How did they got away with this? They got so much flak about Cindy they actually changed her appearence slightly yet they put these girls dressed in jewelry in the game.
How did they got away with this...
Other urls found in this thread:
sjw's don't play games so they can only get outraged over teasers and trailers
They might watch a let's play of it though.
By the time that happens, the game will already be out and the issue is moot.
How far is this part in the game? You sure SJWs would watch hours of playthroughs when they could be watching television/virtue signal?
The main argument was "what mechanic in the fucking world or fantasy world dresses like a mix between stripper and circus clown?"
I guess they allow more artistic interpretation when it's about stripper fairies.
Are there still people who think the comparison image between her pre-render and her real time look is supposed to show a difference between her boobs or was there an ACTUAL change?
Women's brains are great at being entertained by repetitive simple shit though, it's basically knitting on crack.
We are all here because we get entertained by repetitive simple shit my friend.
Meanwhile 4 buff shirtless guys running through the desert with massive swords killing magical creatures if they aren't driving around in a modern day Cadillac and yet they can't suspend disbelief for how some random mechanic dresses
No suspension of disbelief necessary for that look.
Just imagine the femdom sex.
>You will never be held down by multiple Shivas and have them playfully tease and stroke your dick while they all stare at you with their bedroom eyes
Maybe you do, but I prefer games you actually have to put some effort into.
This triggers the Mcintosh
I guess not all of us can be real gamers who play real games like you do fellow gamer.
Mcintosh has a twitch channel?
When will he come out of the closet do you think?
You could be, if you shitposted less and played more challenging games.
Yes he has a twitch
He should rather kill himself because we all he will never be loved by anyone, especially since Anita dumped him and ditched him for a nigger
Meant to say we all know.
Fuck me.
Do their tits bounce?
true, but for SJWs that repetitive simple activity is "see thing on twitter, bitch about it on twitter, see new thing on twitter…"
we know by now that Anita was the mastermind. She's a highly skilled scam artist, she was just using him to provide the content.
The critics won't play that far into the game, so the devs don't have to worry about it.
literally Wu managed to rake in lots of dosh too with less work and she's definitely no mastermind
It was pretty difficult to see Shiva's boob jiggle when they've been flying around everywhere.
But i did remember the female NPCs in Lestallum had boob jiggles while they walk.
They're never happy user.
They're only happy is when they're miserable.
He sounds scared that his mother might walk in and discover the horror of his hidden heterosexuality.
Like a fucking living parody.
Would a burka make you happy Josh?
Why are numales so afraid of tits?
Is he doing Let's Play?
Did he felt so bad he had to get into the lowest denominator in youtube?
I want to Get in Cindy
He was the mastermind, but she was the will behind it.
Being slightly competent to convince your own demographic doesn't mean you aren't a beta faggot.
Basically, Anita is like the not so attractive cheerleader who used the nerd to do her homework and then shat on him believing she could do anything by herself.
Guess who else did.
Is he saying women aren't capable of working on cars? Is he saying attractive women don't belong in the garage? What a sexist pig!
I've never been to the southwestern US or America in general but I'm quite sure Cidney's outfit is far more appropriate than what the boyband is wearing.
Hope your getting your trust fund Josh boy
Why do i even get out of bed in the morning?
No he didn't. I mean come on guys, it's McIntosh we're talking about here, there's enough reason to laugh about him without making shit up.
First post nails it.
Nobody actually CARES it is all about outrage culture.
This is how every nichè JRPG or VN can "get away with it"- nobody in the mainstream knows they even exist.
No that's her wrist.
Conception is kind of neat, but I wish Persona would do the logical thing and let you catch all the waifus.
A couple of reasons
1. She only appeared for a fraction of a second in teasers and trailers. She was not heavily advertised as Cidney.
2. She is such minor character that appears so late in the story that SJWs never bothered.
Indeed user.
There is if you look hard enough.
Not only Shiva's a hot summon but she seems pretty waifu material.
She's shown to be very fond of Noctis, she even shows up in Prompto's pictures watching over him.
Shiva seriously wants Noctis's D
It's not "mainstream" though. Also, there's no harem ending, and Rance grates on me.
Feeling threatened by an alpha male?
he's right though, women shouldn't be car mechanics what the fuck were these people thinking
Get the fuck out Mcintosh
anita please
No, I just hate the archetype. He's manly the same way Naruto is, and by that I mean a hotblooded idiot that never thinks things through and scrapes by through luck and sheer persistence.
Not my cup of tea for a protagonist.
Women should only be car mechanics in fiction to help get dicks hard.
Trips of truth over here. SJWs would have to actually play the game to find out these fairies btiches even existed
Muhammad please.
How sad is it that he still subs to anita after she left him.
But is she subbed to him?
Being a cuck is a state of mind, not a role.
Pretty sure that counts as cyberstalking tbh
udderly disgusting
Sorry leftycuck, you will have to get your "Gotcha" screenshots somewhere else. :^)
people who like Rance are all cucks in real life who need to live out their fantasy of scoring chicks in video games, real men don't need to and seek higher enlightenment in VNs.
cindy appeared in promotional material, these girls did not. that's it. that's the whole answer. people who whine about stuff like what cindy is wearing only see trailers and promo screenshots, once the game is out they stop caring because learning what else the game has to piss them off would involve actually playing the game
I'm sure there's a kickstarter for a NTR VN out there somewhere for you to participate in master baiter.
Cindy was in the demo
Shiva, or whatever these bitches are, are in the full version, and as we all know SJWs don't actually buy videogames
beat me to it
didn't mean to sage
Because when you spend like 10 fucking years developing a game you gotta aim for that supposedly under 1% (like 0.1%) of people in the world who are homosexuals to buy it instead of the 99% who are straight. Yeah, totally going to make your money back with that audience (or increase product placement a 100 fold).
How do these fuckers live? It's not a crime to be look good and be attractive (regardless of gender). Does Josh cry "I sorry for this misogyny!" when he releases his load into a burqa wearing woman/Anita when having sex?
I have a feeling that the last time these nu-males saw a real boob was probably as a baby. This might actually be a good way to trigger some nu-males when marketing a game
Remember, this is coming from the retards that made child prostitution legal in commieforina. If you are over 18 you can be arrested for prostitution, if you are a pimp you can be arrested for selling sex, but if you are under 18 then it's a-ok!
It's what you get when your company is run and staffed by mentally ill men that want to fuck other men.
It is if you're not attractive. Fat shaming is a terrible, terrible thing, after all, these people are born fat.
Doesn't help that FF15 is (trying to be) a normalfag triple A mainstream game heavily advertised in the West.
That's how you wake up the SJW beast.
Funny though I don't remember anyone bitching about FF13? Is this the new normal?
True, if you worship some gook's self insert mastubatory character, you really need to rethink your sad, virginal life.
looks like my ex from r9k without her glasses
There was a lot of bitching towards XIII and its spinoffs but nothing I recall was SJW related.
Be glad she's gone, looks like (((Fran Dreshcer)))
Why do leftists hate the female body so much? Why is it bad to be attracted to attractive women? Why is it bad for a game to feature attractive women?
How fucking crazy was she?
crow's are the best birds though
there's no logic, they seek to be joyless in all regards of life because they're under the impression that lashing out at all media they see makes them some kind of just crusaders
Cidney, redesigned according to Josh. Notice the distinct lack of skin showing, the natural resting bitch self-confident face, and the realistic female proportions - ensuring that all but the most degenerate of subhumans could get even a semblance of eroticism from.
Just before the final boss.
Hmm, suddenly I am craving some delicious Cup Noodles.
You felt butthurt enough to reply ;)
He seems to have no problem with all the fujoshit in the game. But a girl showing a little skin is over the line.
Yeah but he now is implying that no women could be attracted to her. Or like cars for that matter.
What a bigoted man :^)
They didn't change her appearance faggot, they just made a comparison bewteen Pre-Rendered and Real-time.
Nigga thats a ghost.
and the wrist is part of what you gaynigger
The redneck voice actor makes me so fucking hard even more than cindy itself i don't know why
Stephanie is a lady in every way
Yes please
>You will never go hiking with Cindy every morning to stay /fit/
Kojima personal cum dump?
fucking american shitposter
I thought they never ended up changing her because of the fan outrage at them saying they would.
in china didnt they put a skin tight outfit on shiva?
i want to fuq cute elemental girls
also this
maybe they should get in to play testing
If even a single fucking alien is included in that I'm just gonna raid it with lore-sperg about how half the races may LOOK like men but are actually women.
I bet she feels cool when thrusting inside her.
sweet baby jesus
Fucking what?
He's probably referring to the second pic.
World of Final Fantasy is full of midgets, even summons are considered small. Though he did get wrong on Shiva being a loli, pic related its her loli form.
Fuck me.
she looks 13, thats a okay in my book
That's more because WoFF is made by the Crystal Chronicles people, so even when not in SUPER DEFORMED mode characters look much younger then "intended".
I think they basically just reskinned so she has blue shiny leotard there.
Should been a a party member, even her weirdass accent was actually kinda appealing, hell they probably could have had her accompany as a guest through Ramuhs trial and after Altissa until her reveal, could probably been a better and more natural seeming source of Lunas situation info dump then the Tenebrae Trainstop Maid talk and the like, and could done a better job then Mr.ProductPlacement McNoodles "motivational" speech to motivabate Noctis
They got away with it because you actually have to play the game longer than 5 minutes to see it.
IIRC she had slightly bigger tits in her reveal trailer that then got toned down because "She's not a erotic character", that's the official excuse anyway, we all know the real reason is attempting to placate IM OFFENDED people.
The outfit is the same, just like single cup tit downgrade.
It's hard to tell due ANGLES on the comparison pictures there are though I can't tell the difference myself, but 10,000 threads on Holla Forums can't be wrong.
Oh, and there were also complaints about Gentianas outfit from that crowd due the heels, there is literally no pleasing that kind of person.
Give me facts, evidence, proof of all that shit, user
Well, this is the comparison image, which is actually Trailer Prerender VS In-Game(Demo).
Basically it was when they finally stopped bullshotting with pre-renders.
I personally think it is just a symptom of the finally stopping the bullshotting, he "not-erotic" thing was not Character design but more behavior from what i could gather.
Im too lazy to archive, so have a excerpt.
I wouldn't say that was changed. if it was it wasn't much. Shes got even perkier tits now. Same outfit and all. but im not fbi so what the fuck do i know.
>"Ugh. Where did the real men go? #herbivores"
Well, Japan, at least you found a way to fix the issue of too many old people.
Yep as said, i can barely tell the difference.
Doesn't change how it been posted fucking constantly up to the release (Where it was overtaken by PRODUCT PLACEMENT and EVERYONE DIES) ever since the comparison was posted in a magazine.
Kinda surprised >>11601393 actually hadn't heard of it, might just be that i have good memory for shitposting though.