The left trigger is sticky, up on my d-pad doesn't work, my x doesn't work, and at least one of the analog sticks is always acting like it's being pushed up while in-game in Ratchet and Clank, yet seems to work normally in the map menu. It also rattles if I shake it. I feel like it's FUBAR.

Disassemble and clean the analog components, button pads, contacts, buttons themselves, frame, and make sure everything is aligned when reassembling. If I remember correctly there's a plastic crossbar that goes over the d-pad which is thin and prone to breakage, that's probably causing the rattle. Not a big deal. Controllers are not complex devices, they're pretty resilient.

Well pal, not everyone can have good taste like me.

i bet your cock tastes good

holy shit newfags fucking christ. You can go to a pawn shop, thrift store or even fucking ebay and get one for cheap. They're not worth that much, holy fucking shit.


Tastes and all, but come the fuck on son.

Look for refurbished ones on ebay, secondhand is a crapshoot and third party aren't all that good with a very few exceptions.

Not anymore.

There is enough room in this world for both of them to exist, sometimes certain games play better with controllers, and a lot more with KBM, does it have to be one or the other?

So it used to work on emulators?


Something I miss from arcades is the simulators.

VR has the potential to revolutionize seated simulators. It's primary issues are related to moving the player character and for driving / flying sims that is a non-issue.

A friend has the Vive and I wouldn't recommend buying into VR today but in 5 years it could be huge.